Era and Express April j TO BUS Eight new members were welcomed into Legion In dies auxiliary when New market branch met in the le gion hall on Thursday April Presiding over the brief business session was Mrs Charles Gor don A social evening of games was enjoyed after which refresh ments were served Mrs Donald convened the program and lunch Members of the aux iliary will make a bus trip to TRINITY A The regular monthly meeting of Trinity Womens Association Newmarket will be held Thurs day May at pm The meeting has been arranged by Mrs Hamilton and Airs of group Mrs will in charge of the devotional period and Mrs Aiken will bring a message David Wink- worth will be guest soloist buffalo on Saturday May 30 in charge of the trip is Mrs ffm Brooks SPEAK ON CIVIL DEFENCE Miss V A Smyth supervisor of public health nursing York County Health Unit will be the guest speaker at the general meeting of the York County Hospital Womens Auxiliary on Tuesday May pm The group will meet in the agricul tural board room Botsford St Newmarket Guest soloist will be Mrs Elizabeth Beer Miss Smyth will speak on Civil Defence Tea will be served A cordial invi tation is extended to the gen eral public to attend COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Continued from page HEAT be sitting pretty with your bin of blue coal at prices us now Wife 5 Feeling has been expressed against those whom the mayor described as tax delinquents and a suggestion has been made that as town affairs are proper ly published and as unpaid taxes are town affairs council should be asked to agree to the publication of the names of those in heavy default with their taxes in fairness to the great majority who punctually pay their taxes and by so doing help maintain the towns economy In a neighboring and much larger municipality than Au rora it is reported that the out standing taxes do not exceed more than Need For ReAssessments Councillor Clarence Davis de serves congratulation on his sug gestion for a reassessment of the town Those who are familiar with the existing condition of assessments will endorse Mr Davis suggestion Councillor King said the reeve had express- opinion that this would be a bad year to earn- out reassess ments to which Mr Davis re plied that he did not agree with the reeve on that point Councillor King said further that he believed Air E R Good their former assessor had the right ideas on assessing but thought his methods were wrong Excursion Train Expectantly we waited on hearing more about the guarantee for the CNR and its proposed excursion train to be run from Toronto to Aurora on the morning of May But no sound came other than a remark from the mayor that a representative was in Aurora that day but he would not be coming to council Other than that like the burial of Sir John Moore not a sound was heard not a funeral note Other Notes Other notes on another theme were heard from Councillor J Murray They concerned the Senutovitch subdivision Mr Murray indicated that he had found a reservation in the plan that had been passed that was- NEWMARKET VETERANS nt there when the plan was okayed by council Just a little note small print that could mean a whale of a lot in the fu ture For the little note meant that one foot of land was re served by the owner of the sub division on a street feet wide which under the terms of agree ment remained the property of the town The onefoot reservation could if applied in practice pre vent the present or a future council from providing a water service to immediate properties except on terms acceptable to both parties Stall terms could prove extremely costly to the town The mayors comment was to the effect that the reser vation was equivalent to put ting a barbed wire fence around he subdivision Mr Murrays contention that the reservation was not in the original plan submitted to coun cil was supported by other mem bers of council The matter was passed on for investigation and town services held up until it was completed New Street Lighting Councillor Davis pressed for a decision on the proposed new street lighting He succeeded in getting action to the extent that an appropriate bylaw is to bo brought in at the next meeting of council We hail this as a great step forward in the inter ests of the business men and the town of Aurora DeputyReeve Murray spoke of the excellent hydro services enjoyed by the people of Aurora and the mayor paid tribute to I Mr Coplands efficiency with all of which we are in hearty agreement News Of The WI Our general meeting held on April was well attended All members were very enthusiastic especially those who were instal led that evening A fine evening of entertainment followed the business meeting Comrade J furnished the music The bingo hold on April drew a good attendance Hie prizes were good everybody seemed happy especially those who were lucky enough to win Our next bingo date is May Coronation Day Juno A committee is now working on plans for that day Lets get behind them and make it a day long to be remembered Dont forget June which is Coronation Day Pilgrimage Par- ado at Niagara Please contact the secretary if you contemplate attending It has been decided that we make every effort to form a Ladies Auxiliary AH wives and mothers of our members who are interested in this venture News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must bo written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine report and announcements will be printed separately PATRONS Mr and Mrs T A Aurora are among the patrons and patronesses for the annual Springtime in Poland ball sponsored by the Canadian Pol ish Congress to be held at the Royal York hotel on Friday May frtTrt Mot mi save m Now at owners of new Chev rolet arc discovering you get even more miles per gallon of gasoline save money every mile you drivel 1 Ask new Chevrolet owners about the substantia dollars and cents savings they great new car squeezes miles from every gallon gas at that beyond any question my lit Chevrolets his Of course here is a new highcompression power The new engine In Power- glide models is the most powerful en gine in its field with a compression ratio of W to And theres a Thrift King engine in gearshift models with to compression ratio Both engines bring you sew economy with a remarkable increase fa power and advantage mam A GENERAL S VALUE sound in extra Hew Bodies by richer and roomier interiors of color 5hp BlueFlame high- compression engine models compression engine in gearshift nwxteU yenfirely new economy with Important savings in and upkeep entirely new with faster getaway gallon earMw Power Steering at cost weights ifflpre nobility more Brakes Shade I CAR J m Old J bUe ft Union SI branch will meet at the home of Mrs Whitfield May at 2 pm The motto Is Id hate to have a mil lion dollars and be without friends reply Mrs Salmon roll call The thing I like most about this month and ex change of perennials The program committee Is Mrs Beckett Mrs Rose and Mrs D English hostesses ore Mrs T Peregrine Mrs A Mrs O and Mrs Mount Albert branch held its April meeting at the home of Mrs Ed with a large at tendance The president Mrs Stiver was in the chair Mrs Case secretary read the fi nancial report Receipts for the year were 81113 and expenses 1640 veners of standing committees agriculture and Canadian indus tries Mrs Ii Evans home econ omics Mrs J Brooks health Mrs A citizenship and education Mrs Fish community activities and public relations Mrs If Anderson historical re search Miss Helen re solutions Mrs Smith At this time the members of Aurora branch wish to express appreciation to those branches so generously sent cheques to assist with the upkeep of rest room The district annual will be held at on May at W4fc am and lunch will be are asked to contact the 1 served at per plate phone It appears that general meet ings executive meetings and will be something in the past that will mean a rest for the summer However we will be seeing you again in the fall comrades Lest We Forget dont fail to contact the welfare com mittee if you know of any com rade sick or in need Tickets are now available for a Gold Coronation Plate which is on display at Campbells book store It I HI II CLUB gates will be Mrs Martin Mrs Bruce Rolling and Mrs Harrison Mrs Steeper and Mrs Sinclair will be in charge of the tag day for the blind on May Mrs P Steeper conducted the election of officers The fol lowing are the officers elected Mrs Mitchell past Mrs Mac- Pherson president Mrs Sti ver 1st Mrs Har- 2nd vicepres Mrs B Rolling 3rd vicepres Mrs district director Mrs Mrs Case Branch directors Mrs B Sin clair Mrs Harrison Mrs Steeper Mrs Rate and Mrs Carmen Rolling pianist Mrs Birthday wishes are extended Mr G this week to I Mrs Linda market New- ft B year old on Friday LI- Louise King City years old on Friday Apr Carol 11 gram Mrs Oldham Mrs Rolling historic re search and current events Mrs Harrison Mrs K Mitchell citizenship and education Mrs H Mrs agriculture and Canadian old on Saturday April Nancy Carol Ridley n Kins years old on Saturday Mi J Donald Mrs public relations and community activities Mrs C Rolling Mrs Social committee Mrs I ton Mr Leek Mrs Mrs Shillinglaw Mrs Hopkins Mrs Foster Hopkins Walter K Virginia Jordan Mrs Davis April John Neil Hamilton Newmar ket 3 years old on Saturday Apr Harry Barry Norton Newmarket 1 year old on Sat April On Tuesday April the nual of branch was at the of Miss Starr As the president Mrs it Harper had moved to London vicepresident Mrs Penrose was in the chair j Mrs gave an ac count of the program Whitchurch township has plan ned to take place at Vandorf on June The Whitchurch Wo mens Institutes will look after the booths Reports were given of the work done throughout the year by the different con veners The following officers and conveners were elected for the coming year lion pres Mrs A Colville Mrs Penrose 1st vice- Mrs A McMillan 2nd vicepres Mrs Mrs Mrs Smith Blue Cross Mrs Directors Mrs Mrs A Penrose Mrs A dist director Miss Li Starr pianist Mrs A- Ridley auditors Mrs West Mrs Harper sunshine com Mrs Mi Nicol Mrs C Greenwood Standing committees agricul tural and Canadian A Ridley home ec onomics and health Mrs Walker historical re search and current events Mrs Williams citizenship and education Mrs A Ian community activities and public relations Mrs conv sewing com Mrs Harper membership com Mrs McCullough Mrs Williams Mrs N Mrs A Penrose A lovely lunch was provided by the conveners of the differ ent committees Dont forget the district annual at Schomberg on May Lynda Ruth Mf Mrs years old on Monday April Robert Stewart New Eva Watts The Beach branch Tuesday years old on Tues day April Kenneth Merchant years old on April Dorothy Ann May 11 years old on April Shirley Marion years old on Wednesday April Beverley Ann Boas Newmar ket years old on Wednesday April Gloria Zephyr years old on Wednes day April Zephyr years old on Thursday April Aubrey Arthur West Holland Landing years old on Thurs day April Send In your name and become a member of the Newmarket Kra and Express birthday club MAPLE HILL Plans are now completed for the anniversary services which are held on Sunday May in Maple Hill Baptist church There will be open session of the Sunday school at 10 oclock and worship service at and pm Rev W Sunderland professor of Central Baptist seminary Toronto will be the special speaker Miss Mnry Carol Knights Toronto Mr Maurice Kennedy Ux- will be guest soloists Four carloads of school child ren were taken to Toronto last Saturday to attend the Bible club rally in St Johns Presby terian church Mr Harold Knights Toronto spent the weekend at home Several from the district at tended the graduation of Toronto Bible College In Var sity arena this week SCHOMBERG Too late for last week Mr M Is in Brampton hospital undergoing treatment We wish him a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Coulter and family visited Mr and Mrs- J Henderson at Bolton recently Mrs and Delia spent with Mr and Mrs J Rogers at Richmond Hill Mrs J spent Friday in Toronto Mr Skinner Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Skinner The Anglican ladies en tertained the ladles from Kettle- and and the neigh boring churches in on Thursday evening market year old on Monday the hom April on May The Roll Barabara Ann Pot- Tricks with old Vegetables Blue fees will be due Mr Ken Hunter will be the guest speaker Lunch committee is Mrs Peters Mrs King and Aurora branch report of an nual meeting on April in the United church hall Reports were given by all conveners of standing committees The sec retary gave a report of the years work and the treasurers report showed that had been raised during the year One of the projects for the year was the refurnishing of the Aurora WI room in York County hospital on which was spent this project to bo continued next year Other projects were the Rest Room the Child Health Centre treats for Ontario hospi tal and York County home do nations to Queen Mary Cot and Overseas Flood Relief Knitting for Childrens Aid Society serv ing dinners at the local Horse Show the Mile of Pennies and tagging for Overseas Flood Re lief The following officers were elected for the coming year pros Mrs J Charles Mrs Mrs M South wood Mrs Jennings 1st vice- Mrs Anderson 2nd vicepres Mrs J Airs A Monk man Mrs J Brooks dis trict director Mrs Cor ner alternate director Miss directors Mrs Smith Mrs Dunn Mrs A Cook Mrs la Evans Pianist Miss Reynolds pianist Mrs A Stewart visiting committee Mrs Mitchell Mrs Foster Mrs R Wood auditors Miss Hamer Miss Helen Bay attendant in charge of The Mount Albert branch held its annual spring banquet on April in the United church basement Rev said the new Institute grace before members and guests President Mrs Stiver pro posed a toast to the Solos were sung by Mrs James Oldham The speaker of the evening was Mrs who gave a talk on the famous Negro scientist Dr George Washington Carver At the close of the talk Mrs Jas sang the favorite hymn of Dr Carvers Unto the Hills Mrs W son showed colored pictures tak en by Dr of tits local flowers garden and rounding country The April meeting of Kim grove branch was held at ths homo of Mrs Watson and was attended by 16 mem- hers Roll call was answered by paying the membership fee for the coming year which begins in May A letter was read from our Friendship Link Institute in England with whom we corre spond The auditors report for this years books was given by Mrs The district annual will he held at United church May We will bo the guests of Union St Institute of officers was con ducted by Mrs John and results were follows Mrs Elmer Hamilton 1st vice- Mrs Percy Brown 2nd Mrs 3rd Mrs Corps Sectreas Mrs Harris assistant see Mrs Don Yorke director Mrs J di rectors Mrs and Mrs press Mrs pianist Mrs Percy Brown auditors Mrs and Mrs r sun shine committee Mrs Mrs A Hamilton and Mrs Bul lock The next meeting will he an evening meeting May at Mrs John home There rest room Mrs A Daniels con- will be a pot luck lunch