Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 21 May 1953, p. 2

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Pages from the Editors Note A loyal reader who haunts our office frequently burst through the door last week and demanded to know why New market should not have a citi zens cleanup of Fairy Although we tried we could not think of a reason why there should not be a citizens clean up The suggestion has merit Our loyal reader was thinking about the voluntary Tabor which helped put artificial ice in the arena a few years ago A large number of citizens who were interested in recreational activities helped with the Installation of pipes and floor in the arena Cleanup week is supposed to be going on sometime now and it would be a good time to stir the enthusiasm of volunteer citizens said our friend The shores of Fairy Lake could stand some cleaning up A group of citizens could clear out the weeds and bulrushes and the pond would much better This suggestion to clean up the pond ties In with a suggestion made by the Chief constable Mr Byron at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce this week Mr suggested that some of the money collected from parking meters soon to be in stalled in the municipal park- lots be used in a small program along the creek between Timothy St and Water St The creek runs par allel to the municipal parking lot and behind Main St stores We are always in favor of programs and heartily subscribe to both sug gestions In fact we will join any group of volunteers pro viding its on a Saturday to clean up Fairy Lake We would also see to it that our friend who suggested the cleanup was on the job with rake or shovel Era of North York Mi Express Herald 1895 Since we have been dealing with the Fairy Lake end of town we must mention a re cent suggestion by the Deputy reeve of Newmarket Mr Herb ert At a meeting of council a few weeks ago Mr Giadman suggested that Main St be continued south through the water works department and swept around in one west erly curve to join Eagle St If such a project were car ried through it would remove three right angle turns for traffic travelling to and from St via Eagle St Mr Giadman feels that it would make a better to the main business section of New market To make this south entrance to the business area the town would be required to expropri ate some private property re move a townowned garage and a small private garage At the present time ihe town engin eer is looking into the possib ilities Mr who was a member of town council many years ago before his recent venture into municipal politics said that he made the same suggestion 20 years ago but council did not react Nor did the same suggestion cause a noticeable stir in council this time We feel that Mr Glad- man has some foresight The Top Six Inches by Dairy Farmer The cattle are on pasture earlier this year than other years It is a welcome relief this time of the year We dont know if it is possible to make this date even earlier but some day we would like to see a small piece of tend say two to three acres thoroughly drained 20 feet apart and loaded with fer tilizer see if one could have a really early bit of pasture The greatest enemy the pas ture has this time of the year is tramping Whether one keeps a bit of old pasture just to be tramped or a piece of rye will depend on the circumstances We would prefer an old nat ural meadow because It might get short but it would take a lot of tramping without damage and it would not come out in head like rye does Of course this type of pasture does need feed and it deserves it Another peculiar thing we noticed the last few years is that pasture if it is overpulled takes a season to recover We had tvc pieces of pasture that for one reason or another we use very much last year Both seem very good this spring Of course we realize that resting a pasture is a lux ury nobody can afford It is proof of the need tor fertilizing We heard some interesting re marks the- other night concern ing grass silage Having used it for years now and hav ing given up corn for silage completely that we should tell about it First and probably per- grass put in is lost by decomposition and spoilage Nov decomposition is some thing one cannot change But spoilage which is moulding and rotting due faulty seal ing is another headache The loss on the very top Isnt so bad but when it extends to the sides and sometimes feet down then it is very considerable and also very annoying from the labor standpoint We think that new silos will have to be built with a differ ent sort of inside finish from the type used for corn only Just consider the terrific beating that a silo takes In the summer it is affected by heat and in the winter the extreme cold and not dry cold since the stor ed forage is usually pressed hard against it The result is that the silos become porous and flake on the inside This results in the grass losing its moisture through the wall As the grass gets drier air gets in and it spoils Many an old solid silo would deserve to be replastered or some other chemical treatment should be used to make it water and air tight Of course we all heard about the glass lined steel silo that comes in sizes up to feet by feet and which is sealed air tight and nothing is lost from it Another remark of interest has been a statement that al though it is quite possible to make grass silage without pre servative to use some sort of materia for preserving is a good insurance policy It will assure more uniform silage year after year According to one man there is more variation in grass silage than there is in corn and preservatives give a more even product Cross is this year and it might well an early sea son for filling silos It is a good time to remember all the things promised ourselves would remember last year MEMORABLE MOMENT FOR A Published for every at Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket arid Express limited Subscription for two one year in advance Single copies are 5e each A Weeklies at Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department JOHN I Managing CAROLINE ION WemWs GEORGE HASKETt t RACINE Job Printing and Production THE RIAL PAGE PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE TWENTYFIRST DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND During her visit to the British Industries Fair now under way in London Queen Elizabeth paused to chat with T N Horn Calgary the first of detachment of Royal Canadian Mounted police to arrive in England for the coronation In addition to out guard duties during the June 2 coronation the perform their musical ride at the royal tournament and in a threeday show at Edinburgh after the historic HIGHWAY HAZARD There are enough highway accidents caused by carelessness or bad judgment but a automobile crashes can be blamed on road hazards There was a serious accident on the outside of the eastern limits of Newmarket on Saturday night at the of Gorham St and the third concession of Whitchurch township which is a TorontoLake Simcoe highway Whether it was caused by carelessness or not is the concern of the police but the accident did occur at a corner which in our opinion is a hazard The large number of accidents which have occurred is one indication that a hazard does exist there Any northbound motorist travelling on the third who at tempts to turn west on Gorham St will find out for himself that his view of traffic coming from the north is obstructed by a highway knoll a few feet north of the corner Before making the turn into Newmarket it is nec essary to continue north until the front wheels of ones automobile are past the corner and then to make a large sweeping turn to get onto St Otherwise the driver cannot see what traffic is approaching from the opposite direction What appears to be the obvious solution is the res ponsibility of the Toronto and York Roads Commission under whose jurisdiction is the third concession high way It would appear that if the knoll were levelled down even slightly the northbound motorists vision would not be obstructed as it is now Even the necessary hesitation a motorist is required to make at this corner could be the cause of another vehicle crashing into him from the rear If the motorist does not hesitate he cannot see a southbound auto which could crash into him as he is making the turn The small expense of taking the top off a small hill would be worth lives saved and probably thousands of dollars of damage prevented Effort is being made to educate motorists for safe driving At the same time road hazards should be removed to give the careful- driver the opportunity of avoiding accidents Something should be done about the concession corner PLANNING FOR FUTURE ROADS Anyone who takes a trip on a holiday weekend and gets into a traffic jam usually lias some strong opinions about the department of highways or the government There are a few wonderful highways in Ontario but there are many more bottlenecks which have been rec ognized as such for several seasons Some motorists have reported that it took one hour and forty minutes to travel twelve miles on a provincial highway Traffic was lined up for miles Obviously roads have not kept pace with the auto mobile part which is hard for many holiday motor to figure out is why a certain bridge or corner which piles tip traffic for miles every season is not improved while millions of dollars arc spent on super highways In an editorial entitled Jet Age Cars Stone Age Roads the Financial Post comments on the pace as follows The past few days have been big ones In Canadas husky automobile industry Right on schedule the first car rolled off Fords huge new plant General Motors announced a Record expansion at At Windsor the addition to Chryslers is under way AH this moans that the earlier predictions of percent more automotive vehicles in Canada by will certainly he fulfilled The cars and trucks What about the roads to put them on Already in many of our cities and towns and on some of our highways traffic has reached nightmare proportions particularly in rush hours or on holiday weekends To add even 10 percent more cars let alone percent is simply out of the question Hundreds of millions of dollars have been thrown away in street and highway construct ion in Canada in the last years because we did not look ahead Instead of separating local and through traffic usually we chan neled them both into the same main street of every city town and village Vital city street extension and widen ing projects wore delayed until we had to blast through all sorts of expensive real estate Through highways supposed to be adequate for a decade or more became cluttered in three or four years If we dont want to see this confusion and waste repeated on oven a larger scale we had letter start making room for tomorrows cars today ST MAZE TEST Few motorists would be apt to pass the St maze test The St maze is the intersection of St Prospect St and Water St where motor ists who Jive in the next block are still confused about whether or not they are following traffic regulations One resident crosses the intersection daily while driving to and from work recently complained that cars and buses frequently cross his path after he has made a full stop and has started up again Travel ling south on Prospect he comes to a full stop at the intersection By the time he is halfway across another vehicle travelling east on Water St and turning north on Prospect usually intercepts him The traffic shoots out of the left hand lane while he is carefully watching the obvious place the right hand lane The two lanes are separated by a traffic island To the practical mind a sign which gives the order to keep right of the traffic island means that one must not travel left of it Yet when asked the local jKlice department advises that Water St traffic turn ing north on Prospect may keep left of the island Traf fic bound for St and south Prospect are to keep right of the traffic island police say The police department advises one thing and the sign tells motorists to do the opposite The local depart ment says the signs are not placed at proper positions on the street Here again is the responsibility of the Toronto and York Roads Commission in connection with the signs Should an accident occur at the corner under these odd circumstances the resulting court case would prove interesting The lawyers involved would find pleasure in jostling the case on the basis of what the signs say what the policemen advise and what common sense would indicate The motorists probably would be no wiser If local motorists cannot pass the St maze test it is doubtful that a stranger would make the right decision at this intersection FIREMEN MAKE SACRIFICE Members of the Newmarket fire department are to bo congratulated for their civic minded attitude in helping to solve the accommodation problem for the soughtafter York County Council Information from a special county committee which has been following activities in the county breakup and formation of the new metropolitan area led council to believe that there is still a chance that Newmarket will become at least the temporary county seat Council was asked to make an offer to the county committee this week for temporary accommodation The new York County council will need a council chamber and a few offices for salaried employees New market council called a hasty meeting Friday and told the fire chief and departments property committee that the now hall auditorium was the only suitable Mat on for a temporary county headquarters The department waited many years for a now fire hall The new building became part of the life of every member of the brigade and the interest ill keep ing the building in good condition helped tho morale of its members It was obviously difficult for the department members to submit to councils request to give up part of the new building Hut seeing that their sacrifice might be of advantage to the whole commun ity the firemen gave council their cooperation The choice of a seat of government for the now calmly has not yet boon made Where it will bo is any ones guess decision probably will bo mado during the June sessions of county council NEW EXPORT MARKET Whether or not political union with tho British West Indies would he or feasible for morn trade would certainly bo desirable for both parties and the proposed federation of that area presents us with a golden opportunity states The Financial Post We are a natural market for surplus production of the West Indies and those islands are a natural market for goods that wo have to sell They have tropical fruits sugar spices and certain raw materials that cannot be produced at all in Canada or not in sufficient quantity to meet our total demand On our part we can provide these islands with fish flour and a wide range of manufactured goods like footwear clothing home appliances and machinery not net rim matter of Htm Oft Mw Catnips By Ginger just about everything you can think of Down into the Excited States theyve got a week every week said Slim I was just they have one special week reserved and call It No Week Week It would be a special week when they wouldnt have a week Sounds like a good Idea agreed I dropped down to Slim gens piano box mansion be side the railway tracks yester day abode is surround ed by greenness There is the delicate green of asparagus backed up by ram pant rhubarb a darker hue Sprouting corn beans peas or cabbages and whatnot make up garden and the shad- of certainly make it a pretty sight A bordering fringe of burdock gives property that completed hounds came out to greet me and as I entered the mansion eight cats ail exchanged positions on the stove kitchen table cupboards and chairs In simultaneous leaps was to the radio here and this is supposed to be national pickle week did No I didnt know this was pickle week I said Yep this heros pickle week one of them commentators said so Slim assured me Slim Is a keen listener to the radio His radio set has a large funnel- like amplifier which dates it about Well I think they are going a bit crazy with their weeks I said Theyve got a week for From the Files of and 50 Years Slim claims that gardening is good for the soul There aint better than to commune with nature through the sol says Slim He is a member of the Corners horticultural society and last year took first prize in the annual glad He plans to enter the essay con test which is currently being conducted here on the subject of wild flowers in the garden Wild flowers in the garden Is the best thing it Slim the wilder the better Me I dont believes in out wild life at all As weeds I take em or leave em Slim certainly is unorthodox Whoever heard a member of horticultural society talk that v- MAY Mr and Mrs Jackson Miss Dorothy Jackson and Miss Bertha motored up from the city on Saturday af ternoon and made a visit at Mapleton latter spent Sunday with relatives on the homestead- Mr and Mrs Garnet Arm strong and Miss Armstrong motored from New Toronto and spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs Armstrongs mother whom they took back with them for a couple of weeks visit Miss Ruth Hamilton our clever local elocutionist pupil of Marguerite Boyle is ap pearing in recital in Foresters hall Toronto Mr and Mrs J Robin son Mr and Mrs G Bur rows and Master Gene were in Hamilton on Sunday Rev A and Mrs Belfry of Sutton were calling on a few friends in town on Tues day afternoon Mr and Mrs Harold lage have moved back to Sha ron but he is continuing his business in Toronto Mr and Mrs of Toronto were at the home of his parents Mrs and daughter June of Toronto spent Friday with her aunt Mrs J Mac- Lean Mrs King and Mr and Mrs of Lindsay spent with Mr and Mrs A Cornell Mr and Mrs J of Midland spent weekend with the tatters sister Mrs J Mac Lean Market this week butter to per lb eggs to a Mr Douglas Marshall and Sonny two of our popular hockey Mars have gone to Kirk hind Lake Mrs Jos Gardner and Miss Dorothy spent Sun- day with friends in King City Mr Robert of Detroit called on his sister Mrs Wilt Belfry on Tuesday Mrs Groves street having accepted a posi tion in Toronto Is now in that city MAY Miss Gertrude Garbutt daughter of Elder Garbutt who has been studying cai physiology in Toronto was calling on friends in towifcJH Monday prior to position in Norfolk Co Mr Milton leaves on Sunday evening with the Varsity lacrosse team for States where a series of has been arranged for about three weeks Mr Waiter Cain also plays on this The roof came hotel Tuesday morning and the carpenters are hustling up the third storey to get another roof on Lloyd was up at lake this week getting his boat fitted up with a new gasolin- engine by a machinist from Hamilton He expects to be able to cross from Orchard Beach minutes carrying ten passengers Mrs Burns of Southampton daughter of the late R Hi Smith of Newmarket spent over Sunday in town with friends and returned to the city on Monday She expects to spend next Sunday with her sister in Alderman Hughes who was down to the city on jury all last week returned on Wednes day evening having completed his work Mr has sold out his carting business to Mr Smith formerly of Ray- Mr takes session of the Dominion hotel on the first of June Mr Norman Wesley had successful barn- raising on Thursday afternoon of last week Being not far from town about people present many witnessing operation for the first time Mr Wesley had lots of help there being about 125 present Mrs Geo Richardson left for Trenton on Wednesday to spend a month with her daugh ter Mrs Wilkinson Mrs Meads who been visiting her daughter for three or weeks is expected home morrow TO TOUR CANADA ON BICYCLE THREE J- Ai 7r end and son the Cunard liner Quebec there cycle miles -M- ft bicycle rmlng and The

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