Solicitors A Notaries Mathews K Stiver E Lyons BA tt St TvMt REPRESENTATIVE GLIDE Aurora Phone King On Yonge St North End Oak Ridges Contractor For CELLAR EXCAVATIONS and The Story Of SHARON This is the twentyeighth instalment of a continuing Story of Sharon from its founding to the present The story texts written almost two years of research mid will we believe be a major contribution to know ledge of the past The remaining instalments will follow weekly Civil War stark tragedy shocked the en- desperate bitterness the j tire world In January 1865 the war dragged on through four weary years At the close the anguish of the south was beyond human comprehension President Lincoln gazed In pa thetic wonder on the African crowd which by his act had be come citizens Every influence of the northern politician had been brought to bear upon the newly enfranchised negro who for himself had elected an Abraham Lincoln had been re elected Slavery appeared doom ed and peace was urged Then on April President Lincoln was assassinated The tension of the war had been keenly felt and in Sharon this climaxed the reports of horror already circulated World news did not travel as quickly then as now Robert and Martha Barker had driven from Uxbridge to Toronto with a load rude of The fight had I of grain and were there when been between white people of I the word was received Their Phone 219w Aaron Joseph Vale 4k MILLS Barrister Solicitor ana MAIN ST VIOLET GRAVEL LTD appro atone of crashed gravel Band concrete gravel ami pit Delivered or at bin- Plant phone Office phones and Conveyancing Insurance v 7 OTTO etc 35 MAIN ST PHONE NEWMARKET DR a NOBLE IT MUNfCITAL OFFICE Office T 1344 Mr VemderVoort ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR House and Farm Wiring O a A I N General Repairs Oil Space Heater AH Electrical ill STEWART WARE Service RADIO PARTS TUBES BATTERIES ETC St A STOUFFER Raglan St Expert Tnaer Pianos Bought Sold and Rented PHONE r MEDICAL SJI V j MG Ian and Surgeon fcyAi and Tecum St SI MAECAKET HEATING CONTRACTOR Dealer for Oil OAK RIDGES Phone King 111 Phone Aurora blood An ancient darky quaintly it When two dogs tight they commonly fight over a bone Is you ever see the bone fight Canadian Help Canadians crossed the border to fight on the side of the north John Kavanagh of Sharon showed his sympathy by joining the northern army On October 28 word was received at Sharon that James Lundy eldest son of Reuben Lundy who had volunteered to the American army had died of fever at Davids Island hospital Another Sharonborn man Robert Haines of the Federal army had appeal ed to military authority for leave to visit his mother who was seri ously ill Permission was refus ed He fled the army bent on his compassionate errand To return meant court martial He made his way to Canada and up the second concession of East to Sharon and un der cover of darkness arrived at the home of his grandfather Samuel Haines Here he remain ed until peace had been restored The next year Robert Haines of Illinois was married to Esther third daughter of Reu ben Lundy At Sharon the music was ting ed with American martial swing and the songs were filled with sentimental appeal both were heard as the tides of battle ebbed and flowed Tenting Tonight Just Before the Battle Mother Marching Through Georgia Dixie sung for the first time by the Confederate soldiers was heard on the streets of Sharon Those pathetically tender plan tation songs Old Folks At Home Old Black Joe Old Kentucky Home Sharon knew and loved and sang them all and in the fragrant warmth of the summer evenings their melodies played by the Sharon band echoed across the sleeping fields Lincoln Killed The prospect of immediate termination of the war in victory for the northern armies with peace and restoration seemed about to he realized when news INSURANCE JOHN Life Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket Mount Albert If i fe Office Kstiowifif AHkriti a r BUILDING BABBIE -7- and Stoker Coal Op taken for Gravel Sand Crushed Stone and General Hauling JOHN DALY and SI St Or Newiwuket ALL WORK GUARANTEED INSURANCE BURGLARY AUTO ANDULFK Bill MAIN ST NEWMARKET ew INSURANCE REAL ESTATE invited Client AUBREY STEWART BE SURE- INSURE JOHN ST BRADFORD Phone- 141 Local BefrcwaUUve DARCY MILLER GORHAM ST NEWMARKET KEN PONTING TUNER AND TECHNICIAN Dealer New Mimiu4 BfMkPiaaMi OfftM BMiU Mi 8tM GRACE ST NEWMARKET M7J I SONS halfway halt was at the home of Charles Haines at Sharon to whom they reported the tragic news On April 21 the people of Sharon held a public solemn service in the Temperance hall as an expression of sympathy John Terry was chairman and J J Collins was the secretary It is thought this latter was the school teacher David Willson was unable to be present but a letter from him was read which conveyed his sympathy and ap proval of the meeting The Ieyon minister Rev Mr- Dren- had charge of the devotional part Rev Mr Coates the Epis copal minister read an address A resolution was moved by Wil liam and seconded by Henry Stiles that the inhabi tants of the village of Sharon Canada West deeply sympa thized with their neighbors to the south in their time of na tional grief David had also composed a poem for the occasion which was sung by those present Lancashire Fund Because of the failure of the cotton market due to the war in the United States terrible dis tress existed in Lancashire Eng land The Globes London Let ter in remarked The suf fering in the cotton districts helps very much toward making us loath the American struggle and strengthens the longing for its cessation A fund was started to assist these to which Sharon contributed Sharon also assist ed at a large Masonic hall given in aid of the Fund The Fenian Raids The last shot in the Civil War had not been fired when appre hensive excitement was occa sioned by a rumor that a banded association in the United States known as the Fenians was plan ning to invade Canada To the preliminary drilling and loud preparation the Ameri can authorities had remained in different Supposed si ipathiz- ers in Canada at the moment of invasion were expected to join in the illconceived fantastic scheme to separate Ireland from England A Newmarket Era November remarked they would receive a warm wel come and a homestead six feet by two feet for such was the feeling roused in this district alone that a company of from to 300 men armed could have quickly collected to do battle Outcome ef War AH of this was the outcome of the Civil War The northern states had insisted that England had sympathized with the south It was possible nay probable that aristocrat had sympathized With aristocrat but it was known beyond dispute that Queen Vic toria had approved the cause of the north and had instructed her government to refrain from any recognition of the southern cause Also had Disraeli and John Bright Even the people dependent as they were on southern cotton preferred and actually had starved rather than ask the British government to interfere Canada had contribut ed thousands of volunteers to the northern armies and an Ameri can paper spoke very appreci atively of the Canadians who had crossed the border to help and dismissed the threatened in vasion purely bluff The matter was laid before the government and on November the Canadian govern ment Issued a proclamation pro hibiting any exportation of arms and ammunition through south ern sympathizers to the south ern belligerents and expressed a determination not to be a party to the struggle On December 17 the official Gazette di rected that service battalions be formed at each military district East to supply man was required to serve days at cents per day For a time it seemed to have been much ado about nothing simply a hoax and current news papers expressed contempt for the imagined danger Suddenly a mysterious stranger a suppos ed emissary and a mysterious box supposed to contain wea pons simultaneously reached the depot at Newmarket Both were proved innocent of any ulterior purpose Sattai i was intense Roman Ca- clergy warned parishion ers to have nothing to do with these people A public letter appeared in the Toronto papers signed by VicarGeneral repudi ating any part by that church in Toronto The Honorable spoke strongly in warn ing against these illadvised hoodlums For this he paid with his life from a shot in the back by one of the brotherhood An attempt was made also to assas sinate Queen Victoria In March 1866 volun teers were called out Reports of the trouble were sent to the United States only to be receiv ed with amusement Canada sent troops to protect the border and to put down all illegal dem onstrations especially by south ern sympathizers On June some 1500 to raiders under General crossed at Black Rock and took posses sion of Fort Erie then pushed on to where by the united efforts of Colonels Booker and Peacock they were defeated and prisoners tak en This was not without loss to the Canadians Attempts to in vade at other points were made hut these failed through the vigilance of the Canadians Sharon Volunteers Invasion had taken place In tense enthusiasm was roused in Sharon neighborhood not even in 183 had so much excitement swept the village In July the people of Sharon and sur rounding country raised a volun teer company and regularly each Week they met for drill The drill took place in the field im mediately north of the present school property and which be longed to Charles Haines They tendered their services to the government William Selhy was captain James was lieutenant and John Selby was ensign The company number ed besides the officers and the proficiency of the men in drill was very marked In this each man exhibited a deep and lively interest One well recalls hearing from those who were children at the time of the thrill occasioned to those who assem bled to watch the red coats On the morning of September 21 it was plainly to be seen that something more than usual was on the for shortly after seven oclock the red coats began moving along the streets of Newmarket to leave on the train for Camp The Sharon volunteers came in headed by the Sharon band and the Home Guards of Newmarket turned out in uni form to escort them An im mense crowd gathered one wo man strewed flowers before the marching men the Sharon band played The Girl I Left Behind Me and Auld Ing Sync The train arrived and mid cheers for the volunteers the whistle sounded and as the train picked up speed the Sharon band struck up God Save the Queen In June 1868 the British gov ernment protested to the Am erican government against these Fenian demonstrations The Buf falo Express at the same time announced in unmistakable lan guage that the president of the United States would not allow a repetition of the raids It continued It cannot be done without an open violation of our neutrality laws and that the president cannot and dare not attempt to the Can adian venture is so mad and suicidal that it will be prevented upon humanitarian principles Newmarket Era A telegram from Ottawa to the Globe set forth that the govern ment had received information from the British ambassador at Washington that the American government was determined to prevent any further breach of relations The Newmarket Era added Had this course been pursued in we should have been spared the scenes enacted It Hell SINGER SEWING ACCESSORIES The Perfect Gift Langmuir Luggage makes a perfect gift for HIM At Mor risons Scissor seta button hole attachment Hot featherweight irons HiLow ironing boards Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Singer Sewing Main St Newmarket I But not for long Reports came from Toronto where ma I i do us outrage bad been per petrated by the St Albana raidem to destroy good feeling between adherents of the great religious persuasions if si VTTn hr J fri fe PRIZE WINNING EDITORIAL PAGE WOMENS PAGES AND FEATURES SPORT NEWS AND COLUMNS FEATURE STORIES AND COMMENTS DISTRICT AND LOCAL NEWS i S3 MAKE WEEK A REMINDER OF YOUR BEST WISHES THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Fill In thfa and send with M for HA year for two to Tbo Express Newanr Oaiario r Name sender Address Name of receiver wVif Address Serving Newmarket Aurora and the rural of York