iT j OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Ait- branch of the Cana dian Legion was held in the Le gion hall on Wednesday night December when a good crowd Election of officers for the year was as follows pres- Ronald 1st vice-pres- John Flood 2nd vicepres Gor don sec Robert William Ducken- field Albert sports officer Ray White Alfred and Dr and George field Executive Norman Orval Heath Joseph Smith and Alfred Heard Installations will take place on Wednesday January at the Aurora Legion hall and will be performed by the provincial president T A M and command ol fleers Bill was convener of the meeting on Wednesday night December and also took charge of the entertainment WHAT A DAY What misery it can le on those days you arc feeling way par slowly lie hours drag by when you feel and filuggbli to all over Anil linwiinriwejary Hall is very often Most times dull logy feeling is the direct result of constipation and kidney not working proiwrly You need some thing more than a laxative timed You need Halts Millions the world over learned of the salts are like those in the waters of famous Mineral Acting in two ways at once laxative and diuretic for kidneys helps rid the body of waste matter It goes to cause of that miserable feeling that constipation brings Get some Knis hen today Less than half a can make you feel better ail day at MA Aurora News Page PAGE TEN THURSDAY THE TWENTIETH DAY OF DECEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE CHRISTMAS Messages From Aurora Churches By Rev Minister St Andrews Church Aurora Christmas has many and varied associations to different people it brings cheer to others and blessings to us We of the Salvation Army have found the people of Aurora to be a friendly jovial self-sac- SKtiTt where it is the season of the year when they endeavour to be at home with their kindred and friends to others it is the occa sion for holidays away from home to all it is usually a season of generosity sym pathy and fellowfeeling It is also a religious season though not so formally as was the custom a generation or so ago Nevertheless the reli gious element is in the minds of multitudes who do not usually outwardly profess it It is good for us to remember what we owe to our Christian faith and practice We hear a great deal today about the spir it and ideology of certain so cial and political doctrines and what they have done what they are doing and what they aim to do to and for the peoples which profess them and will adopt them however it is good to listen to the advice of Him who said By their fruits ye shall know them and judge them As a Christmas message to your readers may I remind them that Christianity is the faith which emphasizes the value of the individual A man is of more value than a sheep He is not a mere number or cog or a replace able part in soulless machinery He is a living soul and a brother in Christ Jesus In Christianity have received their highest honor and recognition and protection among all peoples that profess our faith There are of course the odd exceptions but such are contrary to the Christmas spirit and ideology It is the season of to the poor the lonely and forsaken the strangers within our gales the giving of hope to the despairing and aid to out casts and failures to help them redeem themselves But in our modern Christian civilization the Christmas season is particularly that of and for the children This is in keeping with the teaching and example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who when mothers brought their children to Him that He might touch them and the disciples re counted it a pleasure to work with you The mission of the Salvation Army is to bring cheer to others Therefore by work ing together we trust that the people of Aurora may have a happy Christmas There are several kinds of cheer that help men and women on the road to happiness Jesus said Be of good cheer thy sins be forgiven thee which lifts the load of sin and places joy within There is a cheer that vanishes fear Be of good cheer it is I be not afraid And then we have a triumphant cheer Be of good cheer I have By Rev Father Our Lady of Grace Rectory The stable of Bethlehem with the ChristChild lying in the manger surrounded by Mary and Joseph this scene is Christ mas for all men We know the purpose of His coming to re deem and save fallen man Dy ing on the Cross of Calvary was to be His redemptive act But what we might overlook is that by living for years He was to teach all men how they ought to live Our Divine Lord had to teach men that they are great not by what they had or by what they did but by what they are At the time of Christs com ing man hungered after wealth pleasure and power as being the constituent elements of his great ness Man judged that he would find happiness in the possession of these things and in the power tory enables the Salvation Army to help the worlds physical and spiritual needs We would be pleased at any time to be of ser vice to you In Aurora Let us be of good cheer this festive season in bringing hap piness to others We wish you a Merry Christmas and may God bless you in the coming year From Rev K D Whahnongh Aurora Rector Trinity Anglican Church What did Mary hear Hail thou that art highly favored the Lord is with thee Blessed art thou among women What did Mary say Behold the handmaid of the Lord be it unto me according to thy word What did Mary do She kept all these things and pon dered them in her heart The character we see in Mary is one of the essentials of the Christmas story The coming of our Blessed required the simplicity the purenoss the readiness the love and selfsacri fice of Mary So we will never understand what God did in coming to us in Jesus at that time unless we understand some thing of what Mary was like Her story is briefly told in the Bible Look at St Luke chap ters one and two As you read you will not fail to be filled with reverence And as you quietly think about the great story you will find growing in your heart a new desire to possess some thing of her good spirit I pray that God may so bless ChristmM ime and would have sent them away j Which when Jesus saw He was much displeased and said unto them Suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of God The tremendous importance and great worth of the child has gripped the imaginations of many nations and peoples who are nonChristian or antiChris tian Hitler and his government paid particular attention to the childhood and youth of Germ any with the avowed purpose of creating a race of supermen Russia and her satellite states have adopted similar policies Turkey Israel India and China also aim to develop the bodies and to capture the minds and souls of the children and youth of their countries The Labor party in Britain claim quite justifiably that through their social legislation the childhood and youth of the land were better fed clothed and provided for than at any period of the nations history The spirit of Christmas and the ideology of Christ are no longer confined to the peoples and parts of the world called Christian they are now part of the policies of almost all the races of the earth they realize Use worth of the little child and for all Christians that worth is to mean the coming of the King dom of God that Kingdom wherein dwell truth justice righteousness goodness and love and the keynote of all Christmas messages Peace on earth and good will among men overcome the world vie- to them independently of any higher authority than his own Universal disorder and degradation was the inevitable result Christ practised and taught that mans true greatness and his highest liberty consists in his complete independence of what is created and his utter subjection to the Divine Creator For man was made by God and to live in eternal union with God Man was made great by God According to the Divine Plan man was to be the adopted child of God and share in the rights and privileges of His OnlyBe gotten Son heirs indeed of God and joint heirs with Christ If there is one lesson taught from the crib of Christ it is this man is great every man is great Circumstances of birth wealth or poverty power or the lack of power race or country do not make man great or small What we are of ourselves and what we are in the sight of God these give us our true greatness To recognize each individual as a child of God In spite of race or color regardless of position or circumstances of life and to ad mit the rights of every indivi dual should be the aim and am bition of men of good will Then there will be peace on earth We can do it We wish our fel low men the blessings of Christ mas with the familiar Merry Christmas Why not put away all pettiness and the obstacles to true friendship not just at Christmas but throughout the year Take each man for what he is a child of God Infant Babe Ik born again In the hearts and souls of men there and make of them Thine eternal Bethlehem will flow to aluminum smelter at from a power built inside a roannude stretches a quarter a mountain a tunnel will be ifep miles through the to carry water to turbines The resourcefulness of knowhow of skilled jiction workers plus a quarter of a billion dollars SP both aw West to further create the supply of aluminum own need 35S demands of other Aluminum Company of i By Kara Mrs ftalntfen Army With a blanket of crisp new- fallen snow the smell of the evergreen the sight of the gla morous light the cheerfulness that each face portrays con tribute to the spirit of Christmas and unite us In a bond of friend ship Christmas time a time of good cheer At the first Christmas the message of tho angelic host was Glory to God In the Highest peace and good will toward men This mes sage of cheer has rung down through the ages We experi ence peace and good cheer by thinking of others and remem bering the unfortunate the baf fled the beaten the broken the By carrying something of our abundant blessings to relieve the bleak distress of others we shall look up and find the awn ing above us For wherever men stoop to bring service and sacrifice in the name of Christ to staunch wounds and the sorrows of fettowrnan By Rev A Park Pastor Aurora Baptist Church When Sir Harry Lauder was in he had just lost his only son in the war With this in mind he told this touch ing story A man came to my dressing room in a New York theatre and told me of an experience he had recently had In all American towns any household that had given a son to the war was en titled to place a star on the win dow pane This man and his wee boy were walking along a street The lad became much interested in the lighted win dows and clapped his hands when he saw stars there Pass ing home after home he said daddy look theres another home that has given a son theres another Theres one with two Coming to an open space no houses open sky the ev ening star was twinkling so brightly the lad caught his breath O daddy look look God must have given a son for Hes got a star in His window True God gave His only Son the Star of Bethlehem tells the story of Gods unspeakable gift- Gods Christmas gift is so suit able for everyone old and young Nothing so delights the minds of the young as the stories of Jesus and there Is nothing so soothing and comforting to the hearts of the aged as the sense of the comradeship of the Christ as they trudge along the rough way of life No one ha been over looked by our loving bountiful Father In His provision for Christmas cheer Your name Is inscribed In letters of love on this gift sent down from heaven Look for your name At the close of the first world war when so many longed for the touch of the vanished hand and the sound of the voice that was stilled an eastern paper of fered a prize of for the most comforting word to the bereaved This little poem re ceived the prize I know not how that Babe Could In the Godhead be I only know the Manger Child Has brought Gods life to me I know not how that Calvarys Cross A world from sin could free I only know the death of Christ Has brought Gods love to me I know not how that tomb Could solve deaths mystery I only know the living Christ Eternal Life to me you all my friends readers of The Era a most happy Christmas and a New Year Rev If J Minister Aurora United Church Here is a delightful little story which concerns a church in Man chester England in the year As Christmas approached they fixed up a statue of Mary near the altar and at her feet a sort of cradle manger with the figure of the baby Jesus in it On the morning of the day after Christmas it was noticed that the figure of the Christ Child missing from its usual place in the cradle The minister and others thought it very strange that it should he gone They searched around but could nothing of it and concluded that it must have been taken away The police were informed When they came they looked about and inquired if anything else was missing No there was nothing else that had been taken The disappearance baffling to all Late in the afternoon a a young lad was seen pushing a bright colored wheelbarrow nearly as big as himself towards the church He came along the street and even wheeled It through the wide church doors In his barrow was the child figure He took it and placed it back In its cradle When he made to go out a policeman and the minister stopped him and said What does this mean Looking very much surprised and acting as if everything had been all right he said Obi I prayed to Jesus that He would send me a new wheelbarrow for Christmas and when I got It I thought that He should have the first ride in it Certainly the lad was to be commended He tried to give Christ first place in his celebra tions As we celebrate we ought to remember the kind of man Jesus was Would He be a welcome guest at our festivi ties How much easier it is to alng about the manger than to honor and obey His challenge God is still speaking to humanity through Him and It Is our part to heed what He la saying Christmas remind us that of ten Gods ways are not our ways God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit the Lord May you have a joyous Christ- centred Christmas Shop for HIM at s Aurora Social Mews Mr and Mrs James received word that their son Sgt Tom left for Ger many with the Brigade was in the last war and was wounded at Falaise His father is a veteran of the First World War Master Roy Bolton Peter and Harry attended the Christmas party in Toronto sponsored by the original Club on Saturday Mr A Kirkwood who has been ill for some time is now at Cedar Glenn private hospital Keswick Mrs John Scott member of Andrews church suffered in juries from a fall on Wednesday of last week and is a patient at the hospital Newmarket COUNCIL Continued from page a great country because it has always defended the freedom of the press and fought for it Should a circumstance ever arise when Aurora flews Page differs from Mr Tucker he will not try and clamp down us but like Vol taire will defend the right of another man to the voicing of his own opinion That is more than we can say for soma members of the council We took a great personal sat isfaction in Mr Ralph Tuckers election to Auroras town coun cil and have no doubt that he will acquit himself with distinc tion A Good Council Our remarks have been re served for the six members of council only and we have pur posely refrained from comment outside of these since the sion does not require We ire have shown good res sons for our conviction that Au- has a good council and Aurora News Page wilt give all the support it can subject at- ways to our own Independent viewpoint on local public mat- That we suggest is ait that can be expected from us in our unswerving duty to the of Aurora REMEMBER York County Hospital IN YOUR WELL m The construction and insulation firm of Co TAKES IN ANNOUNCING THAT M r TOM M I U 1 r 1- GIBBONS TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE Furniture Storage PHONE 1160 NEWMARKET WANTED 10WI OF SCRAP IRON Attention TRUCKERS Highest prices paid for scrap steel east iron and metals AND SON fi ST Corner old Weston and St Clair Phone TORONTO ONTARIO This ad worth one dollar with a load of scrap bee i omea -f- Messrs Wm l extend to a eirc of the w uJj i L4 r W A Vrrrg j 1 X J J j Lj ORDER EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS AUOMS IS GIVE RECORD GIFT CERTIFICATES i 4 -p-j- OUR CAMBU DEFT X ii-r- RECORD PLAYERS TAPE SHEET MUSIC AND FOLIOS GUITARS HARMONICAS ACCORDIONS UKES A rf ONE AMPRO B REG 12 1 FOR ju Xv K r t PHONE 1 POST E jr