Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 13 Nov 1952, p. 2

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rf copy of the minutes kept by the Newmarket agricultural has boon around the office for wme time Before jfre occupied this column a Mr Ernest Winter brought in the He had found it under Jlhe floor at the back part of his when he was making renovation According to the minutes the society was founded in the a meeting of gentlemen interested in the agricultural improvement of district the minute cord it was resolved that in furtherance of this object the following gentlemen be a committee to carry it into effect Messrs Thomas Henderson John James Cameron George Simpson James Pearson Isaac and Rev Ritchie Primrose was secretary society formed years before the first paper was established the New Era in The Era and press wilt start its second cen tury in At the time of the formation the society transactions Corded in the minutes were carried out in pounds shillings and pence A few years later some accounts were recorded In dollars and cents others in pounds shillings and pence As a matter of fact it appears that the first record of dollars and cents was in an amount for some done by New The two money systems seem to have been used until after the middle of the century In Newmarket The last meeting recorded in this particular minute book was on January The minutes are signed by Jack son who it is assumed was Jackson editor of the Era The last minutes were recorded after a directors meeting President A i ens was in the chair ft was moved by Mr son and seconded by Mr J I Wilkin that the secretary pro- cure two hundred tickets of membership and there was a from the Files o motion to adjourn until March There are no further minutes There are plenty of empty pages left in the book so it is possible that the secre tary lost the book and started a new one How the book became hid den under the floorboards of a house is a question Possibly the book was dropped there while an addition was being put on the house and next day the carpenters laid the floor over it It is interesting to note the first mention of the New Era in he minutes April A deal of business was car ried out at this meeting Among the resolutions was one that an officer be elected by ballot An act of the legisla ture had been passed previous ly for the better organization of agricultural societies in Up per Canada The society was then to be called the North York Branch of the agricul tural society It was moved by James Gamble and seconded by Sam uel Trent that the proceedings of the meeting be published in the New Era newspaper It was the first meeting of the society to be reported in the paper a and Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger Aurora end rural districts of North York Era Poblhhod Thursday of Era end for two for on In Singh of Class of Canada Canadian Association and Audit of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Math Post Ottawa ION Womans Idfor i JOHN Managing GEORGE Snort lAWRENCi Printing and Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO Reeve Arthur Evans has suggested that Newmarket council get together with Whit church township council or other neighboring municipali ties and go over our building bylaws It is possible that a common bylaw could be ad opted by the municipalities surrounding Newmarket We think that Mr Evans sug gestion is a good one The present town building bylav is a long piece of writ ing It is probable that few residents in Newmarket have read it through It might be a good idea if the important sections of the bylaw were condensed and posted in a con spicuous place say the bulletin hoard at the town clerks office Anyone building a house could refer to it easily 25 and 50 Years Ago Sir attended comingout dance of his grand daughter Miss Marjorie at on Monday night Mr Jack Young has returned home after visiting friends in Montreal Mrs It mm RoycroU gave a dance on Friday night for her daughter Miss Shaw Mr J Thomas attended the meeting of Toronto Presby tery of the United church in Toronto last week along with the other delegates The Musical and Literary club of Newmarket will hold this seasons first meeting on Wednesday evening Mr J Thompson and family moved last week Into house recently occupied by Mr WLarkin Park Ave Mr Phil Hamilton as a suit of ever increasing has been forced to look to the enlargement of premises Friday night Rev and Mrs A Marshall entertained the Young Peoples department of Trinity Sunday school The residence of Mrs Ernest Drive To was throng erf With debutantes Tuesday afternoon when Mrs entertained for who Js making her debut this Mr Will has ac cepted situation on the Me tropolitan illy as conductor and starts next Monday morn ing Mr Etarland of Chi cago and Miss of To ronto were visiting at Mr Crimsons a day or two week Mr Watson Play tor of Pine Orchard has just finished the complete uptodate barn hi that part of the township and ho is being congratulated by ail the neighborhood Since the Metropolitan track put down on Main the crossings are tt disgrace to the town Nwy are a fright in wot weather Ifilf a dozen boys have been summoned to appear before Squire Jackson this afternoon to answer for their Halloween conduct and another botch is to dealt with afterwards There Is quite a lot of wheal and coming into kel but the farmers appear to ho feeding all the barley they have raised- A massive brass railing was ill front of the hand some- show windows of the I House this week making complete job front appearance equal to any the lino display of goods shows to Howling arid Co are to ho entertained at of Mr and Mrs Willis on evening Mr Henderson us an illustrated magazine pic turing the beauties of Angeles and surrounding coun try at this time of the year Fifty years ago was little redheaded fellow Who tun up and down Main St de livering city papers THE OLD HOME TOWN on their enterprise The farm in King offered by auction last Satur day did not reach the reserve bid but we learn that a pri vate was afterwards ar ranged with Mr Pearson The of the United Facibries is making the delivery of the factory here for the coming Winter- By STA WANTED NEWMARKET BOOSTERS J W I m Do we like Newmarket the way it is The resident in retirement say yes He likes his town but it may be that the only time he is alerted to civic affairs is when his tax bill arrives He is interested in his home is concerned with tending his rose garden less interested in a booming future for his community The Main St businessman on the other hand wants more people He worries about the future of the hopes that the population will If we take an average between the two extremes and call it a frame of mind Newmarkets might be described ad fretfuPV enjoyed normal progress in the past ten years but certainly boom There are citizens who feel that the town is poised at an important point in its history it will forge ahead rapidly or stay wherie it is than a few citizens sense that There are plenty of citizens fret ful about the towns future is difficult to believe any would stand in the way of progress But scarcely any want to step out and be town boosters Newmarket is fretful about its future but hardly seems to know what to do about it Tile year will be a big year for the town there will be a new Main St construction project a sewage disposal plan must be considered plans will be well under way for a new County Home for the Aged in town A recent suggestion from a southern munici pality favored Newmarket as the county town in the event of amalgamation Does Newmarket want to be the county town There is much to be coaisidered and fought for in the next year Nominations for town council members will be required in a number of days and elections will follow shortly Newmarkets future possibly to be determined this year will depend to a great extent on next years council But what may be needed more is a noticeable expression of interest in the community Newmarket needs more boosters Main St is the place to stir up the needed enthusi asm There must be latent leaders on Main St the place where Newmarket should get its greatest boost There should be an active Chamber of Commerce formed from the framework which exists if ready pledged to produce Newmarket boosters Such organizations formed in the past with discord arid lhey failed- It is no excuse for the present Times have changed We need an audible expression of opinion from such a group The Stronger it is the healthier our local government More boosters more civic interest will bring out the needed leaders REMEMBERED The soldiers who died in wars were remembered this past week In particular were remembered the boys from this community who never returned from World War and Work War 11 While Newmarket paused at oclock there were families in town which were more deeply touched than others in every generation have been cut short by wars Reasons have been given for the sacrifices it is a sad thought that soldiers arc still dying this year they are for same reasons We recalled this week that the direction of our lives everyday activities and freedoms could have been far different had It not been for them who made the sacrifices NATIONAL UNITY STRENGTHENED With the growth of the nation there is one outstanding development which becomes more apparent the increasing Cordiality relations It is only a years ago that observers not friendly to Canada and Canadian national liuity derived satisfaction through pointing a finger at the internal divisions arising from provincial and federal differences Cons ide i the of Canada J etisyito understand why the confedera tion in their country into separate of government hi the form of autonomous system of government had advantages and more effec tive than the psychological stimulant of provincial competition JuV Tiso rivalries brought gjeat good to Canada It was inevitable that out of these rivalries frictions should result between provincial leaders ami the federal government itself These frictions provided critics of the Canadian system with grounds to predict that a country divided against itself could not hope to prosper towards national unity and greatness In recent years conflicts have been dis appearing gradually are being replaced by a conscious ness of the need for national unity A desirable objec tive is being attained without loss of provincial auton omy Leaders of today are thinking more in terms of Canadian nationhood and unity than in terms of regional advantage all of w h is giving vital strength to Canada PROCRASTINATION Elsewhere on this page Daily Farmer points to a need for an export market for the existing agricul tural surplus His argument that the natural market of any product which is not large enough to make a fuss about it is the area where it is needed and not the- country where it is bought is sound reasoning It is unbelievable tiiat the federal government should let an entire industry drift into a severe economic storm with cold storage facilities overloaded cheese produc tion curtailed and farm income drastically reduced while waiting for the political winds in the United States to turn favorable towards the lifting of the present embargo Thinking based on hope and wishing will not solve a pressing and immediate problem There is no proof that the embargo will be lifted soon enough to avert a severe crisis There are no indications to show that when the embargo is lifted at an unknown point of time in the future there will not be a change in the duties involved a result of could make any market impossible If the present rate of exchange is also considered the conclusion is that the present Ottawa policy of waiting it out is little short of pro crastination Canadian farmer is entitled to better leader ship both from his government and from his own organ izations than the present policy of unsatisfactory floor prices and ineffectual representations COST OF LIVING The Ottawa Farm Journal asks Who is reducing the cost of living It answers it in the following expla nation A lot of people have had a lot to say about the fact the costofliving index has been steadily falling the past few months is today si ightjy lower than a year ago It is surprising that so few have noted the chief reason or called attention to The farmers of Canada have contributed practically total amount of the reduction as it result of drastic cuts in the food section of- this this despite steadily rising costs of goods high wages and shorter working hours for in dustry They have made ho drop possible It is obvious of coil they this of their own freewill Farm organizations did not got together and decide they should cut their prices farm ers have been the victims But the fact ins almost alone among Canadians farmers have had to accept fairly drastic cuts in income this year Very irincji lower meat prices a third lower at retail some cuts been the main factor in lowering fttirt this was money out of farmers pockets There have been compensating factors as far as they were concerned vV What we wish is that some of headline writers others who form public opinion had noted this or- at least emphasized it Very few have as far as wo havdseeh It Is unfair that one group should be expected to contribute so much and that this should be taken so much for granted PI DEFENCE i Civil activities have been confined by a lack of At present lime it has left up to lb give the financial support to civil has given no consideration to civil of working but framework plan for a civil defence setup in York County the only training along civil defence lines has JwengivojvtoJHirseslie8iderits in the United Kingdom know that civil defence is as necessary as bread and butler With advancements in science wo are open to bombing attacks as much as Britain was in Slim and I and Slims cousin the exauto racing baron attended a rally of sport car enthusiasts over the weekend We were guest competitors in a road competition involving many expensive foreign cars such as the Molecule S Sports the Pinpoint the Straight Seventeen and many others In case you didnt know it sports cars have become the rage Yes in the United Slates people with enough money are sports carhappy and are buying tremendous costly powerhouses on wheels or tiny handtooled midgets which run on a spoonful of fuel To be a real ear en thusiast you own a foreign make with wire wheels and a top If possible you wear a flanged moustache and talk in terms of overhead cams planed down heads high compression and act as though you knew what you were talk ing about A British accent suits as well This recent rage is nothing to Valvenhead of course Being an exracer he has been a sports car connois seur since away back He atso knew Barney Olscn You sec all sorts of cars and people at these meets We saw a Speglietti Saloon Canteen with lengthy bank of cylinders a long sleek automobile which tapers to infinity at the rear Another interesting sports car we saw was a HI The III is in the very small car class It consists of a piston attached to a wheel with a seat and drop head on it Although it is small it is very costly and will travel at miles per hour These automobiles are strict- of guoronfee on right of inves it It not of to osumo of which nt ly for the wealthy in Britain and Europe but can be purch ased by more people on this continent These motor cars are very select The people who go with them arc also select people They are mechanical intellect uals Wearing berets sloppy greasy coats speaking with Ox ford accents they tinker over their motors making this and that minor adjustment ex claiming such phrases as Yes obviously of course of course When you into these motor cars you sink down be hind the wheel in a reclining position as you might in a deck chair Slim and I drove a Spit a popular sports car of the Hoots Group Our Sptt had room for only two people had the sport ing type wire wheels and right hand drive of course obvi ously Valvenhead the mad racing baron of other days drove his It scats one is axe handles long The competition was not a speed race It was an aver age speed contest over meas ured route The are to be announced In next months Issue of Camshaft After the competition a so cial halfhour was enjoyed Lady Shifton wife of Sir Shifton in head of the Gimlet Group poured tea Guests of the day were members of the Auto Society tour ing the United States and Can ada in a Saloon The next rally will be held within a month Slim and I have put our applications in to join sports car society of Forest Heights one of the more select clubs It is all the rage you know The Top Six Inches by Dairy Farmer It seems to us that it is about time that some of our leaders in politics agriculture and in the Federation made up their minds to do something about marketing all the products of agriculture we can produce We cannot think of any prob lem more pressing or any question which would affect us more immediately Before this happens it will be necessary for everyone of us to do some thinking so wo can decide where the market for all our production really is Are we going to produce for the here again gone again market of the south or are we going to produce for market that wilt promise smaller but much more steady returns In the first case we will be poor one day and poor again in the day niter tomorrow al though we may feel pretty good about it the day in be tween hi the second case we will have a solid foundation and some program at which to aim- We must face the issue and admit that the market to the south of us doesnt our production and if they will put up with it it is only because it is little that it makes little difference to them whe ther they will take or not This being the case the whole question of our exports a vital issue to us becomes a political football to them pressure groups and a million other things will influence It other words everything except the real point which is taking food be cause it is needed Wo will go so far as to say that aside from the danger involved to livestock from any out break of foot and mouth dis ease our wore not too unhappy about the cm Neither were they too help ful in other respects in making it easier for us They didnt it abide by the decisions of the Geneva trade agreement and our export to that country wilt never be the natural flow of food stuff from an exporting country to a country needing that foodstuff natural market of any product is the area where the product is needed and not where it is bought is not enough to make a fuss about it That market is the United Kingdom This being the case it is time that the politicians and other experts figure out a way to get it there Surely nobody can say that we arc still priced out of that market They cannot say that it is hot I needed there and neither can they say that we can eat it all thus there is no worrying about it We have an exportable surplus a surplus that is promising to ruin our country agricultural economy All measure ami floor prices which tend to discourage like the present hog floor price are stupid and will end in domestic prices with the loss of farm buying power The dairy industry is in crisis because of a million pounds of cheese while the choose ration in Britain less ban an ounce per week hog industry is- going to di minish to a dangerous extent with the storage full and at the Untie the United Kingdom The same Istrue of Beef business If the government send a top men to South America to sell finished goods wouldnt you think that the agricultural of country are entitled to the same treatment It is hard to think of factoid bitterness We could expect natch more lead- from our government They didnt do too badly things were prosperous- let them use their heads when things are tough i THE CHILDRENS HOUR 17- lTilntbv

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