IKS King City And District Mi Law none Show The launching of the Chevrolet conducted by the Bill Motors brought over people to hi open house last Friday and Saturday- Visitors from all parts of the countryside were enthusiastic they examined the new models Mr was as sisted by Don Harold Kirby and Bruce Barker He was greatly satisfied with the response to his invitation to at tend the opening and the oppor tunity to meet so many in per son The success of the presenta tion did not overshadow the hos pitality of the host and his staff Standards of beau tiful chrysanthemums supplied by Millers of Maple gave an ar resting touch to the hall buffet court and the private office It was Mrs S who was responsible for the decora tion of the refreshment room The of King United church presided and hot coffee was served Reeve Elton Armstrong drew the tickets for the draws on Fri day evening Mr James Pattern one of the village older resi dents drew tickets on Saturday night Miss Doris local school teacher won a battery The Robson family did well Leslie won a battery and his niece Maple won back up lights Other prizes were oil filters won by Mrs Johnston King and Mrs Philip Toronto mirrors Mrs Howard and Clifford gallon of Roy Crook of Maple five gallons gasoline Jim Davidson King City electric lantern Mrs W A King City set driv ing lights Stanley Watson King driving lights Miss Annie King can of auto polish Stanley Chambers King and Mrs Bruce Gordon Richmond Hill dash tray Mrs J Keens King oil change Burns King New School Mr Hallman PPaed of Hamilton Normal school staff has been appointed public school inspector of King and town ships upon the superannuation a Mr If A Gaipin who was ap pointed in September replacing Mr Chas HowJtt Mr has taken district fl as his first inspectorate and has communicated by letter with the teaching staff in his various schools King township council received a letter from Mr Gal- pin announcing his resignation He asked the same cooperation from teachers and school boards of the King township be extend ed to Mr that had been extended to him Mr has his headquarters at Rich mond Hill formerly occupied by his predecessor He has already visited some of his schools one being Oak Ridges Toronto Entertained Once a year Miss Dorothy Armstrong and her mother Mrs J Armstrong are hostesses to First Avenue Baptist choir To ronto This event was held at the Armstrong home last Friday evening and despite unfavorable weather about motored to King City to spend an enjoyable social evening The minister Rev Rice and his wife Mr Robert Merrill the acting organ ist and his were among the party Miss Armstrong has been organist of the city church for two years She took a leave of absence In November and will resume her position early this year Honored by Honorary membership in the Womens Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church was re cently conferred upon Mrs Williams by the Toronto West at the January meeting of the executive at Vic toria church Toronto It Is the first time this honor has been awarded to a rural district of the Mrs Williams blame to workmen It happen ed several hours after they left work that day We are thank ful it was not worse that the barn and our stock was saved by Aurora fire department and that no one was injured they said Churches Receive Flowers On Sunday Jan the United Baptist Anglican and Presbyterian churches were brightly decorated with large baskets of chrysanthemums that adorned the Chevrolet motor dis play at Motors Mr gave the flowers to the congregations for use at their respective services Hie installation of the officers of Eversley Presbyterian and the WA was conducted by minister Rev D Wother- On Sunday Jan Rev M will hold Communion services at Teston and On behalf of the school board of Area King township Earl Cook has requested council to open fourfifths of a in the Holland Marsh area north of the at the fifth conces sion to facilitate school busses which will carry children from this section to the new consoli dated school under construction near It would save retracing a portion of the route said Mr Cook Otherwise an extra four miles would have to be covered in order to reach the school Two busses will be required to supply transportation for stu dents The school area consists of four sections Mr and Mrs Wilson be came grandparents of the third child of their daughter Evelyn and husband Kenneth Sim To ronto to whom a son was born on Wednesday Jan at the Western hospital Mrs A entrained on Saturday evening for Spring field Mass to be with her daughter Mrs Jim Mr and Mrs Bill and son Paul have moved from Kinghorn to an apartment in the home of Miss Jessie Paul is recov ering from measles and his sis- CANAD1A United churches On Fri day Jan the congregation of will hold a turkey dinner at the noon hour followed by the j will return to annual meeting and election or fa officers On Friday Jan 23 King United congregation will hold an annual meeting Officers Reinstated All officers of United have been reappointed for the coming year honorary president is Rev president Helen Hunter vice pre Bob Watson secre tary Rev Mr Jenkinson treas urer Duncan mission ary convener Mrs Flet cher and Vera Hunter christian culture Mr Jenkinson and Bob Watson fellowship Jim Mar- wood and Jesse citizen ship Freda Farley and pianist Murchy editor of Laskay Bea con Mr and lunch committee by all the members of the organization Unpaid Dog Taxes Costly When J Reddick King township assessor reported that persons who fail to pay their dog tax are costing all taxpay ers money his proposal to recti fy the situation was confirmed by council The majority of dog owners pay the license but for to in the township who do not and who are duly notified of their obligation it means that time and travel expenditures are In volved to make the collections There were from to that the township constables had to collect Mr Reddick proposed that when he assesses for a dog tax he will inform the constables Where the tax is unpaid They will notify the owner allowing a certain number of days before he must appear in court Fox Bounty Monies paid out by King township on Jan were fox bounties membership on Good Roads Commission Assessors Association member ship Municipal Association Hospital for Sick Children Salvation Army 15 dam age to sheep owned by Hugh Sheardowne and Wilton and to valuator destruction of sheepworrying dog Farm Forum j also had measles Miss Lois is back at McDonald Hall Guelph for the second half of her course which finishes in June She successfully completed her Christmas tests The policy of the training course is that those who make the half year tests are allowed to finish out the year otherwise they do not re turn Ruling Master of Lodge Roy was installed rul ing master of Robertson Mason ic Lodge and AM at the installation performed by Wit her Jennings past master of Robertson who was assisted by Ivan past district deputy Harry Mitchell past grand senior warden Ernest past district deputy and Very Worshipful Tom Has- were among who regis tered The installing officer had the pleasant task of Installing Fred Boys as treasurer of Rob ertson lodge who is entering his 25th year as secretary of the or ganization and in the King lodge A dozen or more from district D lodges were present includ ing Toronto Aurora Richmond Hill East Woodbridge and Bolton Other officers installed In the organization were Harry Douglas senior warden Kelley Junior warden Wilbert Burns treasurer Jenn ings senior deacon J Shrop shire junior deacon Ray Jenn ings director of ceremonies in ner guard Norman Burnett Harry Edwards senior toward Grant jun ior steward Ivan Recent holiday travellers dur ing Christmas and New Years season were Miss Dorothy Arm strong who reports an excellent ten days at St Petersburg Fla She went by bus with Miss Bessie Toronto teacher and they were guests of the uncle The climate was pleas- Reunited at Ottawa Joseph frontline stretcherbearer in Korea is shown with his wife Florence and only surviving child a son Richard of fire which gutted his home at chenes Que trapping his four other children inside Red tape was slashed by the Canadian army to fly home on compassionate leave from the front line to attend the funeral Glendon had a 30day leave with his family before he left for Korea but because his departure was made from Camp Borden more than miles from his home they were not there to see him off The mother of the victims was visiting a neighbor when fire believed to have started from an oil stove broke out The Newmarket Eft Fit Forum members held their meet at the home of Mr Jack on January with present to discuss the question Where are the new farm leaders The majority of the group thought that meetings Of organi zations such as the Junior far mers call club clubs mach inery homemakers and garden clubs also the church offer good opportunities to develop leader ship in young people and ability to take an active part in different activities such as farm forums All this helps to discover and develop young people with lead ership qualities The young people should be en couraged to take an active part in the present activities and be giv en leadership and guidance by older more experienced persons to help develop their leadership qualities Lack of interest drifting to the cities to seek higher income are reasons that may keep young people from holding or taking positions in farm organi zations it was felt The next forum meeting will be held at the home of Sheldon Walker The Newmarket East and Hope farm forums met on Jan uary at the homes of Harry Walker and Allen with fifteen members present in both groups Cost of marketing was the topic The Newmarket East believed unnecessary exist ed in food distribution In dupli cation of delivery such as over lapping the delivery of milk bread etc They derided to eliminate marketing coats by planned delivery doing away with unnecessary credit dealing through Town marketing costs would be an ad vantage to the consumer to low er retail prices Lower marketing coats would be an advantage to the lamer tit a greater volume sales and high er returns to the farmers Next Newmarket East Forum is to be held at the Mr Jack Fair The Hope forum was divided on the first Question as some be lieved they were not In a post to have definite opinions As for the unnecessary costs one group said that If were not packaged so attractive ly they would not sell audita would be considerable waste second group there was unnecessary coats In the of milk and bread routes the answer lying In zoning deliveries Appoint DM Findlay Chairman Of King City Trustee Board At the first meeting in the New Year of King City village trustees held on night Jan trustee M was appointed chairman of the board Trustee Wm Carson was made waterworks superintendent The latter two offices were created to expedite management residents moke inquiries on these matters Mr Carson and Mr can be readily contacted Norman Oak Ridges will be approached to continue as electrician of the village pumping station J is to resume maintenance of street Went of WMS lighting bulbs at the same is rural district president as in and Frank caretaker of the water system pump on the name basis Public meetings of trustees will be held In tha Masonic hall on the following dates Jan Feb March May 25 July August Sept Oct 26 Nov 2 and 14 Sate of Land Approved Village trustees have given approval to the Bale of approxi mately two acres of land out of the property King St to A Wilson under the torma of the planning act A private rightofway feet wide would be between the WlUon and Walker Too When Canon stated there were complaints about the short duration of street light bulbs and that fit many five bum out In three doy trustee McLeod consented to consult J Roy hydro area superintend ent who had previously use of bulbs which could bo obtained from hydro Trustee wondered If It over nine auxiliaries She ha served a total of years on the executive wr more 25 years Mrs Shams has been associated mission work when first became a member of the society Her first con action with the ex was in hy her ap a rural vice-presl- lent Which office she held four ears resuming that capacity six ears ago Km While Mr and Mrs Hen derson of Forest Hill Village Toronto were Stunned by the destruction by fire of their at most completed home on their farm fith line last week they are not discouraged and will rebuild Rubble clear ing commenced this week and providing favorable the building contractor P Ross will have operations under way once again The house was In the last quarter of construc tion and plasterers were to have i WGr0 this bulb on the moved the day after the fire voltage system A Although the time of occupan cy will be greatly delayed for the Hendersons they are deter- wlndto have the house of their While the cause of the disaster has not I hew transformer has recently been Installed at Armstrongs corner and Inquiries will be made from Mr Roy If this will help voltage Open Excavation yet been deter The problem of an existing attach no open excavation on a building I fern lot on the north side of Dow fit at the oust end in King City was brought before trustees by trustee prompting them to decide that a request be for warded to King township coun cil asking that the owner of the property be advised to install suitable fencing around the hole for public protection Mr McLeod said he had view ed the situation and considers It dangerous to children playing there I them sliding on in the excavation which won strong enough to hold them up but that does not alter the fact that mild weather could not produce a different story If on accident lives are would be justified in protesting to the authorities he stated It la not feasible to put In fill in cold weather it was pointed out township building bylaw demands that excavation on building lots be protected whore no construction work Is being carried out Hsaard Villagers are assured that tho roadway on Keoto St north is being righted by Annls the contractor who laid the water main to the entrance of Heritage Pork The water leak in the connection will bo re paired and the roadway will be levelled On behalf of own- era of tho subdivision Mr is Installing mains in tho property which will see this part of the village building up with homes In the hope of improving a portion of roadway on Keele Si just north of the railway track help will bo sought from King township council to moke tem porary repair where the road way is very rough Town Water Town water flowed Into tho Dow subdivision property on Monday of week The mains were Installed by John the owner of the tend and have been approved by engineer Red- warm and they took a pleasant tour seeing the famous Cyprus Gardens and the Bach Tower Miss Doris Patton jun ior room teacher on King City staff went to Miami for her vacation Mr and Mrs Gordon Shaw Toronto friends of Mr and Mrs Bill Drinkwater came to King City for official launching of the new Chevrolet car spon sored by Mr at his Open House during the weekend Dr Glenn Sawyer with his wife and two children of St Thomas have taken the Benson house King moving in Saturday Mr and Mrs Benson have moved to the Sawyer home at St Thomas Dr Sawyer is secretarytreas urer of the Ontario Medical As sociation and will commute to Toronto to carry on his work Mr and Mrs Arthur Green have taken an apartment in Is lington where they will make their home The Greens came to King over four years ago from Falls purchasing the general store where they operated a successful busi ness Mr Greens ill health forced them to retire from busi ness Addresses Lions Club Ontario has the lowest TB death rate of any part of the North American continent chief ly owing to the pasteurization of milk that Is sold and the testing of cattle The North Am erican Indian is most sus ceptible of races to the disease on the continent while the Jewish race has the lowest per centage of deaths Interesting facts concerning tuberculosis were outlined to King City Lions by Dr King who Is connected with York County Health Unit at Newmarket and was for five years on the staff of Weston sanitorium was introduced to the club by his brother-in- law W W Dr spoke tho supper meeting of the Lions catered by the Womens Institute at the United church on Jan On Jan the club will hear Nor man radio farm com mentator who will be the guest speaker on Aigricultural Night convened by Jennings Plan A tentative subdivision plan prepared by A Meadows was examined by King township council the inaugural meeting last week It comprises Cres- soy property fronting King side- road east of Oak Ridges and land northward to Elm Grove Ave Tho plan contains about lots with provision for park and school site conforming with Ontario planning act that seta five percent of subdivision land for township or municipal public parka and buildings lots measure feet making any to the Toronto and York Planning board council decided to look over tho land and to department of health examine tho plan As required by act Oak Ridges school board has soon plan and la concerned with the effect on school popu lation proposed subdivision would have At present the enrolment Is over and the basement is now being used oncu again as an addi tional classroom with an extra teacher engaged Mr Meadows told tho school board an aero of land has bean resorved for a school alto and that adjoining land can available Waste Paper Remember the waste paper col lection by Scouts and Cubs on Saturday morning Jan 17 Have tied bundles ready and help the boys to help themselves in scout ing On Jan King Legion auxil iary will resume its biweekly meetings in the Masonic hall at Annual Meetings When the annual public meet ing of King Memorial Library is held on Friday Jan in the Anglican hall at 8 pm there will be opportunity for everyone J interested in supporting and pro- moting this institution to take part The annual reports will be heard and appointments made The board would greatly appre ciate a large attendance Mr John Grew is chairman of the board Other yearend meetings of local organizations are the an nual meeting of King City Cem etery Company Sat Jan at pm in the Masonic hall Plot holders are especially requested to attend On Tuesday Jan 20 Lake Marie and King Athletic Associa tion will gather for the annual meeting in the evening at Lake Marie hall when all members are urged to attend COUNTS sf I Mil When your hack la stiff am very painful and effort for you to take the remedy that hay swill safe relief to thousands Templet on Dont puffer from the nagging misery of Lumbago a day longer you have to Get today at drug counter J i- SHINGLES PER SQUARE WSJ i fcV Ati j w iy J A iA II i I Mi VANDORF STATION TELEPHONE 80R6 SEW it Telephone orders Accepted MpMMtWM J jT- J is -c- si A nd Express led article into Now tbo of farm keat way J a ZrcZ Write your ad apace Mow Pitt If you want a WNunftft there will be an additional of or if replioa are word for each m j- i S3HCS CLASSIFICATION J fi v mill i L ii J v A HI JfM T Cli 1- f- 111 V A1 I 4 iMMMfrillMi1 I l