Newmarket Social News Mr and Mrs Garnett Miller and Mr and Mrs Everett Miller were guests on Saturday evening of Mr and Mrs Harvey Miller Sharon The occasion marked the latter couples wedding annivers ary Mrs Walter Creed spent one day last week with Mrs Albert Bales London Mr and Mrs H Lewisburg are spending the Christmas holidays in town the guests of Mr and Mrs Bruce Cutting and family Mrs Homo and son Arnold Apikogan ar rived last week by to Spend a month with her parents Mr and Mrs T Mr and Mrs H Miller and family spent the weekend in Hamilton the guests of Mr and Mrs Stanley Mrs John Milton has been laid up for the past three weeks with a sprained ankle She is still not able tp get around on it Mrs Walter Creed returned home on Friday after spending two weeks in Windsor with Mr and Mrs Robert Trinder and son Robert Scott Mr and Mrs Bruce Miller and son Gary Mr and Mrs Ro bert Miller and daughter Louise Leaside spent Sunday their parents Mr and Mrs Mil ler Mr and Mrs Bruce Bales and family had dinner on Sun day with Mrs Bales parents Mr and Mrs Everett Miller on the occasion of the latter couples wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Ernie spent Sunday in awa at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles and son Mrs Roy Martin spent last Wednesday with Mrs George Nichols and family Toronto Misses Ruth Graves and Martin will arrive home tomorrow from Lome Park Col lege Port Credit to spend the Christmas holidays with their parents The Era and -1- i SHU YOUR Have It 4n a tez j i y7 Depending on and Elcti- Phone Main Si jc a better SEW outfit that she can wear for two seasons Right now this princess jumper with its gay scallopy yoke looks adorable team ed the puffsleeved blouse summer she wears jumper alone as a cool sundress A pat tern for panties included Pattern sizes 2 Size jumper 1 yards blous yard panties yard easytouse pattern gives period fit Complete illustrated Chart shows you every step Send CENTS In coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME NUMBER Send your order MARIAN MARTIN care of The Newmarket Era and Express Pattern Newmarket TWO lovely new additions to your wardrobe In this pattern That nightgown fits like a dream The slip has the same good lines a ruffle at hem if you wish Heres the seweasy way to have the custommade look in lingerie Pattern comes In sizes Size 16 gown yards 30inch slip yards Em broidery transfer included This easytouse pattern gives perfect fit Complete illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS in coins stamps cannot be accepted for pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Newmarket Era and Express Pattern Dept Newmarket News Of The News fur this column must in office Monday Copy must be written briefly as and confined to news and reports Other than routine and announcements will printed separately WMS HAS CHRISTMAS MEETING The school room was gaily decorated with evergreens and candles for the Christmas meet ing of the Evangeline auxiliary Trinity United church Newmarket It was held on Tuesday Dec Mrs O Noble used the Christmas story for the worship service Mrs Hodge presided at the carol and candlelight service Candles were lit by Mrs A King Miss Roberts Mrs O Hayes Mrs Marrow Mrs C Best and Miss Thomas Dur ing the candle lighting many carols were sung by the group Three boys from the Junior choir under the direction of Nor man sang an Indian carol The Other Wise Man by Henry VanDyke was projected on the screen with the script being read by Mrs J H Walker Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting i J fcV WtJ it t J Si r- -5- Christmas gift combination that will make HIM act as if a sprig of runaway hovering over your head him Arrow shirt ties hand- Hurry over and have a look at our Arrow Choose those Arrow shirts that wear well and fit well and keep on fitting well have the Sanforized label matching patterns in wrinkle- resistant Arrow ties Top off your com- colorful Arrow handkerchiefs And for Christmas morning kiss A pleasant Christmas meeting was held on Thursday Dec by the Newmarket branch in the clubrooms Soloist was Mrs I Stephens Eagle St who was accompanied by Norman Mrs Elton Armstrong ably re sponded to the motto Scatter gladness joy and mirth all along the paths of earth The New market WI was pleased to have as its guests that day the dis trict executive A donation was sent to the Sick Childrens hospital Toronto by the group At the close of the meeting refreshments were serv ed and a social hour spent by the ladies and their guests branch enjoyed a dem onstration by Mrs Lome Scott on how to make homemade Christmas decorations The branch decided to send Christ mas boxes to the Bishop brothers who are serving in Korea i C0IHS 495 w or AHROwsmnrs T Tlsv OIL Give For A Christmas Every Day of the Year LAST SUGGESTIONS TOASTERS IKONS ELECTRIC KETTLES CLOCKS STEAM IKONS RADIOS WAFFLE Kins branch voted the sum of to the Hospital for Sick Children in response to the annual Christmas appeal for funds for that institution at the December meeting held at the home of Mrs Jackson last week She convened a pro gram on education assisted by Mrs P A McNaughton Members saw the hammered aluminum tea tray displayed by Mrs Austin Rumble whose bro ther at Maple was responsible for the piece of handcraft It has been forwarded to St Mar garet Shropshire in appreciation of a hand embroid ered tea cloth given earlier In the year by the English organiz ation Mrs Ivan presented the branch with to be divided for help to flood victims in Italy and assistance to those affected by hurricane disaster in Jamaica More than was contributed by members for the Christmas basket for a needy family The rummage sale baking sale and afternoon tea will be held on Thursday Jan at King United church Mrs Rumble will be in charge of the clothing Mrs H Stewart of the food sale and Miss Lily Anderson the tea convener Members were urged by the president to attend the annual ratepayers meeting of school section No at King school on Wednesday Dec 26 when a trustee will be elected Arthur Peck the outgoing trustee will be reelected or a new trustee appointed to fill his place Re ports of the school business for the past year are heard at this meeting The president spoke of a new homecraft standard committee founded by the Provincial Fed- Mrs J and Mrs Ivan took part in the program Mrs Jackson read an article Future Unlimited Miss Doris Fennel a teacher In Essex St school Toronto read the story of The Other Wise Man by Henry Van and sang a solo ST ANDREWS MEETING An informal meeting of the Womens Association St And rews Presbyterian church New market was held on Friday Dec In the Sunday school room The election and installation of officers will be held at the regu lar meeting in January IP MT i J am d to X ft Enchantment in J if 3 SL Compact full of surprises In wonderful Elizabeth BIuo Grass iiits gay In their design of pink and ribbons each a favourite with lovely women everywhere V Mir h 5W ls j ftv tI rt i V -r- j f Mm Hand lofcrt and A iaj mm bran nana ana mm M ft ftto Hand Le art ftl0Ofa to J C ftlua Grtm DHng and ftto Gnm Km Crow Hand lotto Mg Grm DmNnfl m Gran r fc fc as 1 MVI l Vw iy i 1 Mala Street Newmarket y A Vm L- J A I l rv Si Srjsfflsw si Tit- Witerk ir i fi i 1 rf- JtV it to I v i J IKONS ELECTEIC MIXERS r est Wishes the Christwis Yssr mOMRC Dealer Season J I Sfe rt y A a va4i J mi ft J o if iVv 1 SALES AND SERVICE Newmarket The Zephyr branch December meeting was held at the home of Mrs Dewey Graham Wed nesday evening Gifts for the shutins were brought for and Christinas carols were sung 7 i DOORI December meeting of the Aurora branch will be held Thursday Dec pm at the home of Mrs Lome Evans Cousins Dr Roll call Bring an apron pattern Program is in the charge of Mrs Jennings convenor of Homo Economics and Health and we are hoping to have us guest speaker King of the York County Health Unit X I ii