irJfcgjrE ft 4 1 Margene Margarine 4 a Choice Tomatoes i- Coronation Cake Mix SPECIAL Salmon ait Kraft Miracle Whip JAR it SWIFTS Swifts 3 2 TINS TINS 37c 25 WITH CHUM ft TOMATO Vanilla or Flavour net nets rice 91 Olhei Genuine 3 Price Dessert Inn Spaniih StyU J VANILLA c lie 34c c rices TINS A MP 31 c WKLflUfD POOS QUALITY POUND LOUISIANA NO I ORAM GARDEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SOLID HEADS Floor Wax 38c Deal ath sat CAM W DATED EC FRESHNESS or UN SLICED lOAf ASSORT i CANDIES SPECIAL 27 SPECIAL Dundee Cake 31 A Th t ANOTHER Mother Baby jvhc EACH How On At Wwti Family Encyclopedia UNGRADED 2 53 Wirt to to yu Morion AnUCAN SHOWN The United Nations and Christian missions was the theme of the May meeting of the Evangeline auxiliary Trinity United church Newmar ket Held on Tuesday May the program was under the of Mrs Chester Best and her group The slides From Slavery to Service and script by Mrs John told the story of a poor African orphan who through Christian schooling was able to help his people He worked as nurse and evangelist Articles were received for the bale Further donations for the bale may still be contributed A social halfhour concluded the in teresting meeting SAFEST DEVICE FOR BIKES For the third consecutive year the Newmarket Home and School association has obtained Scotch tape for the hikes of school children of the commun ity This tape which reflects light is a great safety device AH owners of bikes who want tape can obtain it at the home of Mrs Howard Mor ton Lome Ave A charge of cents is made and all who are able to pay are requested to do so MEETING Mrs Fred gave a talk on the coronation service at the May meeting of the Jun ior Ladies aid Christian Bapt ist church Newmarket Hold at the homo Mrs Bernard Lee the reports on the successful Blossom tea were presented Mrs William Epworth and Mrs William Andrews conduct ed the devotional period In her talk Mrs told of the spiritual significance of the cor onation service A social halfhour was spent at the close of the business session Refreshments were served the hostesses Mrs Ted Adams Mrs Norman Fr Mrs and Mrs Edwards ANNUAL MEETING Mrs H Griffin was elected president of the Newmarket div ision Catholic Womens league at the annual meeting held in St Johns school Plans are being made by the group for a coronation tea and bake sale which will be held on Thursday June Mrs A McCaffrey Ave has opened her home for this tea Those elected to office for the ensuing year include past pros Mrs Harry Fee Mrs Griffin 1st vice Mrs C 2nd vice Mrs Stevens 3rd vice Mrs G see Miss Florence Goldsmith Miss Carr oll and councillors Mrs Mrs Ferguson Mrs and Mrs Gould RECEPTION Rev Thomas Maxwell Mellale son of Mr and Mrs Bernard Invites his frienl at attend a reception held at the family residence Prospect Ave Newmarket on Sunday May to pm on the of bis ordination to the Holy Priest hood York County Hospital Heeds Your Donation at Man Youre Crazy live J inn mi nil I Ml I it WO CAN DEPEND ON Jidoy to fit J Pius pi J r ITS Womans World By Caroline Ion With Hospital day being cole- tomorrow and York County Hospital holding open house this is an appropriate time to call attention to this in stitution Too frequently we accept its facilities as a matter of fact We fail to realize how different would be the situation if we had no hospital Older residents of the district who recall the days prior to its erection tell of the emergency trips made to Toronto with critically ill mem bers of their families They know from personal experiences what it means to be without a hospital Perhaps in retelling of the fol lowing anecdotes which have been told to us by Miss Lillian Thomas superintendent of nurs es York County hospital we shall begin to appreciate its ser vice During the past three or four years Miss Thomas said that they had had some rather unusual cases including a num ber of serious accidents One of these accidents Involv ed a year old man who was in a car accident He had been sitt ing in a panel truck when it was struck broadside Remembering nothing about the impact he was temporarily stunned and when he arrived In hospital felt that his back was broken He was unable to move his right arm and leg which felt numb Besides a broken neck this patient suffered further injuries He had a fractured pelvic bone lacerated ear and many contus ions and abrasions Following treatment which included the ap plication of tongs to his head On Mediccd Plans For Defence with attached weights followed by a plaster cast to his head and body this man made a good re covery and was able to leave hospital only clays after the accident Another interesting case in volved a year old woman who suffered a comminuted fracture of her right hip bone The frac ture was reduced and a pin inser ted It is only a little over two ago that all hip cases which required pinning had to be sent to Toronto Since the above case fractured hips have been treated in York County hospital A month old baby with pneumonia of both lungs and suffering from anaemia was ad mitted last May In the series of treatments which infant received were Included intra venous feeding of glucose and line as it is difficult to have a child of that age lake sufficient fluids by vein oxy gen and whole blood This bah was the first patient to receive blood from the hospital blood bank The child made a com plete recovery and was discharg ed within eleven days These are only a few cane histories They illustrate how without rush or confusion the emergencies of daily life in a hospital arc Quietly and efficiently the work of healing continues Through these ser vices lives are saved people who would have remained perma nently maimed are restored to good health and hours of pain and suffering eliminated Such works of mercy deserve our sup port and Interest Miss of the health service the civil de fence branch was the guest speaker at the May general meeting of the York County hos pital Womens Auxiliary The guest soloist was Mrs Elizabeth Beer In her talk on medical prepar ation in the civil defence pro gram Miss said that plans for this area are based on the possibility of a major disas ter In such an event the five major hospitals in the city would be destroyed One or two on the outskirts would be seriously damaged so that hospitals such as the local one would he used for major surgery and emerg ency treatments Plans for York County hospi tals and similar Institutions outside the probable target could provide sufficient space- All hut the critically ill would have to he moved from the hos pital It would necessary to commandeer factories and for diUonal Part of the preparations of health service of fence branch would v gical In effort to it would emphasize that of survival It would nectary to that even in the event of the fight for right and the tor aid not between individual fszXuwn great mofift builder ini dale Mrs Noble presided The program was under the di rection of Mrs Frank Hope and Mrs Frank Courtney convened the refreshments PAIN I A Newmarket Social News Mrs Elmer Cox Toronto visited her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Elliott Haines on Vic toria Day Cyril Robinson who was a patient at York County hospital where he underwent an opera tion on May 14 has returned home He is progressing satis factorily Mr and Mrs Lome visited over the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Toronto Mr and Mrs and daughters Anna and Leslie were guests last week of Mr and Mrs Arthur Sheri dan Mr and Mrs John and daughter Gail Toronto were guests over the holiday weekend of Mr and Mrs Ernest Misses Elaine and Mafcle Gray Toronto were guests over the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs J A Mail- land Mrs A Young Toronto has returned homo after spend ing a week Willi Mr and Mrs Nelson ion and family Mr Mrs Clifford and lean were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Elliott Haines and fatuity Mr and Mrs dan and family and Mr ami Mrs spent the holiday weekend In guests of Mr and Mrs It Lou dry Mi has ho a three weeks visit Major and Mrs J and family Quebec City Mr and Mrs Melville sMft Sunday with ran Mr nud Mis anil family Toronto wore Sun- nay gnosis of Mrs Leila Mr and Mrs- and visited Mr and Mrs hides over the Miss Wool von Toron to was Weekend guest of Mr Mi-i- Joseph Mr and Mrs Stanley Paul and Helen spent Victoria will Mr and Mrs J l Mr and William Shu- faintly mid Mr and Mrs Elgin id Friends visiting at the homo of Mr Mrs Klglu over the weekend wore Miss Spray Mr and Mrs Ivan J ton I Joan a d Mr it Mia Prince spent with Mr and Mrs and wedding of Vclmu h n fiidnrdny Mr In Montreal Hie week ftMtfih Credit conveiitlaij Mr Win Morion Is visit Intf dfmifhtoiv fi tru Quo find MM Mr d Ptd weekend with Mr n4 Alice the holiday weekend vUIIllMf Mr Md Mr Mr vd Mr and little son Brian spent Sunday with their mother Mrs Jones Sfo my Johnny elusion of in the plans Everyone have job to re- place the disintegration of his pattern living A movie Miss tslk It told of the need for individual to part civil defence plana Mrs Beer sang as her solos two Ah Stood on of and Oh What a Beautiful City She was ac companied by Mm other night- Ha mid hi had thA ihat svn to and orui of them- always used in now know vhy of the blue comes the whites ft Blue a few CONCERT RAISES Approximately was real ized by the ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary through the recent con cert given by local artists The eventual figure may be higher as all the returns have not been completed To the artists Goodman pianist Elizabeth Beer mezzo- soprano and her accompanist Norma rle and Terry baritone who donated their talents goes the apprecia tion of the auxiliary They not only provided an evening of musical enjoyment for all who attended but they supported the local scoutguide work Proceeds the concert will be used in the renovation of the Scout Hall iiv a Annual Meeting of York- HS Council Physical Education was the theme of the meeting of Home and School council which was held at scus Cherry Farm on llunsday May Mrs was re turned as president tor a second term The guest speaker was Eric Ontario of education physical education who on the ad vautOHVs of a physical in elementary schools highlights his talk were given In Womens World lust week were present for the meeting representing 18 of the School in area Mrs Wal ter Johns Newmarket present ed the report Tim lines speaker was duced Mrs Newmarket mill moved vote flf present- in Mr foe Ids wife and a of lowers waft presented to hosier Joint who had her for he eVenltiifft meolhig J Movies and denmnstralkm of diuielnit he pro Tito films showed a sue pram for liolh In and carried on In a rur al folk from the John A MIllnnfl Toronto the of of iUmn Mrs who I the couneilti A riioflo olneltitl oMICO yptST vlco Mi Mrs A villa area Mrs Morris lllehviitfli wm Frank eMeenltva east Kraft Craw ford went area and Mm north Mm p Jftque and Mm Wool toy At clow of the full Wi by I bought a garden yesterday at the Thanks to Personal Planning I had to realixe one of m a real Id put tor On my trip to the BASK OF MONTREAL I happened to mention to the manager that I was going to savings He Wees heart came up with a better idea Why not your savings and buy your improvements with a lowcost llpl Personal Loan In he explained you keep your savings intact and pay back loan in easy monthly I jumped at idea and in than no time the deed was done If you have home improvements your mind or any other major expenditure drop in and have a chat with nearest manager And while youre at it a of the booklet Personal Planning findit Feel Hurt I Good Hem For in BLUEJAY Corn Plasters right down umfcr your corn and helps posh it out the first really new medication for calluses in over seventy years In actual teste went to work faster worked more surely than leading remedies Easy folks with bothersome feet say its- best news in years and sure youll agree once youve tried BlueJays with Ask for them at your favourite drug ivuuter Unlay Wmi Something Cod For IMmfX- A crisp tossed salad adds refreshing touch to any meal and dis covered MIRACLE WHIP DRESSING makes any salad twice as Whether you serve your towed salad a side dish ox a mam a bowl heaped high with greens hardboiled eggs cold meats and grated Miracle Whip adds the right flavour touch You see its the salad dressing that the lively flavour of boiled drcsim with the smoothness Its So ask your grocer for the one and only Miracle Whip made by Kraft next youre