Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 30 Apr 1953, p. 11

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Getting In Of Tax Arrears Convention In Aurora More comment has been heard about the large amount of unpaid taxes than the heavy mill rate itself is a very large sum of money to be owing by a relatively small proportion of the taxpayers the major proportion having to carry the burden of the defaulters The chairman of the finance committee Councillor Dale King made it dear that large sums were owing by those who were in a position to pay- Coun cillor Moffat supported his sug gestion that the time had come for positive action to be taken against those whom the mayor described as delinquents and mover should have five minutes and a seconder three minutes to speak while dates were allowed ten minutes This schedule was strictly en forced by the chairman- Mr Case also made a very fine introductory speech as chair man He emphasized the demo cratic method of choosing King described as default- j dates in free Canada He This stand was also sup ported by other members of council Action in the form of issuing writs is we understand under consideration and outside sug gestions have been made that names of those heavily in ar rears over a lengthy period should be published It is of course within the right of any taxpayer to ask the town clerk for permission to inspect the of ficial record of tax defaulters and the request cannot legally be refused Open Inspection In fact the Act states that any person not necessarily a fined such conventions as dem ocracy in action His speech set a high standard for the meeting but which in some in stances was not maintained Mrs P Moffat whom we know better as Councillor Mof fat was another excellent speaker We have heard her at council since the beginning of where her ability has made itself felt on more than one occa sion At the convention she dis carded the use of the amplifier and her resonant voice rang out clearly so that what she said was perfectly audible throughout the large auditorium She spoke easily and with confidence and payer may have access to these wellearned applause- documents Not only may off- Anoth good speaker was papers and documents be Mrs Marchant who seconded the inspected by request of the Jofm clerk but copies of any bylaw nomination may be requested within area- youthful effort time on payment at the shouId rate of cents per words date Doubtless will be heard from Main His considerable feeling tax der with who leave others sincerity dealt municipality going d values The deserved the fine re- rears could meant a lower sponsGX her mill rate of between six hearers seven mills If the arrears We did not stay for the bal lot which began around pm and occupied we understand nearly another two hours We understand that one generous lady misunderstanding its pur pose dropped a quarter into one of the ballot boxes Auditorium Permit Mrs Moffat announced that the use of the high school audi torium for the convention was granted strictly on the under standing that no smoking would be permitted and warned her hearers that if the rule were broken the penalty would be no further use of it From our ob servation the injunction was strictly adhered to Thanks were expressed to the school not existed Aurora could have had a mil rate of or at most Coaptation The Progressive Conservative convention held in the high school auditorium on Wednesday night April was a visible demonstration of an active in terest in the political scene and in the forthcoming federal elec tions It is estimated that be tween and persons were present inclusive of over delegates It was the first political con vention we have attended either in Canada or in our native Eng land We have attended a few political meetings in our time but not many We have heard the oratory of Herbert Henry board by Mrs Moffat and Mr later the Earl of Ox ford and David Lloyd George later Earl George We once heard speeches made by Mr Winston Churchill and Mr Ram say MacDonald in the British House of Commons In Canada over the air we heard the vic tory oratory of the old master The standard of oratory in the high school auditorium on Wed nesday night April was not generally impressive They were business rather than poli tical addresses We believe that if one candidate had men tioned the subject of hospitaliza tion so essential a need in the lives of Canadians he would have caught the minds and im aginations of his listeners Thousands of Canadians today are menaced by the fear that if serious illness should overtake them requiring hospital care they would be ruined financial ly Bright Spots The convention did however furnish a good opportunity for Case for the use of the audi torium both of whom also paid tribute to what is really a very fine place Newspaper Carriers Our newspaper carrier at the south end of the town Roy Mc- son of Mr Hugh Mcln- of the has re signed after a very commend able service of months We were very sorry to see him go as we liked Roy very much He built up a clientele of loyal Era and Express subscribers Wed give Roy a good reference any day if he ever needed one He has been succeeded by Bobbie Stewart son of Mr Earl Stewart the wellknown taxi owner Bobbie is only nine years old but he is confident that he can do a good job for our subscribers and we believe him His home address is Royal road a house recently built by his father from plans drawn up in part by himself Floodlight Opening While a decision on the exact the study of personalities As date for the official opening of far as what may be called the mechanics of the convention were concerned we have to pay tribute to the president of the North York federal riding and chairman of he meeting Mr W If Bill Case for his excellent management of affairs It was laid down that a nom- floodlights in the town park has not so far been announced this outstanding event will probably take place on either Wednesday or Thursday May or In next weeks issue of Aurora News Page we hope to state which of the above dates has I been decided on FLOODLIGHT DONORS Passed In Latest Figures Subscriptions from the undermentioned donors to the floodlight fund together with amounts acknowl edged last week and received from the sale of lucky draw tickets sold at the rink completes the total of promised by the committee Other subscriptions have been Aurora Junior Chamber of promised in view of which the fund will remain open until to day Thursday April Fur ther financial subscriptions will therefore be acknowledged in next weeks issue of Aurora News Page Universal Leather Co Co Councillor Marshall Bennett Heath Jean Stiver Councillor Vie tad Gonl Stoat Canadian duets Ltd Co It c 0olOi A1 to HALL AURORA TELEPHONE Aurora Social PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE THIRTIETH OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY THREE THE BUDGET As we have said elsewhere Councillor Dale King chairman of the finance committee who introduced the local budget did a commendable job of presentation Which does not necessarily mean that it was a good budget anymore than a legal case is necessarily a good one because a clever lawyer makes the best of it A mill rate for Aurora history but even the best history often contains black spots Last week we performed a service to our Aurora readers by publishing the budget as a whole without any deletions We thought this a better service to the taxpayers than a truncated report in which special items were selected for comment With the budget before them readers can study its contents for themselves As for black spots there is one such that in our opinion need not have appeared on the financial chart Of course we mean the for the planning board Some people may say it is a mere straw on the camels back But too many straws on that docile quadrupeds back could break it Optimists may smile and say the remittance is gradually dropping Last year it was The year before that it was Cynics may ask where has the money gone since it was first doled out in Auditors will reply that most of it has gone into the pockets of an outside consultant And for what Maps charts consultative and sec retarial costs All directed to what In a major direc tion on land that the town doesnt own It must be an exhilarating experience to draw the plan of a green belt in somebody elses garden hoping that some day it will be yours Apparently the planning board must have its annual little dole The planning board is a sort of municipal trimming Impressive but quite unimportant Planning for the future on somebody elses land So throw another 500 into the kitty It wont be noticed in the big lump NOTHING TO OFFER A At the last meeting of council the old question of new industries for the town was brought up by Coun cillor William Davidson He argued that everywhere in Canada new industries were springing up so why wasnt Aurora coming into the picture This enquiry somewhat forcibly pursued by Mr Davidson elicited a few replies one of them at least of a convincing char acter After pointing out that the board of trade was an active agency in search of new industries the mayor bluntly admitted that the town of Aurora had nothing to offer new industries since suitable land was all pri vatelyowned Meanwhile Councillor King had stated that many Aurora residents did not welcome the idea of new industries coming into town Councillor J Murray asked how many industries the board of trade had introduced into Aurora during the past few years No evidence was produced of any positive results Since it is admitted that the town has nothing to offer it would have been surprising if any such results had been shown Apparently then the board of trade has been engaged in a mock battle of makebelieve Something more the mayor said of a particularly illuminating character namely that the planning board had been engaged in a process of scheduling land that was privately owned Nothing clears the air like a blast of cold truth but in that blast the planning board itself is blown onto the rocks If all the land is privately owned then in the name of common sense what use is being served by the planning board in making future plans concerning it Apparently they arc to go on making plans for in the budget they have been allocated a further grant of So far they havent accounted for last years grant of 800 Are these sums mere sops for the build ing of castles in the air while a lot of poor suckers have to pay the bills ASSESSMENTS It was proved to us at the last meeting of council that Councillor Clarence Davis isnt always smoking his pipe and nodding his head in approval He struck out on a line of his own by announcing that in his opinion the town of Aurora was due for reassessing Council lor King had said that the reeve didnt think this was a good year for reassessments Councillor Davis said he did not agree with the reeve on that We thought it was a pity that Reeve Cook was not present at council to defend Ida opinion Of course Mr Davis was quite right and we com mend his suggestion Large numbers of private proper ties in Aurora are not due for reassessment But the same is not true of the industries Former assessor Mr E Good recognized these facts and acted accord ingly We were glad to hear Councillor King say that in his opinion Mr Good had the right ideas although we did not agree with his further statement that his meth ods were wrong Although large numbers of old private properties in Aurora have not changed in values over the years the same is not true of the major industries which are pulling only a light weight in assessment values The figures prove our statement But the job is to find a man to change them and a Court of Revision to back him up when he does so That is the question that Councillor Davis has to solve SIDELIGHTS In Former Years The last regular meeting of council made history It recorded the highest mill rate in Auroras annals The blow was softened by the fact that most people an ticipated it Though few perhaps expected more than a 10 mills increase The Public school chickens came home to roost And they are tough chickens II was an interesting meeting was made in the year 1951 Dr though one of the shortest on Henderson assured the council record We have some bouquets of that time that nothing more to hand out and strange as it would be asked for Not only may sound to some people it so but 10000 of the total sum gives us pleasure to distribute was itemized as a contingency the flowers We cannot pass on factor That means that the a posy to Reeve Cook since he board felt 240000 was the not present to hear the bud- amount they would need to get read which he had helped spend barring contingencies to build But we can do so to yet in the of Dr contest is successor Councillor Dole Henderson was back again his Rev Bob Morris of the Mis sionary department of the United church of Canada was the guest speaker at the United church on Sunday morning when the Missionary Society held its annual service In the evening the Evening Aux iliary took charge of the service On Friday evening the met at the home of Mr and Mrs Hill Top Farm to bid them farewell to the community Mr and Mrs into their new home on Royal Road this week Mr and Mrs Bill and Dr Audrey have return ed from a three weeks trip to Florida Mr Gerald Stephenson of the Internal Audit Department of British American Oil Company left on Monday morning by plane for Vancouver for five weeks Mr and Mis Copland and fam ily Windsor visited over the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Copland The club of the United church met on Wednesday even- ing in the church parlors A movie film entitled Bell Telephone Hour was presented by members of the club The la dies quartette sang two very pleasing numbers Mr Don Kiteley won the local Junior Chamber of Commerce public speaking contest and will compete in Toronto for the hon or of representing the district when the national public speak- at the Jay- convention this summer at Inn Muskoka Dr E J Thompson Edmon ton a former minister of the United church will- be the guest speaker next Sunday at the morning service in the United church A number of ladies from the Anglican church A attended a special meeting in the Angli- church at Newmarket on Monday of last week The Anglican church Guild met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Tyler Hill Mr and Mrs Archie Murray left on Friday April for their summer cottage at Belmont Lake where they propose to stay for six months Mr Harry Smith Winnipeg has been on a visit to his mother Mrs Smith Spruce St on the occasion of her birth day Mrs Boy fa social editor of Aurora News Page Her telephone number Is and she be glad to receive news and reports of meet- tefs Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The OD HESS Drug Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Calls if King chairman of the finance- the new council for an extra committee He claimed that the In our opinion Mr King J boards calculations were under- quitted himself with more suc- and that another at the last meeting of was required Councillor cil than on any other occasion Murray opposed the extra grant since he took office He knew and when it came to a vote he his budget and defended it with was the only member of coun- vigor that commended to say no The compliment the Murray reminded council mayor paid to him was well- Mr Bowser returned 5000 earned and well- deserved ho the board when he found that Without Rancour con would cost that In the past we have found much less This in itself was reasons for criticizing Dale King proof of a miscalculating board On more than one occasion he arid added further support to has criticized us- But his Councillor Murrays criticisms have been expressed in I Spending The Money WW1 I Of course one of Dr sons familiar wisecracks is that council finds the money and we spend it That is quite true In finding this good So find fault with mills increase in the tax between rancour be us there has been no That is as it should for praising him we do so with sincere pleasure He knew his budget and he brought with him a graph which explain ed how it was made up We understand he is going to hang the graph in the council cham ber so that any taxpayer may look in and see it at any time It is the first time in our ex perience that a council has been given such an under standable breakdown While he was on his feet either explaining or defending his budget Councillor King spoke in a clear confident voice that was good to hear What ever quarrel one might have with the content of the budget the man who put it over under stood it While faults will be found with it it is due to Mr King to say that he carried out his job with great efficiency For all those reasons he earned congratulations Chief Critic Councillor J Murray was the chief critic of the contents of the budget while at the same time he complimented Council lor King on his able presenta tion of it Mr Murray put the blame on the public school ex penditures for the heavy in crease in the mill rate Since he was opposed to the additional grant which the school board obtained last year in Idition to the grant it obtained the previous year he was entitled to his opinion Councillor Murray charged that there had been serious mis calculation in costs on the partj of the school board On that point the records support him to immediate action When the original 250000 Page Col 4 rate theyd better look at Coun cillor Kings graph and see how far the percentage in school board cosls stretches beyond that of all other town expenses Council finds the money and we spend it Councillor Murray drew at tention to public school board waste of money instancing a sum of 7000 which he said had gone down the drain He referred to the arbitrary action of the board in buying land without first of all consulting with council which had to find the money He said there was an impres sion that the school board had the power to act without the consent of council This he claimed was not so for in the end the board had to come to council to get the money they wanted He urged that the board lay off further undertak ings in view of the possibility that the provincial government would at some future date as sume full responsibility in edu cational matters Unpaid Taxes The disclosure that no less a sum than 16000 in unpaid taxes was owing to the town was ac companied by appeals for action by Councillors King and Moffat Mr King said steps should be taken against tax defaulters who were able to pay and his remarks were strongly endorsed by Mrs Moffat at whose sug gestion a special finance com mittee meeting would be held to go over all names with a view CjP -J- Skin Care and Personal Makelip was the subject chosen by Miss Lesley Anne Atkins in a lecture at ODDFELLOWS HALL AURORA on APRIL Miss Atkins said in part The greatest Canadian women today lies in the condition of the skin It is not possible to get the effect desired from properly- applied makeup unless the skin is in a healthy smootfio condition to receive it Our extreme Canadian climate can be unkind to complexions and women must realize this and follow correct treatment to ensure proper con of the skin Miss Atkins went on to outline simpte procedures and explained proper selection applies tion of makeup Mrs Don Burling George St Aurora was IKeilijc winner of the door prize a beautiful Tiffany Cosmetic chest Sponsored by WILLIS DRUG STORE AURORA r USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFY J I i-h- unwanted Mm I ir MUSIC FESTIVAL Names Of Aurora i Peel County Pupils of Mr Harris won many successes at the Peel county music festival held at Port Credit Adjudicator in the competitions was Mr Reginald Among the winners was Mr Harris youngest son Gavin who won a silver medal for boys in the class under six years of age Gold medalists were Nancy jder Shirley Fisher girls I 13 i r WEEKDAYS FROM S SATURDAY AT 3 DAYS Friday ySi DA TURNER FERNANDO LAMAS V L As I COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR -V- V Stocks in the contralto class for girls under Carol Fish girls under 17 Cose girls under Jean Barnes girls under Donna girls under Margaret and Janice Carter girls duet under 21 Margaret Barrager and Nancy Stocks girls duet under Marilyn Allan and Case girls duet under Silver Medalists Richard baritone un der 21 Carol Fiah contralto girls under Janice Carter contralto girls under Mar garet Barrager soprano girls under Marilyn Allan girls under Case girls un der Beverley Stiles girls un der and 15 Gavin Hards boys under GsrsUng and Rosalie girls duet under Catherine Baldwin inJ Patricia girls un der For Friendly Personal Service Step DRUGSTORE i J The Drug mm WEBB GINGER ROGERS IN 2ND f ill bill I w I A 330RIS ir v- fc i i ii 11 r t 1

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