Quite successful bazaar and was held in the town hall Saturday under the auspices the United Mrs Win Crawford has been I is in most economical enamel UNO spending the past wsek Mr and Mrs Win Mrs of Toronto formerly of visited Mrs Walter Thompson for a few days the past week- Mr and Mrs C Graham at tended the hockey match in To ronto on Saturday night Mrs M Hague and Miss Nellie Mitchell are spending a month with friends in New York Mr and Mrs and Misses Cora and Delia spent Monday in To ronto Mr and Mrs J and Miss Margaret of Tottenham visited friends in Schomberg on Sunday Mr Roy of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Wilfred Aitchison on Sunday Ten Seek Six Seats Four Qualify In Race J On Newmarket Council For Three Board Seats Em Iter IS II T School Trustee life VOTE TO ELECT BEST J MRS BEST 1 1 iWT consideration for pupils parents V- ratepayers your vote 190 NEWMARKET ttjr VOTE TO CORTB J economical schools vote The following are brief ex cerpts from the nomination night addresses of council and school board candidates for Newmarket Mayor Vale Reviewed the road and sidewalk building program in Newmarket which has cost to Bate The proposed sewage disposal plant was a major consideration in the com ing year The question of fi nancing it was difficult to an swer He was considering some form of charge in which those who had the greatest use for the system would pay the those not using it wouldnt pay at alL It would cost in the neighbor hood of There was water enough for the present and to provide for future expansion for some years Councillor Birrell had suggested a reservoir fed by the creek Traffic laws were perfectly fair in fact they should be stricter Police action perfectly proper He paid tribute to town clerk and town employees for job well done Reeve Arthur Evans Told of improvements in water sys tem was critical of proposals to pipe water from Felt it impractical Commented on the opening of new wings at New market and Sutton high schools provided top standard of educa tional opportunity through whole North York area Praised work of health unit and told of the baby clinics being started He described the start of the conservation authority and dis cussed plans to reforest the river banks and clean up the river it self DeputyReeve J Described the year as one of great spending with more to come in the proposed sewage disposal plant and the taking over of Main St from the coun ty While the debenture debt was high in the neighborhood of 400000 net it bore a moderate relation to the total assessment of 4300000 and was not con sidered heavy He felt that Newmarkets fi nancial position quite sound and able to support additional spending nicely Edward Extreme ly critical of the manner in which road improvement pro gram undertaken He criticized resurfacing with black top and said that a belter job could have been done by other means Said one section of road wasnt grad ed another section of sidewalk already heaving As inspector for highways de partment felt that job done was inadequate He critical of the manner some town equip ment not used He felt he arena had become ton commercialized that the kid dies werent getting the use of it they should He would fight for the kiddies of town he He was critical of the manner In which Iho new bridge be ing placed at Wellington St particularly of cutting down trees Lome Seeking fourth term has enjoyed the work and done his host to see that the town got good government Signs had been placed on the approaches to the town re the enforcement of traffic laws Newmarket very fortunate in its traffic accident record thanks to the vigilance of police As chairman of the garbage committee felt that a good job had been done Charles Boyd Born and raised in Newmarket he had a large stake in the town and was seek ing office because he felt it a responsibility all citizens should share in Wasnt making any wild promises but did believe his business experience his know ledge of the town and his inter est in the town would be valu able on council He had no chip on his shoulder simply would like the opportunity to lend his experience to the administration of the town Rudy Was chairman of the relief committee and had not had much to do He had done his best in council and if elected would continue to serve to the best of his ability Tom Answering criti cism about commercializing of arena quoted the balance sheet of the operations of arena point ing out that arena could not carry itself if it were to give more free time than at present If the cost of the arena was to Mrs Best Have tried to get things done by the board on behalf of the school children of the town and have been unable to make the board act so that there is nothing left to do but to go on the board to remedy these complaints There is something wrong when nothing is done about justifiable com plaints Mrs Stella Curtis Past two years have opened my eyes to a lot of people Delegations wel comed by the board Seeking re election to help every child of every taxpayer Was congratula ted by the Inspector for work on the board School population is up and will continue to rise and there is much to be done Mrs Caroline Ion As mother of two young children I have an interest in the administration of schools I have been brought up in a family members of which served on school boards I am familiar with needs of schools If elected I will do my best to make the school administration limited in many instances that where possible the board did everything they could to answer requests from delegations but in many instances board simply didnt have power to act Another kindergarten on west side of town was prohibited by province and bus had to be used to take children to Prince Charles Mrs Mathews said she wasnt seeking office again because she would not be in town often enough to look after board busi ness Mrs Seldon also nomina ted said she would stand on her record and had nothing to say She also didnt qualify George the sixth nominee was absent The symbols on the sides of Canadian freight cars give to railroad men a case history of the car a S New Brunswick has a 27ship dragger fleet the largest of its kind in- Canada AM I when friends drop in be paid out of town pocket then you p would want the public had the opportunity be to make this suggestion at the Madeline Mathews Have regular weekly meetings of the arena commission The Mi mission was doing its best to provide maximum of public ser vice and still pay its way The renovation of the town hall under his direction had giv en town public building to be proud of at considerable saving A new fire hall was needed to protect present equipment Aubrey Scythes Criticized lack of engineering knowledge in council undertakings mistakes had been made which could have been avoided He agreed that the new fire hall should be built it all added to efficiency of fire department and the efficiency of fire department brought down fire insurance rates In a later statement he said he thought the smoke and soot nuisance could be cleared up by close cooper ation between council and busi nesses providing there was some one on council with the neces sary engineering experience Frank Bowser The work done on the roads and walks in New market was done as recommend ed by reliable engineers and by a reliable firm Other methods were not practical We did what we were told was the most prac tical of improving our streets As far as the bridge was concerned the plans were check ed and then rechecked by de partment of engineers This year we- worked with the horticultural society in the plant ing of trees in town Every your there arc or trees cut down as a hazard or nuisance The use of asphalt instead of saved the town two- thirds of cost of redoing side walks Mrs Violet Tax rate must be held down Own ers and tenants alike suffer as taxes go up Know there are many things required by town but why have so many essential expenditures been left to this year instead of being spread out No one has mentioned the smoke trouble Very much incensed over the lack of consideration Council should have appointed someone to approach industries and other sources of smoke talk it over find out the cause what can be done Must find out who causes the smoke and what can he done to end it There is room for the friendly spirit of cooperation A Mickey Smith Youve alt heard what has been said hero I can no more Mr Smith failed to qualify leaving ten for six council seats served six years on the school board and felt that I did a good job Teachers qualifications and other standards in school admin istration have been raised Poin ted out that power of board is Charles VanZant Pleased to note that there are several new candidates that is as it should be and makes for healthier government A word on speed traps I would like to see large signs warning of their use but I would like to point out that a considerable number of these speeder claim they do not see the signs on the road and they are either blind or going too fast If some of these gentlemen who exhibit such maudlin sentimen- talism toward these offenders could listen to the complaints of parents they would possibly change their tune I would like to see better lighting on our streets some of our residential streets arc poorly lighted I was proud to head up a committee which installed floodlights which cost the town nothing We have an 8000 set up which cost the town nothing it was done for 4000 plus vol untary labor ZEPHYR A quiet wedding was solem nized by Rev at the United church parsonage when Miss Daisy Graham daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Dewey Gra ham was united in marriage to Mr McCarrick of Montreal The wedding reception was held at the home of the brides par ents The meeting of the United church was held in the Sunday school room on Thurs day afternoon The election of officers took place at this meet- Mr and Mrs G Parker and daughter Peggy spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jas Come to the bazaar in the United church Sunday school room on Saturday Dec There will be a sale of various articles suitable for Christmas gifts also homemade baking A pot luck supper will be served at p The December meeting of the WMS of the United church will be held at the home of Miss Harriet MacLachric on Wednes day afternoon Dec 5 Meteorologists charts show that Canadas summer tempera tures now are several degrees higher than three generations ago TO THE OF NEWMARKET vote influence are vote FRANK BOWSER FOR NEWMARKET If TO THf OF w SOUND ENGINEERING WILL SAVE TAXPAYERS I VOTE AUB 1 JEW A A Vl A Scientists say fluorine which can be put In drinking water Is good for tooth enamel and pre vents cavities In childrens teeth Vote for the man wholl serve you FOR TOWN COUNCIL To the ELEQ0I of NEW v55jj3 A service aft Council for i 5 S i fir privilege for the PMTUift yeors and I that I your ft support I myself to serve you fully and loyally to of my ability on phone WW Lome v i wr 1 Phone 1127 for canon election day I I rf yTa TO THE OF NEWMARKET Vwr VOTE iCJSiiW iWp tvA VV i to mm AN EXFEMENCEO MAN TO NEWMANttT I L r j I J V To the I -V- f ii j 1 TUB f DEAR i7 V super Nowmnrkot Council raised In Newmerl Ivod my A from the Wy ally of Toronto I am a In My and has given mo an Insight into problems i Voters of and I fool that could make management of this elected to pound I am as a In and High Schools to carry on my fully and added htm of to you It p Council mfln Sufficient to say that If y i at Yours very Sf