It En Aa IMS KESWICK I The Evening WJ15 meet at the home of Mrs Huntley Tuesday Jan will bme installation of officers and the study wilt be conducted by Mrs Winch Roll call is to pay ones fees Rev and Mrs Gordon Winch returned to their home in Cen tral Butte Mr and Mrs Isaac King Bond Head and Miss Margaret King Toronto visited Mrs J at the home of her daughter Mrs- on Sunday The United church annual meeting will be held on Monday Jan There will be a pot- luck supper followed by the church reports Mr and Mrs Harold Marshall entertained Mr and Mrs Gordon and Peggy on Saturday evening PINE ORCHARD The Church of Christ Sunday school held its annual Christmas party at the home of Mr and Mrs Howard Lehman on Jan- 2 Mrs Galley Toronto vis ited recently at the home of Mr and Mrs Wesley Mr and Mrs Aubrey Wood Mr and Mrs Raymond Haines and family Snowball and Mr and Mrs Owen and family Aurora were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Howard Haines Mr John Sytema and Armitage attended the On- Consider Inported Ms Effect On Dy Mushy Speaking at the annual meet ing of the Breeders club held Jan at Trafalgar Stanley Hall P P for stated Any- to give a donation to offset that is detrimental to Federation of Agriculture annual meeting in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Howard Haines moved into their new home on Jan 10 The Willing Workers of Union church had a good attendance at their meeting at the home of Mrs Horace on Wednes day afternoon Jan They i in laying the floor in SMITH MILLARD i t- i irfWV l eila if J the basement of the church A supper will be served at- the church on the evening of Feb previous to the showing of tne fertile without livestock We therefore need stock is detrimental to agricul ture since land and animals go together arid it is impossible to the Royal Tour films The sew ing committee handed out patches for making quilt blocks Lunch was served by the hos tesses Mrs Jack Preston and Mrs Horace Muilin Miss Karen Hooey visited recently at home of Mr and Mrs Douglas Hope and family Whitchurch Township Feder ation of Agriculture is sponsor ing a meeting at hall on Tuesday afternoon Jan at oclock in connection with warble fly control Mr N Graham of the livestock division of the department of agriculture will be guest speaker It is hoped there will be a good at tendance Sorry to hear Mr A is ill Best wishes for a complete recovery to take carefully considered ac tion on any imported products that would interfere with our cattle population Mr Hall was referring to a resolution passed by the meet ing drawing attention to the serious situation that prevails in the dairy industry as the result of the encroachment of vege table oils on traditional dairy markets and recommending that immediate legislation be passed to protect the dairy industry from any further invasion from this source George Henry president of the Holstein-Fries- Association of Canada de scribed the vegetable oil issue as a menace to the entire dairy I industry EXPERIENCES ON LAKE SIMCOE id Veteran Ice Fisherman Tells Story I if FT w By Albert Newmarket Going Fishing That question is asked the year round but in this instance I mean fishing through the ice I have been ice fishing for more than years and yet have to find any of the hazards so many people believe are entailed in it Of course if you cannot do without the comforts of home when out on the ice then home is the place for you For the thrill and excitement of looking down a hole in the ice and see ing all kinds of fish come swim ming into view and being on pins and needles wondering if they are going to bite and if you can land you cant beat it Very little is required in the way of equipment a couple of wobblers a small spinner a de coy a few assorted hooks for different fish and of course a fish hut If a person is handy with tools or who has a little cash he can make or buy a hut at little cost The regular and most efficient size for a hut is four feet by six feet with a peak roof One third pitch would give you almost a six foot centre The hole in the ice is usually 20 to 26 inches and allows ample room for two peo ple to fish without being cramp ed For a stove any good five gallon can round or square will be ideal to burn wood coal or charcoal If one wants to be elaborate there is a special stove on the market for ice fishing huts which burns oily only For people with cars a hook up section hut is best because it can be carried on the car roof but the solidly built ones stand more use If you dont wish to build sleigh anyone on the lake will oblige by lending his I dont think you will find a friendlier bunch of people than those who fish through the ice all the time They have their own code of ethics and are jeal ous of them if you are a regular you are soon made a member of the fraternity One or all will help you move hut and expect you to help them back in a friendly fashion Talking about moving huts re minds me of the year we had the big snowfall It was in or 39 and three feet of snow drifted on the lake Almost everyone nearly had to move huts It took at least four men to a hut vol suspended from above work easier and eliminate floor holes road noise and dust provide more for the driver j A f- frW ten minutes which seemed lika hours he just inched slowly to wards the hanging decoy chomping all the time Sud denly He was hooked a beauty in anyones language Then there was the day that I had five houses rented to the gang from the King Edward ho tel a day we will oil remember I had all but two of the party settled down to fishing and had taken the two with me to the last house We were just inside when one of the men let out an awful yell and on looking at him to see what was wrong I saw that he was standing with and was really a tough job to get ev popping and pointing them moved the hole in the ice Believe One poor fellow never moved l was a fish going another hut after that day next by a good guess day he went out to fish as usual conservative side at but about ten oclock I found pounds It was very him frozen stiff outside his hut moving was and he had had a heart seizure I really missed that old man because he and I would go out day after day all winter and fish apart from the rest of the gang and catch more fish and see so many different things occur in the water that some people would doubt our veracity One day I went out to fish about seven in the morning just when the fish start to move around After getting my stove going and settling down to fish suddenly in came a big pike I would say about eight pounds He made dash for my decoy and believe me pike can really travel He missed on his first try and swam away out of sight A few minutes later when the water was settled he came gent coasting back and for at Queensville News A special Young Peoples scr- charge of the devotional service vice is being held Friday Jan at pm in the Baptist r T CtnfrftFlll Fudina make easy from either aide of the gas pump prevents to finish and gas spilling on fenders L as A Vmm Yr rtjBg WW i Mi mm Wi mam W Ltu C 1 J lower wider look IN rr A aw 75SR if JJ f J ford tutfree young for years 1 1 here the new pacesetting style- making Fort presenting for the first time new Hide Now feci the difference in Ford- with the entire completely- balanced for a safer smoother quieter that gives a concept of comfort on all kinds of road Again Ford ahead with all the features you want FullCircle Visibility with curved windshield that really lets you see a cur that handles with effortless steering braking and parking with proved V8 power brilliant performance See it check it youll finti the 1953 Ford gives you so many things you need and want TestDrive Ford youll know why more than ever before the swing is to Ford church Rev and his young people of Second Mark- ham Baptist church will be presenting the program Every one is cordially invited The re cently with the following offi cers pros Anno first Margaret sec- Barbara Comer sec Nancy Erica Ring CGIT meets each Monday night at pm in the United church basement Mr and Mrs Rex Smith are spending ten days in Now We extend sympathy to Mr Harry Toombs on the death of his mother last week Sunday visitors of Mrs wore Mr and Mrs Robert Aurora Mr and Mrs Elmer Preston family Pine Orchard Master Peter Smith is Visiting his grandmother Mrs Moore in Newmarket Dont forget the Womens In stitute bale for Korea Leave any clean good used clothing or new clothing Mrs J Smiths or Mrs Lew Irwins The Institute euchre will be held on Friday night Jan 16 at pm in the school Junior choir practice will be hold in the United church base ment on Saturday from to p The Evening Auxiliary will moot on Tuesday night Jan at the home of Mrs Miss Huntley will be in Mrs Willis thinking will be the guest speaker telling of her missionary work In Ni geria Africa Mrs flunking is now home on furlough having flown from Africa curly in De cember Hostesses are Mrs David Mrs Toombs and Mrs Plan to hear Dr Carlos speak and show a colored film Need of Spain in the Baptist church on Friday night Jan at p m We wish a speedy recovery for Mr Power who suf fered a heart attack last week Mr Power is now in York Coun ty hospital Misses Frances and Mary and Mr Ambrose Cran- spent New Years with Mr unci Mrs Harry Knights To ronto Recent weekend visitors of Mrs Frank Milne were Mr and Mrs Leonard Milne Mr and Mrs alt of To ronto Mr and Mrs Milton Keller Zephyr spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs C listed The and snow over tho weekend changed and shrubs into a picture of fairy land although it was not so good for driving With colder weather tho local arena has a full schedule A public school hockey league lias been formed as well as Lake junior league Manager Bert Boyd is kept very busy covered with caked mud I still believe it was an old The fun started when the man jumped out of that house and ran yelling around to the other houses telling everyone about the monster fish but the others had also seen it as tt had gone under the ice under every house in the row During the next two winters we local boys had trouble with what we believe was the same fish We began to ask each other daily if anyone had seen the Old a name we gave it Then it happened one morning about oclock that Walter one of the local boys set up about feet away and was soon over to his hut He was standing with his feet braced against his doorway and hanging on to his line for dear life He told me he had hooked the Old Dooer so taking hold of the line with him I helped null for about five minutes which seemed like hours with Old Doozer tugging and diving about in ten feet of water Suddenly we both fell down with a slack line on our hands That old fish had straightened out big gang hook and gone away The air was blue around there for hours afterwards and not with smoke either I saw that fish twice more but he would not bite anything I had to offer He would just go along the bottom of the lake picking up dropped bait and salted min now we lost from our hooks from time to time Never having heard of his be ing caught I often wonder if he is still alive in the lake or If ho died of old age The rest of my story about fishing through the ice will bo In next weeks issue when I will tell of one or two other amazing experiences on TRAVEL For CnnndinW National ways Air Linos StcanWt Real Estate f ALL jJEaSSias A rf ii T j i K- J lot f T SA- I tf J TrSii i J ji J fli second Its 50 yours crnzy flying will wntlohs to match tho wclril designs rigged tip by Notable among these a Parisian Raymond Do on his Avlotto blko equipped In ho entered contest Do Mangels rose In ZZF YOUR FORD DEALER i I J fiv i I Ki J SON t -AA- PROSPEC i It 100K FOR THE SIGN OF VALUE WHE ki7Si bit then h- y Mr and Mm and Sunday with Stanley and family Mabel Dun- dalk a few vlHltlngWrn son and of Mr and ore mo v Jean to of sudden death of Cull extended to her