Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 6 Dec 1951, p. 4

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passers Rh t HOUSE FOX SAlf Modern bride house In aU conven iences good cellar new insulated garage Apply Wl A Hall phone 1904 down You may own a new room clapboard bungalow fully Insulated heavy wiring modern kitchen loads of cupboards hardwood floors 5- bath and shower nicely dec orated in the best of oil paint full size basement Apply to Cres cent Drive Newmarket- ACCOMMODATION A to active lady for the winter as companion help to another lady who is staving alone- Good home for right party- Ap ply Box Era and Express ARTICLES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTBJ NEWMARKET AND DISTRICT JOSEPH QUINN BROKER QUEEN ST NEWMARKET PHONE Venenan winds or steel made for all styles windows Free estimates and installations Phone apply Ontario or write box Ne Bis Savings On Combination Radios Stromberg Carl son Marconi Save up to on floor model demonstrators at Appliances Main St Newmarket Phone crlw4 For Ladys Coon coat in good condition size Phone Newmarket or write box room suite table buffet chair suitable for complete Phone Newmark For sate Boys cub outfit pants worn twice Bolt sweater hat and 2 kerchiefs Phone New- market For sale Mens super Hickory skis in excellent condition Phone Newmarket For jale Antique high back rocking chair heavily caned Up holstering good Phone King For saleMans complete outfit Phone Newmar ket lv43 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Parcel of land front on road approximately ft by 200 ft suitable for summer or permanent homes In a that is building up fast Good investment for contractor J Donaldson Holland Landing For sale Large size wooden crib in excellent condition Phone Newmarket or apply Mrs opposite Store Beach Choose your now Hampers ferneries waste paper baskets magazine racks purser wallets belts braces bridge sets Done by Blind Handcraft Herb Lowe Park Ave phone Newmarket Wot Approximately acres of property on Eagle St in town of Newmarket Phone Blizzard Newmarket STEWART Seal Estate Broker Bradford Out service Station and lunch counter large work house on 27 high way within 20 miles of Toronto bungalow hard wood floors kitchen cupboards furnace and bath Possession farm land house hardwood floors kitchen cupboards bath and furnace within one mile of high way Apply Miller Gotham St Newmarket or phone FARM FOR SALE acres all workable Apply Howard RR 2 New market phone Newmarket Farm For Hale house hydro acres of good garden land on good road near No highway Terms if required Thompson Hol land New- land Landing phone 5ljl New market VERY SPECIAL Finest quality gabardine station wagon coats warm quilted lining regularly selling 535 Our price while they last At Army Stores Aurora For sale Childs tricycle in good condition make Phone Newmarket For sale Cookstove fitted with oil burners Apply Eagle St Newmarket For sale Pair of tube skates size 5 in good condition Phone Newmarket RECESSED BATHTUBS Smart Martha Washington and stainless bath room sets white to colored complete with beau tiful chromed fittings Air condi tioning furnaces Special of fers to plumbers and builders too Save many valuable dollars buy with confidence and have a nicer home Satisfaction guaranteed Extra discounts off catalogue pric es if we supply everything you need for complete plumbing or heating Installation Catalogue In cludes photos of main fix tures prices and installation dia grams Select style of sinks cab inets laundry tubs showers stoves refrigerators Pressure water systems oil burners septic and oil tanks etc Visit or write Johnson Mail Order Division Hardware Phone 261 evenings HOUSE FOR RENT For rent family brick house situated on con East Apply Era and Express box For sale or house and hath conveniences On high way just south of Jersey River 1 mile south of Keswick Apply George York Keswick lw49 ROOMS FOR For Large furnished room Children welcome Apply St Newmarket For rent At Kettlcby rooms private entrance hydro Immed iate possession Write James fer Seventeenth St New Tor onto phono New Toronto For rent furnished house keeping rooms bedroom and kit chen with sink and builtin cupboards Suitable for business people Apply Andrew St or phone Newmarket Vow rent front bedsit ting room furnished suitable for two business girts use of refriger ator Phone Newmarket APARTMENT FOR RENT FROM FACTORY TO YOU BABY CHENILLE BEDSPREADS EACH Lowest price In Canada Beau tiful first quality completely tuf ted no sheeting showing All col ors double or single bed sizes New center patterns In flowered or solid designs Send COO plus postage Immediate moneyhack guarantee Order one you will order more ADDRESS TOWN A COUNTRY MFG Box Place Montreal Quebec For sale ft refrigerated coun ter separate unit cu ft deep freeze 7up dry type pop cooler meat grinder GO cycle lb com puting scales sheer show mirror back sliding doors ft fluorescent light fixtures in excellent condition Call or write A Mathews Con- nought Ave For sale Beautiful doll car riage Cost New Reason able Idea Christmas gift Phone Newmarket For Mile Piano nice small cheap Apply A Rag- Ian St Newmarket For rent apartment heated hot and cold water j supplied Abstainers Phone Newmarket lw49j Wot rent Selfcontained apart- 1 furnished all facilities con- 1 tinuous hot water A congenial home Apply Crescent Dr New market ROARDERS WANTED Hoarder Phone or apply 35 Queen St W New market ROOM AND Boom bear for gentleman Apply Prospect St or phone Newmarket 1 For aged per rons or pensioners Attractive rates Apply St Newmarket room with board Phone Newmar ket lw ROOMERS WANTED J room w board optional Phone CrcM Corn Halve for sure re lief Your druggist sells Cress Cal lous Salve too relieves quickly For Ml Wall radiator suitable for recreation room Standing radiator suitable for any room 510 Pipe Phono Newmarket For sale Mans Dinette suite chairs table end buffet in excellent condition Phone Newmarket For size brown crib soring and mattress 510 Phone Newmarket tale Northern Electric combination radio In ood Phone filter pm For organ Phone For Mfe Girls winter coal size Hand sewn Apply St or phone For Medium size heater Iron bed no springs Ap ply Charlotte St ike famous Filter Queen Hapless vacuum In your own home Free demonstration Free from now till Christmas Phone or apply Andrew St Newmarket tale Used vacuums cylin der and upright Home Phone Newmarket For sale Large size Quebec heater Good condition Suitable for farm home or large room Mrs Richard Burke Joseph St New market For sale Model 24 Winchester double barrel shotgun Mor risons Sporting Goods department phone Main St Newmarket clw49 For sale Mans overcoat very dark grey size never been worn Childs racing car in good condition Apply Wellington St E Aurora For sale antique walnut cane seated chairs antique wal nut rockers cane seats and backs Quebec heaters large and small Quebec cream enamel back electric fireplace heater childs new rocker natural small jacket heater glassware china lamps numerous other articles Phone Hirst Queensville For tires low pressure tires tube and rim good Phone 1116 lw49 ARTICLES WANTED Wanted to buy 3burner stove suitable for gas Phone Newmarket Wanted hammer mill good condition 50 belt for same Ap ply Corbett Aurora or phone PRODUCE CUSTOM CANNING Canning factory opened on Aug ust We have canned tomatoes peaches plums and applesauce for sale Phone Mount Albert 7516 For hale Potatoes wholesale Phone Mount Albert 1135 For sale Highland vegetables by the bushel Hard turnips crispy sweet carrots dry white potatoes hard green cab bage All at wholesale prices All free from frost Everyone Is com ing to Holland Land ing C4w49 Do you know North Amer ica runs out of potatoes by March We can still supply you with No sand potatoes dry cookers Phone New market MERCHANDISE and cycle rrs washers repair parts and service Stewart Reare Radio and Applian ces Main St phone New market For Hearing aid batteries for most popular mnkes Stewart Radio and Appliance St phone Newmarket For hale At mens all- wool flannel dressing gowns and rayon silks dressing gowns Half price Regular sale Reg sale w49 Offer For your old washer regardless of condition NO cash down on a now Realty washer The Ideal Christmas gift for Appliances phone New market Auto Covers The ideal Christmas for Dad or Brother Order now not too late for Christmas delivery Canadian Tire Corp Associate Store Newmarket Phone crlw49 Vur hale At mens Es mond Cloth dressing gowns Boys small childrens 398 Cosy and warm I MASTER TAILORS AND CLEANER Fur coats on hand up Bomber Jackets up Boys suits and 1495 up Alto MARK GARMENT Timothy Street HELP WANTED Wanted Boy aged or elderly man to help with chore and general work on dairy farm lot concession Apply to A Haines King phone Aurora 2w48 Classified Advertising Rotes STRAIGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two cents word minimum of cents for each advertisement Half price when advertisement is repeated on successive weeks Ton percent discount If advertisement is paid within week of pub lication Coming Events costs two cents a word minimum cents Half Price when repeated on weeks Sale for the first week cents for successive week- Card of Thanks Wedding and Encasement cents for each announcement cents If paid within week of publication In cents for each Insertion plots cents tine for verse lew cent II paid within week of publication Classified may be phoned Into or left at The Era and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at phone In Aurora at Mrs I phone Kin or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the where name of sender address is clearly Indicated Toot advertisement over homes in North York Wanted Junior clerk for market District Coop Male years or over High school edu cation Send applications in writ ing Address to Secretary New market District Coop Main St Newmarket Help wanted Chartered ac countant requires a secretary with a knowledge of accounting pro cedure Preference will be given to one having matriculation This position offers possibilities of advancement Apply Era and Ex press box GIRL WANTED FOR WORK IN BUSINESS OFFICE Must be neat in appearance and desirous of meeting the public Under years of age Apply Manager Bell Telephone Company Newmarket clw4D TELEPHONE OPERATORS in NEWMARKET Full pay while learning Regular wage increases No previous experience necessary VACATIONS WITH PAY 5DAY WEEK AGE 1 TO 25 YEARS Two to three years high school education required SINGLE LOCAL RESIDENTS APPLY IN PERSON TO CHIEF OPERATOR THE BELL TELEPHONE CO Newmarket Ontario clw4 TRANSPORTATION Wanted Transportation from Newmarket to Weston closest or am MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR model size No Allis Chalmers said to he in first class condition MO angle Know I ires Diesel Ideal subdivis ion and clearing brush lots etc We are prepared to contract for very substantial amount of the pur chase price and give terms on the balance Price new sale 57050 Also size No 14 tractor only Apply Don Christian Jack sons Point For wile International tractor In real good condition Phone Ralph USED CARS FOR SALE coach maronn tires under- seat heater mileage under Priced reasonable Phone Sut ton For or best offer Apply Vallanro Vincent and Amelia New market Saturday U Auatln sedan outstanding condition orig inal mileage fiadio and heater Will finance Phono New market crlw49 USED TRUCKS For Wilson truck body ft solid stake racks approximately Phone irpfsourreMiNo suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered In any fabric Apply Ken or Are you of tiling your your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call 1282 Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mas tic and plastic wall tile J Son Andrew St Newmarket Trained nurse available for private cases excellent references Phone Newmarket Work wanted Young woman desires position as nurse maid or general housework in a good home Experience and references Phone S5r33 Aurora clw49 Work wanted Reg Nurse will give weekly or day care to your children Also special rates for Christmas shopping hourly day or night Phone POULTRY Wanted to buy Live Any quantity Bring I hem In or will call on request Highest prices paid S Apple- ton Oak Ridges or phone King lf27 All kinds of poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone 657 Newmar ket tf27 STRAYED Strayed On to my form this fall one heifer Owner can have same by proving property G Thompson Holland Landing A pet for Christmas There are for adoption collie pups a fox a white greyhound and cocker spaniel with papers cats kittens and a stray St Bernard collie at the North York Humane Soc iety shelter Phone Newmar ket SEED FOR SALE Work wanted Girl years seeks position as bookkeeper or assistant Also able to type Write Era and Express box clw49 PERSONAL SKINNY THEN WOMEN Gain to lbs New pep too Try famous Tonic Tablets for double results new healthy flesh new vigor New get acquainted size only druggists FARM ITEMS For sate Turnips for seed Ap ply Longford phone Mount Albert MISCELLAN We repair all makes of sewing machines New machines up Singer Sewing Center New market 138 Main St phone tf48 Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES Roacftouse Rest FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN STREET WHY DID JESUS CHRIST DIE ON CALVARYS CROSS TO TAKE THE PUNISHMENT FOR YOUR SIN HOW CAN YOU BE REPENT Luke BELIEVE I Corinthians and That Jesus Christ died on Calvary to take the punish ment for your sin b That he rose from the dead SIMPLY say THANK YOU to the Lord for shedding His precious BLOOD on Calvary to take the punishment for your sin Heifers dry cows the herd all do well on Fitting Ration Try this vitamin- rich ration this year for sure youll like the results Perks Feed Mill Ltd phone Newmarket A real milk producer Thais what Art Merlin Ontario about percent Dairy Ration This year feed percent to balance out homegrown grain Youll like the results Perks Feed Mill Ltd phono Newmarket SPECIAL For sale and chop Hulk per ton cash Phone Feed Mills Queensville 21 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE For sale Guernseys cows and heifers due calf In next months Registered and grades Phone Newmarket For Main Pure Suffolk rams Sow pigs weeks old worth hogs months old mile cast of Aurora Fur kale cow due soon Registered Jersey Phono John Newmarket For Mia 2yearold It vaccinated and bred IT Ti Keswick For sat Good cow due to Dec Phone Mt Albert LIVESTOCK WANTED Wanted for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith phone collect two Wanted buy Horses for mink Will call for with truck Hood prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmar ket or write PO box For russea surgical sup porta elastic hosiery for those suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket AHHerhaJ tablets for muscular and sciatic Drug Store phone Newmarket THE BUST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket FOB SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and Invalid chairs and Son Mount Albert THROAT and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge f the lump In the throat and other disturbance These are the earn reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price 50 The Beat Store phone Newmarket For rent players a day Delivery and pickup charge cents Studios phone Newmarket Matthew I John Confess Christ before men Matt and Romans and HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE SAVED John But as many as received Him to them gave He power to be come the sons of God even to them that believe on Hut name Whosoever IN HIM YOUR PART GODS WORD- life John 316 PERISH but have everlasting Ufa NOTE There Is only one into heaven through the blood of Jesus Christ Matt There is no other John r Inserted by a teacher of the Gospel MP NO TIME TO WASTE Fastpaced interest holding film on atomic development and the A- Bomb mm ronnlnf time minutes i DR HAROLD W dynamic speaker and authority on our atomic development Dr received an unofficial Commission from the US War Department to stir up the church people to the perils of atomic war- fare t FRIDAY DECEMBER 7 KM Church of the Nazarene E A K your Spruce and Scotch Tine tree now Free delivery Cltrls Wood Centre St Aurora or Harvey Centre St Aurora For sala Christmas trees Ap ply Cliff SI or phone NOTICE Wanted to buy heif ers year old Write box Kes wick or phone Roches Point J POULTRY ORDER NOW QUALITY At moderate prices We deliver phone Newmarket TURKEYS For sale Choice young turkeys well finished Apply Hen Cox I Sharon A public under the Milk Control Act will be held In Bast Toronto on Tuesday Dec nib am This public hearing Is for the purpose of providing all Interested parties opportunity of making repre sentations the Milk Control Hoard Ontario before this Hoard prescribes the maximum prices at which milk may bo sold In the market of Mount Albert A P Clark Secretary 10W COST Attend One of These CHURCHES DEC wh tu much at hi The Newmarket McCaffreys SION sale Barredrock pullets toying month old Write box Keswick or phone Roches Point- sale Try turkeys for Christmas They are young tender Apply Selby Phone Newmarket Phone S73J NEWMARKET OF Minister Rev A K Petersen Organist Miss June Pianist Miss Greenwood Choir Junior Mrs A Peterson Sunday School 10 am Devotional Service am Evangelistic Service pm Prayer mooting Wed pm Friday Dec Dr at pm Church going families are hap Pier FREE REV BULL Pastor am Sunday School am Morning worship with Ladies Duct pm EVANGELISTIC Rally with special messages in song ly Light and Quartet Tues pm Meeting Dec 13 pm Class Meeting SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRIST MAS SERVICE DECEMBER 14 pm THE GOSPEL J Millard Ave Pastor A Pianist MISS VIOLET CURTIS Sunday school am Morning worship pm Evening servico pm Prayer meeting Thurs Womens pm Crusaders AU welcome For live or tur keys beautiful and in ex cellent shape Phone Mount Albert For Place your orders early Phone Mount Albert Flower Shop Member Delivery Flowers wired to all part of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A IIS Mala St WW THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Newmarket Minister Fred Organist Mrs J Can am Morning worship Subject Magnificent Missions pm Sunday School pm service Conversion la not necessary Wed pm Prayer and Fellow ship mooting pm Baptist Worlds Day of Prayer All Welcome Your always ear Botaford Street am Sundayschool am Meeting for Worship I Douglas 7 pm Youth Rally with film and carol singing from Illus trated slides at pm Comb and meet with us All welcome Thursday pm Monthly Meeting Come and worship Christ the newborn King TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev J Aiken Minister ARCT Organist am Morning Worship Destined to bo Sons THE SUNDAY SCHOOL am The Senior School am Nursery Beginners and Primary pm The Story of Nelson House Rev A Huston missionary Illustrated by beautiful colored pictures taken by himself Everyone should attend church during Advent ST ANDREWS CHURCH Herman Fowler Mm Morning worship pm Sunday V 7 pm Evening service Mr David guest speaker Friday Dec supper and Christmas tree at 9MpML 1 ii

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