Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 21 May 1953, p. 6

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v fSHED inside plumb with bath Heat- by payment reojuirui Hers broker Jacksons Point- WOO a drive IBs YERS FURNITURE large electric stove running order S3 J Bate washing- machine room tate kit chen suite natural kitchen drawers dressers coffee ecd tables Mens caps Regular value up to Sale price Are you Interest ed AT INSLETS all English gabardine top coats shades- Regular value up to Sale price c4v21 AT Ready made suits Special purchase up to Sale price 4115 Extra pants where available Best value in Canad c AT Bonds tailored to measure mens all wool English varn dved worsted suits Extra pants insulated on Holland Izr chairs and rocker oval table iceboxes desk ias cabinet Chna rlass articles too Hirst Land- LARGE on breeder stove Med- AT INSLEyS Mens gabardine Bond madetomeasure suits Extra pants sired pipe vise Would con exchange for bench vise FOR RENT To capacity large burn er by heat switch CocIeum Apply or phone AT Small boys wool dress tweed and flannel knee pants Regular value up to 369 sale price Age to years 1 store is the working mans friend- WANTED TO BUY c large cottage Lake Inspect after pm ICEBOX and kitchen cookstove Phone AGE at Keswkfc room- furnished ssA down a month- Aurora LOTS FOR SALE lots on Jul I Newmarket a F or apply Newmarket i subdivision High elevation Of ge excellent view and linage- roads telephone has and milk Situated on west side highway Terms No Elgin Evans phone Newmarket ABOUT NEW HOME NOW OR IN THE FUTURE Heintziran apartment walnut Snish excellent Books Good assorted novels biographies including several sets in good condi tion bargain prices Rock Maple desk and chair Could be used as dressing table Phone Newmarket WALNUT teawagon walnut diningroom table small wal nut antique table wicker rock ing chair commode chair springfilled mattress and bed Windsor coin near- new collapsible camp cot camp stools floor metal column with tvnlei antique table lamp with frosted glass shade reed fern ery clothes basket willow folding tub stand new clothes horse three sections heavy copper wash boiler bot tle capper all metal feather cowhide club bag Phone Newmarket or apply Prospect St dresser with mir ror and walnut and feather bods of all descriptions Highest prices paid Write Queen City Feather Co 23 Baldwin St Toronto tf20 if Is paid within week ill costs two cents fla centi cents for each announcement less cents If paid within week of publication In cents for each insertion MBS 5 a line for verse less cents if paid within week of Classified advertising may be phoned into or left at The and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at Gift Store Aurora or Aurora office phone Aurora at Sirs phone or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mail where name of sender and address is clearly indicated Tour advertisement gets into nearly homes in North York Him plants at prices unias asters carnations many other varieties Early nncl late cabbage Cauliflower- sprouts per hundred boxes Spanish onions flats flats and flats Vegetable not taxable Save money and como to lums Prices cant bo beat W C Holland Landing LUMBER FOR SALE LUMBER 2x4 and lumber Rough or dressed Ed Blizzards Sawmill Eagle St Newmarket chicle to bo The lowest or ah not necessarily accepted John Crawford Clci Township of PT i The public that the public dumps located at Jacob Grove property Jot con cast and Mrs Fere lot It be open to the public May May and deposit any decayed Veg etable or animal matter in these dumps j John Crawford Clerk Township of Whitchurch C2W20 tfl4 HELP WANTED YOUNG MAN 1 8 20 YEARS OLD TO PRINTING WORK WANTED your fay Coal oil New Per- West Millard Avenue feet ion Phone on subdivision sound Terms arranged situated your local real estate or phono FARMS NO NEWMARKET tffi PASTURE for rent Tier ASTRAL refrigerator almost in condition J Morrison Kin City RANGE in condition Childs crib Phone J4w Newmarket until Nov -V- ROOMS FOR RENT Apply FOLDING baby carriage wine Sunshine condition Phone Nevma size used Cummins drill for saw attachment for sanding and polish ing Applv Tim- Newmarket after I room- ira St Newmarket ELECTRIC nop cooler orange rush cycle near rooms- Console radios pony sink Fred Hirst Newmarket PAIR of brogues t brown Practically furnished phone 50T7 Newmarket GARDEN and custom plowing and cultivating All new equip ment for a good Job Phone Newmarket sharpened by way precision ground Applv 218 Mam St phone Newmarket woman wants housework in Newmarket by the day Phone WOULD like steady contract for assembling small merchan dise such as electric equipment etc location Oak Ridges Phone King paper hanger and painter years experience would like a position on an es tate or would consider working the hour- Phone King WASHING machines repaired All work guaranteed for Free pickup and delivery William Holland Land ing phone Newmarket cr2w20 LARGE septic tanks installed anywhere Workmanship guar anteed Baker Eagle St phone Newmarket Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call for free estimates for rubber mastic and plastic wall tile R J and Son Andrew St New market HAND and power lawn mowers machino ground at Repair Shoo and Eagle St phono Newmarket Pickup and deliver SITTING SERVICE EXPERIENCED and mature babysitters available day or evening Weekend and weekly rates upon request Phone Newmarket cr2wll TRADE GOOD FOR RIGHT MAN GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS Write Era and Express box stating age education and pre vious employment if any Only those who are Interested in learning a trade need apply I COOK general or cook house keeper for Newmarket Be tween years of age No heavy work Good salary Ref erences Write Era and Express box 327 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE tractor plow on rubber 2 years old- Apply Wright ville PULLEY for Ford tractor for sale In good condition Apply Kay Bros Cedar Brae phone Mount Albert SET brass mounted harness Twin bridles collars all complete Good condition Alfred Oliver phone 21404 Queensville DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect Newmarket 79 or Toronto Em GORDON YOUNG LIMITED rf LIVESTOCK FOR SALE USED CARS YOUNG Yorkshire sows just bred Apply A Sharon lw2t 15 BOB calves weaned pigs J GOAT Fresh 1 month Heavy milker Peter Long Newmarket ON Wednesday May billfold containing sum of money Bakery Aurora or vic inity Reward Phone Newmar ket M PETS THOROUGHBRED Pekinese puppies months old Male female 20 Phone New market MISCELLANEOUS LIVESTOCK WANTED for business couple Ab No children phone Apply SI COMFORTABLE Central location Phone t Nevmarket room house keeping- Available May PRIVATE Household fur niture end other articles Chintz covered chair stoo and table and two walnut small desk chair table walnut coffee table top table lamps and card tables flower CHRYSLER coach good mechanically cracked wind shield Phone 150 CHEVROLET dc luxe coach light green Has had only one driver and one owner Low mileage Phone New market 33 CHEVROLET coach tires and battery license runn ing order Apply Harry Brand on Cedar Valley MORRIS Minor miles nor gallon excellent condition Reasonable Phone Aur ora DODGE sedan in good con dition Apply Simcoe St Newmarket after USED TRUCKS Horses for mink feed Highest prices Rex Smith Queens- ville phone collect Horses for Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone or write PO box CLEAN gladioli bulbs mixed colors S150 while they last No deliveries Mrs Deans Holland Landing phone Newmarket c3wlo MUCOUS IN THROAT Thunas Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child- with good results Price 250 The Best Drug Store phone 14 Newmar ket CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to the merchants and people in the different wu accident Spec- hc Newmarket and Mount Albert Fire depart- who made the dance sold tickets and holt CARD OP THANKS J wish to thank my friends for Hie flowers and cards sent to during my stay In York County hospital Special thanks J nurses and staff also to Dr Ritchie and Dr Mrs Simpson STREJ AMBULANCE SERVICE El I Delivery FUNERAL Sale 25 off suits and topcoats Morrisons Newmarket and Au rora FOR EVERY OCCASI02 Flower MAIN gAViiate WANTED Put stop it nvr mom Suit girl Phone FOR ftNT flat on Hoot Hydro and soft and Frank Beat- Kettle Ayr ROOM iL child welcome Phone tfi6 cake plate electric Lester end miscellaneous pots pans size Mans brown wint er overcoat stop giris ski ski Phone or rEV 5ronn- fore- yi sir with oil tank an all controls SO Era and box OH- never used with all controls Write Era and Expres box MANS in pood UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered In any fabric- Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New market- tfl4 WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and Newmarket tfl4 FORD ton pickup com plete with racks mileage tinder miles Will sell for cash Chas Sutton Vest kinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone Newmarket tfid Live poultry Any quantity Bring them In or will call on prices paid Appleton Oak phone Kinp COME in and compare We will not knowingly be undersold by any competitor anywhere You be the fudge Dyers phone Newmarket tfl4 Trusses surgical supports hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store p Newmarket THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi Us A prompt and effective rem for the relief of bronchitis tilth or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Store Newmarket GARDENS BAPTIST CHURCH Invites Sunday School It amDivine Worship Location Corner of Muriel Arthur Sts Pastor Laurence Evans FREE AllHerbal rheumatic for muscular arthritic netiritic and sciatic pains Price 100 Best Drug Store phone POULTRY FOR SALE ENGLISH trained nurse avail able by the or day or will make daily visits Excellent ret- fences Phone Newmar ket HELP iV7 f m vit BUNDS ARTICLES WANTED GIRL GUIDE dress or uniform in pood condition size Phone r Made for pin hooks estimate and installations Phone or Harold Newmarket line approximately Made in latest color tones Phone New- market suited We new or used sewing Ross Bur Wing luuh equipped for on Coleman small space included On tank HO eal eMatfty All in Rood GIRLS bicycle up to years Phone Aurora vi GREEN Mountain Phone 8w5 market FEMALE clerk for general groc ery store Experience but not necessary Write Era and Express box YOUNG lady for general office work Typing and good at fig ures No shorthand Permanent position Peter Gorman Ltd phone Newmarket ASSISTANT to plant vegetables at Part time work or days a veek Phone Newmarket GIRL for general office work Typing and shorthand essential Write Era and Express box resident for exclusive territory in low price Hon storm and screen windows percent commission Phone Toronto LIBRARIAN WANTED The Newmarket public library board invites for the position of librarian This Is a parttime position Apply in writing to the secretary statin address a phone number J Gould Box 288 Newmarket secretary of the public library MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE FRANCIS motor cycle in good condition Best offer Phone New market TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION available to Queen and Church St vicinity leaving Newmarket am Toronto pm Phono Newmarket TRANSPORTATION available Leaving Sharon 055 am Leav ing Station Avenue Road pm One or both ways or part way Phone Queensville or Local Iw21 SELL WATKINS QUALITY PRODUCTS SUPPW regular Canvass an estimate time Big tart without Investment Line Is adyertispi Apply by writing to City Sales Depart The J a St Koch St Hon TRANSPORTATION available to Toronto King and leaving am reluming pm Phone fi03j Newmarket TRANSPORTATION available to or vicinity Phone TR A available leaving Newmarket am downtown Toronto pm Phone Newmarket ACCREDITED Coop chicks We are offering 100 per dis count on orders of or more you cannot accommodate yet your neighbor to club in with you Phone Newmarket CHJCKS FOR SALE GOODMANS SALVAGE COMPANY USED pipes steel posts irons plates boll era etc in all sizes Many other Items of various sizes Phone 305 Davis Drive Newmarket GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMBLY Millard Ave Pastor am Morning Worship pm Evangelistic Musical Talent Wed pm Bible study Questions and answer sour Sunday School Murray Dnrine Worship Special Wednesday May Prayer Friday May Debate Saturday May Youth Crusade special singing Welcome the christian baptist church Main Street Minister Rev Fred Organist Mrs Eugene Cane am Morning Worship Special Gideon pm Sunday Schcol pm Evening gospel service Speaker Mr pm Musical Fireside- Church ot the ra Hour every Sunday at WQ 10 a Sunday Divine Worship I MS TRANSPORTATION WANTED TRANSPORTATION required arrive at to retiirning shortly after P mag with manage business permanent high commission and bonuses Promotions for pood man Write J Giengrove Ave To ftv tractor Plow disc and harrow seasons Sacri fice to settle estate Phone Bald- win Vim Willowdale FORD tractor with ft mounted mower Ford tractor with front- end loader and mounted plough These are in good condition and priced reasonable 28x48 Water- years GninSnmr attachment Norman Oliver Sales and Service NEW with blade itlonal SAKE Day old and while they last at these special prices Immediate de liveryDay old standard qual ity Barred Hock Rhode Island Red White Rock Light Sussex White Wyandotte Light Sussex Now Hampshire Light 51895 per Now Hampshire Rhode Island Red Birred Rock Now Rock New Hampshire Light Sussex per 100 Black Minorca While Legiiorn White Leghorn Barred Rock White Leghorn at per Assorted Breeds four choice per For Money Maker quality add per for Extra Profit add 200 per for Special Mating add per Started Pullets 2 week old add Si per 100 week old add per Day old Bronze torn special price each anywhere CHICK HATCHERIES FERGUS ONTARIO FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid chairs and Son Mount Albert y Hear by the recently from Peoples Group All Welcome YOUTH RALLY Holt Free Methodist Sat May at pun POULTRY 7 TWO battery brooders each chick capacity Spare pans ami troughs included Mod ified wiring Price both for HOC and hen water troughs various sizes and prices EXHAUST fans with cycle motors pur chased with or without thermos- static controls Priced accord- of half inch pipe in condition Pi fe at per length or random lengths at ft Glen Appln Farm phone Newmarket DRY slabs Don Blizzard market at noon cord A delivered 202w2 New SALE FRIDAY MAY Auction of household etc the property of John lot con East north of Sharon on highway lime pm Terms cash Smith auc tioneer WEDNESDAY MAY Auc tion sale of 65 head of fresh cows yearlings and twoyearold heifers and calves horses tractor model near new hay baler model near new McDccring threshing machine In good condition full line of farm implements at lot con 7 Pickering the proper ly of Gordon Hodgson No reserve as farm sold Terms cash Sale at I pm A farmer auctioneer SATURDAY MAY sale of furniture the property of Carman Wilson in the village of Kettlehy Terms cash Sale pm Smith auction- eer v SATURDAY JUNE sale of household effects the OF Corner Main and Queen A Collins Minister Miss June Haines Organist Miss Greenwood Pianist 10 CHURCH SCHOOL PERFECT WILL pm GOING FORWARD WITH CHRIST 3D pm RADIO BROADCAST STATION on Your Dial SUN MAY ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Rev Martin Speaker YOUTH RALLY Sat Holt Free Methodist Church music singing message Meeting r Burton Hill and family of Gait are expected to be with us and May Roll call The Quaker way of life and worship is based on a to God which aland in which prayer is as breathing SALVATION ARMY el Major Laura Sunday 1 am Morning service pm Sunday school pm Evening service ST CHURCH JQmMte 11 am Divine school eash Smith auctioneer Watch for further particulars TENDERS FOR SEALED tenders properly marked as to contents wilt be received the undersigned up to noon May for the collection removal am disposal of garbage and other refuse in the following areas In the township of Whitchurch end for the period as stated WILCOX area two times per week from June PRESTON area once per week from July to Ten collections times per week Services AIKEN Minister moore services THE SUNDAY in The am fW of Our

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