Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 11 Jun 1953, p. 1

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5N if i AMD Hi NO 24 NEWMARKET i NEWMARKET ARTISTS IN FAUST CONCERT A concert version of the opera Faust directed by Jeanne at the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto on Monday night included three Newmarket people in leading parts It was the most ambitious work yet performed by Miss class- High school teachers maxi mum salary limit was raised at a meeting of the Newmarket- Sulton district high school board on Tuesday night Maxi mum salary for a high school Margaret Webb performed teacher now stands at well as one of the young maidens The increase in the maximum who comfort Marguerite Nor- j salary figure amounted to man was at the console With annual increments of of the three manual concert teacher reaches the maximum gap and Mrs at the salary in about years- Raise Up To One Objects foundation piano Mr did a masterful Job in supplying the effects of an orchestra Some of the effects were of the highest professional quality Mrs had a capable and sympathetic assist ant in Mr Ken Morton undertook his most ambitious role as the villain and his range from the very low to the highest register of his voice He was a convincing vil lain and was applauded for his Song of the Golden Calf Following the performance the cast received congratulations 1 backstage Some of Torontos a The previous maximum salary schedule was set at 4600 for specialists and for non- specialists plus a 250 cost of living bonus for every 10 points above the points on the old cost of living index The resolution passed by the board Tuesday night increases the specialists maximum to and the nonspecialist teach ers maximum to 5000 The added cost of living bonus is being continued on as before The only board member who voted against the increase was the chairman A Newmarket Said Mr Belugin I have all kinds of respect and admiration for the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation but it is the situation that I deplore He said that the school boards are not organized as the teach ers are I deplore this situation where the employer end in the two- way relationship is not repre sented by an organized body The proper relationship between the employer and the employee is destroyed he said Mr said later that as an appointee to represent the taxpayers he felt it his duty to oppose the situation where there was no fair balance between boards and teachers when de mands were made for salary in creases MRS LAPP MARKS BIRTHDAY Mrs Margaret Lapp Newmar- severest critics were very celebrated her 90th birthday to Miss Webb Mr Morton and Jon Sunday May 31 when a re- Mr gave Mr was held at the home of credit for his best per- her granddaughter Mrs I Gibney Gorham St in the J afternoon I Friends who called on Mrs Lapp were from King Aurora Hon- Lester Pearson secretary of state for External Affairs for Canada and president of the United Nations Assembly will be speaking at the Aurora high school auditorium on the evening of Saturday June On the same evening the North York Liberals will nominate their candidate for the next election predicted for August Pearson at one time lived in Aurora He was born ml Johnson Bill Austin and Bert FISHING DERBY The Newmarket Optimist clubs annual lake trout fishing derby will be held this Sunday June at Lake Simeoe Prizes are now on display at Morri sons Boats motors and a lim ited supply of fishing have been made available Prizes have been contributed by Jack Jack Max Smith Ray Smith Charley Bradford and Mount Albert Mrs Lapp was born at near but lived near Snowball for the greater part of her life before retiring at New market and as a at and Aurora Morrison SL A bylaw was passed at coun cil Monday night to expropriate the easterly fire feet of lot plan on the west side of Main is a strip across the frontage of held by Dr Wesleys estate When speaking on the bylaw the town engineer Bos worth explained that with the land being held in estate the work would be held up if they had to wait for its settlement way a fivefoot strip across the front of the property will line up with a simil strip of land which has been from Trinity United church A ten foot triangle has been pur chased from the church to wid en the Park Ave and Main St corner Such purchase are at a set rate of cents per square foot FATHER T McHALE CELEBRATES MASS IN HOME PARISH Annual Musical Festival Features Coronation Theme The annual spring musical festival of the Newmar ket public schools and the Newmarket concert band was presented in the Memorial arena on Thursday June 5 following a Coronation theme The festival included such patriotic numbers as Soldiers of The Queen and of Hope and Glory About children took part in the program A massed chorus of pupils from grades and 8 was under the direction of Herman Fowler director of music for the local schools William was band leader and the piano ac companist was Miss Jean Rose A threepart choir of grade pupils sang as their selection For All Thy Care Grade chorus pupils from Miss Hazel and Miss Richardsons classes sang two selections and English country dances were presented by grade pupils from the classes of Miss Barnes and Miss Bradbury The White Cliffs of Dover a On Saturday May 30 Thomas selection by the chorus with Newmarket was ordain- to the Holy Priesthood in SL ranged by Mr Fowler was par- Toronto fine Another number His Eminence James Charles received much praise from Cardinal Archbishop audience of over of Toronto Father celebrated first solemn Mass in his home parish St Johns Newmarket on Sunday May Rev J McCabe pastor acted as assist ant priest and Rev Carey and Rev L were dea con and A sermon fitting for the occa sion was delivered by the former pastor of SL Johns Dr who is now pastor of Our Lady of parish in Toronto Present in the sanc tuary was Rev H J- Calla- pastor of Blessed Sacra ment parish Toronto members Johns parish represented by a croup of men of the Holy Name So ciety presented Father with a purse Mr Murphy read an address expressing the sentiments of the parishioners After the Mass relative and guests fathered at a dinner at Country Acres SL New market Latex in the afternoon raw was The Lost Chord It performed by the and band Appearing as soloists with the band was Robert Morrison and Don Roberts was a coronet solo and Dons a trom bone In the final tableau the band choruses and dancers par ticipated They were joined by the color parties of the New market Scouts and Guides in an impressive finale to a fine pro- Mr Fowler before concluding the festival paid tribute to the many who has assisted its preparations In January the plans were begun and since early spring the youngsters had been practicing The first festival was held in FOR The Red Shield campaign for the Salvation Army in Newmar ket and district raised a total of 2556 exceeding last years to tal by 226 Major Collins of the Salvation Army in Newmarket and Murray Roberts Dominion Bank mana ger who was chairman of the campaign have expressed thanks to those who contributed and to those who helped collect contri butions AWARD CONTRACT Evans Fuels received the con tract for the supplying of coal to the local schools for the com ing year Tenders for the fuel supply were received by the REMAND CLERK OF POLICE COURT ON THEFT CHARGE George Slugg suspended last week as clerk of the magistrates court at Newmarket following a check of court accounts was ar rested Monday and remanded in a Toronto court Tuesday on a charge of theft Mr Sluggs suspension became effective last week after a check of receipts showed a discrepancy of York County hospital New market is to receive worth of new equipment from the Atkinson Charitable Founda tion it was announced last Fri day Six community hospitals in Ontario will share grants total ling according to the announcement from the Founda tion York County hospital New market will benefit by a Foun dation grant to purchase a new steam sterilizer and a fracture table with fluoroscopic attach ment The hospital was established in as a institution and a twostorey obstetrical wing added in increased capacity to beds and bassinettes The obstetrical wing was a gift from the Davis brothers of New market in memory of their mo ther The hospital is administered by a board of directors elected annually and serves the residents of Newmarket and an additional within a radius It is the only r Headq A decision is expected to be reached regarding the location of the York County seat by June 24 it was learned today from Warden Asa Cook The of of the Davis estate by Miss Mable Davis came too late for the committee to deal with it and present a report at the present session of County council special meeting is being called for June and the com mittee hopes to have something to recommend to council at that time said Mr Cook The special committee dealing with possible locations for the county seat inspected the prop erty on Tuesday The group of eight members accompanied by the county engineer Harvey Rose also inspected two other properties which had been sug gested earlier In Aurora the general hospital between Toron- 1 committee visited the old public to and In it ad- j school building and in mitted patients an increase of more than during the past board on June Only one other firm Eves and Co Handling a Canoe The second And CM Produce TV RIbk The Canadian with the cooperation of the CBC is in the process of producing four halfhour television films at lke Simeoe on Summer Safe ty They will be shown through out the country Dave Saunders physical direc tor of Toronto Broadview Y Is directing the TV film strip now being made at the dock and beach Park Lake Harvey Hart is the producer in charge This film is of two halfhour lengths and covers four points in summer safety Personal Wa ter Safety Dos and for Water Safety The Art of Life Saving and the Application of First Aid 4 The Art of three and recorded births up since submitted a tender AUXILIARY RAISES OVER FOR YORK COUNTY Over was raised for York County hospital by the Hospital Womens auxiliary in its recent campaign General convener was Mrs J Gordon Cock who was assisted by Mrs Stevens The sum was raised almost ex clusively by small donations from the householders of New market There was no special mailing list or canvass of the Industrie People are becoming hospital- conscious The auxiliary wishes to thank them for their donations and the canvassers who through their volunteer services carried out the campaign said the chairman Anyone wishing to make a donation who was Inad vertently missed may still do so The contribution should be for warded to Mrs Cock ENTRANCE PUPILS GUESTS AT NHS Members of the Newmarket entrance class with their par- were the guests of the Par entTeacher association St Johns Chrysostom school and the Newmarket Home and School association on Friday June Held at the Newmarket high school with a large number present the program was chair ed by Mrs Ray J principal of the high school addressed the group Mr explained the selection of subjects other decisions facing entrants to high school His Interpretation of ju5 curriculum win he of great John assistance to the students jJjjTf Included on the program were several number by the Betty Gordon Dancing dub and curst pianist was was brought back for an en by an Mrs J Cam thanked the entertain ers on behalf of those p seat and Alan Perks moved a vote of thanks to Mr A members of Catholic Wo mens League provided for the occasion- Father is the son of Mr and Mrs Bernard McHala degree at at the of Toronto he to snaaw ft took his in flffr- WINNER Carol Price year old daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Harry Price and granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Harper Price was the winner of a public school ora torical contest held at a meeting of the Home and School association on May Carol a pupil of grade six com peted with students in grades six and eight and won the cup donated by the Kinsmen club of It was Carols first attempt at public speaking In all three grades there are pupils of whom entered the contest Teh finalists were chosen from that number with Carol comi first topic was The Junior Red Tenders tot the exterior paint ing of the Alexander Prince Charles and Stuart Scott schools were received by the Newmarket Public School board at its regular meeting on June the tender of Max Grantham was accepted Douglas Gilman Clark and Hog also GIRLS CAMP Registrations are being made for camp North York County girls camp Dates are as follows junior camp ages to July to senior camp ages 12 to July to Aug The first registrations in each camp will be accepted Forms are to be obtained at the Era and Express or from Miss Jean Lewis Newmarket phone 202w4 NO SOLUTION FOR BUMPY CROSSINGS An enquiry which had been presented at the last council meeting was answered on Mon day night by the chairman of the roads and bridges committee Charles At the recent meeting Joseph Dales had asked whose respon sibility was the maintenance of the railway crossings in town the CNR or council Mr had complained of the motorists receive because of the bumpy crossings Mr VanZant checked the mat ter with a railway representa tive The Newmarket crossings will always be bumpy said Mr Van The rightofway is on a curve and so one rail Is 4ti inches higher than the other and must remain like that he ex plained Improvements to the road bed are planned by the CNR for this fall The road bed will be raised about inches The CNR main tains the rightofway which in cludes a strip eight inches be yond each rail When such work of two onehalfhour films is be ing prepared for production and concerns driving safety and a s contemplated for highway safety railway company is i responsible for a smooth ap proach to the crossing but the the property at the Eagle St entrance to town was inspected These are the three properties being considered at present by the committee Asa Cook reported The official offer of the 20- estate the family home of the late Hon J Davis was pre sented yesterday at a meeting of County council by Reeve Arthur Evans The estate is in East township on the northern outskirts of Newmarket As many of the members from the northern municipalities hav ent had an opportunity to view the property no decision has been made We want all these members to visit the properties and then at the June of York County council we plan to make our recommendations said the warden Asa Cook The offer of the school in Au rora was made acme time ago try the Aurora council It is under stood that the pro perty is a real estate matter But the gift of the Davis estate which is conservatively estimated at has been offered to the county by Miss Davis as a mem orial to her parents ON CONCERT Miss Jane Myers soprano whose home is in Newmarket has recently completed a concert tour through lower Austria giv ing a number of song recitals sponsored by the Society At the Bristol Hotel Vienna she was interviewed by a delega tion of newspaper men and wo men from the United States touring Europe At present Myers is in Palermo Sicily but will return to study for the sum mer months with Professor Will- fort in Corinthia Austria and to attend the music festival at Salzburg She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs George My Main St END CONTRACT WITH NY HUMANE SOC Newmarket decided to its contract with the North York Humane society at Monday meeting The motion to withdraw from participation in the society was made after an appeal for financial assistance had been received from the Hu mane society At an earlier meeting Mrs David Askew president of the organization told council that society had no funds The estimated costs of operation for a year for the Humane society were set at Mrs Askews suggestion was that these costs be met proportionately by Rich mond Hill Aurora and Newmar ket Both Aurora and Richmond Hill have cancelled their con tracts with the society Representatives of the three councils met together following the Humane societys appeal for grants Reporting on the meet ing DeputyReeve Herb Glad- man said that the feeling was almost unanimous that the cost involved was more than the three councils wanted to handle bumps at the crossing are a per manent feature DRAMATIC CLUB HOLDS ELECTIONS Joseph Dales was elected president of the Newmarket Dramatic club at the annual meeting and election of officers on Friday May The club held a costume party to close the season The slate of officers for the en suing year includes president Joe Dales 1st Nick Styke 2nd vicepro Jack Fisher secretary Styke treasurer Fern pub licity and advertising Mike business manager Don Cummings program Grace Sin clair librarian June Turner stage manager Ken Learning advisory board Dorothy Bow man Barbara Hamilton and Eu gene McCaffrey bulletin Dales membership Lillian War ner social Struthers Here There Around Town HIGH PRAISE FOR WEEKEND SHOW BY THE ART CLUB A threeday exhibition of pain tings was held in the town hall June to by the Newmarket Art club This was the an nual spring showing of the group and was opened on Friday even ing by Kate Aiken Well over 100 were present for the open ing ceremonies Mrs Aiken spoke briefly and congratulated the club on its fine exhibition Mrs Aiken who at tended the coronation earlier in the week commented on the high opinion with which Canada and things Canadian were regarded in Britain On her radio broadcast on Mon day night Mrs Aiken spoke of the quality of the Newmarket art show An exhibit of such quality should be brought to she said It should be taken to the Eaton Art gallery In her broadcast she also men tioned the two members of the club Robert and Wil liam who had had their pictures hung at Henry and William Parsons the two members of the Newmarket club who are gradu ates of the Ontario College of Art were mentioned as was Sam uel Mr fti years old had five oils hung in the Newmarket show over the weekend People were present from the Group of Artists Art club Lakeshore Group of Artists Toronto and other centres as well as residents from Newmarket and district The show received high praise from the many visitors Exhibiting in this years show were Francis Turiney Jean Walton Sam Henry Doris Ron Ruby Dorothy Bowman Doug thy Parsons Bill Bob that it should Chadwick and Bill Parsons EXTRA MEETINGS The North coun cil has decided to hold two extra council meetings during the summer The first Is to be on Saturday July and the sec ond on Saturday August both to commence at pjn Citizen Atkinson is not a man to stand in the path of pro gress When approached rs gird ing a cedar hedge on his proper ty corner of Timothy and Church and told that it constituted a traffic his comment was it out The hedge obstructs the view at the corner Roads and committee ciialrman Charles VanZant reported Mr AtUwosVs operative attitude to council Engineer said that the hedge would receive attention Many a fourfooted Inhabitant of the community has beta this week as progres its march through town like the humans with wham they associate the animate hats to see the familiar old This week the majestic An or the comer of Park and Mate Sta was Uprooted The trough was removed Many ait outstanding citizen past years watered his horse at that troogh A wave of en tame swept through council on Mon day night when thinking of the old watering trough It COMING EVENTS JUNE Bingo in Aurora Legion hall sponsored by the Aurora Ladles Auxiliary Good prizes Sharethewealth games Time pmv FRIDAY JUNE this for recital of vocal and piano pupils from the studios of Alberta Wood and Herman Fowler In St Andrews Presby terian church Newmarket SATURDAY JUNE Iris show sponsored by Newmarket Horticultural society in Christ ian Baptist church Open to public to pm Exhibits Placed Friday THURSDAY JUNE Hope Hobby Club conducted tour of CoHingwood For particulars and tickets please contact Mrs Norman Crone before June Adults SI children WEDNESDAY JUNE Ai sale of cattle farm merits Chrysler sedan good condition rubber tired wag on mower binder and at lot con property of Charles Preston mile sooth of FRIDAY JUNE Anglican strawberry supper In Commun ity Memorial hall Supper served from pm DST Variety program starring Ron Leonard comedy magician Base ball Admission adults child- i en under SATURDAY JUNE New market Horticultural societys Peony show All members eligible to enter flowers Exhi bits to be placed Friday Further particulars next week TUESDAY JUNE 23Piano re cital of Mrs pupils In Trinity United church at pm Parents and friends are in- Please accept this TUESDAY JUNE 23 Straw berry festiva Mount United Program to foll ow supper which begins at SI Wi Sate at EVERT at Late to Norm and His DANCING at to Norm Barf- To Hold Annual Iris Show Christian Church June 13 The annual iris show of the will be able to enter one bloom Newmarket Horticultural society where they may not have had will be held in the basement the Christian Baptist church on Saturday June Many new classes have been included on this years show More prizes have been added AH members of the society are eligible to exhibit bloom in the shows and beginners are invited to enter The show under the chairmanship of Rod Caldwell and Winter will assist new exhibitors with their problems Entries be made the day before the show and all entries must be made before pjn on t tomt could be at some suitable place as a bird bath Observer to count the in the tree Con- still watching the operations at corner we stumbled over boxed annuals tripped over display of walk outside the stares and banged our head on a low at can dangerous With on ftceliftin of oe an opportune time for mer chant to the sidewalk display to be out of keeping with the modern store and the high standard of Many awnings wen low before the new were laid We can fee of a bratfaieed from this It fce tier to raise the awnings public rnuol to the school chfJdratffe fee three perfect ones to enter As well as the classes for iris are classes for pyrethrurn aquilegia lupins tulips and house plants There are to be a miniature bouquet dining room table centrepiece and liv ing room baskets in the flower arrangement classes and another new group this year includes the best floor pedestal basket of any variety of flowers arrangement quality and general to count The basket be selected on points Tor this last clat the Violet remarked that ft trophy be of- called low tariff- skating fattd Thewinner most win tt than the Friday evening pr the show with the entries being trophy three times in years tagged by oclock The retain it permanently be open to the public on Saturday from to pm For the first time the iris show includes classes for one of iris in each color as wall the classestor tote items was made to as exhibitors and the Gordon cup goes to the best specimen of iris the judges sel- First and pris are offered In all toe classes A spatial prise of plant stake donated by del to i how a toe low to tetter to

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