Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 30 Apr 1953, p. 9

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M QUECNSVIUC KESWICK The population of Ontario is persons per square mile Moose Jaw got its name from an Indian phrase meaning where white men mended cart with jaw bone of moose in Calvert SPORTS COLUMN The afternoon of Saturday May will be the occasion of the seventyninth or the Kentucky fterby at Downs Louisville Scores of thousands of novelty seekers will be present Perhaps local and visit- thai tte total man And its all about a race that doesnt deserve the auction publicity and tte a derby to begin the ampe course in to be used very loosely and very a derby annually few if any parallel the daddy of all derbies fee Epsom Downs race in the matter of distance Derby run annually on ihe Saturday May furnishes the first of threeyearolds over the distance of one and one quarter miles This is onefourth of a mire short of the cellar Derby distance as established by which thi name derby is derived The English race is at a mile and a naif and is in early Jane The Kentucky race occurs almost too early for eligible females of this age to compete on equal terms with colts And it is too early to condition even the males of the species for a struggle You may think that transportation difficulties are annoy ing now But back in the year the Derby was first run as a modest little race the sporting folks of era who at tended really had grief The Louisville Jockey Club race track since labeled Churchill Downs was so far from the city that horsedrawn street cars required two hours to make the trip Many of the customers started to walk the distance early in the morning Others went in wagons buggies and on horseback Attending the Derby in the seventies and eighties was a journey not a trip Arrangement for the race were primitive Thee was of coarse nothing like a starting gate Even the web unknown The smarter drew a line in the dirt across the track with the butt of the flag he used to and then Used the candidates well be hind ft A walkup start was the system When Col Johnson of Nashville the starter for the first of all Kentucky Derb got his field in alignment he flashed down his flag A drum sounded the official start and the field was off There were many other differences between the races of those early days and now It has gained in in glamour in attendance and in speculative interest so who are we to point out minor technical shortcomings of the con tinents No glamour I for by Yongm Toronto DISTILLERS LIMITED fct f0 Ufa ft farftttf vetted 35G5 2250 f lap f CTC tf fcwr it wort Tractor lwry ftft Tract arrart Mttfd it HEME GUN All MMtndtoa Imp- Wild Drive fat 0prtf H Loop Makes Bob Brown hard working sec- of the Newmarket and District Hockey League issued some interesting figures on the leagues operations during the season Figures show that the gate receipts for all and playoff games amounted to and team entry fees amounted to mak ing the total receipts in the disbursement column arena rental for all games amounted to referees fees were 178 and advertising costs were 14 making a total of That leaves a balance of to be divided among the four teams Mount Albert Newmarket Regents and Vandorf and each team will re ceive a cheque for izi I is U AW SPARES The battle is over Sheet Met al knocked off to win the Hoffman rolloff last week A couple of marksmen Alan Daniels with 249 and Don Brown with 683 led the individ ual marksmen but Stew Dows Jack Gleasons 653 and Har old Andrews gave the Sheet Metal the necessary to pick up the crown League secretary Grant Blight turns in some interesting facts and figures on the years opera tions In the averages depart ment top shot makers were Grant Blight 2055 Doug Camp bell Ken Thorns 1921 Frank Daniels 1919 Alan Dan iels Hal Andrews 1915 G- Bob Roy Ivan Rud dock Stew Dow The seasons high triple fell to Roy and Frank Daniels collected high single honors with a Beds New Officers If the enthusiasm of the dele gates at the annuad meeting held at the Sharon hall on Fri day evening is any yardstick the Lake Simcoe league is headed for another banner year It will be heading into its year Due to a constitution change making it impossible for any player to serve on the execu tive there was a big shakeup in the league executive Officials for the season are pres Art King Keswick first Walker Zephyr second vicepres Howard Willow Beach sec Case Mount treas Floyd Sharon publicity uJt The Centre The banners are flying high today for Francis bowlers They are champions of the Office Specialty League Macs men finished in front with 49 points crew totalled points for sec ond place and in order were Bennetts Van- and trailers crew Top four bowlers on the final night of league action were Bob Elphin- stone 263 Bert Smith Bill and Geo headed the par ade of scorers in the Thursday Night Ladies League with a 595 triple Others on the beam were Marie Myrt Dunn Olive Bessie Betty Helen Hazel nitz By Random sports shots The OH A convention will be held at the King Edward on Saturday next when the clubs will have a chance to pick those who will run things for another term We have been honored by a nomina tion to the executive sponsored directors Tom Hare Keswick Newmarket Spitfires and Cedar Valley Bears Getting elected with Regarding entries actually only four teams threw their hat into the league race They were Zephyr defending titleholders Keswick Mount Albert and Wil low Beach Vandorf Pine Or chard Queensville and Belha- were not represented at the meeting but all are likely to get back in this years scrap for the Stan Cook trophy The en try list will remain open until May League treasurer Floyd brought down his report show ing the league in a healthy fi nancial state with a balance of on hand and a further return of 58 due from the teams League delegates too came up with a suggestion that met with unanimous approval and that was for the league to purchase a trophy to be awarded annual ly to the team finishing on top of the league during the regular schedule It was felt this would be an inducement for the teams to finish on top and would do away with jockeying for play off position The league rules were given the entrenched opposition there is another matter HighPockets Miller the el ongated hurler from is back in Lakeland Florida where he is pitching for one of the St Loui3 Cards farm clubs He had a little trouble getting across the border this time Player insurance is provided this year by the Ontario Softball association according to Frank the genial secretary per player Or coach pays the shot with benefits up to 250 and this includes accidents in games or en route and regardless of whether or not you have other insurance Its something the district clubs should consider even if it means joining the OASA We pre sume however that the same type of policies can he supplied at a comparable price if the clubs get after it Dootittle will be avail able for Softball baseball and umpiring of either variety this summer Dewey tis rumored will not return to the States to umpire because of the lovebug the once over It was decided to Wedding bells with a Miss from hold a second meetine at J Queensville will be in the not in Sharon hall to further too distant future Bob discuss the mileage bylaw and Maple Leafs hockey and of player residing manager of Stouffville Beav- an incorporated village ers of the circuit will leave the single ranks before fall With one week to go in the Of ice Specialty Office pals league Queens are home free with points Dubs have snar ed second place with marks anil Pinups are trailers with points Top two bowlers last week were McLeod SI and Florence With two weeks to go Tugs are topping the parade in the Monday Night Ladies League They have 01 right on their heels with GO points Then in order are Hap py Gang Pec- wees Speed Balls Ann Osbornes sparkling three name effort 033 highlighted Mondays action Other top were Ede Wilson 535 Hall 533 Mary Austin 530 Claire 521 Marion Stark Annie 518 Flo Campbell Alice Gibson Net- la Smaliey Ethel Warden Edna Ann Davidson 501 Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Drain Gleaned ami Hoar RICHMOND IMS COMPLETES SIMCOE PLANS Keswick plans to pat a strong in the Lake Soft ball League wars were complet ed last week when Bruce was named coach for the 1953 reason At a previous meeting Ken was elected mana ger and Art King secretary- treasurer Indications are that all of last years team will be back for fiction in 1953 and several new recruits are being approached to iry out with the team No Traohy Winner Newmarket Loop There will be no trophy win ner in the Newmarket and Dis trict hockey league this season That was the ruling brought down by the town league dele gates meeting in emergency session at President Ray Smiths residence Thursday This deci sion was arrived at because the final scries between Mount Al bert and Kettleby for the league title was never completed The teams played one game Mount won a victory but Kettleby protested Mounts use of Horace Berwick Both teams two Ket one counted game two and Mount Albert took the op posite view The result the game never did get played and although the delegates voted down Kettlebys protest of Hor ace Berwick since the series was never completed it was felt no trophy winner could be named After clearing the decks of the protest the delegates turned to the more cheerful subject of the leagues most valu able player And the winner was John Wcedon net- minder He will receive the Ray Smith SportsCycle tro John Lenroyd Mount Al bert high scoring who headed the scorers won the scoring title and will re ceive the C Wakefield tro phy courtesy of local agent Bob Brown Bob Brown league treasurer indicated the league wound up the season with on hand and all four teams will share this equally Delegates present Thursday were President Ray Smith Bob Brown Harry Lavender Lome Malnprize Murray Edgar Mount Albert Stan Ter ry Hodgson Kettleby Mel Stickwood and Geo SOUTH BASEBALL Intermediate baseball boost ers strong from New Lowell on the north to Bolton on the south are expected to attend the organization meeting of the South Simcoe baseball league The league meeting is being one Hudson was a replacement held In the Alliston Legion hall juniors for the the lucky gal being Miss Helen Snowball who has been prominent in cir cles Ronnie Howe classy second of Sutton baseballers will be returning to these parts short ly his hockey chore with Brace- bridge Bears having had a suc cessful conclusion the in termediate B championship no Hockey on roller skates is being played with considerable success at London Ontario and Chief Hoenhawke who was one of the members of the Reams junior club is one of the leading players Bob husky defenceman of Aurora Bears who has played intermedi ate lacrosse with Bradford the past two years has joined Toron to Green Gaels who are operat ing in the classy OLA junior series this year with Oakville as their home The Gaels in their first start hope to gather the championship will likely be joined by Boh also of the Bears who can play lacrosse well New in club col ors are being readied for the Aurora Bears in the not too dis tant future Clippers will share around each for their seasons efforts This is about a fifth of what they re ceived last year when they won the senior championship This year the Clippers didnt even reach the group finals and the travelling was heavy and lengthy Tom Dickson onetime Aurora is doing a great job in from all re ports So successful has hockey been even though they didnt win the group theyre talking about senior hockey next win ter and ready to go and get play ers Dickson is meanwhile busy reviving interest in baseball in town Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Charlie Milne one of Auroras best liked young er men who died suddenly at We had the pleasure of play ing both baseball and boxla crosse with Charlie and he was a great competitor and sportsman In he filled in at goal a new position for him when Au rora needed a goalie and he de veloped into one of the best in the game Trout season official ly opens tomorrow so the ladies can be prepared for a lonesome weekend Your true fisherman will be happier however when the pickerel season opens on May Bert Morrison Jack Bowser Arig West and the boys can look after your needs as their window show The answer to why Pete Hud son of Midland juniors is allowed to play with Collingwood Ship builders should be an interesting tonight Thursday Apr at pm The local intermediate being sponsored by the Newmarket branch of the Can adian Legion will again seek membership in the league Last season teams were entered All are expected to return to action and theres a report that five new teams will seek a bid to enter The new teams men tioned are Aurora Churchill and Camp Borden Army late Bob Gillies He turned out to be the star of the series against We realize that junior players can move up in their own towns to play intermediate and Jim Barrett and Don Hudson have done just that as was their right to do Hudson has also been added to the Builders de fence with no questions asked and hes doing right well against May will be international golf day when the boys at the t j I Mans For Banner Season Operation open the tennis courts was staged at the local courts last Thursday when sev eral racquet wielding devotees got in a few licks at their pastime to officially open the tennis season for Club President Keith Davis re ports it was the earliest open ing in a decade The courts are in good shape and with the prop er cooperation from the weather man should be available for ac tion every night from now on President Davis also reports that Miss Margaret Hayes be came the first tennis enthusiast to join the club in when she purchased a membership card Inst week Miss Hayes is a jun ior member Club membership dues may be paid to Keith Davis Secretary Ken or treas urer John At the present time the New market Tennis Club officials are endeavoring to finance the pur chase of lights for the center court and with this in mind they have arranged for a radio and a chest of silver Tickets on these two items may be pur chased from any member of the club executive LADIES SOFTBALL MEET Charlie VanZant an other gentle reminder the organization meeting of the Newmarket intermediate la- dies softball will he held in the town hall basement to night Thursday Apr at pm Last season the lo cal ladies reached the P finals and Van Is hoping to another strong team In the in With this in mind he requests everyone Interested in ladles to be on hand for tonights important meeting local club will be shooting against Lloyd The proceeds wilt be split between junior golf and the Red Cross with Life mag azine as sponsors Its a worth while effort and the boys at the Highlands will doubtless be out in full force Earl Cook The Farmer has deserted baseball for softball and hell coach Stouffville this summer The team expects to be accepted in the Town ship league which will be a circuit this year If baseball of the intermediate variety returns to Aurora after an absence of nearly years in that classification the player sit uation may not be as bad as some think Jack Lefty Andrews and Gerry would probably be ready for mound duty Bill Roy Allen Hon Simmons Grant Winters Hal Stephenson Loring and Mickey Sutton would provide ex perience and of course theres plenty of teenage talent floating around and many newcomers They could hardly hope to do as well as Newmarket in their first year but they wont be doormats by any means Hap Holmes of St Andrews making a valiant effort on the diet train is readying his St An drews track team and expects it to go places this led of course by the sensationat John of who will probably rank as Canadas junior track star this season Cadet In at Aurora high is on Wednesday May and despite a Into start Norm Johnson Frank and company expect to make their usual good showing Cadet parade is in Aurora come Sunday next and on Wednesday St Andrews college in spection one of the really color ful events of the year will bring Howard Graham GOC to Aurora along with a flock or top brass Youll be wel come at both events They hard ly come under the heading of sports but these shows are really worth seeing and a complete of GARDEN TRACTORS the GordnitriiMe Street Norths RICHMOND HILL ONf fSi If -VilVJi- xrsi v ASPHALT SHINGLES ftlt with beautiful TVI and fin tanc Con ir over your old olid colors and styleperfect blends fa lor your worn mm PLANT WITH BVS HARVEST WITH PRIDE Our New Location ON YONSE NORTH OF RICHMOND Opposite i

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