rr New Arena Beard Members A regular meeting of the town council was held on Monday night Jan with Mayor Rose presiding and all members of council present The major portion of the time spent at the meeting was taken up in discuss ing whether Mr S Mills should be reappointed to the Planning board and review of the sub division Among the correspondence For the benefit of the new was a letter from the North York members of council Mayor Rose A mm Aurora The Womens Association off quilts HAH TELEPHONE J v NINE THURSDAY THE TWENTYSECOND DAY OF JANUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE Humane Society inviting the at tendance of a member of council its regular monthly meetings After some debate Councillor agreed to attend the meetings when the same did not conflict with attendance at council A letter from the planning j board recommended the of Mr Clarke Mr J A- and Mr Mills Readers will recall that it was only re cently that Mr Mills wrote two then reviewed the circumstances of Mr Mills resignation details of which have already been pub lished in Aurora News Page The mayor said he fully agreed with the stand the town solicitor at had taken in the matter- Following the mayors review Councillor Davidson said that Mr Mills should send a letter to council DeputyReeve Murray said he supported the reappoint of Mr Mills to which Mr Jones retorted that he was era- letters to council- In the first of opposed to it these he resigned and criticized the action of council in regard to a cancellation of an invitation In the course of the discussion it emerged that Mr Mills had still one year to serve in office to an outoftown lawyer and in before he was normally due to the second in which he declined retire and in view of this withdraw his resignation he Moffat asked if council severely criticized the mayor and could legally reappoint anyone members of council for what he regarded as their improper con- who had resigned with a year of office uncompleted To this duct in handling the question at question Reeve Cook replied that issue Mills resigned last year and Why Reappoint Him there nothing to stop D J Murray set from reappointing him the discussion going by asking a motion by Reeve Cook sec- why council should reappoint nded by Councillor King that Mr Mills in view of the fact of council proceed to make the his recent resignation a point of J as proposed by the view that supported by planning board was met by an Mayor Rone who said he was amendment moved by Council- strongly opposed to the planning lor Murray and seconded by boards recommendation j Councillor Jones that Councillor Jones said he thor- be made with the exclu- agreed with Councillor of Mr Mills To this an Murray He sent us a very amendment to the amendment pointed letter said Mr Jones was moved by DeputyReeve therefore should re- Murray seconded by Councillor appoint Councillor Jones Davis that appointments be held said there was much more he over for that night On a ma- could add but vould refrain vote the amendment to the from doing so Reeve Cook said that if the planning board wanted Mr Mills back he should be reappointed I cant see where council comes amendment was carried Parks Board A letter from Mr R Corner concerning the future of the Parks board was considered con- into the picture at all asserted which Councillor Jones the reeve maintained that the planning board should get the appointments it wanted Councillor J Murray said council had no proof that Mr Mills wanted to be reappointed a point of view that vas sup ported by Councillor Jones who said that until a letter was re ceived from Mr Mills council should do nothing about it He sent a most abusive letter to council said Mr Jones said the board had done a good job and he trusted it would carry on Council gave its sup port to the continuance of the board Committee Reports A few verbal reports only were presented to council among them one from the chairman of the Fire and Water committee Councillor D J Murray who in dicated that a new fire alarm system would have to be worked Continued on Page COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Council Setup Overhauled No Priority For Mr Picking outstanding features of the inaugural meetings are contained in the reshuffle that has taken place in the chairmanships of the committees We are at a complete loss to understand the reasons for some of these changes In at least one instance we think the change is very welcome We certainly dont think so of others We think the promotion of Councillor Davis to the chair of the streets committee good Mr Davis is not a man of many words but he has good sense His reports will we think be brief But they will be to the point His pre decessor often a man of many words and too frequently he got lost in the majte of them finance committees new chairman is Councillor King What Mr King knows about fi nance we do not know but he has served on the committee for a year with Mr Cook and should understand its workings We wish him well In his new ap pointment Mr Cook will be at his right hand The property committee will be chaired by the deputyreeve Mr J Murray This is a change we cannot understand since Councillor Jones made a great success of the job We fall to understand why a man should be taken from a position in should learn the art of chair manship then the changes however surprising have that merit On paper the ma of the changes do not look good It remains to see how they work out in practice Probably the most surprising reshuffle of them all concerns Reeve Cook who succeeds Mr Tucker as chairman of the town planning committee of council A great writer once described life as a crooked labyrinth in which are daily lost in its obliquity Is Mr Cook now to find himself lost in the obliqui ty of the zoning bylaw We wonder what he will do with the zoning byJaw We could quote Mr Cook chapter and verse date too where he confessed that he didnt under stand a thing about the plan ning board proposals He went so far as to say he did not think it was a good thing to hand over too much authority to subsidiary boards the planning board which he has succeeded to take j Reeve Cook caught in the over a somewhat subordinate toils of the zoning bylaw What command such as the sports and la nemesis publicity committee It may of course have been Mr Jones wish to step down Councillor D J Murray made a good job of the sports and publicity committee Why take away from that and place him at the head of a committee whose duties and responsibili ties it will take time to learn He Is now chairman of the fire and water committee The curious thing is that Mr Murray has not been given even a place on the sports and publicity com mittee where he made a sue- cess It might seem that he has been penalized for the excellent work he did in connection with the that change look to us like If it intended all member of council Arena Board Resignations Council accepted the resigna tions of Mr A Cousins and Mr F Underbill as vicechairman and chairman respectively of the Arena board In his letter of resignation Mr Includ ed these obscure observations It is needless for me to go my reasons for this action as you arc well acquainted with the situation What situation The situa tion as we understand it is that the arena board has not per formed a tolerably competent job bringing upon itself the condemnation of the mayor and some members of council Such condemnation is part of the put liflhed record Is Mr Underbill now assuming the part of a mar tyr Continued on Page 11 SAYING THE ARENA BOARD Chairman Underfill and ViceChairman Cousins have resigned from the Arena board In his letter to council the chairman expressed thanks for the co operation and confidence that body had given the board Mayor Rose did not show much confidence when he described conditions at the arena as despicable and Councillor Corbett described them as deplorable Nor did Councillors King and Jones show much confidence when they had a motion carried at council which in effect censured the board for its failure to carry out its job Nor did the repeated criticisms by Councillor J Murray of the board evince much confidence Having made this correction of what appears to us an unwarranted claim in Mr Underbills letter of resignation we have no wish to dwell unnecessarily on a situation which has now undergone some relief This newspaper did no more than report what was asserted by those who were familiar with the facts at the same time commenting on them without prejudice or personal motive That we suggest is the proper business of any worthwhile newspaper For doing what we believed was our duty to the interested citizens we received a shoal of abuse from both the chairman and the vicechairman We will content ourselves by saying that on the evidence both gentlemen appear to have written their own rebuttals as impartiallyminded public representatives GOOD MANNERS Manners the man runs an old proverb After all good manners are a sign of good breeding and innate refinement You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear is another old and true adage Consid eration for others is of course the basis of good man ners Repeatedly we have been impressed with the very high standard of good manners displayed by the citizens of Aurora We have seen this in evidence at the post office in the stores and on the streets There is a commendable readiness to give way to others to avoid the pushing and the jostling we have seen elsewhere At the post office doors this consideration for others is constantly apparent It used to be a common saying that the French were the bestmannered people in the world France held its place for centuries as the most cultured land in the world which may explain why there was a cult of good manners in that highlycivilized country We do not think we shall be charged with boasting if we claim that England is a land of good manners and outoftheway courtesies There is no land where controversy and critical debate is more rife than in England which accounts for her intellectual and industrial achievements But the English have few if any superiors when it comes to good manners and courtesies A former Duke of Norfolk boasted tlint he had helped carry a salesmans sample case and K Chesterton who was a very stout man claimed that he had risen and given up his seat on a streetcar to two ladies We do not know if the teaching of good manners is part of the presentday schools curriculum If not we think it should be For if manners a man they also classify a nation THE WAY TO HEALTH The most valuable thing in the world is good health Given an average hereditary balance the evidence shows that it can be attained and enjoyed The basis of such enjoyment is moderation in all things allied to mental poise Mental poise is- not so easy to attain as the prac tice of moderation but once it is attained its value in promoting good health is priceless What is mental poise and how can it be realized It can best be explained as a habit of mind A good many years ago a Frenchman by name Coue had a slogan which ran Every day and in every way I get better and better Crude as the slogan may sound it had more merit than much of the psychiatric bunkum that some people pay a good price to have told to them today It meant simply that the disciples of the slogan were resolved on making the best of each day They would face the new day with a cheerful face without regrets for yesterdays failures Nothing can be done about yesterday but much can be done about today The chief thing that can be done about today is to make the best of it The habit of mind to look cheerfully on mundane tasks can be cultivated Many people fret themselves over trifles Persistent fretting develops a neurotic habit of mind Trifles become magnified beyond their real proportions and the ability to think straight is lost The answer to all this is to turn the mind In the opposite direction namely toward cheerfulness and the will to conquer Modern psychiatry inclines to the exploring of mor bid mental histories as In the practice of psychoanaly sis The more robust psychologists of an earlier day emphasized the importance of clear thinking and healthy resolutions as the best means to the way to health Health begins in the mind and the mind controls the body- first Steam Train 1830 Canadian Racial Changes The most memorable event in Aurora in will of course be the part it will take in the Coronation cele brations A committee of council has been formed to take care of the arrangements and its members will find plenty of work to do Preceding these historic cele brations will be another Aurora event of great interest This will be the centennial date May 1953 of the run ning of the first railway train from Toronto to Aurora It is planned to make this an event in Aurora and a committee is be ing formed to make the arrange ments May 16 1953 will be a Saturday which should prove a good date for local business as well as local history During the century since the first railway train ran from To ronto to Aurora the world of humans has been overtaken by such changes that it would hard ly be recognizable by those who witnessed that early locomotive puffing its way over the tracks The explanation of those changes is to be found in scientific de velopment Origin of Steam Trains The records show that in the and 17th centuries experi ments were being made for the use of condensed steam More British Stock More British stock is needed in Canada and cheaper means of transportation for British immi grants should be worked out argues the brochure It costs 100 only for a family of five to get to Australia as against some 650 for the same family to come to Canada Since the war some Britishers have gone to Australia many after finding that their finances were insufficient to enable them to reach this country The booklet is full of interest ing facts and information and can be obtained from the chair man Immigration committee The Royal Empire society Mon treal branch Bishop St Montreal The Immortal Memory On January there was born at near Ayr a child who was named Robert the Anglican church held their meeting at the home of Miss Hofland Tyler St on Tuesday afternoon Mr and Mrs Jim Castle spent the weekend with Mrs Castles mother Mrs Cowling Mrs Stella Callaway was last week at a personal shower in honor of Miss Vel- Bermet who is going in training in St Josephs hospital next month Mr is spend ing the remainder of the winter months in Florida Miss Marion Rose daughter of Mr and Mrs Rose Ave left last week for St John where she will be employ ed as dental technician with the The afternoon auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met on Wednesday at the home of Dr Mulligan The Aurora Horticulture So ciety held its annual meeting in the United church parlors on Jan 21 John P Budd gave an illustrated address on Land scaping the small garden The WHO class met in the church parlors on Tuesday after noon and quilted a number of But it appears that until James Burn ess later abbreviated by Watt a British civil engineer himself to Burns One hund red and ninetyfour years later than that event his birth will be celebrated all over the civilized born at Greenock Jan invented the condensing steam engine little progress had been recorded in the use of steam In the year he put his inven tion into use in the city of Birm ingham Watt started out as a mathematical instrument maker and was the author of numerous inventions He died in It was George Stephenson who invented the steam engine that runs on rait- way tracks He was born at a little mining village near where his father was employed at the colliery Obtaining permission from the owners of the mine he first ran his engine on the colliery tram way As his fame as an inventor rose he was appointed to con struct a railway running from Liverpool to Manchester It was on this track that his locomotive the Rocket mode its trial trip in the year making a speed of miles per hour Twenty- three years later there occurred the event which Aurora will celebrate on May Canadian Association Records of that time bear wit ness to the tremendous excite ment that swept Britain when Stephenson first set his engine in motion along the track be tween Liverpool and Manchester Fearsome predictions were made of calamities that would over take the use of such an inven tion It was reported that a member of the Liverpool and Manchester railway board of di rectors asked Stephenson what happen if a cow strayed on to the railway track while the train passing It will prove the cow re plied Stephenson Stephenson like his forerun ner Watt was the author of numerous inventions among them a safetylamp for the use of miners underground His son Robert 18031859 was an en gineer bridge constructor anil has a direct association with Canada For it was Robert Ste phenson who built the Victoria tubular bridge over the St Law rence Racial We have been looking at some interesting facts published by Royal Empire societys immi gration committee at their Mon treal branch In way they are very disturbing The census of the first after Confedera tion gives the population of Canada as 3089257 The census gave the population as The census disclosed the racial population percentages as follows British percent French percent and others percent In 1951 these per centages had undergone the fol lowing changes British percent French percent others 2128 percent There is noticeable a heavy in the percentage of British stock The brochure states Until proportion of British among our Immigrants was In almost every year approximate ly percent and the British proportion In our total popula tion was maintained at from percent to percent In the percentage of British In the an nual flow of immigrants began to show marked recession and this change was clearly re- fleeted in the drop of more than three onehalf percent in the be assured of the service and at tention given during past years Mr Frank Mr Frank the new manager of the Royal theatre came from London England to Toronto 18 months ago He spent a year in the service of a large firm of farming implement manufacturers in Toronto and in June 1952 resumed his former business in motion pictures in which he had had considerable experience in the Old Country Before coming to Aurora Mr was assistant manager at the theatre Toronto Mr says he sincerely hopes to fill the gap left by Cliff and that he will be at door of the Royal theatre each evening to welcome his patrons This newspaper takes pleasure in wishing the new Royal theatre manager every success Ottawa ti guest this week of Mrs Frank Hughes Mr and Mrs and Miss were over the weekend of Mr arid Mrs Howard Manning The evening group of the United church held it January meeting in the church parlors on Monday Jan Mrs P Thompson the meeting and showed slides on her recent trip to Europe Mrs Dorothy Bowman New market will address the local branch of the Womens Institute this Thursday evening at oclock in the United church parlors Her subject will be Health On Monday evening at the residence of Mrs Ben Harrison a personal shower was given for Miss Velvena Bennett About friends were present and Toots was the recipient of many useful gifts Employees of Cousins Dairy gave her an en velope of money wishing her good luck in her new vocation a a nurse in training at St Jo sephs hospital Mr and Mrs Steels ton and family were weekend guests of Mrs Webster For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE Si Aurora m Stationery Select Greeting Cards Agent For Era Classified Ada St a world by a toast which will be given as The Immortal Mem ory On its twohundredth an niversary there will he mam moth celebrations that wilt prob ably outrival the birth of any other human being What is the explanation for this phenomenal applause year year accumulating I strength as the decades go by There are great numbers of men who have contributed more to the welfare of the human race than Robert Bums Nor was his personal life a model we would wish our children to copy Those who have looked Into it know that it was morally lam entable What therefore is the secret of the magic of the memory of Robert Burns It would be hard even fnr any Burns idolater to say He wrote a number of heartmoving songs He wrote also number of extremely bit ter satires and two roistering comedies in rhyme Tain Shonter and The Jolly Beg gars All this work was done as authorities have shown in a period of six months the last of it in anticipation of his enforced flight to Jamaica At the Burns dinners thous ands of them there will be the usual platitudes and the well- worn rhetoric where the reality of Burns will be enthusiastically transformed into the myth It will not matter the food the wine and the fellowship will be good It may be that these ingredients continue to explain The Immortal Memory Clifford Griffith Mr Clifford Griffiths who came to Aurora in December has been manger the Royal theatre since that date has relinquished that position decision was the outcome he informs us of retiring from the motion picture exhibiting indus try to pursue other business in terests Mr Griffiths has spent years in the motion picture in dustry He expresses sincere regret for his inability to see many friends and acquaintances he has known through his position as manager of the Royal theatre these columns he wishes to thank them for their patronage and loyalty through the years Mr Griffiths anticipates mak ing a trip to England at a Inter date where wife Pauline and infant win Barry on In a welcome to Mr A Mr Griffith state that Mrl