Vandorf News Amid setting of daffodils putty willows and car nations at Wesley United church last Wednesday evening friends and neighbors gathered in honor of Mr and Mrs James Oliver who were celebrating their wedding anniversary After a short program consisting of a few choruses led by Mrs Grant with Mr Grant Morley at the piano a solo was sung by Mrs Roy a very ap propriate poem was read by Mrs John Crawford and a group of accordion selections were played by Jim Mr and Mrs Oliver were the recipients of lovely gifts Mr John Crawford read the address with Mrs Mrs A White and Mr George Richard son making the presentations Rev C was chairman A lunch including the delicious wedding cake was served by sev eral of the ladies Mr and Mrs James Oliver were guests of honor at a wed ding anniversary dinner held at the home of their son and daugh terinlaw Mr and Mrs- Herbert Oliver Their daughter Miss Ruth Oliver and friend Miss Sylvia Smith Toronto also at tended Mrs Archie Dike their bridesmaid and Mrs Harry SproxLon were unable to attend because of Illness Mr and Mrs John were dinner guests last Friday at the home of their nephew Mr Bill and Mrs Willow- dale Mr and Mrs C Powell en tertained last Friday evening in honor of Mr and Mrs Percy Webb Toronto who celebrated their wedding anniversary Other guests attending were Mr and Mrs Stewart Webb Toron to and Mr and Mrs Joe Michen- Aurora Mrs Clayton Pogue entertain ed several little children last Thursday afternoon in honor of her Carolyn who cele brated her fifth birthday Miss Margaret a mis sionary from Africa was a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs James Oliver Mrs William Powell Mr and Mrs Kenneth Giles Aurora were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Powell Mr and Mrs Robert and Mr R Wicks had Sunday din ner with Mr and Mrs Harry West SCHOMBERS Quite a number from here at tended the fashion show and in terior decorating held at Bond Head on Wednesday evening Mrs is spend ing a few weeks with her daugh ter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Sutton of Sudbury Quite a number of our business men atteded the funeral of the late Mr George Moss a former merchant here for a number Of years which was held in Tor onto on Wednesday afternoon Mrs Marshall visited with Mr and Mrs and her aunt Mrs over the week end Mrs Moss and daughter Dcronda and friend Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harold Russell There were two sales in our village this week The house hold furniture of the late Mrs Duke was sold on Wednes day afternoon Mrs G Moss disposed of her furniture on Sat urday afternoon Mrs J J Poole Toronto visited with friends in town on Saturday Mr and Mrs Sid Tor onto visited Air and Mrs Gord on Cooper on Saturday Mr A Ford is in St Michaels hospital where he underwent an operation He is improving MOUNT ALBERT RADIO Mount Albert coach Murray Edgar sends out a call to all the ticket sellers on the Mount Al bert team radio All ticket stubs and books must be turned in to Lome by Saturday April Draw will be made at the town league game April ARM1TAGE The St Sewing Circle will hold its next meeting on Wednesday April at Che home of Mrs Walter Proctor We are glad to say Mrs Nigh is home from hospital and wish her a speedy and complete recovery Mrs W Cook visited Mrs PhiL Reynolds Aurora on Sun day Several attended the skating carnival at the arena Sorry to report Eleanor Groves is confined to bed with quinsy but hope she will soon be back to school Mr and Mrs Chas Cook and family spent Sunday in Toron to visiting Mrs Cooks mother Mrs Watts Gormans Smoke Rings New market won the Ontario Ban tam B championship at God- Saturday night Two lo cal players were Francis Lewis and Larry Proctor John Lewis and Walter Proctor were among those who went to to see the game Mr and Mrs AIL Lewis and family were guests of Mr and Mrs Alex Watson and family Brampton on Sunday Zephyr News A play entitled The Adven tures of Grandpa will be pre sented by the young people of Wilfred on Friday evening Apr in Zephyr community hall under the of the Wo mens Institute Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Case on the birth of a baby son on Sunday Mar at Newmarket hospital A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mr Dunn which was held in the Presbyterian church at Sutton on Monday March The late Mr Dunn resided in Zephyr about 20 years ago having the position as operator at Zephyr station The late Mr Dunn was a fine Christian gentleman a man of very sterl ing character an active church worker in whatever community he happened to be living He leaves to mourn his loss a sor rowing wife three daughters Isabel Mrs Harris Sutton Enid Mrs M Lang- staff Evelyn a trained nurse at Thistletown Olive Mrs C Parry Sound two sons Robert of Winnipeg and Keith of Jacksons Point Ernest who was Mount Albert News a veteran of World War n pre deceased him about a year ago The sympathy of the commun ity Is extend to the family On Friday evening Apr there will be an Easter service program in the United church It will consist of slides musical program presented by the sing ing pupils of Mrs Cane New market Mr and Mrs Bruce Lockie Dale and Cheryl of Keswick and Mr and Mrs Ray Thompson had dinner on Sunday with Mrs A B on Sunday A hockey game was played between Greenbank and Zephyr on Saturday evening at The score was in fa vor of Zephyr The next game will be played on Friday even- ing April between Zephyr and Sandford at Stottffville A very bazaar and pot luck supper under the aus pices of the of Zephyr United church was held on Thursday evening The proceeds amounted to These funds are used for the repairs and up keep of parsonage and church Mr and Mrs Harris spent Sunday in at the home of Mr Hepburn Mrs A Smith returned home after spending a few days to To- ronto and Aurora Mr and Mrs Norman Kng and Mr and Mrs Winch at tended the shower at Mr and Mrs home on Saturday evening for Mr Ron nie King and his bridetobe of Toronto Dont forget the quarterly meeting to be held in the Bel- haven Free Methodist church church from Friday evening to Sunday evening April The following week Rev G Bab- cock district superintendent will conduct revival services from April to April Every one is invited Mr and Mrs Stevenson and Mr Victor Stevenson Royal Beach Virginia and Mrs Kay spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Norman Kay Mr and Mrs Emery Willough- Monday evening with Mrs Mitchell Roches Point and Mrs Crittenden Bald win who is visiting Mrs Mit chell Sunday morning a light plane crashed landed in Mrs wheat field with some damage to the plane but luckily the pass engers escaped with a slight shaking up Mrs Ethel Draper Baseline has returned to the west for a short visit with her children The Newmarket Express April IKS Fa It J m Keswick News The Mission Band under the leadership of Mrs Campbell held Its meeting Tuesday The Evening Auxiliary held a successful quilting in the room last Wednesday Three quilts were completed and parts of trie layettes were sewn Master Michael under went an eye operation on Mon day in Toronto Mrs G Campbell visited in Toronto last week and attended the performances of St Math ews Passion conducted by Sir Ernest in Hall and Gods Friday written by Canon Ward of St Stephens church It was presented by the Earl Grey players Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Jr and family have moved to their new home in where Mr Winch is employed by the Cock- Co Mr and Mrs Ted at tended the wedding of Mr Gage Mrs bro ther on Saturday In Toronto Misses Carol King and Carol both age recited the books of the old and new Testa on Sunday morning at Sunday School Mr Joel Hop kins superintendent commend ed the girts and their teacher Mrs and urged that everyone in the learn them too There will be a Good Friday service in the United church Fri day at am Following thin service there will be a Baptismal service The Easter Cantata The Garden will be presented by the junior and senior choir Easter Sunday evening at pm The weather has cleared after a lot of rain and the ice left the bay on March Sorry to hear Mrs Etta Wid ens Is III She is In a Toronto hospital Mrs Vera Herring Miss Lynn are joining Ella Miss Myrtle Lloyd and Mr Toronto Tuesday April for a motor trip to attend Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington Easter week The first white men to reach Canada found the Indian had a definite medical profession and practice An earthquake in trans formed rocks and shoals at Los miles below Quebec into a fine harbor Mr Walter Armstrong will be returning to his home in town after living with his son Ken His son has sold the farm Mr Geo Green Jr who was badly burned on the arms and legs at Finders fire and who is in York County hospital is gra dually improving but may have to have some skin grafting done Ralph Harrison lost a finger and was taken over to York County hospital for treatment on the weekend The is holding a bak ing sale on Saturday April The proceeds will be in aid of the organ fund for the church The Horticultural Society held a baking sale on Saturday at store and realized for the work of the old cemetery If members did not assist at the baking sale they may still hand in contributions to the secretary Mr Harold Kurtz Mr A Madill Manilla spent last week at the home of his daughter Mrs Williamson Special Easter services will be held in the United church on Good Friday at 1030 and Easter Sunday at 11 oclock- with special music Many from Mount Albert at tended the skating carnival at Newmarket and several of the Mount Albert children who take figure skating lessons took part in the show which was excep tionally good Keep the date of April in mind for the library when the Happy Doubles club Oshawa will put on their variety show in the community hall There will be a bingo in the community hall sponsored by the Canadian Legion on Tues day April at pm BANQUET Over members and friends of the York County club sat down at their annual ban quet in the United church hall last Thursday even ing to enjoy a fine dinner serv ed by the ladies of that church Guest speaker was R Hurst former dean of the College of Pharmacy who is well known for his after dinner speaking Presided over by President Percy Barker of Weston the pro gram featured a few stunts ar ranged by the banquet commit tee under the chairmanship of S Watson Guest artists all from in cluded Mrs George violinist of concert and radio fame accompanied by Mrs A Kearney also Donna and John Graham accompanied by their mother Mr and Mrs Clarence Graham might well be proud of their talented son and daughter who have been prize winners in many recent festivals HI In to 1 Bute Sim cms of coats haw bean soar A car costs two times as Much to in a damaged car costs as much repair minutes cost this times las such medical and hospital costs has art astimatsd The bill for injuries la highest la history means payments claim W-t- Ji Item highs but hats money Auto lQiuriQot paid la claims last They out lost A flMi way up go down too Ccap- v boats anybody a dims HOLLAND LANDING The Easter service in the Uni ted church will be held on Sun day Apr at pm There will be special Easter music and the minister Rev will speak inn rim a CUB Birthday wishes ore extended this week to Betty Duncan Newmarket years old on Friday Mar Dennis New market years old on Saturday Mar Lots Jane Keswick years old on Saturday Mar Douglas Aurora years old on Saturday Mar John Alexander Wallace Woodville I year old on Sun day Mar Earl Green years old on Sunday Mar Helen Eileen Ridley Kins years old on Sunday Mar Harold Govld Aurora years old on Sunday Mar Fry Newmarket years old on Sunday Mar 29 Marion yean old on Sun day Mar Bobby Coleman Newmarket fi years old on Sunday Mar William Allan Virflnla years old on Monday Mar Robert John Holland Landing years old on Tuesday Mar 31 Carol Evelyn Stevenson New market years old on Tuesday Mar Doris Irene Bel- haven yean old on Wednes day Apr Brian Tag well New market yean old on day Apr 1 Robert Wayne Ruddock New market 3 yean old on Wednes day Apr 1 Sheila Jean Flanagan New market It yean old on Thurs day Apr LIU Jean Rama Newmarket yean old on Apr Heaooek New market yean eld on Thursday Apr Send In your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express s Well Cathy if a out in the kitchen and I A 5l rtjsH i VIWB ft fr l J fcSa3 n get it before we have our Folks my need to drink milk too just as much as yoai young una A wise old doctor who lot about it says milk keepe my bones like if a helping yours I vW iK DAIRY FOODS rtvron siavici TomtaOiM From the original oil painting by the wellknown Canadian artist Jfc li l i ISA fr fl t I- rfl -7- i- i v- GMC Off in from p to in engines lo5mMer content Toriuenitcr and In with fr jttn you want power you need other rftt i J off in lot i4 i I i don frameside rowed TWi fci A k dou A P- my- w fcL -if- SJ3 mm n4 i AS fefa I fc T A J i Sri i n vii