i j Mr MORRIS NURSERY LTD Mr and Mrs George Snyder Paul and Ricky spent the week end with relatives at Kitchener Mr and Mrs Mainprize and family attended a birthday party week at the home of Mrs sister Mrs A Ashforth in Toronto for their mother Mrs- H Ross who cele brated her birthday last Wednesday The tot of the hunters re turned on Saturday Some got bears along with a few deer but others were less lucky Mrs Shields spend ing a few weeks in Toronto at the home of Harry Shields If you have good used clothing or bedding you can spare the need is still great for the A H and Beverley ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF A VETERINARY PRACTICE AT 158 ST PHONE 90 ROYAL CLOSEUP US FOR ALL TYPES OF and BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Esso Imperial oil burners J down balance in 24 monthly payments FUEL CONTRACT GUARANTEED Eavestroughing water softener systems JEFF SMITH 1 MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE 3 1 8 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS churchs overseas relief and you may leave it at Theaters store where it will be packed for shipment The Cheerio club will hold its annual bazaar in the church on Saturday Dee in the after noon when everyone will get a chance to pick tip some lovely Christmas gifts also baking candy Next Sunday evening the young people of the United church will hold evening ser vice at oclock to which all are invited Jack Locke will be in charge of the service and there will be a soloist to assist a young peoples choir The girls held a bak ing sale on Saturday at Thomp sons store and realized which they will donate to the United church training school fund UNION STREET A successful euchre was held at Sharon Hall Thursday evening by the Union Street WI Winners were ladles first Mrs Leslie Wright second Mrs Tommy Miller gents first Elmer Johns ton second Mrs Norman Rogers consolation Mrs and Percy James The lucky draw for the blanket was won by Mrs Titus Peregrine Several farm properties have been sold recently Mr Jackson has purchased the Evans farm formerly occupied by Eric and Mr Victor Johnson Newmarket has bought the farm now occupied by Ken neth Rogers Mr McGill has sold his farm to Mr Rogers and has bought acres from Mrs Byron Cunningham- A new home Is being built on this property Mr and Mrs Jewell Oak- wood spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs J Mr and Mrs Frank Curtis spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs James Hunter Misses and Jean Islington spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Em- mett spent Sunday there as well Mr and Mrs Geert Rendering and John and Mr and Mrs spent Sunday Dairy vilte Mr and John Tienkamp returnee home Sunday after spending two weeks hunting north Mrs Lena Cower Toronto spent last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Webster Mrs her birthday on Nov at the home of her daughter Mrs Harry Webster All members of her family were present for the occasion The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Nov IS Zephyr News 4 y it I This study of Queen Elizabeth was made as she rode in the Irish state coach after having delivered her first speech from the throne the first queen to do so since traditionally opening a new session of parliament in the House of Lords in London Faltering only once as she expressed her gratitude for sympathy shown her after her fathers death Elizabeth read from her throne with easy assurance the speech written for her by the Churchill government outlining its legislative program and pledged the same devotion to duty as was shown by her late father Mr Glen is at home convalescing after an operation Best wishes from all the friends and neighbors for a speedy re covery Recent visitors at the residence of Mr Ciiffen were his daughter Mrs J Harris and Mr Harris and their three children Mary David and John Port Credit Mr If Perkins Nipissing is spending the winte with his friend H Ciiffen Mrs received a wire last Sunday from the United States department of the army in North Carolina tell ing her of a tragic accident which befell her year old son While taking a jump his para chute failed to open properly dropping him feet breaking both legs one of which had to be amputated later He received other serious injuries If the parachute hadnt opened par tially he would have been in stantly killed The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr and Mrs Bearden and fam ily the WI meeting was held in the community hall on Wednes day afternoon Mrs was Mrs C and Mrs McNelly had charge of the program The hunters have all returned failed to bring many deer back with them Mr and Mrs A spent last weekend with Mr and Mrs A Klemrn Toronto Mr Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Rev J Harper U conducted the services at the Christian Reformed church here on Sunday The community was shocked at the sudden of Mr and extends sympathy to the bereaved family Miss Eva is visiting her cousins Miss Blair and Mr Jas Blair The members of the United church are invited to be guests of the Ashworth and will provide the program on Tuesday Nov The United church ba zaar and supper will be held on Friday evening Dec com mencing about The ar ticles are to be sold after the supper The United church Sunday school concert and supper will be held on Friday evening Dec in the Sunday school room Mr and Mrs A mov ed to Sharon last Saturday Miss Ada Squires Hamilton General hospital spent a few days with her mother Mrs A Smith The of the United church sent a large bale of good used clothing also three new quilts to the headquarters of the United church clothing depoV Toronto The bale is to be sent to Korea Mr and Mrs Albert Smith Toronto visited Miss Jeannie Murray on Saturday last The Misses Laura and Horner Toronto and Hamilton respectively spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Walker Mr Wm Barker con is having a sale of cattle on Friday Nov PINE ORCHARD Congratulations to Misses Mir iam and Joan Preston on being awarded the Whitchurch township proficiency prize at The Community club will meet at the school on Friday evening Nov at oclock Ross has returned home after six weeks in Sunny- brook hospital Toronto Union church service each Sunday is at 230 pm and Sun day school at 130 pm i REMEMBER W County Hospital IN WILL Mrs Laura Rolling correspondent for the Mrs Henry Days entertained the ladies of the last Thursday j Mrs John Kelllngton is spend ing a few days Stan Shanks i Jimmy had the misfortune to fail plaster ing and cracked several of his ribs We wish him a speedy re i J Mr- Harry Cooper spent the weekend at home Sunday services arc Sunday School at aim worship at am Young peoples meeting is on Friday evening at pm AT ROYAL YORK Town of Newmarket IS GIVEN NOMINATIONS ViWfthe office of mayor reeve deputyreeve six eounciHors to fill ald offices for the year and one hydro electric and three public school trusties for the term of two years for the municipality of the town of Newmarket will he held in ike town ball on FRIDAY NOVEMBER between the hour of and pm by the Returning Officer all nomination meeting the candidates for each office shall be and seconded and every nomination Writing shall state name residence and occupation of the OUMBaate and shall be signed by hi proposer and seconder BOTH OF WHOM PRESENT AND ION THE WOT AND FILED WITH THE RETURNING OFFICES WITHIN ONE HOUR FROM THE TIME FIXED FOR THE MEETING When a proposed candidate hi not pre hi not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence to Iho Rturnln Officer that he consent to be so nominated The Treasurer In the past years since Wo mens Institutes have grown up there has ben a complete eman cipation of women with their advent into public national life Sybil Bennett Georgetown told con vention of Central Ontario Wo mens Institute held at the Royal York hotel Toronto Nov Contrasting the first vention MrsJ Snider Weston area chairman said at first there were Insti tutes and delegates Now there are branches with a membership of A dele gation at the 1052 con vention responded to the theme Women- as a Chang ing World Miss Anna 1 Lewis director of Ontario stressed opportunity of universal peace those pathways of the Municipality will be in attendance at l stretch between neighbors bit office at Botsford Street for one hour Immediately preceding of the Nomination Meeting to receive tit for a Certificate under the provision of of Municipal Art being Chapter and amendment At or before In the the name day a candidate may resign in of one for which he la nominated by his resignation ill writing with the returning officer and In default he shall be to be nominated for the office for which he first ted If more are nominated for the respective offices here- fore mentioned than are required fill the samethe voting pelting subdivision at the subsequent elections shall be by deputy returning officers at the respective polling vision follow GEORGES WARD Prospect Robinson Mrs ANDREWS WARD Town Hall Alex ftfoorby PATRICKS WARD Hall J B Arthur West SUBDIVISION No Eire Hall Hit of December 1952 to eeloek pm no longer all re to take notice and GOD SAVE THE ffmW- Officer homes in the the world As for the Triennial of Associated Country Women of the World at To ronto their study is person re sponsibility in At the general conference of the convention by Mrs J Brampton was placed on fnsiir branch as pr0 to homo and- country The spirit of good will be through fricntlliness and of the new our midst When Mayor port of Toronto and extended civic to delegates ho recog nized the fundamental principles of the organization as bulwarks of citizenship and national life pointing to the large sphere In which women play an port Miss Bennett said WI members can go further than servo on school boards or become members of parliament they are important as jurors and can press for women as ambassadors to other countries Elsie McGill Toronto consult ing engineer said women are well equipped to servo on Jury In what surer way can the re sponsible citizen safeguard the liborty life and property of the individual than by taking an ac tive part in he administration of justice She warned against evading jury duty Mr Cranston publisher of the Midland Free Press and an exponent of preserving the history of Canada stressed more interest in this countrys past Failure to realize this asset has come from a misconception of the place of history In edu cational system advocated that historical facts be made as interesting as the fairy tale He disagreed with a system that would have one history book for provinces would he said- Don spoke zons Unlimited con centration ways of keopfog young and agricultural people on the farms Can adians should be proud to boast of Canada John Fisher com men- urged women to pitch hi and make a hotter It needs their faith their belief in beauty and simplicity needs i more women In public office ho saidl Other highlights of the were the pageantry costumes typical of the periods of the WI over the past years Miss Ethel Chapman the WI staff was author of historical skit when districts presented the display Mrs Wil liams rep resented Centre York district in the i The demontratioh of several Junior Institute firariches was a revelation of what young and source of inspiration to senior branches which not yet sponsored this important work Tho convention produced local talent Mrs Wood- bridge was a violinist and the two of Mrs Clarence Graham of Mrs and Mrs Kearney during the sessions Miss Lois Marshall Toronto was luncheon soloist An emergency resolution urg ing the provincial government to set aside an annual sum for pre serving and marking historic sites significant in the develop- Extinguishers Quell The prompt action of Bruce Baker i k w a or Motors brought a fire tinder control that broke out in the roof of Ross Walkers house in King City last Friday forenoon Using the fire extinguisher Mr Baker and other employees quel led the blaze in the tinder dry wood shingles which burned a twofoot square hole in the roof of a clothes closet and part of a bedroom Pete Glass King City deputy I fire chief used the Walker hose to soak the roof When the Au rora fire department the fire was out It is believed the blaze was started by a spark from the chimney when wood was be ing used in the fireplace of the Walker home The Walkers were unaware the house was afire un til Mr James a neighbor notified therh Mr Pattern was on the street when he saw the J Damage was estimated at 600 There was insurance Mr Walker said he had been planning to put on asphalt roofing as the 30year old shingles were dried but New roofing- is being put on this week King City Public notices- can be seen in the village of- King City an nouncing the nomination meet ing for village trustees which held in the Masonic hall Friday Nov 21 at Should more than three nom inees qualify for office an elec tion will be held on Monday Dec 1 from the hours of to pm in the Masonic hall A E Kelley has been named poll clerk and Andrew re turning officer Every civicminded taxpayer in the village should endeavor to attend the nominal ion meeting Present trustees are Crawford Wells William Carson and Don ald Burial of Mrs Walter was In King cemetery on November She the former Amy and with her husband had lived near Ketticby for number of years The funeral service was held at Thompsons funeral parlors The only Immediate sur vivor is the husband Mr Arthur Green was taken to hospital on Sun day again He had only left the hospital about two weeks ago where he had been ill for six weeks at Church Ralph Tippin aged a singer In St Pauls Anglican ehurch choir Toronto was guest solo ist at King United church on Sunday evening He is Iho son of Mr and Mrs Geo and a brother of Mrs Adam David son McCJement Friends of Harry regret to learn tils death on Thursday Nov Ho was the son of- Into Mrarid James King and was raised and educated herd Mr retired as a yardman of Canadian National Hallway at Toronto Surviving his wife King Township Farmers Dont forget annual meeting of King Federa tion of in King Masonic Hall on Nov at pm There will be a programme of films with well informed speakers to lead a discussion group The work of the Federation concerns all farmers so bring your neigh bor to Tues Nov 25th i r j vvi merit of Ontario was passed by the convention Also sustained was request to the government that methods of tendering for mall routes should bo altered whereby a should bo to earn a wage sufficient to keep himself and his family Mans field in North dis trict proposed resolution Snowballs resolution urging Institutes to moke a weed and fence row cleanup campaign next year In with municipal councils and weed in was sustained These mentioned are only a few of the resolutions which were approved and three children Audrey who is Mrs Ralph Harris Calgary Jim Hamilton and Ross Toron to The funeral was held on Saturday with interment in Park Lawn cemetery The James Clement home which he built is now owned by Mr and Mrs wood Mrs A Campbell and sons Wayne and Bobby went to Lon don to visit her mother Mrs Eva Morrison Mr and Mrs Aubrey Camp bell Mrs Jesse- Richards Mr and Mrs Kerr attended the u last week Mr William Kerr who dropped dead at the plow suf fering a heart attack Mr Kerr was a brother of Mr Chas Kerr and ah uncle of Mrs Bruce Hall Corporate communion for the sidesman of All Saints Anglican church was solemnized at the service oh Sunday morning when of the members par ticipated Crawford Wells is chairman The ringing of chimes from All Saints church will soon be heard when the outside amplifying sys tem is completed They have been used within the church and are attached to the pipe organ This magnificent gift to the church comes from a parishioner as memorial A dedication ceremony will consecrate their use in the near future to the Anglican church are under consideration and sketch plans are being pre pared by J Colbourne synod architect who has suggested that ii separate furnace room to the north in the form- of a bay would make It possible to move the heating system from its present position the centre of the hall Above this room would be a new vestry A miscellaneous shower for the forthcoming Christmas fair to given by the Anglican on Friday Dec was held at the home of Mrs last week Commit tees were arranged Mrsi Arnold Peter sang two solos by Mrs Form Kvening Guild At a special meeting of AH Saints Anglican held at the homo of Mrs Lock the subject Of forming an Evening Guild was discussed A number and it was decided to organize this group the Christmas season Addresses Cadet terry frith Toronto of the Army of Canada was the special speaker at All Saints AVfA at the Anglican church on Sunday evening His inspirational address stressed following teachings of Christ in paily living Mr Bruce president conducted Special Service Captain Taylor a senior lead or in the Church Arny of Can ada will speak to All Saints A on Sunday Nov 23 at pm towed by for- and young people In church rofreshmonts will be served- tori family Nov A community showerwilt be held on day night Nov at pm In the auditorium 6f Sacred Heart school St Francis for Mr and Vincent Cain and their three small children who lost their lino farm homo their possessions when broke out and raged beyond control on Nov knows what a loss means and gifts or dona tions that will help restore com fort to the family will bo appre ciated by those who prepar ing this goodwill gesture When Cains were approached on the subject they were proud to know that their community of friends Is interested In helping AIRPURIFIER AND CLEANEB SALES AND GUARANTEED SERVICE FLOOR POLISHERS AND COMMERCIAL UNITS AUTHORIZED DEALER I HERB HILL EAGLE ST NEWMARKET TEL J I Sv PH MAIN ST NEWMARKET ViV PICK UP AND DELIVERY Dealers for f UNITED MOTOR SERVICE i La J from J- A 0- h i AH ARIA to an audience of hundreds of thousands would have been beyond the wildest dreams of ambitious young singers a few years ago Now every Sunday night the radio program Singing Stars of Tomorrow offers this thrilling experience to two young Canadians and them to compete for musical awards worth over ION MAURI for skiers warm nylon Now under way new plant at Matt- land Out will make Canada self sufficient In all chemicals needed to make this wonder fab ric Textile manufacturers will get double the quantity they now receive AT Home- makers find that a lose Sponge it a beauty for so many uses and wonderfully soft and longlasting too Avail able now In attractive colour blue green coral yellow natural Continued on Page My About applicant are auditioned each season before the young singers are chosen to appear on CR Stars of Tomorrow Audition teams tour the country from coast to coast giving everyone an equal op J to be heard by experts 1