Oshawa Sends A prominent local public man gave us this tip for the new year and we pass it on by way of a prelude to what follows Keep your eye on the young fellows who compose the Junior chamber of commerce he said for they are going places in They are the most active and the most promising organization in town at the present time- Of course the statement was bold and challenging- So much SO that if we were to give its authors name he would instant ly find himself on the hot plate He did not authorize the use of his name so we wont give it While we have no ob jection whatever to finding on the hot plate wed never think or dragging some other poor devil on to it to take the grill with us But the proposition gave us cause to think a great deal Some of our thinkings we pro pose to set down here They may get us into trouble but were used to it A little more wont make that much differ ence since man was born to wickedness as the sparks fly up wards Many sensitive ears will burn with righteous wrath at the mere suggestion that the Jaycees are the most active not to say most promising organization in town The statement is a challenge to the sensitivity of the numerous members of the num erous organizations in town Those whose skins lie closest to the epidermis will suffer the most Or perhaps those whose skins lie farthest away from the epidermis will take the greater umbrage Human psychology is a puzzling problem As far as active goes wed have thought the local fire bri gade would have first vote For it matters not for whom the bells toll the boys of the old brigade are in their truck and out on the street in a matter of the first two or three minutes There is no more active organ ization in Aurora than the fire brigade The Home and School Associa tion the Recreation Commission and the Rotary club all these organizations provide proof of being very active And there are others among them the Planning board The puzzle however with the planning board is to know why and on it is active It holds plenty of meetings and talks plenty But where does all the talk get it Sometimes to the council with more talk and puzzles It could be cor rectly called a promising organ ization only its promises are not palatable the Statement Concerning the public mans statement quoted above we think he meant that the Junior chamber is active and That is a good union of invisible forces we would say In other words the are a Uve body To arrive at this conclusion there must be comparisons The dan ger surrounding comparisons we are told is that they are odious Yet it need not be so Com parisons can be very helpful But woe unto him who makes them in this instance ourselves With whom can we logically compare the With none other of course than their grandiose parent the Board of Trade the granny of her more lively successors the Junior chamber Here is what a member of the 9 vi A -s- TELEPHONE THURSDAY THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE senior organization said to us some time back Before it was changed to the of Trade we called ourselves the Business Mens Association We were an active body then holding fre quent meetings and getting things done It was also a very friendly body where everybody took a part Changing it to the Board of Trade did not improve matters He went on to say that the Business Mens Associa tion did not bring in big speak ers from outside but successful ly managed its own affairs Up on a Pedestal It is a long time since we were present at a dinner meeting of the Board of Trade On that oc casion there was a visiting speaker present who proved to be about the longestwinded bore we have ever suffered un der He was away up on a ped estal while a number of those who endured with us were ob viously long past the merely nodding stage When he re turned to earth he was cheered not for what he had said but for the that he had at long last stopped saying it There were business men on Main St present who could have given valuable advice on how to succeed in life for they had al ready succeeded One of them told us later that he had hardly understood one word of what the guest speaker said and thought he was a theorist ra ther than a practitioner Apart from those at the head table a noticeable feature of the pro ceedings was the total absence of any remarks from a considerable number of Auroras successful business men They sat in si lence From what we hear the mem bers of the Junior chamber are avoiding the fundamental mis take a closedshop opinion All its members are being encourag ed to participate in its affairs This may prove one good reason why the public man referred to expressed confidence that the will render outstanding work to the town in In their president Larry Rubin they have a knowledgeable and practical man of affairs The basic ethic of the move ment is selfimprovement Alderman Clifford Barman Alderman Harman called at the office last week He was in Aurora for the funeral of his cousin Mrs whose tragically sudden death came as a great shock to her numerous friends At the time of his call a mem ber of the Aurora town council was in our office and Mr man said he had brought with him good wishes from the mayor of Oshawa to the mayor of Aurora to whom he had just conveyed them He also brought good wishes to all members of council from the mayor and members of the city council Before leaving Alderman man again paid tribute to the Era and Express and to Aurora News Page To the councillor Mr said I enjoy read- Column 3 Page INAUGURAL MEETING Coronation And Centenary Committees Are Convened The inaugural meeting of the Aurora town council was held in the municipal buildings on Monday morning January commencing at e v e oclock Mayor Rose presided and all members of council were present represented the Ministerial asso ciation and was accompanied by Among the considerable num ber of visitors the chairmen of the High and the Public school were in attendance Also pres ent were the managers of the Imperial bank and the Bank of Montreal The Rev Dr Mulli gan in his capacity as president For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE i rot Era Clattifitd Ad i Rev Among other interesting mat ter brought before the meeting Mayor Rose indicated that a Cor onation commit lee would be let up A further item of hiitorical interest was the forthcoming cen tenary of the arrival in Aurora of flrat railway train from Toronto which took place on May A committee to be convened to arrange for the commemoration of this event Member of council made brief addresses In the course of his remarks Councillor W Davidson a new member of council sugges ted the erection of a new build ing at the back of the library to provide reference facilities The chairman of the public school made the suggestion that some of tho rooms in the old public school could be used for municipal pur pesei The first regular meeting of the new council was held in the evening of tho same day a re port of which will be found in I ether columns in this issue PRAISE OR BLAME A young man published a book it received a great amount of criticism from the critics He planned a second book and asked Bernard Shaw if he would write an introduction for it Following his custom Mr Shaw declined to accept the request Instead he gave the young author this advice It does not matter whether or not you receive either praise or blame What matters is that you receive attention for silence is damnation We have often wondered why some of our public men who are so unduly sensitive to criticism have not given some thought to the same idea that Mr Shaw handed on to the young author who was somewhat put out by the negative reception given to his first book They should take to heart the knowledge that silence is damnation If some of these public men were not mentioned in the press they would never be known It costs time and money to report in a newspaper what public men are doing Newspapers report their activities as a public service for their readers The more publicity a public representative deceives the better he is known If his activities are not reported readers conclude that they are not of much value It does seem however that some public men are always ready to lap up praise The more plentiful it is the more greedy their palate But once express some words of criticism even when the facts show it is justly deserved and theyre off on a cantercalling for votes of confidence and threatening- resignation They dont always resign however They hold on for the storm to pass Selfinterest not the public interest is the determining factor WHAT IS OLD AGE The other day we received a letter from a gentle man who is somewhere around the mark according to the calendar It was beautifully written in clear round letters which showed no decline in the art of Its message of good wishes for the family in was wittily expressed It is one of those letters that are treasured and carefully put aside among the souvenirs According to the calendar the writer of the letter is an old man But what is old age If it means either physical or mental decrepitude then our letterwriter is or years younger than some men we have known He well sleeps well walks well and his interest in affairs shows no signs of diminishing He is old only in the number of his years His mental vitality is per haps as good as it was at any time in his long life Grow old along with me the best is yet to be wrote Robert Browning At one can be old At one can be young At one can be an authority on how to live well and still enjoy life It is all a matter of ones mental attitude to life At Pericles was learning a new foreign language at E Gladstone was forming his fourth government at 90 Bernard Shaw was experimenting with a new dramatic technique Some words of caution and sage advice youthful reader Do not burn up your precious youth with im moderate living Take it easy Go steady There are long years ahead of you if you will but observe the rules of common sense You have but one life to live There is no second chance It is all here and now With the exercise of common sense it can be a good life right on to the end PENALTIES OF PROGRESS Having a great liking for symphonic music we have often wondered what the experts think of the modem compositions in contrast with those of the 17th and 18th centuries In no sense have we any expert knowledge of music We know when we are pleased and we are rarely pleased with what we can only describe as tho cacophonies of the presentday composers Compared with the composers of the past we think there has been a great decline in musical composition Is this a penalty of what we understand as progress We cannot alter the tempo of our times but we can question if what we have is favorably comparable with what we have lost The tempo of the past was slow and leisurely the tempo of the present is fast and bewilder ing This change is manifest in others of the higher arts The writing of great poetry appears to have ended in the period between the two great wars It probably ended with Swinburne but at least the first world war produced Rupert Brooke Wo are not aware that the second world war produced even a good secondrate poet Great poetry like great music is the offspring of tran quillity and since the turn of the present century there has been no tranquillity To what end is progress hastening us There has been an immense increase of comfort amenities pro duced by scientific development but in spite of it all life is generally more tense and precarious today than at any time in history The paradox is more exciting than satisfying The composite puzstle is one that we cannot solve But there may be those among our read ers who can unravel the intriguing riddle COUNCIL REPORT Board Resignations Received Plan Auroras Centennial Celebrations Standing committees for 1953 were struck annual appointments to town boards were made and considera tion of Auroras centennial celebrations was introduced at the first regular meeting of the Aurora council on Monday night Mayor Crawford Rose presided ma S ASSOCIATION J I- Mr Larry Rubin president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce was the special speaker at the of the Home and School association held on Monday night January 12 The subject of his specially pre pared address was Earths Greatest Treasure who studied public speaking courses to stand before a group and express themselves effec tively Mr Rubin drew atten tion to the successful classes for public speaking that were being conducted by the Aurora Junior Chamber In the building up charac ter the speaker said that while schools did much in that direc tion the background had to ho provided in the home He Bald that we were in an age of specialization and that the of today needed all the help it was possible for them to tain He stressed the pressure of modern competition and the Referring to that part of the creed of the Junior Chamber that Earths greatest treasure lies in the human personaUty Mr Rubin proceeded to empha size the importance of home en vironment as a first cause in the development of personality in the adolescent years The speaker dealt at consider able length with the work of the movement in relation to the learning of the art of public speaking bringing with It feel ings of selfassurance and self- confidence and enabling those VOTE REPORT In opening council Dr Rose recommended as he had in the oast three years that as much irk as possible be done In com- mhe He said that councillors soon find their places on the vgLous committees and he advised hat committees pres ent reports to council regularly Standing on town council for approved on Monday night follows Finance Moffat Fire and Water Murray Davis Jones Property Murray Jones Davidson ByLaws Moffat King Mur ray Health Relief and Sanitation Davidson Murray Davis Streets Davis Coon Murray Murray Sports and Publicity Jones Davidson Cook Town Planning Cook Moffat King Police Rose Jones Murray Building Permits Rose Murray Clerk Wilkinson Auroras birthday will be commemorated on Saturday May A special centennial committee to be the nucleus of a larger committee of the com munity was named It is com posed of the regular sports and publicity committee of council Jones Davidson and Cook Reeve A A Cook was reap pointed as councils representa tive on the board of health of York County Health Unit Dr J will serve a term on the Aurora high school board This was a reap pointment for Dr The appointment of a repre sentative to the Public Library board was postponed until a rec ommendation could be received from the Library board by council Arena Board Resignations Letters of resignation from the Arena board were received by council from Frank Under bill and Archie Cousins Regret was expressed by Vic Jones when he moved that Mr Under bills resignation be accepted His motion was seconded by DeputyReeve Murray who mov ed a similar acceptance of Mr Cousins resignation Dale King seconded it Motions were car ried Mr Underbill hod served on the Arena board as the recom mended appointee of the Aurora branch Canadian Legion and Mr Cousins a recommend ed appointee of the Lions club The clerk Wilkinson was instructed to contact these organizations for suggestions for their replacements on Arena board Mayor Rose said that these recommendations would be brought to council for approval probably for next Mondays meeting In his letter of resignation Mr Underbill said that there was no need to go into the rea sons for his resignation as they were well known He said that he had tried to carry out the arena business to the best of his ability and thanked council for its cooperation support and noninterference Mr Couiins said that as he had been the rec ommended appointee of the Lions club he had presented his reasons for resignation to the last meeting of the club Councillor Murray reported that the new public address ays has been installed at the It is not builtin he reported Mayor Rose brought an urg ent matter to the attention of Vic regarding the Arena board Take or and buy some skating rec ords We have more complaints about the music at the rink than any other thing It in the urgent need there at the present time laughingly commented Mayor Rose A letter was read from Don of the recreation commis sion In it Mr Glass that the commission this year will carry more extended and varied recreation program The commission appreciated guidance and referred to the necessity of council appointing two members of council as mem bers of the commission Last year Councillors Murray and Corbett rendered valuable and faithful service to the Mr It moved by Clarence Davie by Dale King thai Councillor Vic and Murray be appointed as repre sentatives on the recreation com mission for Motion was carried Decorated Main St A letter from the Native Sons of Canada was read commend ing Aurora on its colorful dec oration of Main St during the Christmas season Copies of the letter will be sent to the Board of Trade and the hydro com mission who worked with coun cil on the project In discussing the letter Mayor Rose noted that council had as sisted by providing a financial grant The Board of Trade had engineered the project and the commissions employees had made additional stars and strings of lights while the com mission had provided free elec tricity and replacement of bulbs Stan Taylor appeared as a delegation before council repre senting the board of trade in the absence of the president who is in hospital Mr Taylor recalled the councils cooperation with the board and brought the good wishes of the group on the Main St lighting and decora tions at Christmas time In moving a vote of thanks to the Board of Trade Deputy- Reeve Murray thanked them for their promotion of Aurora He said the work done had been worthy of praise Mayor Rose commented on the exceptional ly beautiful window of Stan and Mrs Taylors which had won the first prize in the Christmas dec oration contest Further Correspondent Greetings were received by the council for from the two retiring members of the council Ralph Tucker and Cliff A letter from J Buchanan was read requesting a percent increase in pay for garbage col lection The letter stated that the work involved had increased greatly The matter was refer red to the health and sanitation committee The Bell Telephone Company notified council by letter that with the installation of the dial system the agreement for fire alarm system would be can celled The business was re ferred to the fire and water committee A letter from York County hospital requesting the payment of Auroras proportion of the 1051 deficit 91906 be paid was read Checking the minutes of August it was learned that such payment had been au thorized by the town clerk Mr Wilkinsons predecessor Mr Wilkinson was instructed to at tend to tho matter Increased Protection For the past two or three years members of the Aurora fire brigade have been placed under the Workmen Compen sation board with coverage for each of a year I think our firemen should have the maximum coverage Dale King Ho moved that each man be covered for a year in future Councillor J Murray seconded the motion Motion was carried It will coat approximately for this cov erage under the Workmens Compensation board Committee Report A request for lights on ins Drive and Centre St re ceived It was referred to the streets committee Councillor J Murray re ported that the outdoor rinks had been flooded Mild weather had prevented ice forming go that to date there had been no outdoor skating DeputyReeve James Murray reported that there had been received to check the trees in town He said that there were many which needed to be removed before property or personal damage resulted Senntoviteh Subdivision Mr N appeared before council together with a member of the towns consultant engineering firm Proctor and to discuss the installa tion of services on a proposed subdivision on Kennedy St Mr Senutovitch plans to open a subdivision on the south aide of Kennedy St with He had agreed to have the roads graded and gravelled and was Inquiring regarding water and After a lengthy discussion Mr vitch suggested that he return to council meeting on Jan IB when the matter could be placed on the agenda In the m The Citizens Committee Vote need for early training of the No which did public relations young it they were to be in Aurora before the vote and happy against liquor and beer outlets released a financial report last week The report is signed by J B Bastedo president and V Smith treasurer Disbursements listed include Aurora Banner Era and Express West Toronto Press office expenses and postage Bell Telephone Co Salvation Army hall 10 Trinity hall Total dis bursements were and the Mr Rubin talk with humorous references to the diificuIUe3 some students at pub lic courses experienced but when once they had overcome these they became effective speakers He emphasized that the majority of students were not interested in making careers of public speaking or of enter ing politics real objective was to build up personal confi dence for a useful application of bank balance amounted to individual talents Column Page