WOUND Lushus Jelly Powders 3 ffiT AC GROUND Bud Dessert Puddings 3 Nut Breads i LOB LAWS FRESHLY GROUND Tomato Juice BAG TIB r Monarch Cookie to3 TO I i zm S -4-OZ- COTTAGE BRAND WHITI DATED I Highest GovcmsMOt ss Jif li- a Who Mb rffc 23 BREAD UNSUCEO VITAMINS MUCIN AMD ICON McCOKMKKS gvl J- 18 it a Of LOIIAW HIT J QUALITY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES POUND MO SNOW WOW fiCCltMCVtiY AT mw Faailv Beans lb CoMMtratod 15c If tVh Si lie Mid Sp tst 35 My EACH AM spread 29c CI iMff 39c c HOI- TIN 39 IN TOMATO Glen Valley Park I few H or FLAN SOCIAL KVKPalNG A social evening with teacup reading will feature the last general meeting of the season for the Newmarket ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary when the group meets on Monday May in the Scout hall There will be a short business session Fun and games are promised by those in charge of the program Mrs M Collins and Mrs Cowal will be present for the teacup reading Refreshments will be served WILL PRESENT CONCERT A concert by the pupils of grades to inclusive will he presented under the direction of Sister Mary Timothy and Miss Carol at the meeting of the ParentTeacher association of St Johns school on Monday May at of officers will take place Refreshments will be served WOMENS MISSION CIRCLE Mrs Cecil Jones Toronto was speaker at a meeting of the Womens Mission circle Christian Baptist church New market on Thursday April Mrs Jones is the director of Senior Womens Mission Circles Toronto association She was accompanied by Mrs Bruce vice president of the Baptist Womens associations Mrs Jones used as her sub ject Partnership in His Kin Work Three needs pray er giving and serving were stressed in her message The speaker told of work being done in Toronto and other large cen tres in Ontario for the New Can adians Mrs Jones spoke brief ly on the Indian work and told of the need for a greater dis tribution of fine literature and Bibles to these people Mrs William presid ed over the meeting which was opened with the singing of sever al favorite hymns Mrs Saunders assisted with the devo tions and Mrs Bernard Lee and Mrs Singer sang as their duet Wonderful The meeting closed with a social ha If hour and refresh ments were served ITS Womans World AID MAKES PLANS FOR COMING BLOSSOM TEA A meeting of the Junior Lad ies Aid Christian Baptist church Newmarket was held on Thursday April at the home of Mrs William Young Plans were made for the forthcoming Blossom tea There will be a work party at the Sunday school room on the afternoon on Wednesday May Mrs William Robinson presid ed at the last meeting The de votional period was conducted by Mrs Gordon Stiles assisted by Mrs Gordon Cook Miss Irene Curtis played the accomp animent for the hymns and pro vided a solo number on her accordion Hostesses for the evening were Mrs Miss Smith Mrs John Stephenson and Mrs Ernest Winter By Caroline Ion Recital time has arrived once again for the Betty Gordon dancing club and for the third consecutive year the group will present a varied program at the Newmarket town hall This or ganization is unique in many ways not the least of which is that all the instruction and train ing is given free of charge There are other organizations in Newmarket where volunteers assist in club work For some of these the youngsters participat ing pay club fees or tuition In others a service club picks up the bills and underwrites all ex penses All are worthwhile pro jects But for people who will vol unteer to train 140 local girls an increase following last years re cital of almost without thought of remuneration is cer tainly setting an admirable ex ample of civic Mrs Betty Gordon originator of the club and its teacher passes by all these hours of volunteer time spent in weekly dancing classes with an expressive shrug of her shoulder and adds If I didnt have the cooperation of all the mothers I couldnt do it They are wonderful Her other most likely comment is Why should nt I do this work I like danc ing I like children Yes we agree Why shouldnt she do it But how many of us in town if we possessed her tal ents would feel that way Assisting Mrs Gordon with the teaching is Mrs Helen Sim mons Pianist is Mrs Downward and in charge of the costumes is Mrs Ruby Haskett This year the club decided to hold its third annual recital on three nights May and But demand for tickets has made it necessary to plan for an performance which will be held on Friday May A coronation theme is being used in this years recital It features ballet and tap routines with several guest solo appear ances The costumes have been made by the mothers and prom ise to add greatly to the produc tion Makeup is by Avon cos metics lighting and effects are by Jack Fisher and Dr VanderVoort will act as master of ceremonies news col- conviction Hit and Run Drivers Elsewhere in the is a story of a brought in magistrates court on Tuesday against a man who kill ed an 18 month old Springer spaniel He was charged with failing to at the scene of an accident and fined Inspector Joseph North York Humane Society who appeared in court to press the charges said that too many fine animals are being lost in the district because of such thoughtlessness An animal is hit by a car and left on the road If the accident Is reported im mediately to the Humane society phone Aurora there might be some chance of saving animals life Sometimes it is n halfhour before we are notified that a dog has been hit said Inspector If the drivers would stop and let us know or at least notify the police department in the community we could save some of these valuable dogs Any accident involving an ani mal must be referred to either the Humane society or the police department Leaving an ani mal abandoned in distress is an inhumane action for which the offender can be prosecuted We can sympathize with any one who has had a dog hit and killed We have lost two fine animals on the highway and in each instance the driver of the car failed to stop We were a very sad household when we learned that our dogs had to be put to sleep Sometimes the driver is not to blame The dog rushes into the path of the car But no one could hit an animal and not realize that something was amiss They would either see the dog run onto the road or fee the jar as the car struck it It is a very callous type of thinking that permits an adult to drive away without stopping and all too often leaving a dog in pain whose life might have been saved if he could have been rushed to a veterinary Newmarket Social News Mm John Gore Boy ill for gome time She Is pro Island In upending ft greying satisfactorily few weeks with her brother and Samuel Mr and Mr Mc- Kuen and Mr Jack Borland Mr and Mrs Ivan Ruddock spent Sunday with Mr and Mm John Campbell Mr and Mrs Bruce Miller and family of were Sun day guests of their parents Mr and Mrs Miller Miss Vonda Martin spent the weekend in Keswick a guest of Mr and Mrs Dennis Martin Mr and Mrs William Boyd and family of Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Wesley Boyd Mr Carol Moore Toronto spent the weekend in town with his wife and daughter Mr and Mrs Harry Osborne and family have moved to Santa Barbara Cat where they will make their home Mr and Mrs William Her bert and daughter Sandra Goodwood visited Mr and Mrs Hill and family this week AGS Robert Scott Station Camp Borden visited his parents Mr and Mrs L Scott over the weekend Mr and Mrs Cecil Agincourt were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Bruce Lee Sunderland visited Mr and Mrs John Shier on Sunday Mr and Mrs Albert Bull Toronto called on Mr and Mrs Miller on Sunday Mrs Bruce Bales has been Hamilton visited on Sun day at the home of Mr and Mrs Everett Miller Mr and Mrs George Rud dock and Mr and Mrs Ivan Ruddock visited Mr and Mrs Douglas Sanders on Saturday Mrs George Nichols Toron to spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Roy Martin and family Mrs A Mitchell return ed on Saturday from a three weeks trip to Hollywood and Pasadena Calif Mrs Jack Sheldrick and Lois Smithville visited Mr and Mrs Allan the week end Mr Gerald Stephenson for merly employed by the Bank of Montreal in town left on Mon day via to spend the next five weeks In Vancouver with the International Audit De partment of the British American Oil Co Constable Ian Brown of the has returned to after spending three weeks holidays with his parents Mr and Mrs Brown Con stable Brown plans to leave on May for a period of three years in the North- West Territory Mr and Mrs Elliott have returned home after visit ing relatives in New York Phil adelphia Newark and Kingston Ont i V itv rfi every DONT BE ROBBED OF ANOTHER NIGHT OF SLEEP Buy one or buy a Shell Travel Director Speaks To And P Womens Club Travel today occupies a more important role than at any other time in our history said Carol Lane when she addressed a meeting of the Business and Professional Womens club Newmarket Held on Monday April in the King George hotel the meeting was chaired by Miss Miss womens travel di rector of the Shell Oil Co of Canada stated that getting out and seeing Canada and what it stands for is one of the best ways of obtaining the right perspec tive for these tense and uncer tain times Stating that many Canadians often take their freedom for granted the travel expert sug gested trips which would include visits to the nations to watch government in action fa mous churches of different reli gions large industrial plants and historical spots such as are found in Hamilton Toronto Midland and in Ontario Turning to the way to budget for a vacation Miss Lane advo cated systematic saving year- round planning and observance of money and timesaving tips such substituting a picnic for the midday meal at a restaur ant Another feature of Miss Lanes talk was her description of a word she coined to BLOSSOM TEA MAY The annual Blossom tea of the Junior Indies Aid Christian Baptist church Newmarket will bo held on Thursday May In the Sunday school room There will be a sale of home baking candy aprons and fancy work Afternoon tea will be served from 1 to pm ASSOCIATION Dr Stanley Montgomery psychiatrist win address the York County Nurses association on the topic We Our Thoughts and Our Actions at the general on Tuesday May pm group will inert In St Johns school New market and a cordial extended to all nurse In the district to Light refresh ments will be describe a planned and budgeted twoday vacation The covers on area within 200 miles of Newmarket and is ideal for weekends and short holidays she declared When you stop to investigate youll find there are many won derful places to visit in your own an a In a visual suitcase packing demonstration the Shell auth ority displayed fortythree items needed by every woman on a vacation Always remember that the best clothes are ones that lend themselves to the greatest variety Since your outfit al ways looks new to everyone you meet you dont have to burden yourself with a lot of luggage Make certain what you choose packs well Miss Lane came to Newmarket from Toronto where she has her office In addition to being an accomplished lecturer Miss is the author of the book let Travel a la Car County lSfMMHT TRANS LOCAL MM MO VINO AMD iVfl i Hundreds and hundreds ef small coil spring Individually and padded by white cotton felt chenille type Other Genuine Marshal INNER SPRING MATTRESSES coil construction layer felt and damask coyer Better Quality Spring Mattresses with FLEX01ATOU prevents lumping packing and sagging embedded in thick layers of m cotton felt roll edges turning handles and ventilators covered Belgium Damask Tra0i with roll edges and deep tutting inches inches and 39 inches inch size inch 1 BETTER QUALITY WITH I BOX WITH WOODRN Make your own CONTINENTAL Sprint I Genuine MATTRESS Not to be con-