J En ul Dee M or THE CHILDREN and more TOYS Sis j Jrtr S and CYCLE SHOP A Notes 5SfS Phone we wish all our friends and customers v r a A MERRY CHRISTMAS aassri WW The Ideal for HER i W I Ml ft i it W I i I r i Cocoonlined and well insulated In a variety of shades a York County Federation of Agriculture held their annual meeting in the agricultural board room Newmarket The presi dent Mr Chas Hooper reviewed the work done the past year and stressed the need for more ad vertising and a better public re lations job He also said mem bers should strive for the day when farmers would be on a par with labor and other workers with respect to living conditions hours of work and pay He stressed the need for better fi nancing of the Ontario Federa tion office if it was to do the job expected of it Mr Frank Marritt chairman of the wheat committee stated that through the efforts of the wheat committee farmers had received a better price for their wheat Mr Fred Wicks in re porting for the Cream Producers said that as soon as a mailing list was compiled all cream pro ducers would be getting a copy of the Milk Producer magazine The guest speaker was Mr A Stewart of Almonte a past president of the Ontario Feder ation of Agriculture He gave a detailed account of the income lax as it affects farmers ex plaining the different plans that may be used in computing in come also all the exemptions The constitution was changed so that in future the directors will be appointed by the Town ship Federations Cooperatives and Marketing groups Mr Carl of Wood- bridge Mrs Ross Armitage and Mr Jack of Newmarket and Mr Sheldon Walker of Sha ron were appointed delegates to the annual meeting of the On tario Federation of Agriculture to be held in Toronto January 811 A number of resolutions were passed and sent on to the Ontario Federation for their consideration OakRi The Gourlay home on Fergus Ave Lake Wilcox was threat ened with explosion of an oil space heater early Monday morning Flames shot from the stove as oil fumes failed to es cape through the flue pipe Shutting off the feed pipe Mrs called Aurora fixe de partment The flames had partly subsided upon their ar rival She said she kept open ing the stove door allowing the fumes to fill the room which be came covered with soot While she was warned by the fire de partment not to touch the stove she believes this proced ure prevented an explosion Her hands were burned Carbon in the stove and soot in the flue were attributed as the cause of the flames escaping The stove had been cleaned last week Mrs Gourlay stated However she spent several hours on Monday removing a quantity of accumulated carbon I did without a fire until the middle of the afternoon as I was too scared to light it she said The stove took a long time to cool down which gave the house some heat during the forenoon Mr purchased a fire ex tinguisher the following day Christmas Plans About children in the Lake Wilcox school section will find Friday Dec 21 well filled with activities At the school on afternoon party will be held for those of school age while the preschoolers will be entertained with the Santa Glaus treats from the big tree from to in the afternoon in the com munity hall Early in the evening a party Will be held in the Gospel church when films will be shown To finish off the day an entertainment most of which will be given by school children under the guidance of the teach will be given in the com munity hall on Friday evening Santa comes to the hail again to distribute his treats from the brightly decorated tree The events held in the hall are those sponsored by Lake Wil cox Community Assoc which has long been at work raising funds to purchase attractively wrapped gifts for all children A great number of gifts have been made to the association which have been raffled off at weekly For example last week a lace table centre donated by eight Newmarket persons who attend the regularly was raffled off in a special game to bring in 855 Along with a special bingo prize lbs of sugar donated by Eddie Wood the cloth and sugar made for the associations Escapes Serious Injury Sylvia Schuster age re ceived a slightly bruised leg when she was hit by a south bound car which tossed her into a snow bank on Yonge Street at Oak Ridges on December Harry Jones Ave Toronto said the girl crossed the highway in the path of his car He sounded his horn he said but apparently she did not hear it The Christmas communion in Christ church will be on Sunday evening at pm with Rev Blake celebrant Mr and Mrs Goodwin and family York Mills attended the Santa parade on Sat urday and spent the weekend with their parents The Rod and Gun Club held a very successful turkey supper on Friday evening The ladies of the Parish hall Building Fund committee catered and it was appreciated by the club Mrs Fisher and Miss Helen Fisher York Mills were Sunday guests of Mr and Goodwin We are pleased to see Master George Foster able to be around on his crutches also Master John Morton home from the hospital after a serious operation Mr G Tates doctor order ed him to take a six weeks holi day in the Barbados We hope Mr Tate will return greatly im proved The Community committee deserve a great deal of credit in the success of the Santa parade last Saturday Mr and Mrs Goodwin and Peter spent Sunday in Tor onto CELEBRATED BIRTHDAY Mr Fred Hoover celebrated as the wind was blowing He his on December Si 1 Phone W7 MP Stanleys m Wishes our many friends and patrons Merry Christmas and a happy New Year Restaurant Closed December a wishes all their a Christmas and a happy and New Year ft 51 customers May Chrlstmns Joy like a song Bring you all day long And may Its sparkle cheer Remain with you all through the year EATS GROCERIES ft P hi I ft GIRL GUIDES HAVE CHRISTMAS SERVICE A Guides own candlelight service was held at the Scout Hall on Wednesday Dec by the Newmarket Girl Guide com pany Parents and friends of the girls guests for the occasion were welcomed by the Guide Commissioner Mrs Ion Preceding the service an en rolment was held when six girls received their trefoil pins Ano ther half dozen guides were awarded their second class bad ges and service stars were pre sented The awards were made by the Guide Captain Mrs Thompson Mrs Horace accompanied the girls at the piano during the evening Readings were given by Shir ley and Marlene Trivett and there was a recitation by Betty Duncan Mary Lou Van- and Helen McCabe sang as a duet Silent Night and soloist was Margaret Ann The Christmas story was read by Betty and taking part In the candle lighting ser vice were Lois McCabe Shirley Maureen West Marilyn Betty Daly Jane Ed wards Rosalie Ross Shirley Bon- and Judith Carter At the close of the program the guides presented Mrs Thompson with a cup and sau cer nVRun KESWICK OPTIMISTS ENTERTAIN KIDS The annual Christmas party sponsored by the Optimist Club of Keswick for the Keswick children took place Friday even ing at the North Gwillimbury arena auditorium and was at tended by children In addition to an enthralling halfhour with Florence the Magician the audience was en tertained by several choral num bers and gay dances by the school children The children were di rected and trained by the three Keswick teachers Misses Daley and Ellis and were ac companied on the piano by Mrs Harold Pollard Mrs Pollard also provided the musical back ground for the magicians Black Magic pictures The party was climaxed by the arrival of Santa who dis tributed a bag of candy to every child was unable to stop on the slip pavemt in time to avoid hitting her Sylvia is a pupil of garde Oak Ridges school Her parents are Mr and Mrs Frank Schus ter South Lake Wilcox Road No charges were laid Many relatives friends and neighbors visited from Keswick Richmond Hill Gorm- and Toronto Mr Hoover received many gifts cards and good wishes His daughter Eli zabeth and son Cecil presented him with a Kroehler rocker it I I ir Friends 1 tt HOSTESS TO GUILD Mrs John Dales president of the Parochial Guild St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket was to the group at a Christmas party held in her home on Dec Carol singing around the piano games and de licious refreshments completed the social evening NO NEW MEMBERS The Ladles Morning Skating club has been closed to new membership for the season i r J J I v i I I J feraiV gir EXTEND It V FOR SAU Nowmnrket -S-V- s if- St J- ieorgo and If A lifelong resident of King township Mr Franklin passed away suddenly at his homo on the second conces sion where he was born and had spent most of his life At the time of his death ho hud lived on the third concession for approxi mately years forenoon of his death he was intending moving to his place of birth His main occupation and Interest during his life was agriculture although he had many other in terests During his earlier years ho took grout pleasure and Interest in sports mainly football Ho was a member of Aurora United chinch and took grunt en joyment in his earlier years In singing in tho choir of both the Aurora and Newmarket United churches Later in life he was Interested in activities Ho was a member of the United Co Operative of and District CoOpera- Ho was one of founders of King Township Farm Ma chinery Corporative which was Incorporated in Juno 1MB Ho is survived by his widow former Minnie Johnson whom ho married on Juno also three sons and on tho farm at home and Charles who la on a farm nearby and one granddaughter Susan Margaret Mr Williams was tho youngest of four boys all of whom vlve Wwloy Charles North and Dr Qi W William Aurora The funeral was conducted by Rev Hicks and If Howl from Thompson Funeral Home on November The pall bearers were Roddick K Hall Williams and in Aurora Christinas Christmas Shop for HIM at Morrisons xvs tt s Srr Many fc J r jr H1 t i c a J V if jva J O rtr aj wj ff v- mm I iV J v7 MBTS STATION length wool glass wool lined Full fur collar and lapel blue grey and navy i V J3J M v t j- J 1V fc X royyiiS i v mm AjV if AV iw itV A J COATS X1 R5 I PARKAS i Mt j v v a l fcat 5 I j YATES Jewellers 39 Main St next to Eatons Newmarket Phone A A v WW for by a woman with on unerring knowing what Here are Gift Set thai bath a fragrance that world famous i Si rastA i j i- M I ir sv T I t r it OVERCOATS f lis- VAIVRI3BJM AM WOOL WOOL sagOMli l fei is tfuj- ft 2 fc ttV i v i 14J mm Wrt A ll J V- i fe A i t W- I re W i w fc I j i ft Ml I A u iv v yj J r AV j V J X J y J I J