V fee v M The four months campaign for floodlights in the town park reached its climax on Wednesday night May 13 On that evening warden of the county and reeve of Aurora Mr A A Cook in the mayors absence officially opened the no sports field in the presence of a large crowd which was present despite a nearfreez ing temperature In spite of the intense cold a gay atmosphere prevailed among the crowd ranged in age the very young to older people The proceedings were opened by Councillor D J Mur ray chairman of the Athletic Field board who gave a welcome to all present and then asked the reeve to take over In a lengthy address Reeve reviewed the history of the campaign lor floodlights pay jng tribute to all who had work ed hard to make it a success and the furtherance of the project and witnessing its successful cul mination all that remains for us to do now is to express a sincere wish for its future success and that it will bring pleasure to players and onlookers alike and that in Reeve Cooks words it will prove a medium of charac terbuilding for all who take part in the game of Councillor Jean Moffat was fittingly given the honor of pull ing he first switch officially to release floodlighting and the I J IS I E i HALL AURORA TUSPHONe PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE TWENTYFIRST DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE Mr Cook went on to emphasize the value of sport in the develop ment character There were said Reeve Cook spiritual values to be derived from the proper use sport and it could encourage a healthy and happy life The meaning of true sport he said was to bo found in such values and in the The Fan Begins When the speeches and intro ductions were over the fun be gan with a match between some members of council and the pub lic school board The reeve and Councillor Moffat abstained from this struggle of sporting giants but the deputyreeve and other members of were found in vaiuvb fp new sports field a further on the game We our had been provided for the development of local talent The reeve then declared the new sports field officially opened after which the chairman Coun cillor D J Murray requested members of the board to join him on the field together with others including Charles Cop land Hydro superintendent and Jim town foreman who had given special assistance to the board Mr Murray paid tribute to Aurora News Page for the support it had given to flood lights A Fine Achievement The success of the floodlights campaign is something the com mittee working under the chair manship of Mr Murray can feel proud of The campaign did not get underway until the middle of January last This newspaper supported the project from its beginning believing it would a most useful purpose for the youth of Aurora who like baseball As early as February in an editorial entitled A Worth- While Project we were able to report that as much as had been realized from the sale of cent tickets for lucky draws board made at Friday night hockey invited Guests inability to review this titanic display of talent for the reason that this was our first sight of a game of baseball which in some respects resembles the ancient end more leisurely game of Eng lish cricket These are nightmarish impres sions only of a game under the lights while we sat on a yellow- colored bleacher growing colder ana colder as the minutes pass ed by The Aurora Churchill Vic Jones minus a cigar was running around the field as nim bly as a young rabbit The deputy hit a bail made a dash and was out Clarence Davis minus his pipe looked greedy for a catch but didnt appear to get one Cliff and Bill Davidson had recovered their youth and sprinted around but youth will count as Dale King and Keith proved J Murray was flashing the ball with devilish speed at the strikers the fellows holding the bat and Pep was obviously enjoying himself John Willis our immediate neighbor on the bleacher was getting more ex cited by the minute at this dead ly duel of council and school matches at the The total sum of money needed by the sponsoring committee to fulfil their undertaking to the town council was In a third subscription published in our issue of May we were able to show that that objective had been successfully passed Over so short a period the suc cess recorded demonstrates a fine achievement on the part of the sponsoring committee and all who have played a part in giv ing Aurora floodlights Having much time and space to is miking you irritable rundown nervous upset mud Spring Tonic Don just long for relief get Or Chases NERVE FOOD TRY THIS IN YOUR COFFEE CUP when youre draggy and ALL WASHED UP Do you often fed under par down by flattest feelings Accumulated body on these symptom Theyre often a nun that your nerds the kind of help Knuwhen Ball ran in pro moting the healthy action of the intestine where food is digested and the You ace Kruschcn la not simply a gentle but effective unwa JUS which mm following received invito to the official opening of the floodlights in the town park on Wednesday evening May Mr- and Mrs Don Mathews Mr and Mrs Cliff Chapman Mr and Mrs A J Child Mr and Mrs F P Moffat Mr and Mrs John Willis Mr and Mrs Don Glass Mr- and Mrs William Davidson Mr and Mrs Jack Mr and Mra Charles Copland Mr and Mrs J Murray Mr Lex Mr Gardner Lloyd Warden and Mrs A A Cook Mr and Mrs James Mur ray Mr and Mrs Vic Mr and Mrs Cliff Mr and Mrs J Sinclair Mr and Mrs Dale King Mr and Mrs Clarence Davis Mr- and Mrs George Wilkinson Mr and Mrs James Hi And Next to Mr Beverley Baxter suppose Mr Matthew is the most outstanding Canadian outside of Canada lie has lived in London for the past 20 years In an article in London Calling Mr has some comments to make on the decline of man ners in Canada In recent years He writes noticed also some of the changes that had taken place since I was last in Canada in the little civilities of every day life You thank a waitress for something and she does not my Youre welcome as she used to she acknowledges your thanks with uhhuh which is civil enough suppose if hard ly civilized And also instead of good morning most people say Mora important is Mr Hal- tons enquiry on the stock of im migrants coming to Canada Already less than the peo ple are of British stock Some day Canada people or more What they going to he Manorial Fond For some considerable time wo have suggested the publication of a statement concerning the fund held by the hoard trade in connection with the Aurora Community War Memorial Fund which was originated in her We were informed that a statement was handed to the Aurora Banner In January of this year but so far it has not it has the property of the too in their job of getting rid of matter remedy works not only promptly but Just a little Knwchen in your rooming beverage when needed bow quickly you begin to feel better all day day i i KRUSCHEN I We are glad to that we have now received from Mr Mckenzie a former president of the board trade and treas urer of the fund a copy of the financial statement and this will be published In our of May 28 on his own behalf and also on behalf of the other trus tee of the ftmd Mr Lome C Lee and Mr The if an especial ly interning one and it pub- all inter REEVE COOK OBJECTS The decision of the town council to employ an out side firm to carry out the assessments found only one objector namely Reeve Cook He did not want the work done by any outsider and we wonder why Those members of council who interviewed the prospective assessor reported that they were greatly impressed with his obvious qualifications for the job But their favor able impressions did not move the reeve from his ada mant objections He praised the work of the former assessor now town clerk George Wilkinson But Mr Wilkinsons hands were tied by rulings that were made in the early part of These rulings proved a barrier against overall assessing and not only limited his activities but brought modifications in other assessments where no appeals had been made It was Mr Wilkinson in who recommended a complete reassessment of the town Reassessment is the present urgent need in Aurora In the carrying out of the work the first major essential is impartiality Such an essential is more likely in the case of an outsider than in one who would begin his task cluttered up with local sentiment which some people might try and exploit A good assessor must rule out sentiment and that is not easy where local associations exist We shall never cease to believe that Mr Good did a wonderful job in the year He increased the assessments chiefly on industries and other major in terests by something like 500000 Most of this was wiped out by rulings from the Court of Revision and a later court It was not Mr Goods fault that the situa tion was worse after he had finished than when he began His work was not sustained The work will have to be done all over again Even if Reeve Cook does object an advance has been made by councils decision to employ an outside firm The fight we may presume will begin when the reassessments are completed THE CURFEW BELL At its last meeting a member of the Recreation Commission picked up a hot potato conjured with it for a minute or two then passed it on to another mem ber with the process repeated until finally it was hurled through the door The hot potato was a suggestion that a curfew bell be rung nightly in Aurora to warn children running loose on the stieets to hurry home The curfew bell has an ancient history It existed before there were any fire brigades and was rung in medieval Europe at a fixed hour in the evening to warn citizens to put out their lights and fires Later it was used as a signal to the children to leave the streets for their homes When the curfew sounded the children did in fact go home and there was no fooling The members of the Recreation Commission dis creetly resolved to leave such a controversial subject to the chief executive body the town council We can not say that we quarrel with such discretion Had an approving resolution been passed under whose authority would it have been carried out It could have been a recommendation only with an appropriate bylaw had council ratified it Having regard to the costly schools for which the taxpayers are bearing the main load surely there should he little need for such arbitrary control of children as was found necessary in the middle ages Especially such crude control as the ringing of the curfew Yet unless there is parental control teachers can do but little The chief influence in the conduct of belongs to the home As the twig is bent so shall the tree grow The majority of parents wisely control their impressionable offspring A squealing youngster can destroy the am enity of a whole block The squealing youngster would cease its offending noise if told to do so by a sensible parent considerate of the rights of neighbors Curfew shall not ring tonight THE FARCE CONTINUES We learn of a further farcical sort of joint meeting held under the auspices of what some people in Aurora call the board of trade and others describe as the manu facturers association The latter cognomen has evolved from the fact that what was once a business mens association has now declined to the control of an execu tive mainly of representatives of major indus tries with Mr of the Hurt manufacturing com pany in the office of president The meeting was concerned or purported to be concerned with the bringing of new industries to Aurora The objective which at one time was a live one has now decomposed in value to the point where it has hardly any more value than a cargo of discarded bananas Its no use blethering about new industries If theres no land or services to maintain them That we understand was made clear at the meeting which experienced many puffs of harmless hot air These olympian blasts of verbosity must be both amusing and boring We understand both adjectives were equally applicable to the meeting concerned A special speaker took the subject seriously But at ques tion time experienced so many bottleneck and so many disillusionment that he reached the conclusion that Aurora was not the town he had envisaged it to be Aurora in fact a very fine old town But there is no evidence that hot air from the manufacturers asso ciation or the planning board improves it in Any way Doubtless the talkers enjoy the hot air COUNCIL REPORT Dog Control Curfew Will Appoint Outside Firm a d I The town council at a regular meeting held on Tuesday night May 19 ranged over a wide variety of business which included the financial situation of the North York Humane society in relation to future dog control and the hearing of a delegation from the in support of the ringing of the curfew bell Mrs Askew president of the replied that there were a nam- North York Humane society existence made A lengthy and patient pica lor the continuance of the work of dog control which she claim ed was now on the brink of suc cess She was very ably sup ported by Councillor from Newmarket who said that considerable progress had been made in the control of dogs since the society had taken over Councillor Dale King said the situation had improved per cent since the enabling bylaw had been passed The mayor and other members of council supported these views and the matter was left for final confer ences between the municipalities of Aurora Newmarket and Rich mond Curfew Bell Mrs H Comer supported by Mrs A Dunn and Mrs- Pott of the Insti tute petitioned council for the introduction of a curfew at p to get children off the streets Mrs Corner claimed that such a curfew had proved successful in other towns Councillor King said it would sometimes prove hard to find At the suggestion of Councillor Jones the matter was held over Outside Assessor Presenting a finance commi ttee report Councillor King rec- Aurora The annual meeting of Rural Section of the Toronto East Presbytery was held in St An drews church on Tuesday May Rev Fred Knox Mendhflj Central India was guest speaker and Mrs Osborne and Mrs Barkey sang two duets Mrs gave a very inter esting reading on the Queens Carpet at the May meeting of the Womens Association of the United church Miss Carol Fish was soloist Mr Philip Harrison George town visited on Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrs Ben Har rison Mrs Spruce St is visiting for a few weeks with her niece in The class held their May meeting at the home of Mrs Clubine on Tuesday evening The Womens Association of Trinity church met in the parish hall on Tuesday afternoon The service of worship In the United church on Sunday morn ing was in keeping with Aurora Centennial Miss North Dakota is spending a few days with Chapelle and Mrs Stevenson Mr and Mrs David Ellis Con- were guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs T Oliver The regular monthly meeting of the Horticulture Society was held in the church parlors on The guest Miss Lena and Mist Edna Corp Toronto spent the week end with MrtL B Willis Mr and Mrs James Fisher wish to express special thanks to friends and special thanks to the Dorcas Society of the First Bap tist church for all their kindly assistance In making the birth day celebration so great a suc cess Mr Irwin Watts lor several years with the AG has moved to Osborne Main St Soy editor of telephone la she win be glad to news and to- iaM For Friendly Personal Servica JOHN the appointment of an outside firm of assessors for Wednesday May General support was given speaker was Mrs Richard Blue the proposal and an amendment Rev and Mrs Purdue to defer the matter for two Toronto were in town on weeks was defeated On the mo tion to make the appointment only Reeve Cook voted against it New Industrie Councillor Moffat gave a de tailed report on a meeting of he board of trade and represen tatives from council Councill or Davidson said they had been waiting for years for new in- would still be waiting for an other years Fire Hazards Petitioners complained of the fire hazards arising from burning of paper and rubbish at the factory and the day and attended the Centen nial Mr and Mrs Douglas Specht formerly Margaret Bull of Brampton attended the cadet dance in the high school on Fri day evening May Congratulations to Mr Don Glass who celebrated a birthday on Sunday May Mr and Mrs Archie Murray returned from their cottage at and it looked as if theyl Belmont Lake to spend the holi day weekend In Aurora Now in his year Mr Fi sher looks easily 20 years young er than his actual years Except for very small type he can read easily without glasses and works matter was left for a conference daily in his garden He is a the company the parents Councillor Moffat A detailed review of the fore- asked if there were examples of J going proceedings will appear the curfew to which Mrs Corner I in our issue of May 28 Editor REVIEW OF EVENTS Saturday May was an outstanding day history of Aurora with a visit of a few notabilities concerned with the centennial steam train anni versary a parade through some of the principal thor oughfares sports and a fireworks display in the town park in the evening The parade in which many excel lent floats formed a part of the procession was gener ally rated of a high order tired farmer Both Mr and Mrs Fisher arc in the best of health which Mrs Fisher claims is the result of living a peaceful happy life This newspaper sincerely wishes them a continuance of their good fortune J- IT i-j- ii XL il w i ft The order of the day began with the arrival of what has been described as the museum train drawn by a model engine of the period of The original en gine which originated Saturdays centennial was long since oblit erated by the march and dust of time It could be that some people imagined they were look ing at the original engine in much the same way that thous ands of pilgrims believe that the Bums cottage they travel thous ands of miles to see is the iden tical dwelling in which the Ayr shire was born Stephensons Rocket which drew the first steam train between Manchester and Liver pool in the year is still we believe preserved Four years earlier in Stephenson had inaugurated steam train travel between Stockton and Darling ton Twentyeight years the first steam train here pro from Toronto to Aurora and this was the event that at tracted the crowds here on Sat urday last The occasion was really more an advertisement for the Cana dian National railways than for Aurora as some people see it It provided other uses also as some people see it It provided other uses also as events trans pired Show The Aurora and district dog show is to be held in the arena at Richmond Hill on Saturday May 30 Mr Doug Wilson the treas urer and publicity director of the society informs us that there Is every likelihood that the show will be an excellent one Present estimates are that there Will be at least entries The decision to hold the show for this year at Richmond Hill was arrived at for two reason Arrangements providing suffici ent facilities for the holding of the show in Aurora this year could not be made and the sec ond reason that a change of venue might provide additional advertisement for the Aurora and district doc show Mwk Alike Concerning steam train centennial noticed announce ments from the president of the board of trade and the mayor in the Banner which in composition peculiarity of ae similar One peculiarity both a had In namely the use of para graphs Editorials in the Banner are often similarly loaded with these peculiar quirks and the same characteristics often made their appearance in anonymous letters that formerly appeared in the Banner some of which we have preserved No doubt these are mere coincidences on the part of great authors Washed Out It was a matter for great regret that the band display that was to have taken place in the town park on Sunday night last was washed out by a late rainfall After a short period it was decid ed to abandon the much antici pated event There is no likelihood at pres ent Mr Don Glass informs us of the event taking place at a later date This is regrettable for not only would the St Andrews and High school bands have given great pleasure for several hun dred listeners but the Recreation commission would have added to its funds for useful work Birthday Celebration Congratulations to Mr James Fisher of Maple street Aurora who celebrated his birthday on Friday May 15 and who is in excellent health A native of Thornhill Mr Fisher resided there until years ago when ho moved to Aurora His family were Yorkshire farmers who were among the earliest settlers in Thornhill which was founded by another Englishman Mr Thorn Mr and Mrs Fisher held open house during the afternoon and evening of Friday the No less than 111 visitors called Fisher home including two sisters and a brother of Mr Fi sher Visitors including the fam ily lawyer and his wife came from Toronto and many other outlying Telegrams were received as well a great number of telephone calls The chief highlight of the oc was the presentation to Mr Fisher by members of the Pint Baptist church of a copy of the Book of Psalms in special large type The highlyprized gift was presented by deacon Alec Moore in the presence Rev J C Mec- Fsrlane minitter of the church Another highly- prized gift lovely of red r which came from members of recentlyformed Retired club which meets at the old town hall each 63 r 3s WEEKDAYS SATURDAY AT ML THURi AND BLAZING TECHNICOLOR i ESTHER WILLIAMS VICTOR MATURE IN 1 I 7 PLUS it A- rrov qrV MOHAHDTOS action Racked I w if A x Killing LAPP RIOT WITH -V- WED J- 5 GLOWING TECHNICOLOR 1 a J a SUSPENSE FILLED lrv 7 u