AUCTION 3K dans ttrt outboard motor An XT it weight dots- effortless to ibtror pin worries and a of features make icVd fondly and Wnx 1 55 TODAY SPORTING GOODS is HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and effects The property of J BOZIK LOT 31 CON- 3 FRIDAY MAY I coupe in good con dition chesterfield suite chesterfield suite Marconi radio Victor radio radio and record player combined Living room nig Living room rug Library table Odd tables and lamps Dining room table Chairs Kitchen stool Kitchen suite table buffet chairs White enamel ice refrigerator bed springs and spring filled mattress Wooden bed spring and spring filled mattress Wooden bed Dresser Coleman space heater pipes and oil drum Clare Jewel white enamel cook I stove like new burner coal oil stove Floor polisher Vacuum cleaner and attach ments Gramaphone A number of rugs lawn mowers 1 on rubber wheels lawn chairs Benches ON Ladies Spring Coats percent Off Step early for the best selection SUMMER DRESSES Hew stocks have just arrived overalls SPECIAL and the for i J HARRYS friendly store at the bottom of the hill YOU PLEASES US a it Main St Newmarket Ph i STORE YOUR FUR COAT with HARRYS insured You pay 2 per of Phone for pick up Steel gates feet long waterbowls complete with Pipes 2 brooder houses Electric fence wire Clock dishes quilts carpet sweeper scrap iron and many other articles too numerous to mention Terms cash No reserve Smith auctioneer I J Harper clerk AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK Farm Implements Hay Grain Furniture etc The prpperty of CHRIS LAMOREAUX LOT 26 CON TOWNSHIP at MUliken on Kennedy Road SATURDAY MAY HORSE AND HARNESS Belgian Chestnut Gelding 10 years old Quantity of harness Number of horse collars Set of single driving harness FARM MACHINERY tractor on rubber with lights starter etc condition MH Cultivator 13 tooth with tractor hitch Farm wagon gear Root box 2- row corn cultivator Case blower cutting box com plete with pipes Disc harrow with tract or hitch new Old manure spreader Set of Silo distributing pipes ft dump rake Buck rake low wheel farm wagon Walking plow new FRAME DWELLING Cement Block Barn New Ford Tractor Small Garden Tractor Furniture Implements eta The property of LOT CON D SCARBORO TOWNSHIP On Rod South of Lawrence Ave FRIDAY MAY 8 DWELLING rooms frame storey adjoining sections ft and ft BARN Cement block 12 storey hiD roof good metal roof size ft good overhead joist This is a read good build ing FURNITURE ETC Marlboro kitchen range white enamel near new with high back and warming closet Kitchen cabinet Electric Kitchen table with white en amel top Kitchen chairs Studio couch wine 2 Studio couch chairs wine vel Chest of drawers Easy chair electric radio Quebec heater Dressers 2 Clothes trees Singer drophead sewing machine Quant cooking utensils etc FARM MACHINERY Ford Tractor new complete with lights Ford cultivator stiff tooth new Strawberry horse plow Scuffler Set of section drag harrows New sprayer wheelbarrow type Wheel hoe Garden tractor Bowman wheel with Stratton 3 1 motor complete with ARTICLES J and attachments Small sprayer wheelbarrow tvpe Cultivator Flat hay rack Double mould plow new Garden seeder 2 lawn Mowers one with rubber tires Roll of wire fence Set iron harrows Wheelbarrow Number of barrels baskets etc Cutter fc Quantity of lumber Number garden tools Pile of scrap iron Number of cedar posts Number of fence rails trees etc and many other Number of laying hens Quantity of foment HAY GRAIN ETC bushel fall wheat 150 bushels Quantity of mixed Krai ftlhv tons good Timothy tons of baled straw FURNITURE p Oval water SrvoV high back in porfoc condition Oak buffet Antique baking cabinet Mantel clock Number kitchen Violin I Quebec heater cradle Parlor rues Member of toilet sets Sink Number of odd dishes Cupboard of dishes Number fruit waters rooking utensils other useful household at pm Terms cash No reserve Farm sold las Smith clerk Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers PO Markham PO phone Aeln- TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDERS FOR WEED AND BRUSH SPRAYING MATETMAL SEALED tenders plainly mark ed as to contents will receiv ed the undersigned until oclock noon SATURDAY MAY TO siinly and deliver to at Vandorf gallons spray and gallons Brush Spray Tender must state add equivalent fi and to be delivered In gal- containers or any tender not nec essarily Ernest Davis Super- vllle Cor Main A Colli MIaMm i CLOSING SERVICES OF CAMPAIGN WITH REV MMANft Montreal SERVICES THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AT 800 SUNDAY and Sunday School at 1000 SPECIAL MUSIC and SINGING AT ALL SERVICES I J t I X J REV ROLAND STANFORD BA AL PROGRAM I EAT IN r DING SOLOS DUETS TRIOS J INVITED i t EVERYBODY OLD AND YOUNG WELCOME Mia ARTICLES Lawn mower Rural mall box Crosscut saw Ford half ton pickup truck mileage Quantity oft electric wire and lights with shades Number of good cedar fence posts Number sacks Good strol fence posts quantity of wire Rows of good grape slants or vines ft high Cal ifornia red and blue Young trees ft high Quantity of lumber pear trees Number of cement blocks chains foot heavy Steel Water barrel Number of small tools and other useful articles Sale at sharp Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Tas Smith clerk Ken and Prentice auctioneers PO Markbam VtH PO phone court wry Jas Ley double mounted plow with potato digger Scuffler near new Number pig troughs Stock loading chute on wheels Power emery Steel water trough cutting box Chop boxes Set hand power stock clippers blower cutting box with pipes binder 6 ft Hay rack Farm wagon Steel barrel rack pen Steel barrels New molasses barrel Set Drag harrows Set drag harrows Stone boat Handy milk cart Pile of scrap iron Number of cement forms Grindstone Chum endoverend Forks shovels and other useful articles MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Horse water basins with valves Cattle water basin Number of collars and bridles steel cow stalls and stanch ions Set of Brass mounted team har ness good Set of team plow harness Work bench Roll heavy chicken wire Roll hog wire fence Roll chicken netting 13 hoe drill FURNITURE ETC Ice refrigerator cap lbs Sideboards Large antique cupboard baby carriage Folding gocart Folding Hot water jacket heater Large Quebec heater Metal bed size and springs Sale at pm Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auc tioneers Milliken PO phone Agincourt 52w3 Markham PO phone 346 clwlS Mrs Bert Andrews and Ray Aurora Toronto Ruth Mrs Tern ville and Wallace Woodstock in her year Interment was made in Aurora cemetery April 27 JONES Suddenly at Ontario Hospital Ont on Tues day April Winifred Ada beloved eldest daughter of Martha and the late Harry B Jones in her year and dear sister of Annie Ernest and Mild- red at home Thomas of Craig Mrs Alex Stewart Nora of Mrs B Mary and Mrs Arm strong Betty of Toronto and Harry Interment was made in the Ontario Hospital cemetery Orillia At Elmhurst Beach Keswick on Thursday April Glen Walter Scdore son of Mr and Mrs Arthur in his 27th year brother of Har mon Freeman Sherman Clare Mrs Caster Mrs Les lie and Audrey Resting at the Funeral Home In Service In the chapel on Saturday May at 2 pm Interment In cemetery Mm ewittSreii Mti fttMy j VERITY At the Private Pat Aw Hon Safe FARM BARN A NO Cows and Fat Cattle implements Hay Grain Furni ture etc The of W D THOMPSON CON TWP Mile of 12 North of St Clair No THURSDAY MAY 7 CATTLE Guernsey cow bred in February heifer due to calve heifer duo to calve heifer pasture bred Black and white heifer pasture bred heifer bred six months heifer bull months old Heifer yearling heifer fat Roan heifer fat Hereford heifer fat Yearling heifers bull months old heifer months vac cinated months vac cinated Black heifer months old HAY GRAIN ETC Approx bushels Clinton oats Quantity of Bated hay Pile of cow manure Metal clad barn ft metal hip roof 12 ft drive floor and granary Feet of stable is double V sheeting with overhead Joist Frame building double sheeted Frame building Range shelters FARM MACHINERY steel land roller MH corn cultivator Set sleighs spring tooth culti vator MH ft dump rake Bag holder No If Special mower 5 ft Track GO ft harrow outthrow Steel horse barn hay fork Horse fork car Draw rope pulleys Slings and chain from to roof ridge win framing for your A A mix prompt LEfc V J3f SHEDS TOWNSHIP OF NORTH TENDERS FOR COLLECTION OF GARBAGE TENDERS for the collection and removal of garbage for the year will be received by the undersigned up to oclock noon Saturday May ALL persons tendering must certify with their tenders that the motor truck to be used Is in sured for public liability and property damage during the per iod of the contract and that all workmen employed to assist In garbage collection are protected under the Workmens Compensa tion Act All garbage shall be removed to the township garbage dump and dumping shall he carried on as directed the caretaker A total of collections to be made commencing May and continuing until October Tenders to state total amount of cover required for collection ser vices for all properties in the area as defined in the schedule of divisions which may be ob tained from the clerks office Winch clerk Township of North Keswick TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed Tender for Coal will until pm WED NESDAY MAY for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario Forms of tender with spccincu- conditions attached can obtained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores De partment of Public Works Otta wa and the District Architect Adelaide St East Toronto Out Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Depart ment and in accordance with de partmental specifications and conditions attached thereto The Department reserves the right to demand from any suc cessful tenderer before award ing the order a security deposit In the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada made payable to the or- of the Honourable the Min ister of Public Works equal to per cent of the amount of the tender or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies unconditionally guar anteed as to principal and inter- est the Dominion of Canada or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque If requir ed to make up an odd amount Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfil ment of the contract ROBERT Acting Secretary Department of Public Works Ottawa April 15 HONE LINK At Western Private Pat ients Pavilion Toronto on Fri day 24 to Mr and Mrs Lawrence George Link Island Grove a son John Gord on KMET At York County hospi tal on Monday April 27 to Mr and Mrs Danny Kmet Walker Newmarket a daughter A- Ji JJ rv JENNINGS Suddenly at her home on Fri day April Margaret wife of the late John Jen- Toronto General hospital Tuesday April William Henry Verity beloved husband of Augusta Wilson and father of Mrs Kenneth Emily Newmarket Mrs Har old Scott Elsie Highland Creek Mrs J Alice Vancouver BC and Charles Verity Funeral service was held this afternoon at pm Interment Newmar ket cemetery BALES In loving memory of our dear grandchildren Terry who passed away April and Maryann who passed away May 1952 Two precious gems for His crown Ever remembered by grandma and grandpa Miller BALES In loving memory of our dear son who passed away April and our loving daughter who passed away May 16 The memory of their dear ways Will linger with us alt our days Sweetest flowers too sweet to stay Cod took them home to show us the way remembered Mum my Daddy Susan and Sally GOODING In loving memory of our dear father Rev A T Gooding who passed away May He wished no one a last fare well Nor even said goodbye He had gone before we knew And only God knows why Asleep In Gods beautiful garden Away from sorrow and pain Some day when lifes journey is ended We shall be together again remembered by Charles and Evelyn GOODING In loving memory of a dear father and grand father Rev A Gooding who left us so suddenly on May J I Without farewell he fell asleep With only memories for us to keep Sadly missed and ever remem bered by Dorothy Floyd Ver non Larry and Douglas Winger In loving memory of William Peon Height who pass ed away May 4 Resting where no shadows fall In perfect peace he awaits us all Where God will link that broken chain As one by one we will meet again Sadly missed by wife and Dor othy CARD OF THANKS I take this opportunity to thank my many kind friends and fel low employees for their visits gifts flowers and cards during my stay in the hospital also the entire nursing staff and doctors for their constant attention A great big thank you William Watts CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr Dar ius York express their grati tude to everyone for the kind ness sympathy and flowers re ceived during their recent berea vement especially thanking Mr Cecil the soloist Rev Campbell the minister and Rev Mathers who assisted CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs Harvey Palmer would like to thank friends neighbors and relatives for their many kind nesses cards floral tributes loan of cars etc at the time of their recent bereavement This thought fulness will always be remembered- CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends and relatives who were so kind to us during our recent bereavement and also for the beautiful floral offerings John and family CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank- my friends and relatives for the flowers and cards sent to me during my ill ness In York County hospital Mrs James CARD OF THANKS Dear kind friends and neighbors I would very sincerely like to thank you one and all for the kind telephone calls the lovely cards and letters fruit and desserts so thoughtfully brought us for the flowers and plants and also to for the beautiful cut flowers I would like to thank Miss Thomas and nil her staff for daily kindnesses received while In the hospital and thank you Dr Arklhstall so very much Mrs CARD OF THANKS Heartfelt appreciation Is extend to the many friends of the late Mrs Marguerite by her sister Irene and the daughter Beth for the many expressions acts of kindness floral tributes and cards of consolation that from King and Temperanceville dis tricts at the time of her sudden passing Thanks is conveyed to Rev R and his wife for their sympathetic acts and words of comfort Mr and Mrs Herbert Arthur Evans Aurora wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Lulla Mary Teressa to Mr George Ross Wlllson eld- est son of Mr and Mrs Welling ton King the wedding to take place at the brides home on May 23 I Mr and Mrs Rudy Renzlus Newmarket wish to announce the engagement of their daugh ter Norma to Kenneth Toronto The wedding to take place quietly May Mr and Mrs Oscar Zephyr announce the engage- of their only daughter Mary Elizabeth Beth to Mr James Arthur Brown younger son of Mr and Mrs Frank Brown The marriage will take place in Zephyr United Church on Saturday May 23 at oclock I MTtHf l Ami l feline ft DOT tJaAk to Tim j Utter far a i i BOUGHT LIVESTOCK BUSINESS Harold Boyd has bought back the Livestock Bust- from Fry and Ward and will work in the interest I of the Farmers as before Telephone I will accept any long distance charges j v The Newmarket chamber of commerce is tion of civicminded persona the year to make Newmarket and district a better place in which to make a home raise a family or earn a living Through the stimulation of trade and commerce of civic services intelligent action i discussion on a wide range of community topics the chamber hopes work will bring better living to man woman and child within the community itv