ft av VU News PAGE TEN THURSDAY THE SIXTH DAY OF DECEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE REPORT AND COMMENT Panel Of Council Candidates Six Seats Need Being Filled Kerr For Hydro Commr Never in the long civic history of Aurora have there been such crowds and such intense interest shown at a nomination meeting as on Friday night November The newlydecorated Mechanics Hall was filled to capacity with large numbers of people standing throughout the proceedings The bitter attacks on Aurora News and its editor by Mayor Bell and Reeve Cook were applauded by some of their supporters and received by some boos and cries of sit down in other parts of the hall Sa great was the interest shown in the elections promoted by the detailed reporting of council matters in Aurora News Pages that nominations for the council hydro commission and the public school board were of record proportions There were nominations for the six coun cil seats five nominations for two hydro vacancies and eight nominations for three appoint ments to the public school board For the office of mayor four nominations were made three for the reevesbip and two for deputyreeve Withdrawals re duced these numbers to two contestants for the mayoral chair namely the present mayor Alex Bell and Dr Crawford Rose who was Mayor of Aurora in the years For the the contest will be between the present hol der of the office A A Cook and a former member of council and wellknown business man and townsman Stew Patrick For the office of deputyreeve Mr Lome P Evans will oppose Mr James Murray who has been deputyreeve during Councillors Gundy and announced that they would not be candidates for any office in the present elections Oat Of Hie Gutter After the audience had been rescued from the gutter of abuse into which it had been unexpec tedly drawn by Mayor Bell and Reeve Cook some interesting speeches followed None was better than the alltoobrief ad dress of veteran councillor Jones His description of the meters as mechanical thieves brought ap plause as did his declared oppo sition to the passing into law of the zoning bylaw and any fur ther coats to an outoftown con sultant He ridiculed the zon ing map which he said was no more than a map in color of the town as it stands Mr Jones said he was in favor of town planning but was op posed to the system which had been in operation He presented a fine schedule of work accom plished by the town property committee of which he is chair man He is still definitely op posed to meters and to the hydro building being left on the street come eight inches more or Councillor chairman of the Fire and Water gave an excellent account of his de partment urging that the town have another reservoir Mr paid the highest tribute to the town Fire Brigade saying it was a great credit to the town Mr J Murray son of the popular Archie Murray for so many years proprietor of the Queen hotel and former mem ber of town council made one of the moat impressive speeches of the evening He was speaking as a candidate for council and the applause which greeted hi remarks were a fine augury for his election Wo hope the elec tors will put him high up in the polls for his address gave evi dence of a clear understanding of urgent town problems Ho paid to his father to whom he ho was deeply indebted for an understanding of council procedure Otter Date King youngest of the candidates and who is a at St Andrews college made an excellent Impression on his list eners Ho is the Hon of well- known family his father late King was manager the Bank Montreal in Aurora for several years and his mother owns the antique store on Yonge St We believe Dale King will make an excellent member of council While at uni versity he was vicepresident of a council of 1500 veterans We hope to see him elected on Mon day Dec Clarence Davis nominated for council was unable through another appointment to stay after nomination and the audience did not hear an address from him We know however that he is definitely opposed to the further expenditure of money on plan ning board work and is intent on keeping down town expenses if elected to council Mr Davis is a member of one of Auroras oldest families and both his father and grandfather were members of Auroras town councils He is so wellknown as a business man in town that his reputation carries its own recommendation to the electors He would make an excellent member of council Mr Ralph Tucker as we have previously mentioned missed victory by only 22 votes last year He should easily make the grade this year With his wide and responsible business experience he would bring to council valu able training for local civic prob lems We hope the electors will give Mr Tucker the opportun ity he is seeking to serve the town which Is his home E Kerr For Hydro For the hydro commission we strongly recommend to the elec tors the choice of Mr Kerr an able business man of long ex perience and whose name be came widely known to the citi zens of Aurora through his suc cessful appeal to get Mayor Bells ban on the freedom of the press removed He would bring an impartial judgment to bear on hydro mat ters If elected he would support the taxpayers being informed on everything their local hydro is doing through the press and that would be something chairman Mr George Baldwin has opposed lor years Mr Baldwin wants to keep the press out Mr Kerr wants the press in so that the people will know what is going on inside the building where their taxes are paid There was a bad smell in January of this year caused by goingson at the hydro when Mr William Largo was relieved of his duties as secretarytreas urer positions now held by the superintendent If the press had sat in on the enquiries the people would have known what was going on Mr Baldwin opposed the press sitting In So the Au rora citizens are still very much in the dark on what really hap pened If elected as a hydro commis sioner Mr Kerr would cure all that for he is in favor of the people knowing what going on at the hydro For such reasons wo shall vote for Mr Kerr and strongly urge other electors to do the same As for Mr Baldwin he did not know at Friday night meeting if he were still a member of the hydro commission But he was sure on this He would bo back again if possible We never did believe he intended to resign now we know The threats of resignation were eyewash or as people would say just plain bluff The of beaverCon national emblem was once a form of currency In Can ada LIONS DEN I Don Glass Asserts That Banner Report Is Wrong In its issue of last week the Aurora Banner reported a dis cussion at the Aurora Lions club in which an Aurora News Page editorial was a principal subject of comment The editorial quot ed the remark of a wellknown Aurora lady to the effect that if the club renamed the Mechan ics hall the Lions Den it would sound like the name of a cocktail bar The editorial paid tribute to the work of the club The Aurora Banner reported Mr Glass as saying that its an utter disgrace that any editor would associate the phrase cocktail bar with this hall After we had been approached by a member of the Lions club who said he had not forgotten the good publicity work we had formerly done for the Aurora Lions and that he was disturbed by the report and the words which he did not think Don J Glass had used we called Mr Glass personally Mr Glass said that while he thought that poor judgment had I Mr John Mr been used in using the words Cook should ponder those two NOMINATION NIGHT Continued from page basted us He was so bitter that the words were sour as they came over the air He was down from the fence for once in bis life He grilled us as he for merly grilled Assessor Good who had dared to raise his assessments Such childish writing hissed the kindly reeve Better Go To Bed We wish he had gone on and on He wasnt hurting us We could take it Reeve Cook couldnt He squirms under criti cism Public men who cant take criticism should go to bed and stay there said Winston Churchill So Reeve Cook had better go to bed When criti cism ends freedom dies said cocktail bar as a headline he liked what we had written in tribute to the work of the Lions and added that he had not used the foregoing words in the con nection reported by the Banner He also stated that a speech he had made at the recent dinner of the Recreation Commission of which he is the chairman was also incorrectly reported by the Banner Mr Glass stated that he had pointed out the latter erroneous report to the Banner and a promise had been made that it would be corrected No such correction however had so far appeared It is due to Mr Glass and to Aurora News Page that his dis claimer should be made public adages If Reeve Cook could be as sure on council matters as he was sure that people shouldnt read our paper he might get some where The people in Aurora think differently however They know that in our newspaper they will get the council facts We have not pandered to Reeve Cook We have expressed the opinion that he is of no Use to Aurora as a member of council We repeat that opinion His harangue on Friday night prov ed it It was the Reeve of the town who was blasting us He could nt take it So he tried hard smear our childish writings The result was that by Saturday evening there were not a dozen copies of our newspaper on the newstands in Aurora There were only little heaps of Ban ners Thank you Reeve Cook for your excellent publicity work on our behalf Such childish writings For Reeve Cooks advance informa tion we hear that the Dr Mal colm Court of Revision is at present in session hearing as sessment appeals in Squirrel Town If any one of the appel lants obtains a reduction of nuts it will doubtless be reported to Capt Eavesdroppers paper The Searchlight Meanwhile we thank Reeve Cook for his gracious speech given in such a gracious man ner in the Mechanics hall on Friday night November 30 me EKcron I am a candidate for election to Council on December 10 ask or my support If elected I shall do town expenditures wherever possible and to serve my fellowcitizens to the best of very a Kennedy St Sewer Report Subject Of Telephone Call On Monday morning Decern 3 Councillor Fielding called Aurora News Page to complain of the wording of the first para graph in our column of last week entitled Council High lights In our issue of Novem ber we reported a motion moved by Councillor Gundy seconded by Councillor Fielding that a sanitary sewer be put in on Kennedy street west as pe titioned for at cost to property owners under local Improve ment act That was correct However in the abovementioned column of November it was stated that by a majority vote council pass ed a motion in their favor namely the Kennedy street peti tioners This was the subject of Councillor Field ings telephone call to Aurora News Page and we immediately stated that we would correct the matter to Councillor Fieldings own wording as follows The Kennedy street people will get their sewers in on exactly the same basis as everyone else in Aurora Councillor Fielding told us quite bluntly that unless the correction were made that she intended to make an issue of it at the council meeting that evening We replied that we were only too ready to make any necessary correction at any time and that we would certainly put her statement into this weeks issue of Aurora News Page Councillor Fielding thanked us and said she was perfectly satis fied We did In fact make a fur ther telephone call to Council lor Fielding at her home on Monday afternoon to state that we had checked on our report in our Issue of November 22 and the report was correct and Councillor Fielding acknowledg ed that was correct and added that the acknowledgment we had promised In this weeks is sue would close the matter and that she accepted our assur ances I RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT v YOUR VOTE AMD INFLUENCE ROD V SMITH FOR HYDRO iii ji D If the voters of Aurora elect WW do everything possible to see that council carries the wishes of the MAJORITY of the people sine tJ A- I j r Mountain Out Of Molehill At Monday nights meeting of council Councillor Fielding in defiance of her previouslyex pressed statement that she was satisfied with our assurances rose to complain of the inad vertance we have mentioned She admitted that the Aurora News Page had promised to what she had requested but added that she felt it was some thing that ought to be brought to council Councillor Davies followed and requested that the editor be asked to retract Mayor Bell then asked If the editor had any thing to say Replying the editor of the Au rora News Page said that on a I previous occasion when he de sired to clear up a matter in dispute the mayor had refused his offer Now he was being asked to do that very thing He confirmed Councillor Fieldings telephone call and added that as she had said she was satis fied he was surprised to find that she was now bringing the matter up again He suggested that the matter had been brought up only for the purpose of giving ad verse publicity to the newspaper and that a mountain was being made out of a molehill He re minded Councillor that the other local newspaper made mistakes and hoped it would re port that too but whether the editor of the other paper who had been taking notes took a note of that he could not say To the Electors of Aurora AURORA COMMISSION At the request of citizens and because I am deeply Interested as a taxpaying citizen In the affairs of the town I am offering my services as a Hydro Commissioner If elected for office It will be my purpose to keep the citliens Informed on every phase of Its work There appears to be an Idea held In some quarters that the Aurora hydro should be conducted as a private business This Is The Aurora hydro Is maintained by the taxpayers and if I shall ask for the attendance of the press to report all meetings for the Information of the taxpayers With the financial and business experience have through my association with The Toronto Stock Exchange during the past twentyfour years I am confident I can he of service to my as a member of the Aurora Hydro Commissi respectfully ask for your support on Monday It Yours very truly KERR I J rs Me mm si Once a a n am offering ray services to the citizens of Aurora and respectfully ask your support in electing me to council During the tire years I have served you If tried at all times to promote the best interests town I am strongly opposed to any more money on the planning board and 1 shall passing Into law of the toning bylaw the council I shall if elected stand for the auttwritylj- town council which Is elected by the people for the be my purpose to and especially to public on the town hydro I am also meters Sincerely v- L CANT MAT BUCKLEYS MIXTURE TO THE HECTORS AURORA J Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited Voto 1 Mil Ifr- Something Having been returned Council without for the year we as members of you should know about your husband know him better anyone In the world You know hit had point well aa hit good ones one of may have your notice You know that he doesnt do many of tl things hart Ilka to do with hit money the family income will only go to far And you know that he might freely now without a thought for your future But ha Regularly ha putt ride to you the protection of Hie he may gain benefit from that In hit own life fcMtWWUy he real in for your welfare Aurora Council My Platform la Maintenance of the Hoard an advisory beard responsible to Council of streets roads and a Careful supervision of lown finances Year very truly P DEPUTY -r- your Vote J mm r J u- Do you provide for you in Are you if r