Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 11 Jun 1953, p. 7

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r SALE notice To creditors WEDNESDAY JUNE Auc tion sale of residential property automobile household effects carpenter tools the estate of the late Arthur Low at Timothy St Newmarket At the same time and place the resi dence consisting of zooms and 3oiece bath will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid Terms and conditions made known at time of sale Key may be obtained from Mr Stiver Time of sale pm Terms cash Smith auctioneer phone Newmarket SATURDAY JUNE Auction sale of highclass household furniture electric stove new elec tric refrigerator new walnut diningroom suite chesterfield suite dishes cooking utensils and tools in the town of Aurora Ave estate of the late Mrs Alfred No reserve as property sold Terms cash Sale at pm Mount Clerk A Farmer auctioneer c2w23 IMPORTANT notice Auction sale dated June for the furniture of Slugg has been cancelled IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN late of the Township of East in the County of York Yeoman deceased CREDITORS of the above nam- deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket in the County of York on or about the day of July are here by notified pursuant to the Trustees Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the day of July after which date the assets of this estate will be dis tributed having regard only to the claims which the undersign ed will then have notice DATED this day of May Walter Carruthers Executor l Ontario Violet Robinson MacNaugh- ton Executrix Newmarket Ontario i i i A I Jane 21 Country Shirts by Forsyth White sand grey blue and green Sizes to 1 MENS AND BOYS WEAK HI You Th 6 FEATURES cool tlMtur fullrated cut to lowr t rate of cooling cjTvzr stirring at top off can to tupio bank all thermal times am great am not being agitated insulation ali AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture the property of A E Queen St Newmarket corner of Queen and Charles St FRIDAY JUNE Piano Piece dining room suite Tea wagon Davenport and chair 3 Lamps Lamp table Small desk and chair Hal rack Bedroom chairs Clothes hamper with pad 4 by 2 Rugs with pad by Rug by 3 Hall runner ft Several scatter rugs Small desk Card table and chairs Odd chrome chairs Couch washer Porcelain Kitchen table Power mower Lawn mower Garden tools Verandah chairs Simmons Bed Dresser Extension table Wash tubs Quantity of quart sealers Some small tools odd dishes nans fixtures Numerous other articles T cash Auctioneer clerk 9Ut hold leakage to Com in and got full atory about these economic Mia tail Cool to- MAGEE DAVIS DR NEWMARKET ONT PHONE Mt iflSia ROUND TRIP HUNTSVILLE Subject to Tickets and information at KING GEORGE HOTEL of Household effects the property of BROWN SI Main St Over Bank of Montreal SATURDAY JUNE Chesterfield large chair stool covers Floor lamp lamp table lamps Walnut side table small side tables Mirrors Upright bookcases of books Tube radio with table Piece suite walnut dropside table Bedroom suite mahogany steel bed Mattresses Clothes hampers sewing basket Odd oak painted drawers Small cabinet to match couch Kitchen table chains Sundry chairs and tables burner stove Kelvlnator refrigerator Easy electric washer Dishes kitchen utensils glass silver pictures and other art icles too numerous to mention Terms cash Time Smith auctioneer Mount clerk NOTICE NEWMARKET CEMETERY DECORATION DAY The annual decoration service at Newmarket Cemetery will be held on Sunday June at 3 All are invited to the ser vice Charles Willis Mrs A NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE of Chattel by Auction Whereas Mrs of Newmarket Ontario is Indebted to the undersigned In the total sum of for storage on one 1949 International Panel truck bearing license No serial number 1403 and three months have elapsed since the said sum ought have been paid default has been made in payment therof NOTICE Is hereby given that at It oclock in the forenoon on Sat urday the day of June at the place of business of Mort on Bros Limited at Eagle St Newmarket the said truck will he sold Mr Smith auc tioneer by public auction sub ject to reserve bid DATED at Newmarket this tenth day of June Morton Bros Limited Howard Morton President c2w24 REWARD FOR information leading to the recovery of a light overcoat tak en from the Gray Coach bus from Toronto at Newmarket last Thursday at pm James Stevenson Newmarket phone AT HOME Mr and Mrs A Wilton Lake- view Farm Street will be at home to their friends and rel atives on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary on Saturday June from the hours of three to five In the afternoon and seven to nine In the evening BIRTHS Lynn Bill and Aurora wish to announce the arrival of their baby brother Ricky on Saturday June at York County hospital Mrs A Blanch- ant and son doing well Al Grace hospi tal Toronto on Monday Mav to Mr and Mrs IT Mary Rose a son A brother for Iouiso and Alice LEE At York County hospital on Wednesday June 10 to Mr and Mrs Jack Newmarket a daughter a sister for To Mr and Mrs If W Nelson Newmarket at York County hospital on Thursday May 28 a daughter Sandra Joanne Sister for Graham Brian SMITH Mr and Mrs Keith Smith nee Joyce Ingram arc happy to announce the birth of a daughter Sandra Christine lbs on Thursday June at York County hospital Newmarket WOOD Chris and Joyce Wood Aurora are happy to announce the arrival of a son at York County hospital on Sunday June A brother for Carolyn For the one we cannot greet Ever remembered by son Carl daughterinlaw Bertha SMITH In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Mrs Geo A Smith who died June 1952 Peacefully sleeping resting at last The worlds weary troubles and trials are past In silence she suffered in pat ience she bore Till God called her home to suff er no more Lovingly remembered by hus band and family WILLIAMSON In loving mem ory of our darling son and brother Douglas who passed away June No one knows how much we miss you No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered since we lost you Life has never been the same In our hearts your memory ling ers Sweetly tender fond and true There is not a day dear Douglas That we do not think of you Mummy Daddy brothers and sister In loving memory of a husband and dad Jack who passed away June 13 missed and lovingly By wife daughter Jackie and son Val HEAT loving memory of y rifr- J Tji L r j J Dill Heath killed in action June Normandy And while he lies In peaceful sleep His memory we shall always keep The family SMITH In loving memory of a dear mother Mrs Geo A Smith who died June There Is a road called remem brance Where thoughts and wishes meet We take that road in thought to day CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs appreciated very much the beau tiful flowers gifts good wishes and cards congratulations re ceived from relatives friends and neighbors also thanks to all who helped to make their dia mond wedding such a pleasant day and long to be remembered CARD OF THANKS On behalf of their daughter Miss Grace and them selves the Rev P and Mrs Colctough wish to express their sincere appreciation for the efficiency and kindness of Dr and Dr Edwards the sup erintendent and assistant super intendent of nurses of York County Thanks also are due the officials and members of Hart Manufacturing Co of Aurora and to all who sent flow ers magazines to Miss at the hospital CARD OF THANKS Words cannot express our sin cere thanks and appreciation to Dr Peever and the kind nurses and staff of York County hospi tal for the wonderful care given after our accident We also wish to thank our relatives neighbors and friends for their help on our farm and for the flowers fruit and cards received while in the hospital Thankine every one for their kindness at a time when we reallv needed it Alfred and H Oliver CARD OF THANKS Words cannot express our sin cere thanks and appreciation to our many friends relatives and during our recent bereavement The family CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and for all the acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received during our re cent bereavement Mr A Steels and family ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs J Floyd Cunning ham announce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth Anne to Mr Robert son of Mr and Mrs Clar ence Aurora The marriage will take place on Sat unlaw July at 3 oclock in United church Mr and Mrs Freeman Thomp son Keswick announce the en- fakement of their Shirley Jean to Mr Harold Bruce Con eldest son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Holt the wedding to take place June The engagement is announced of Fergtison daughter of Mr and the late Mrs Calgary to Mr Lome V son of Mrs Norman and the late Mr the marr iage will take place at oclock June in Aurora Mr and Mrs Wilbur Pine Orchard announce the of their daughter Barbara Dean to Mi Donald Frederic Sheridan son of Mr and Mrs Frank Sheridan The wedding will take on Saturday June 20 at 3 oclock In Pine Orchard Union church RALSTON At Briar Bush hos pital on Thursday May Elizabeth Jane Gib- widow of Robert Ralston in her year Interment Mount Albert cemetery STEELS Suddenly at the home of her daughter Mrs Terry Newmarket on Wednes day June Sarah Ann Ed wards beloved wife of Anthony Steels dear mother of W Hazel Mrs Terry of Newmarket Funeral was held from Bros Funeral Home Orillia Friday June Interment St An drews cemetery TOOLE Suddenly at York Coun ty hospital Newmarket on Mon day June Lillian Phoebe Toole daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Silas Toole and sister of Mary Newmarket Service was held at the chapel of and Rose New market on Wednesday after noon Interment Newmarket At his home 305 Windermere Ave Toronto Thursday June 4 Charles Tra1ss dearly beloved hus band of Frances Lundy and dear father of Mary Mrs A Peter son Lillian Mrs D A Irwin and Charles all of Toronto In terment was in Newmarket cemetery on Saturday was fashioned with a portrait neckline She wore a white net fingertip veil which hung from a heart shaped headdress Her flowers were red roses and white carnations Miss Margaret Winter New market was bridesmaid Her ballerina length dress was of dusty pink brocaded nylon and she wore a corsage of pink roses and white carnations Allan Jones was best man The reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Winter Newmarket For her wedding trip to Ottawa and Montreal the bride chose a dress of printed nylon with white accessories On their return the happy couple will make their home in New market OBITUARY diaries A resident of Newmarket since Charles Franklin died suddenly at his home on Prospect Ave on Sunday May 31 Husband of the late Emma who predeceased him in April he was born in Township on Sept 1B75 the eldest son of the late Joseph and Margaret of Parry Sound He had been employed at the Davis Leather Co since until his retirement two years ago He attended Trinity United church having served on the Board of Stewards for a number of years lie was an ardent mason being a life member of Tuscan Lodge No of which he was master in life member of spry chap ter Rose Croix of Valley Scottish Rite He was also a member of the Dominion associ ation of Power Engineers He is survived by two sons Louis Newmarket Charles two daughters Beatrice Toronto and Mrs George Evelyn Weston and one sister Mrs A S e Parry Sound The funeral service was held on Wednesday afternoon June at Trinity United church Rev J Aiken conducted the ser vice His masonic brethren held a masonic service at the grave side The pallbearers were Messrs Bernard McIIale Frank A Mitchell D J Stephenson Elgin Evans and Er nest Wedding In a ceremony on Monday June I at pm in the Chris tian Baptist parsonage Irene Jean daughter of Mr and Mrs Steve and Ivan Hill son of Mr and Mrs George Hill Ciaremont were married Rev Fred officiated at the ceremony Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride chose an ankle length gown of blue nylon net over taffeta The fitted bodice a life with wife provided for and of retire- for At of your leisure your through Life ill MASS ST 2 you a share Shftcflittialluft i FOR FAIRMINDED I Frank Murphy B8c All thin cane into beta through which the thought and the commanded Egyptian Priest That is why we have formed the Murphy Association an association of fairminded people striving for a better world and who believe that this means all the world serving one another through mass production and gov erning business by laws based on fairness to capital labor and consumer alike If would know mote pleas write telephone Frank Phillips Ph Newmarket Agent THE MURPHY ASSOCIATION An association C fairminded Avenue Toronto Kl DEATHS BLIZZARD- On Sunday June 7 Thomas Blizzard of Toron to formerly of Newmarket husband of Irene Smith and fa ther of Bruce of Toronto Mrs Norman Ceilings Jean Brad ford Jack of ami George of Toronto of Mrs John Withers and Mrs Herbert Fowler Maude of Toronto Service was held at the chapel of Road- house and Hose Newmarket on Tuesday afternoon Interment Newmarket cemetery Complete showing new Evinrude outboard motors Ever notice how noine people manage to save money and live wry well while theyre doing It Then others who make ant save The difference lies in that important word you want to your paycheck to get more and save more send for our free booklet roar Budget booklet explains how to meet how to clear a V i rV ASPHALT SHINGLES a Asphalt and SHEATHING a MATHMIS A i Si ROOF COATINGS tit- MIC AFIt 91 TV for Htm

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