Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 28 Dec 1951, p. 2

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Oak Ridges News m Theft of a adding ma land three sons spent Christmas chine and a small radio was time with Mr and Mrs Jus Has- CI Year St Beauty Newmarket on Fboae for Knitting Yarns Embroidery and J Rug Yarns Corner Main and Water Sts Phone ERA AND EXPRESS THMM6 UMWAMIB ARTICLES INTO CASH STATEMENT covered one morning last week when the office of James J Wall St was opened for work The window to the rear of the building was smashed in and the office door forced open The safe lock was broken and part of the door jam spliced off Police are making intensive investigation as other robberies were made an earlier date when batteries from the Wall trucks were taken as well as other damage instituted Ridge Inn was closed over the Christmas weekend until Thurs day of this week However the dining room will be very busy for New Years festivities as sev eral reservations are already made Valley Field Inn St had guests for Christmas din ner when Mr Eddie Wood and his family entertained relatives from Parry Sound Mrs Gamble and her assistant ex tended seasonal hospitality in Christmas fashion Mr Gamble is still in England and Mrs Gamble and her children Judy and Wend are preparing to leave for England early in Janu ary for an extended stay at Har rowon the Hill Middlesex County where Mr Gambles mo ther resides Their home is call ed Valley Field hence the ad option of Mr Gambles home at Oak Ridges During Mrs Gam bles absence Mrs Hilda Berry will carry on at the Yonge St inn Water pressure system has been installed by J J Wall in I the home of Mrs Sue Mosley Ave Lake Wilcox and supplies water for two neighboring homes A 17foot well is springfed Church Party for Sunday School On Thursday evening the parish hall of St Johns Anglican church was the scene of the an nual supper for the Sunday school followed by pantomime characterizing the Nativity di rected by Mrs Colin Crawford Nancy took the part of Mary Robert Simper as Joseph and Betty the angel This feature formed the main part of the program followed by Christmas On Sunday morning St Johns church was beautifully decorated for the Christmas service with ropes of evergreen boughs ef fectively arranged A huge bou quet of crimson gladioli the gift of Mrs Geoffrey Beatty filled the baptismal fount The music conducted by Mrs Helen Craw ford and the message delivered by the rector Rev were inspirational Mrs Maurice Beynon peranceville entertained on Christmas day Her mother from Aurora Mrs who Is Mr sister Carl a son from Sutton and Mr and Mrs and fam ily of Norwood were all there as well as the married daughter of the family Mrs Patrick and husband of Aurora The Pax- tons remained over until Wed nesday Rev Mr Michel of King was to have been one of the guests but with car trouble and no local garages at work the rector was forced to forego the Christmas visit Open house at Rftltfc Inn when Mr and Mrs Grant received their patrons Christmas Eve was an enjoyable occasion for some 20 persons from Aurora and Oak Ridges district They served buffet luncheon and the inn was festive with decorations Mrs was hostess to a number of officers of the Queens York Rangers Reserve Army at her home on Christmas eve Her son Peter was one of the group Earlier in the month Oak Ridges Brownies were enter tained at a party at the home of their lender Miss Rosemary Wright when girls sang enrols had a tree and partook of dainty re- frcshmonts served by Mrs Wright and her daughter tain Mr and Mrs George son of Sammon Ave East York They were there for Christmas eve remaining over until Tues day night Irish a Irish setter belonging to C Steph enson Was missing from Friday last on He is a beautiful dog and was never known to remain away from his Lakeland home for any length of time The family would be very grateful to learn of any trace of their pet Mr and Mrs Richard Bull en tertained on Christmas Day when Mrs John Bull the mo ther and her daughter Mary of Toronto Mr and Mrs Silvio and children Oak Ridges and Richard Bull Jr from col lege at were present for happy reunion Mr and Mrs Bull motored to last Thursday for their son visiting Mrs Bulls people there The Christmas entertainment and tree held at Wilcox com hall on Dec was more than successful In fact it last ed for the greater part of the day as over children and j adults as well as the teaching staff of entered into the spirit of the occasion with delight Miss Bill Long acted as chairman of the evening per formance until the arrival of Mr Geo later in the even ing The event was sponsored by Lake Wilcox Community Recre ation Assoc The Sunday school met at the parsonage on Friday evening for their annual party with about present in spite of the stormy weather Everyone present reports fine time Mr Ed spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Don An derson and family Mr and Mrs Albert llolstocks will celebrate their 58th wedding anniversary on Christmas Day Congratulations Sorry to hear that Mrs Nelson is ill ami wish her a speedy re covery Miss Kay spent couple of days with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Norman Kay Mr and Mrs Ross Mount Albert called on his par ents Mr and Mrs Albert on Sunday Queensville News SHARON Mr and Mrs Harold Dixon Joan Barbara and Bobby Hamil ton also Mr Ted Fife Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Howard Fife Miss Ethel Shaw of Grand Rapids Mich spent the Christ mas holiday with her sister Miss Nora Shaw Mr and Mrs Keith Stokes Beth and spent Christ mas at Mount Albert with Mr Stokes parents Mr and Mrs Murray Stokes Mr Philip spent the Christmas holiday with his mother Mr and Mrs O Robertson and children of Fort Erie spent part of the holidays with Mr and Mrs Fred Hall Mrs Phillips spent Christmas Day in Toronto with her sister Mrs MOUNT PISGAH Intended for last week The Mount had their annual election of officers Wednesday Dec at the home of Mrs Harry Smith The same slate of officers were re turned for pros Mrs Roy Smith vicepres Mrs Scott sec Mrs A Stephenson Mrs Smith missionary Mrs Leary temperance Mrs C Pattenden Flower and sick com Mrs Montgomery Mrs Mrs Mrs Stephenson and Mrs parsonage com Mrs Smith and Mrs Bay- croft program com Mrs Smith Mrs C and Mrs A Stephenson Mrs Ernest Stiles visited Mr and Mrs John Ash for a few days this week Mr and Mrs Wallace were Sunday supper guests of Prof and Mrs A Smith Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs Ian and family were Mr Al Harvey and son John of Brougham and Mr and Mrs Richard Hodgson Toronto ZEPHYR The Misses Laura and Horner of Toronto and Hamilton respectively spent the holidays at their home here Mr and Mrs and Miss Dorothy Curl visited friends in Toronto on Sunday Mr and Max spent the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr and Mrs Cook in Toronto Miss Olive Meyers spent Christ mas with her parents Mr and Mrs Jacob Meyers Mr Max won the turkey In the lucky draw at the dance in the Community hall on Friday evening last Mrs Cronsberry and son spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Sid Bradley in Toronto ANSNORVELD Too late for last week Rev J VanderMcer of Coch rane conducted the services at the Christian Reformed church on Sunday The public school here gave their annual Christmas concert on Dec to a large audience The singing of carols plays and recitations were much appreci ated Refreshments were serv ed at the close of the program and gifts received Everyone present had an enjoyable even ing Mr and Mrs Miedema and family spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs A Klemm in To ronto May your New Year be a hap py one a lucky one all through Did you look for the items last week So did we We even mailed them a day ahead of time Guess well just have to blame it on the Christmas mall delay Editors Note Thats it was Mrs Jacob Smith is spending few days with her daughters in Toronto Mrs Christie Irwin spent the holiday in Toronto Mr Mrs J Aylward were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Jos Aylward and family of Toronto Mr and Mrs Clark spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Bill Jackson Mr Ronald Williams is spend ing a week with his parents at Stirling Mr Geo Walker of Victoria Harbor visited his soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs for few days Sunday guests at the home were Mr Frank Moore of Toronto Mr and Mrs Cyril and son of Lansing Mrs Moore of Newmarket spent Christmas with her son-in- law and daughter Mr and Mrs Rex Smith and family Miss Jean Cunningham a member of the high school staff is holidaying with her parents Mr and Mrs Floyd Cunningham Mrs Thatcher enjoyed Christmas with her sons and their families in Toronto Mr Ross White and friend of Toronto are visiting this week at the home of Mr Frank John ston Mr and Mrs John en tertained their family on Christ mas Mr and Mrs Herb Kershaw and Mr Lawrence Hurtley had Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs E Fry of Sharon Rev and itfrs Warren and family enjoyed Christmas with the members of Warren family and Mrs Warren Sr in Weston Rev Warrens brother and sister from Alberta were also present Mr and Mrs Earl French and Peter are spending their vaca tion with their parents in To ronto Mr Floyd Cunningham Is the manager of the rink for this sea son On Christmas eve quite a large number enjoyed the first skating of this season in our arena During Christmas vacation Mr Art Alexander is installing an oil furnace in Hillside school the north school This will add greatly to the comfort of teacher News Of The WJ News for this column must be In office Monday Copy must be briefly to news and reports Other than routine reports announcements will be printed separately The Mount Albert branch will hold a community card party and dance in the Hall on Tuesday Feb The proceeds will go to the Sick Childrens Hospital Remember this date and be on I hand at oclock PINE ORCHARD Intended for last week Union church Sunday school held a Christmas party on Sat urday afternoon Dec 22 Public school concert was held at the school on Thursday night Dec Congratulations to Mr Mrs James Sheridan on their recent marriage Mr and Mrs Robert Shrop shire were serenaded by a char ivari on Wednesday night Dec 12 Many donations of white gifts for Fred Victor Mission Toronto were received at Union church on Sunday Dee Mr and Mrs Walter Johnston and Karl attended the Santa parade in Aurora on Sat urday Mount Albert News Mr and Mrs Hugh Price spent Christmas in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Arthur Dawson Mr and Mrs Geo Snyder Paul and Ricky went to Kitchener for the holiday with relatives there Miss Hello Cook Toronto Mr and Mrs Victoria Square Mr and Mrs Archer and Mr and Mrs Hen Sinclair and their families were a Christ mas party with Mr and Mrs Sinclair Dr and Mrs son Jackie and Maria spent Christmas holidays at New Lon don Conn USA where they motored and will return by Place and bring Mrs Macpherwn back with them for New Years Mm Armntrong of Buffalo and Mr Hill Armstrong of Montreal spent Christmas with Mrs Shields and Mrs Harmon Mr and Mrs Geo Allison and Mr and Mrs Ronald Allison and Hetty hod Christmas dinner with their par ents Mr and Mrs Allison on Sunday Mrs Gordon Wagg Linda and Jim of Belleville spent holi days with Mr and Mrs Boy Stewart Our public school pupils put on a real concert In Hail last Tuesday and in spite of bad weather had a food crowd They presented songs playlets and folk dances The story of Christmas in song and story was a fitting close to concert and to teachers Mias Campbell Boss Mrs Pearson and Miss Armstrong congratulations from all who heard your concert The Womans Association and Womens Institute together send boxes and cards to sick and shut Ins and this boxes wore packed many cards sent Mr and Mrs Mainprise and family went to for Christmas with Mr and Mrs Austin Cook Miss Hayes spent the holi days at homo of her brother Mr K Hayes at Port Parry Mr and Mrs Burr Mr and Mrs and family Newmarket Mr and Mrs Harold Clark and Aurora were a Christmas party at tho home of Mr and Mrs Steeper Rev C and Mrs Christmas visitors at homo of daughter Mrs at King Christmas ser vices wero hold In United church on Sunday had a vary fine Christ mas message both morning and evening choir alio sang several Christmas anthems leader Mr Goo Price Lots of snow far sports and a real white Christmas Union Street branch will meet lit the home of Mrs W Micks Thursday Jan at pm Mot to Dont wait for your ship to come in row out to meet it Boll call A hat speech Pro gram committee Mrs Edwin Mrs Irvine Rose Mrs Ralph hostesses Mrs Ernie Burgess Mrs Greenwood Mrs Sal mon Mrs Frank Graham regular monthly mooting of Sharon branch will ho held at homo of Mrs It Fry on January at pm Roll call How to Relax Homo econo mies and Mrs Harold current Mrs Kitelcy refreshment committee Mrs W I Woddcl and Mrs M Kitcley All the Indies welcome Pine Orchard branch met at the home of Mrs Ross Armitago on Wednesday afternoon Dec KESWICK Happy New Year to all Wo are having plenty of snow and weather for Christmas and New Years holidays Mrs A Miss Eva left Monday to spend winter In Mr and Mrs Russell winter in Florida Christmas guests at Mr and Mrs Freeman Pollocks homo Mr and Mrs Taylor and Myron of Newmarket Miss Terry spent Christmas with Hands in Toronto Miss Ratio Marrltt of Niagara Foils end Miss Myrtle Lloyd of Toronto spent the weekend and The group will hold a rum mage sale and tea Branch is helping to buy chairs for use of community Program was in charge of citi zenship education commit tee Mrs Howard Lehman was chairman An interesting talk on the work of the Red Cross So- was given by Mrs Allan Cody Readings by Miss and Mrs Ross Carols were enjoyed by all present The branch met at the homo of Mrs Erwin Winch on Tuesday Dec with 17 adults and four children present Tho roll call of cookies and candy for tho baskets was well responded to Mrs Anderson and Mrs King to pack the I baskets At close of business session Mrs convener took chair and a very interesting reading entitled Christmas Greetings Several carols wero sung by the mem bers This was followed by a poem entitled These Lovely Things by Mrs Mrs Mainprlze read a fine poem Peaco on the Farm A splen did piano solo was then rendered by Mrs Smith Mrs Ross Stiles read an entitled Give Yourselves Mrs Yorke con ducted a Christmas contest Mrs Winch was The meet ing closed with God Save The King after which tha hostesses Mrs Smith and Mrs Thompson served a dainty monthly meeting of Lake side branch took on Pee The business was conducted by the president Mrs P Ma- honey A donation of was sent to Greek food relief fund and to Jamaica flood disaster relief fund An interesting let- tor was reed from tho branch of Chelms ford England tolling us of their activities and program Mrs led the singing of carols a short biography of tho and pupils Mr and Mrs J Smith and Doug were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs J of To ronto Mr and Mrs Wright and family of Aurora and Mr and Mrs Harry and fam ily of Newmarket spent Christ mas Day with Mrs P Mr and Mrs of had Christmas with Mr and Mrs Burgess Mr Harry Hulse spent Mon day with friends in Tottenham Once again Christmas Day is past greetings have been re ceived from friends near and far and carols and Christ mas messages were enjoyed on the radio The rush is over again and now life settles down to the old groove again As we look forward to the New Year we wish for our editor and his staff and for each one of our readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year Mr and Mrs M Evans and family and Mrs Peregrine all of Toronto spent Christmas Day with Mr and Mrs T Peregrine and family No doubt there were many more holiday visitors in various homes but it is very hard to hear of them all We do not overlook any intentionally Miss Mary a stu dent at University Kingston is holidaying at her home The WI will hold a progressive euchre on Friday Jan at in the school room There will be good prizes and a draw for the Institute quilt Intended for last week Friends in this district will be pleased to hear of the safe ar rival of Andrew born to Rev and Mrs W Large in Lima Peru on Dec 3 Rev Large now a missionary on the Upper Ama zon South America was a for mer Baptist minister here A fine Christmas program was presented at Union St school on Friday night under the capable leadership of Mrs Ray Glass At the close of the evening Mrs- Angus Smith who retired as teacher of this school in Septem ber because of illness was called to the platform An address to Mrs Smith was read by Paul and two beautiful pic tures were presented to Mrs Smith Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Donald Mcintosh Bond who were married on Sat at the brides home At the annual meeting for the village trustees Mr Lome Smith resigned and Mr Jack Smith of Mill St was appointed in his place The three trustees for this year are Mr Angus Smith Mr Still and Mr Jack Smith The CGIT has been reor under the leadership of Mrs Bill Mrs Don MacMillan Mrs Lome Smith and Mrs Rex Smith On Mon day night a dinner meeting was held for the Christmas meeting The girls will not meet again un til after New Years Mr and Mrs Angus Smith spent Sunday with Mrs Thos Allison of Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Douglas Beckett entertained a number of friends on Saturday night on the the of Mr Becketts birthday Mr and Mrs Clark vis- tied Mr and Mrs Harper of on Sunday KING Members of the community were grieved to hear of the ing of Mr Archie it hospital on Tuesday December He was a veteran and was laid to rest In Kcttleby cemetery on Friday Dec with military honors Rev Abbott conducted the service Many of his and friends attended the We wish all in the community very happy Christmas and prosperous New Year Etienne Brule first white man to explore Ontario and the dis of Georgian Bay and all but one of the Great Lakes was only when he first came to SHOW PLOW BLADE ft by ft SUTTON PHONE GIBBONS TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND manure 11M 1 WANTED OF SCRAP IKON TRUCK Highest prices steel east AND SO ST Corner old St Clair TORONTO ONTABIO This ad worth one dollar a load of scrap i-i- Drain BUI il JOSEPH J VM ion A CHERRYLE mm Klemscott Conjuror Open and Bred G STOCK Afinecurt r at Miss Mar- bolng given by varl- homo Mfsa Mnrritt ha re turned after visiting In Toronto Christmas ex ceptionally heavy your The- hardware this year brondcnsUn out side Christmas music which vory on win try Mm if confined to bed with a cold Mr Munro Mann la at homo from Detroit for the holiday weekend own member Mrs rend Nativity from St Mat- Mra dis played for Chrlatmaa cor da A demonstration was given by Mrs by Mra roll call wan an by vono from lllblo and a gift to mnko some child happy A half hour followed and the delightful refreshments served by our hostesses Mrs and A v very much by all

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