Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 16 Apr 1953, p. 11

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i a- fc After a late start of some fifteen minutes a new board came to life on Thursday evening April Its name is the Athletic Field board In it is culminated the strenuous efforts of a group of sportsmen to give Aurora floodlights in the town park The rapid suc cess of their efforts is something they may well be proud of- life V is TELEPHONE 4J To inaugurate the meeting and officers the He outlined the board the new install mayor presided the functions of PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY AND FIFTYTHREE which he said was legalized by- bylaw and approved by the provincial government He paid tribute to those whom he de scribed loving work ers and who were doing a good job for their town Finally and as he stated with malice toward none the mayor emphasized the value of a punctual start with all their meetings The first business of meet ing was the election of a chair man On a motion by Councillor seconded by Mr- John Willis Councillor J Murray was unanimously elected for this office Congratulating Mr Murray on bis election the mayor said that none had shown a greater inter est in nor worked harder for floodlights than their newly- elected chairman and he would give them excellent leadership On a motion by Mr A Child seconded Councillor Davidson Mr John Willis was unanimously elected to the of fice of vicechairman and re ceived congratulations on a pop ular choice On his election as acting sec retarytreasurer the mayor paid tribute to Mr Gardiner IJoyd for the excellent services he had performed in the cause of flood lights When the matter of appointing associate members to the board was brought up Mr Child ques tioned the need for such addi tions Councillor Davidson said that be considered it fitting that recognition should be made to those who had been in on the work from the siaii Mr John said he agreed with Mr Three associate members Lloyd Don Mathews and Jack were added to the board While they will have no voting powers they will sit in with the board and contribute their opinions to its work There are seven members of the Athletic Field board chairman J Murray representing the junior wibfrr of commerce son be extremely foolish to go out side the town to have the work done Other members of the board expressed similar views Mr Child thought the matter of get ting the transformer might mean some delay whereupon Mr Cop land said he had taken care of that- The transformer he said would arrive immediately The board thanked Mr Copland on his agreeing to have the installa tion of the equipment attended to without delay Discussion On Funds The chairman outlined the fi nancial responsibilities concern ed with their project He said the committee had undertaken to find the department had provided a further 1000 and the town council would pro vide the final of the 4000 project Mr Murray stated that while a substantial amount of the 1000 had been collected they were still short of their ob jective and a canvass was In operation Mrs Moffat recalled that the Rotary club had generously don ated the large sum of 800 to the recreation commission for child rens equipment and she wonder ed if the board of trade could not make a donation from the con siderable funds it held especially as the floodlights was a town project what pur pose was the money being held she asked Mr Child secretary to the board of trade pointed out that the board of trade was not a service club Mr John Willis expressed his surprise If the board of trade isnt a service club for the town then what is it he asked He argued that whatever benefitted the town benefitted the board of trade At one point in his re marks he said The board of trade is ready to hand out money to the Banner for the printing of leaflets but hesi tates to hand out money for a town project Mr Child said the board of trade did not intend to have the leaflets printed until there was land available for new indus tries Mr Cliff Chapman and other speakers took the view that the board of trade should be pleased to support floodlights The board continued a discus sion on ways and means of John Willis vicechairman rep resenting the Rotary dub Don Glass representing Lions club A- J Child representing the board of trade Cliff Chap man representing the Legion- council When the mayor had tendered the new board his good wishes and Mr Murray had expressed his appreciation of his appoint ment as chairman the board got down to business- Hydro super intendent Mr Copland was present to offer the support of the commission in any way it could help He stated that the commission would under- take the work of installing the equipment if the board so de sired or the board could plate the work with an outside con- tractor if it so desired The chairman paid tribute to Mr Copland for the interest he had taken in floodlights and felt it would be a good thing to leave everything in his hands This view was by Mr Don Glass who they would of the original committee Every single dollar will help said the chairman It was de cided to publish a list of all sub scribers to the fund The meet ing adjourned at Subscribers Names With reference to the forego ing decision by the Athletic Field board to publish the names of all subscribers to the floodlights fund all subscriptions will be published In next weeks issue of Aurora News Page which have been received at time of going to press Taking The Cure Mr and Mrs Lorry Rubin are home after a two weeks sojourn at the celebrated Bernard physical culture hotel at New I went away to seel rest and relaxa tion Mr Rubin told us Mrs Rubin Toronto Larrys mo ther accompanied them staying as a guest at the tor Mr and Mrs Rubin they the hotel as pa tients on a special diet not for weight reduction but for what the hotel regimen provides as a course of bodily cleansing For the first nine days their menu consisted only of bowls of broth and grapefruit three times daily and this was followed by a course of scoops of cottage I cheese and vegetables During their final two days residence they were on a normal diet Mr Rubin admits that his wifes inclusion on this spartan diet was more a case of giving him moral support than a nec essity as far as she was con cerned Despite the apparent severity of the schedule he lost only six pounds in weight In all other respects he assures us that the course was immensely beneficial to him good literature is for the mind so is such a diet for the body he said Rarefied Air The hotel built on the side of a mountain sufficiently spa cious to accommodate Num erous cottages subsidiaries of the hotel are dotted on the mountain side The air is won derful at an altitude of approxi mately or 12 hundred feet He said he derived a far greater benefit at than he did in Florida a year ago so sold on the place he said that my wife and I expect to a further stay therein the fiilL Official from build- mi FROM THE RECORDS Since the Starch meeting of council when the reeve and deputyreeve made a motion that no more town printing be given our newspaper we have been looking through the records for the past five years In his attack on our newspaper Reeve Cook declared his conviction that the town should not be supporting Newmarket industry He did not say that the town should not support Brampton industry where the Au rora Banner is printed each week Councillor Dale King said we can save money by cutting out our advertising in Newmarket and another councillor said it has been a double expense Since theres been no prices asked for Mr King is not in a position to prove that our rates are more costly than the Banner for general work As for double expense the following figures which we have taken from the records will tell their own story In 1948 the Banner received from the town treas ury In the Era received 561 In the Banner received In 1949 the Era received In the Banner received In the Em received In the Banner received In 1951 the Era received In 1952 the Banner received In 1952 the Era received Up to April the a received Up to the same date the Era received Over the five years and three months concerned the records show that the Banner has received from the Aurora town treasury and the Era and Express When he has studied these figures we hope Reeve Cooks anxieties in regard to the Aurora town treasury supporting Newmarket industry will be set at rest Since he is so concerned apparently about money going out of Aurora to support the industries of other towns perhaps he will find out what it costs to have the Ban- Tier printed at Brampton to be sold in the home town of Aurora We dont think try And we dont think hed get the answer if he did try CONGRATULATIONS A full report of the proceedings of the first meet ing of the newlycreated Athletic Field board will be found in adjoining columns in this issue Here we wish to offer sincere congratulations to all those who have assisted in the accomplishments which have culminated in the formation of the board When it is recalled that as recently as the middle of January the floodlighting project was hardly more than an ardent wish the extent of those accomplishments can be appreciated The Athletic Field board embraces floodlighting So much progress has been recorded that floodlights will be installed in the town park next month if not earlier When it was suggested at the first meeting that there might be some delay in getting the trans former the hydro superintendent Charles Copland delighted everyone by stating that it would be received the following day The tributes paid to Mr Copland for his ready cooperation in the project were well de served It is an excellent board We offer our congratula tions to Councillor J Murray on becoming its first chairman a fitting and welldeserved choice and to Mr John Willis who like Mr Murray received a unanimous vote Equally pleasing is the inclusion of Councillors Davidson and Mrs Moffat Such a board would hardly be complete without the presence of Mr Don Glass and the inclusion of Mr Cliff Chapman was inevitable Livewire Gardiner Lloyd is acting secretarytreasurer We sincerely wish the Athletic Field board all good fortune COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Aurora Social News Quoth The Mayor After A Three Votes Count And Still They Do Dissolve Our temperamental mayor became testy again at the last regular meeting of council Not at us but at a majority of his council The mayor is much too easily put out He shows himself to be a bad loser He does not seem able to smile at defeat In the sunshine hes a dandy But when the going gets rough he soon gets into a dither On Tuesday April the Gleaners class of the First Baptist church met at the home of Mrs Lome Robinson Mrs J McFarland brought an inspir ing message on the Three Marys The next meeting be held on May at the home of John Closs Kennedy St Miss Anne Stephenson spent the Easter holidays with her par ents Mr arid Mrs Steph enson at their new home on Eagle St Newmarket The Home And School aaaocia- meeting held in the school auditor on Monday evening A panel discussion titled M ten wont mistaken parents make was led by Mrs Mr and Mrs Walter have returned from their vaca tion in Florida Keep in mind the rummage sale of the Evening Group of the Womens Association I the United Church on Friday and Miss Anne Stephenson was Saturday April soloist on Easter Sunday morn ing in the Presbyterian church Orillia The many friends of Mrs Dan Webster will be sorry to hear that she had the misfortune to fall in her home last week and is now confined to Lindsay pita I Mrs Fred Armstrong and family Toronto spent the Easter holidays with Mr and Mrs Les lie Wilson The St Andrews Springtime tea was well attended on Wed nesday afternoon Mrs Harry arid fam- Midland have been guests for the past week of Mr and Mrs John Walker The Horticulture Society met on Wednesday evening in the United church parlors At the April meeting of the United church Womens Associa tion Miss Chapman gave a numerous reading and Mrs son was soloist Congratulations to CounciUor and Mrs Dale King on the birth of a daughter Lynn on April Mr and Mrs King have two sons Dale aged and Perry aged Mrs Roy Is sacral editor of Aurora News Pag Her telephone number is ud she will be glad to receive so cial news and meet ings So it was in the case of the guarantee which the CNR was asking for They were pre pared to run an excusion train from Toronto to Aurora on the morning of Saturday May as the mayor said some min utes ahead of the model engine and train centrepieces of the steamtrain centennial We believe promoter Picking had a photograph of the old en gine model on his front page re cently As the mayor explained it the CNR had no intention of holding on to the 180 cheque It would be handed hack to the town as soon as enough passen gers at Toronto had paid their return train fares of SI to make up the And the town of Aurora would be get ting cents out of every ticket sold It seemed a good way pondered the mayor of raising a little money for the town The would be making some money too of course if 1400 passengers book ed to Aurora to join in the cele brations The whole picture looked rosy and Councillor Davis was his heed in ap proval Pricking The Bubble The rosy bubble was pricked by several councillors First to repeated itself What a headline that would make for promoter Pickings front page In imagination we can see the large pot of red ink brought out and there above the Banner masthead in the same place where damned trash appeared readers might see the MAYOR WALKS OUT ON COUNCIL When reason is re placed by temper many strange things can happen Enter The President Board of trade president Mr was in again on coun cil He had before him two large sheets of closelytyped notes He had come to tell council what the board was proposing in the way of Coron ation decorations He had come to ask for 250 to defray the cost of the latter We wonder if the board will buy the decora tions from the Banner com pany We have a confession to make It is this Whenever Mr Seston comes to council we are haunt ed by the feeling that although it is his voice we hear the words we imagine are those of promo ter Picking Mr Picking is of course a member of a statutory committee of the board of trade THURSDAY AFML 1MMI rt THE LAUGH RIOT OF THE DEAN MARTIN and JERRY LEWIS speak up was Councillor David- mayor son who expressed amazement that a huge concern like the C could be asking a small town such as Aurora for a guar antee of He whs followed by Councillor J Murray and Councillor Jean Moffat both speakers taking exception to the suggestion that Aurora should have to back the excursion train project Why its the business of the to run trains said Mrs Moffat Thats their job to run trains should Aurora con- I tribute Then Mr Davidson it looked screwy to him But the mayor was certain Aurora couldnt lose He went over the of the ex cursion train being crowded with Aurora getting its cents on every ticket sold That was the way he understood it Then Councillor pricked the verbal bubble asking what would happen Moffat had were a wet day and only sold need at lea mm are to be STILL NO REPORT Careful search through the columns of the Aurora Banner of last week failed to reveal any report from the board of trade concerning the public fund held by that organization We have no intention of relaxing our efforts to have a statement produced which we are informed on good authority was prepared for pub lication last winter As we have previously stated it is believed that the board holds an approximate sum of We were not favorably impressed by the attitude of the secretary of the board of trade Mr A J Child when it was suggested at the inaugural Athletic Field board meeting that the organization he represents might contribute to the funds needed for completing the which the floodlights committee undertook to provide for the project He is a member of the new board representing the board of trade Mrs Moffat suggested that the board of trade might well use some of its funds for the floodlighting project to which Mr Child replied that the board of trade was not a service club Mr John Willis and others strongly objected to what sounded like a harsh interp retation of the part that the board of trade is presumed to take in the economic and community life of the town The fact is that by virtue of its Inclusion on the Athletic Field board under the Community Centres act the board of trade no moral right to a representative unless it does contribute to the funds Meanwhile we await a report on the publiclysub scribed funds held by the board of trade worth of tickets were f Aurora get its cheque back he asked the mayor who said he couldnt an swer that question Came The Flop Murray been backing the idea of the ex cursion train Then he moved a motion that a grant of be made to the and this was seconded by Clarence Then the mayor put the motion and only three hands were up to support it namely the reeve the depu tyreeve and Clarence The mayor looked about him amazement at this unexpected Hop He looked as though he couldnt believe his own eyes In his election address the mayor had likened council to a flock of sheep who needed a shepherd also as an orchestra that couldnt get along without a leader Now it had happen ed that five of the flock had de serted their shepherd five of the orchestra had revolted from the leaders baton Looking around the table we saw smiles with Dale King appearing to be grinning Clarence was still puffing away at his pipe and we fancied we overheard him muttering some thing about this getting into the paper The deputyreeve was looking into the bright future but the reeve had a downcast glance at the table like a hungry man who has come home for a dinner to find only an empty plate before him It was all too bad Why seemed like damning the town and all the individuals in it The mayors wordy of the for the had failed it Til pay the myself he whipped out A There was once a mayor in Aurora as the newspaper rec ords reveal who walked out on his council when he failed to get own way We wander if that could ever happen I the Instance of the present to Our may be ground less but many great authors have their ghostwriters Councillor Moffat needled the president She asked him if the board of trade was anything from its funds to help the town with the costs of Cor onation celebrations The ques tion seemed to startle the presi dent who meekly answered that such a thing had never been considered by his board No There was no contribution from the board of But the president and his committee were giving their services Mrs Moffat is showing unique gift for needling She appears to take nothing for granted She asks questions and wants answers She is prov ing herself a an compe tent member of council Needled The Reeve through I needled the reeve She asked for ation on the work of the plan ning committee of the council of which the reeve is chairman She wanted to learn she con fessed But apparently the reeve couldnt give her the in formation she wanted So the mayor had the book of words brought forth and read out the duties of the planning commit tee Clarence smoked his pipe and nodded his head in ap proval MONDAY GINGER ROGERS MARILYN MONROE FRED ALLAN PAUL AND ALL STAR SUPPORTING Resolve or Dissolve We hear that the reeve brought out his dictionary and a long discussion took place on whether it was correct to say that council resolved itself into a committee of the whole It appears that Page Col ADDED FEATURE PHYLLIS CALVERT IN 1 WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY -v- i YVONNE COLOR i f be the and provocative by Mi Lesley Anne Atkins chief Tiffany who will address a fathering She will deal ex countered by Canadian Mba had extensive tralnia to every rtody to some and Afer parts Canada to a rateable dear Tea rved by ON TUESDAY Ml if DAY AT THE J WILL 28 MISS ATKINS LADIES OF A FOR THIS DISCUSS PERSON iGE I

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