Hroi r 4 bIM Nor of Psalm Dont forget the community J PINE John dele gate to the Ontario Cream Pro ducers annual meeting at the Royal York hotel Toronto Tues day last week Mrs Howard Lehman Misses Joan and Betty Sytema Janet Hendry Sandra and Irene Kolow aid of the Junior club were guests of the dub at the Royal York Toronto for luncheon and attended the Royal Winter Fair in the after noon on Wednesday Nov Willing Workers of Union church will hold their meeting on Wednesday afternoon Dec 3 at the home of Mrs Leslie Har per It will be the annual meet ing for election of officers There will be an exchange 25- cent Christmas gifts Topic is by Mrs Wood on Spirit of Christmas Music is by Mrs- A Roll call verses and club at the school on Friday evening Nov 28 at oclock Miss Helen attended the opening of a new county regis try office at Lindsay recently and attended a banquet there MIAMI BEACH The people of this community are very sorry to hear that Master Clark is on the sick list We all wish Bryon a speedy recovery We are all glad to report that Gordon Leslie is able to be home after spending some time in hospital we all Mr and Mrs Hossack were at their cottage on Saturday Mr and Mrs Herbert Sullivan have purchased a lovely ion set and report good results with it Mr Ronald Sullivan and Miss Dorothy attended Dor I brothers wedding at New market last Thursday afternoon Sorry to report that Graham Is sick wish Gordon a complete The of Mrs Oliver King are sorry to report that Mrs King has been in bed for the past seven weeks Mr Oliver King spent a few days with his niece Mrs Rich ard Black Mr and Mrs Ball arid baby spent last Saturday in Tor- onto Mr and Mrs John Ash Mr Bill Ash and Lawrence motored to on Saturday Mrs Mr and Mrs Roy Smith were guests at the YokeArcher wed ding in church on Saturday Nov Weekend visitors of Mr and Mrs Ellas and family were Mr and Mrs Thomas Goodman Pearl and Irene St Catharines Mr and Mrs Kenneth Goodman Kitchener Mrs Elsie Frost To- and Mr and Mrs Wesley Mrs Wallace Scott and Ash visited her cousin Mrs Stuart MacNauhtoh Many happy returns were ex tended to Mrs on Tues day Nov Comkky and Sharon Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Percy Edwards Peterborough visited Mr and Mrs Leigh on Thurs day last week Mr and Hannah Scott Sunday visitors of BEACH Mr and Mrs Webber and their Stephen are spending a few days with Mrs Webbers parents Mr and Mrs Wallace Limn The turkey supper sponsored by the St Pauls church was a great success The sapper was held at Keswick Memorial Centre During the Canadian Pa cific Railway will spend fofnew equipment XwCMT DIAMONDS BULOVA AND ELGIN WATCHES A NEWMARKET I JACK Stores NEWMARKET r ANTEED J- USE GARAGE COLLISION SERVICES W PHONE 393M H Main WE SOCIALIZE Phone FLOGLAZE PAINTS 5 COVERINGS WALLPAPERS FEED THE ill ur e evening at your leisure from used car lot 2C 1 fo- YOU DODGE DESOTO DEALER SALES AND SERVICE PHONE fc MAIN ST NEWMARKET To All Lucky Farmers They use Gasoline rand Oil Care- Saves Wear up and deliver SERVICE afw Jr Phone Main and Davis Dr Newmarket Lubrication Washing Atlas Tires Accessories -a- Mill phone Store phone WARD AND ALLAN CO v V General Contractors INSULATING ROOFING SIDING HARRIS I 1- Sales and Service Davis- Dr Newmarket Phone x IDE1 RI J IIS AIRVIEW v J j TIRI STORE J S3- S- NEWMARKET Next to V iT I iSsKeiiJ V T- DELIVERY SlftvM AND STOVE OIL URTEOUS SERVICE PHONE 3800 v J i fc- Delivery Anywhere Main St I Call Newmarket J J T vrr T jr Sir r pi 1 I I Vrtr i- wi In Gift Certificates to the owner of this if he can farm will receive gift certificates listed on this page All you have to do Express office You will also receive a framed photo of your farm See also front page Small Associates Park Bid Windsor Copyright and DURABILITY in 1 Harvester Dealers Phono flOOj Newmarket Davis Dr 7 t i ADVERTISERS La ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS WE St BECAUSE MORE PEOPLE READ i f f s v iiX s HARDWARE PAINTS OILS GLASS STOVES and SPORTING Your Dealer For MOFFAT McCURY KELVINATOR HOTPOIHT PHONE 39 ST1K NEWMARKET GUAR ANTEED RADIO SERVICE l- Complete lino of Admiral Gibson j i fc W-T- rji- 7 feeds Hardware r I- PHONE BOX 315 NEWMARKET i v REPAIRS RENTS NEEDLES OIL PARTS SEWING CABINETS FASHION AIDS IRONS NOTIONS DRESS ACCESSORIES FINISHING SERVICES 1075 v VJitf J John Ontario who writcx Three or four pounds of Super Greens Pellets per hundred birds have been fed each day to our Bock all during the winter Super Greens Pellets seem to have the extra something required to keep the birds In good health while laying heavily They have been laying since last October and at a steady We used to wet mash our flock at noon but Super Greens Pellets are much handler ad do a better job vrjSC LAYING I hv QUEENSVILLE FEED MILL Residence Phone anil Phono iSyvt w jwj LL a All types of alterations and repairs Cleaning dry cleaning cold storage for pickup and delivery io TOYS Santa Headquarters Electric trains doll carriages I 1 Sports Phono 860m Main St YOU TAKE NO CHANCE WITH SEOORE LOADER Must Be Satisfied Or Your Money Refunded Rear mounted for vision easy on the tractor along with a patented prying action and low coat A loader second to none ERNEST AND SON Mount Albert Phone k VC ft RADIO AND APPLIANCES J a MAIN ST Gurne Electric Ranges NWMARKET Leonard l Victor Television Refrigerators r LJ 1 iv f j i