r ft I News Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd had tea Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs Geo and family of Mount Albert Mr Winch is spending a couple of weeks with his par ents Mr and Mrs Winch having finished his course at O A C and before com mencing his work at The Sunday school annivers ary services at Bethel on Sunday evening were well attended Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay and girls accompanied by Mr and Mrs Davidson visited Mr John Johnston and Clara at on Sunday Several from the district went in spent Saturday with her parents Mr and Mrs Sorry to hear that Mr and On Tuesday evening May 25 at there will be a special meeting at school and all ratepayers in the No are urgently requested to attend Miss Patsy Adams spent the Mrs Jack and family j holiday weekend with her aunt met with an accident Sunday Toronto and on Sunday ac- and wish them a speedy jcompanied them on a trip to Falls Weekend visitors at the home Cook and Susan Reid celebrated their birthdays on Tuesday afternoon at a joint of Mr and Mrs Perry were Mr and Mrs Clarence Smith Toronto Mi and Mrs Maurice Crittenden and children of and Mr and Mrs Jim Barker Windsor A birth day celebration was held in hon or of David birthday and ai the twins birthday Donna and Donald Crittenden Weekend callers at the home to Aurora during the weekend to of Mr and Mrs Donald Ander ses the oldtime train stationed son were Mr Ed McAlpme and there for the centennial celebra tion Miss Phyllis Winch and a friend of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Winch- Mr and Mrs- Reg Denny and Mrs Straw all of Hamilton vis ited Mr and Mrs Charles Pol lard over the weekend Miss Muriel Mr and Mrs Horace McAlpine and baby of Toronto Mr and Mrs Frank To ronto were visitors at the home of Mr Mrs over the holiday weekend Surely the young folk of to day should have poise physical paai coordination agility and grace included Johnny Robert and Lynn Read and Larry and Margie Cook Mrs Watt Toronto is spend ing a few days with her daugh ter Mrs Chas Cook Mr and Mrs Collett and Mr and Mrs Egerton and Pamela Aurora were Saturday guests of the Porters Several people from this com munity attended the Aurora cen tennial on Saturday Mrs Cook spent Saturday with Mrs Gordon Beckett Au rora Mrs A Lewis has received word her parents who have been The community sorry to visiting in England and Ireland learn that the family were involved in a car accident Sunday evening We wish them a speedy recovery A large crowd of Institute workers attended the district an nual at Ravenshoe last Tuesday The ladies of the A served at noon The WMS will meet at the home of Mrs on Thursday May at pm Roll call is a scripture verse starting with the letter S Mrs Campbell will be the speaker Please bring your ar ticles for the bale and layette to this meeting Several attended the rural rally of Toronto Centre held at Richmond Hill United church this week Mr and Mrs C Toron to spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs I Rose and family Mr Jack Smith Toronto call ed on Mr and Mrs over the weekend PINE ORCHARD are sailing for home on Satur day May Mrs Baker Stouffville spent last her sister Mrs Jesse Cedar Valley Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs John Cedar Val ley on the passing of Mrs mother in England Mr Edwin New market was a recent of Mr and Mrs Harry Cedar Valley Mr and Mrs Ross Armitage were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Cecil Adair Aurora Birthday greetings to Danny who was 2 years old on HOPE Mrs Lang and Mrs entertained a group of ladies to a luncheon on Thursday Mr and Mrs Joe Gibson and Marion had supper on Sunday vith Mr and Mrs Stewart Stick- Mr and Mrs Irwin Cowper Snowball Mr and Mrs Ralph Harrison Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Scott Aurora spent Sun day with Mrs Lulu Edwards Mr and Mrs Howard Ed wards Newmarket spent the weekend with Mrs Lulu Ed wards Mr and Mrs Jim and Jeannie and Mrs A Dike were guests of Mr and Mrs on Sunday Miss Jeanne New market spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs George Barker Mr and Mrs Douglas Pottage and Linda were guests of Mr and Mrs Vernon Mount on Sunday May Several ladies from tins com munity attended the bridal show er in honor of Mrs Han cock at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Earl Toole on Thursday afternoon May Mis Jesse Lundy Mrs Otto Baker and Mrs I and enjoyed a motor trip to the St Lawrence River and other points of inter est over the holiday weekend If they do not have these desir able qualities it is not lack of necessary training On May we saw what Betty Gordons Dancing Club was doing for children and young girls and on May 12 we watched Miss Kellys classes for physical education demonstrate what a capable teacher can do with an enthus iastic and cooperative group of girls Here again we saw dancing this time of a slightly different type but doing what all danc ing does teaching those who par ticipate to move rythmically and in time to music and where the music is art integral part of the player as in Mrs case it would be difficult not to follow it The old fashioned Virginia Reel was fun and so was the most expert by Miss Kelly one could not but respond to those directions The two Gym Table exhibitions were splendidly done As one watch ed those lithe young bodies do kinds of stunts one rather longed for the youthful resilence and fearlessness that made such feats possible or did one Im afraid I was always a coward but if I never could emulate can admire The Scandinavian Dance was pretty and made one glad that folk dancing has come into its own in our schools Volleyball and basketball were rather lost fan me as Im afraid Im not par ticularly sportminded but the other half of the family thor oughly enjoyed The ball room dancing with all those pretty girls in pretty gowns moving gracefully to the trains of well remembered waltzes was very pretty and the losing march was effective We were very glad to have had the opportunity of seeing how effectively the physical training of our girls was being carried out Miss Kelly paid a tribute to Mrs for her effective sympathetic accompanying and to the girls for their most cooperation Mr in glowing terms of both Miss Kelly and Mrs for J l ASPHALT SHINGLES SIDINGS and Solid ROOFINGS end Toned SHEATHING A FELTS MILLARD BULLDOZING Fence Rows Moving Dirt Backfilling etc GENERAL CONTRACTING EXCAVATING Basements Ponds GRADING Roads- Lanes Etc All kinds BUILDING Houses and Small jobs Brick laying Houses Chimneys Fireplaces etc A TRACTOR COMBINE of other mechanical BUILTUP ROOFING MATERIALS rSiJST i Board Til LASTIC CEMENT COATINGS FLEECE LINE a If- py I r iL -L- SV w livestock hull to up die quality of A NEW HOUSE BAR N SHED or other Or the ftliefA lion arid repair of preterit i- r A HEATING OR WATER SYSTEM and water heaters sinks and tubs or repair and of your present system THE CLEARING AND Ml AKIN iOOND Or any of drainage tiling pumping and diking installations AMiUCTRICALSfSTIIIf Installation of a new or of your cm J Iterator or WWfefl i I firmer To which will help you In talk over Farm your B bat -i- wfc- k MiBANIT to nm imam flvi DOUGLAS M II WV I iV J their work with the girls At the conclusion of the concert beautiful bouquets of crimson roses were presented to Mrs and Miss by the girls and everyone felt they were a well deserved tribute So end ed another informative evening A May Shower On Thursday afternoon May a event took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Earl Toole when some seventy five adults and twentyfive child ren filled the Toole home with sounds of good cheer as they met to shower Hancock nee Toole with a multitude of very beautiful gifts The btide was placed in the chair of honor beneath a gaily decorated watering can from which pink streamers floated to decorate the chair She was assisted in opening the parcels by her sisterandaw Mrs of Oshawa The basket contain ing the gifts and refilled three limes was brought in by little of Kettleby and Beverly Glover of Pleas an lie who fulfilled their duties with a charm and dispatch which would not have shamed older actors The number and variety of the added to those already on display made it seem that will have a groat deal of her home furnished and everywhere she looks she will be reminded of old friends Tito usual plate was presented from the girls of my Christmas party many of whom were present A short program preceded the gift opening A reading by Mrs Gordon a contest by Mrs A Pen rose and a vocal solo by Mrs When all the gifts had been opened thanked the givers and soon to have a home where all those present would he welcome Everyone then relax ed and enjoyed the cup that and all the accompany ing good things Among those present from out of town were Mrs Hancock of moth er of the groom wish and Hill every good tiling the years can bring them holding a church service on Sun day evening June 14 at p in the United church Mr and Mrs Draper spent the weekend at the home of their son Harry who lives at Mines Mr and Mrs Bruce Mr Ross Draper and Miss Joan Irving motored to to spend the holiday with Mr and Mrs Ross Draper Mrs was called to Caledon East last Thursday to attend the funeral of her father Mr Johnson Mr and Mrs Beverly Sinclair went to to visit their daughter Mrs Archer over the weekend The May Faff WILLOW BEACH A new store and restaurant is being erected on the corner of the con and Lake Shore where the store known as Place was burned down a few weeks ago Mr the owner hopes to ready for business soon Mrs Grant Newmarket spent the weekend with Mrs Ida Thompson Mr Leo who has been a patient in Western hospital is back home again Mr and Mrs Hugh MOUNT ALBERT mi The public library will bo open on Tuesday evenings for the summer months and it is also open on Thursday and Saturday afternoon and evening Buy a ticket and help the library Mrs had two tables of bridge on Thurs day evening as a farewell party for Mrs Shields before leaving on her trip to the coronation The Sharon Junior Farmers put on their minstrel show in the hall on Wednesday evening last and had full bouse AH enjoy ed evoxy minute and for ama teurs was exceptionally good It was sponsored by the Cheerio Group for the organ fund of the United church Mrs John Arnold left on Mon day night for Saskatoon to visit her sister who is ill Several car loads of Institute members attended North York district meeting at on Tuesday last and enjoyed an interesting meeting ami the hos pitality of church la dies A fine large cement building is being built on the highway next to the tracks which Jnmc will use as his place of business when finished Mr and Mrs Sound were weekend visi tors the home of Mr and Mrs Thcaker For years now Mount Al bert had very successful sports days and old boys and girls of the village enjoy coining back to meet friends It is a busy day from morning till late night with some form of en tertainment for old and young The school childrens program is one you should not miss with Newmarket band In attendance for the parade In the afternoon Vince entertainment troupe will per form also bull games etc In the evening comedian will he master of ceremonies as aisled by Jack Ayers piano ex pert the Paul Brothers and Shirley Johnny Dash comedy juggling and the family Evening dance music will bo played by Pete the Saddle Serenades Supper will bo served in the hall and lunch at the booth Mr A French left on Sat urday for bin home at Ottawa af ter spending some weeks with relatives in this community The Blind tag day receipts were sent to Cana dian National Institute of the Blind sponsored by the Thnnka to the who did tagging 32nd box of clothing bed ding etc was sent from Mount Albert this week to church overseas relief depot In Toronto where it is repacked and sent to needy countries Miss Daisy Watts spent long holiday weekend at her homo In town now organ for the United church Is expected to be Install ed this week Mrs Don Loach Toronto is In Itown for a week at the home of Mr and Mrs Davis The Horticultural Society is Niagara Falls spent the week end with Mrs par- Mr and Mrs Huntley On Thursday May death occurred of Mrs Percy Reed in WelJand hospital fttoeiv was held on Saturday in ton West Mr and Mrs Bill Thompson and family have moved to onto Mrs Don spent the weekend with her parent Mr and Mrs- Your Chamber of Commerce building a better community Chicago a city of contrasts Beautiful drives and park modem buildings and many centres of cultural activity ere close to mysterious Chinatown the Mexican Russian and Japanese sections creating a metropolis of absorbing interest to decerning traveller YouJI add pleasure trip by going the friendly way by bus your fde more of end many Planned ROOM MOWS Ik X Tlie Reliance at our pumps is best we have ever marketed It isnt a improved gasoline Reliance is all new New Reliances antiknock characteristics arc substantially increased as a of octane ratings Volatility factors which influence starting acceleration warmup and mileage are based on higher rigidly controlled it ftfriAKKiAOOtt VlCEf AHO ttvuant urn w asxss If yours is a recent model car a compression ratio engine you can better performance when you tank up Reliance Ethyl All cars and most perform better with either new Kg or Reliance Standard For easier cold engine greater freedom from vapor locking raster acceleration quicker warmupsAD LOWER COST OF OPERATION PER MILE- f A I A CHAU1NM TO