Era No Dont forget the Armitage Community clubs euchre party at the school house this Friday Nov 23 Mr and Mrs Fred Feather- stone Freeman called on Mr and Mrs Porter on Sunday afternoon- Check Than Fast for SOLD EVERYWHERE BUCKLEYS capsules SHARON Mrs Don Glover and Beverly visited the formers sister in St Catharines for a few days last week Mr and Mrs Robert Houston and children also Mr and Mrs Fred and Teddy visited Mr and Mrs Win Houston in Toronto on Sunday- Mr and Mrs David were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Douglas of Pleas- Mr and Mrs Karl Phillips and children of Newmarket visited Mr and Mrs Fred Hall on Sun day- Mr and Mrs Chris Jones spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs- Keith Jones in Toronto ft to UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PROMPT FORMERLY NBHEVS FAIR PRICES orders over Phone Newmarket JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB for 1 IS far of fires of mayor reeve deputyreeve six councillors to fill office for lit year and one hydro electric commit and three public school trustees for the term of two years for the of the town of Newmarket will he held in the town hall on FRIDAY NOVEMBER 23 at the hour of pm by the returning officer At all nomination meetings the candidate for each office shall proposed and seconded striatum and every nomination shall he la writing shall date the name residence and occupation of the candidate and shall lie signed by ids proposer and seconder HOT K ON VOTKHH AND WITH Willi IN FROM JiiKJIKFflNO When a candidate is not sent Ids nomination paper shall not he valid unless there Is ached thereto evidence satisfactory to the returning officer that he consents to he so nominated Candidates are urged in obtain from the Treasurer he requisite Ian certificate and file same with the Clerk NOMINA TION If more candidates are nominated for the respective offices here- mentioned than are required fill the same the voting the polling at the subsequent elections shall he Itfed by he deputy returning officers at the respective polling subdivision A3 follows WARII Prospect Ave IIS A Mrs K McLaren WARD Market Alex Wyatl Moorby PATRICKS WARD fire Hall Frank Doyle Mrs Arthur West A tlrfj 151 From oclock a to oclock and no longer all of which ail persons arc requested to take notice and era themselves accordingly i -S- y Of liter Farm Forum News We are pleased to print re ports of local farm forums but they should be sent as soon as possible to ensure early Editor Farm Forums will discuss Op portunities for Cultural Activ ities at meetings on Monday Nov Discussion includes artistic activities around the home or farm interest in hob bies and community projects in music drama and handicrafts Kettleby forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs Wood on November 19 for a social evening and review night Next meeting will be at the home of Mr and Mrs on Mon day Nov 26 at pm Pine Orchard forum will meet at the home of Mr and Mrs James Hope on Monday Nov at pm A good attendance is urged Mr Harold Ghent and Mr Ross Pine Or chard attended the farm forum rally of Bruce County forums at on Monday night Please send in to the Era re ports of next Monday nights dis cussions and your forum feeds are the cultural opportun ities in your community Farm Forum Editor Queensville News PLEASANTVILLE Pine Orchard church services are at for and 230 pm service Come and hear our minister Rev of Newmarket One day last week Mr Frank Williams had the misfortune to fall down the barn stairs and severely injured his heel and ankle which will cause him to be hospitalized and convalescing at home for three Glad to report Mr Glover and Mrs M Sheridan also Mrs Mort- are able to lie up again Mr and Mrs Harold of Head ford were Saturday guests of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Moore and Robert Toronto also Mr and Mrs It Jevitt and Glenna of had Sunday dinner with Mrs Mr Mr and Mrs M Sheridan Robert ami Mary had Sunday dinner at the home of Mr At kinson Mrs Steve and two aims of Branch visited at Mr Harpers home a few days last week Mr Join ing them an Friday and oil re turning homo on Sunday morn ing Guests for Sunday tea with Mr and Oscar Buckle and Mrs Hold of Newmarket included Mr and M Sheridan and Mrs Some of our young folk in Toronto on Saturday to bee Santas parade were Miss Sheridan Miss Nick Glover and Masters Elgin Toole and Roy- don Wood Mr and Mrs Greenwood and Mr and Mrs Carl Green wood were recent dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Aurora Miss Dorothy of To ronto a weekend guest at Mr J Prestons home The club will meet on Friday night Nov at the school for a social evening of euchre and other games Please bring games and tables also lunch Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Geo Audrey Pearson on the birth of their son Douglas George on Tues day Nov Also congratulations to Rev and Mrs Warren on the birth of their son on Wednes day Nov On Wednesday evening the Young Peoples Union held presentation for Mr and Mrs Clark in the United church basement Mr an Mrs were presented with an electric tea kettle Mrs Bain of Toronto is spending this week at the home We welcome Mrs Oliver of Oakville to our com unity Mrs Oliver has moved into the upstairs apartment of Mrs Stiles Master Jimmy Phimister of Newmarket is spending a few days with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Geo Pearson A farewell party was held on Wednesday evening for the Misses Irene and Ann by the members of the Junior Choir arid Mrs J L Smith These girls arc moving to their new home in Newmarket this week Our deer hunters returned over the weekend some report ing good luck others poor luck In some areas deer seemed to be scarce and the snow made the going rather heavy A large number have attended the Royal Winter Fair Weekend guests of Mrs Frank Milne were Mr and Mrs Milne and Mr and Mrs Hod- gins all of Toronto Mrs Milne returned to To ronto on Sunday with her son for a few days Mr Frank Moore of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr Harry Enjoy the good reading avail able in your local library The library is open each Saturday afternoon through the winter months Dont forget the bazaar and tea in the United church base- on Saturday afternoon Nov under the auspices of the Evening Auxiliary Dona tions to the fish pond are to be left with Mrs Angus Smith and all fancy work or sewing is to be left with Mrs Bill der Jr by Friday night Cash donations towards the Christmas parcel for the Missionary of Prayer are to be left with Miss Bates on Saturday Dr and Mrs Douglas Stiles and son of London spent the weekend with Mr Stiles mo ther Mrs Stiles Congratulations to Mr Elmer Johnston who won the scholar ship and a cheque in the Trac tor Maintenance Club for York County This scholarship en titles Elmer to a free fiveday course at Guolph in new year He was also a guest at the Kiwanis luncheon Toronto on Wednesday Misses Marion Eves Donna and Elaine Alexander of the Queens Club wore guests at the lun cheon on Wednesday at the York hotel These girls wero also guests of the Royal Winter Fair in the afternoon Mr and Mrs Wilbert Mills and family and Mr and Mrs Sheldon Mills and family all of had dinner on Sunday with Mrs and sup per with Mr Percy James and Mrs Lillian Johnston Jack Kavanaughs garage Is now under new management Mr Kavanaugh sold business to Mr Charles Shields Visitors at the home of Mrs last Sunday were her two nephews Mr Wilbert Mills and Mr Sheldon Mills with their wives and three children all of Mcufrd ZEPHYR The WMS of United church are holding a bazaar and supper in the Sunday school room on Saturday afternoon Dec The sales will consist of homemade baking Christmas gifts aprons fruit and vege tables The supper will be pot- luck Rev Mr Thornloo preached at Beach United church last Sunday evening Mr and Mrs and Miss Dorothy Curl spent last Wednesday in Toronto Allan and Ronnie Kos- are playing hockey for the Sutton team Mrs A spent the weekend at St Marys Her brother Mr J C Morrison of Minneapolis returned with her to spend some time her home convalescing from a recent Miss Daisy Graham spent the weekend at her home here Quite a number from around here attended the turkey supper and concert at Goodwood United church lost Thursday evening Mrs Harman of Mount Al bert called on friends here last week KING WDGE NEWS this week at the home of Mr and Mrs aye bis mother and brother from Port Credit Mrs J mid David Vo our deepest sympathy the members of family in sudden passing of Mr A Stewart father McLaughlin on Friday Nov The Busy Bees met at home of Mrs on Monday Nov Everyone Joined in singing Home on Range to open the meeting Ann Harrison read the minutes Mrs will hold the next meeting at her home on November 2L Mr and Mrs Don and Miss Etta Stokes of Toronto spent Saturday with their aunt Mrs J Arnold also visited their uncle Mr J Arnold at York County hospital Mr and Mrs Roy Can and Mrs Helena spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Wilkinson Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Reg who on Sat urday celebrated their a la I wed ding anniversary Next Friday night will be nomination in the hull and this is when you with all your complaints and bring suggestions for im proving these ami l he village in general There is great need for bed ding and clothing of all kinds for the United churl over seas work If you things which can bo made over for children please do this work and leave clothing at store Money to ship is also needed Mr has always taken them to Toronto hut must bo soul on at cost of lb Tho Cheerio will meal on Saturday evening Nov at pm in basement of United church with Miss Joan Toronto as guest speaker Plans for the annual bazaar on Dec 1 at pm will bo completed There will ho apron baking miscellaneous wnfH booths and snack bar the will booth IS IN HOSPITAL Mr Hurry Hill Is progressing favourably from operation in St Michaels Hospital I 1 srarwA -r- j I i ens J J 1 mm V l F Jr K 4w Mr and Mrs Roy were Thursday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Evans and fam ily in Toronto Mrs Toronto is visiting her nephew Mr Roy and Mrs Mr and Mrs Gordon Knott spent the weekend with Mrs Knotts brother Mr Homer Reld and family Toronto Mr Donald and Mr Doug and Jim spent Wednesday at the Royal Winter Fair and attended the at Royal York hotel the guests of Junior Farmers tractor club Misses Muriel and Ross of Toronto spent the weekend with their sister Mrs J Ron nie Mr Jack Arnold had the mis fortune last Tuesday to break his right arm splintering bono badly while helping Mur ray Stokes doing some work He fell from the scaffold He was taken to York County hospital for xray and treatment Mrs Shields loft on Sunday for Toronto to spend a fow days Mr Deans business manager with a group of Christ business men will conduct evening service at Mount Albert Gospel church m Nov at pm Dr Henry of Toronto a lay man worker in I he Temperance Federation was ghost speaker at United church on Sunday morning Mrs of Kitchener has been viMling bar daughter Mrs Geo So- Mr and Mrs Thompson were to on pfojit day attend the funeral of his luolhor the Into Stephen Thompson ami real of Mount Albert J wm f i ii s NOW FOR fc mm Christ Church Ladies Guild met at the home of Mrs Nov We were very glad to welcome hack our Vicars wife Mrs her long Illness It was decided to add good used clothing to our missionary bale Will all member please send or bring their to Mrs K Fry noon us poss ible Also will all memhurs who not yet handed In talent money so at the next meeting in order that our secretary can close hooks by the end of the year Our hostesses Mrs llloek Mrs Mrs Minsk end Mrs served a delicious hot lunch Wu are very glad to report little steadily Improving able to sit up without to her buck unit is happy Mont of the farmers and their turkey supper of the Milk Producers hi burg on Thursday Ift Mr and Mrs I and Mr Mrs J wore visitor the Royal Winter Fair on Saturday Nov Mr and Mm Wood vltlt- Royal Winter Fair on Nov at Mr and Mrs J Harmon visit ed their Mrs Sharon en Sunday Nov fiarvlccs at ChrUt Church next Sunday will bet Sunday School evening wrvlco Mr nod Mr Kyle tuul Maple were Sunday lie home of Mrs Mrs HnrredeU her et home Iter diuighter Mrs Harry en Pumly Nov 111 Mr ami Mrs Robinson Mr and Mrs Merrill Mr end Mm Fred House Mr end Mis Stanley ami Sara Mr end Mrs Albert were present The Tioukamp Wnv end John- returned successful hunting trip one bringing deer Mrs Fowler of Toronto spent it day a Inst with her niece Mr end Mr spent Sunday with Mr end Mrs John Mr and Mrs Kghcrt and Mrs Win Sunday in Toronto Mrs spent Inst In Toronto with her friend Mrs Mr John and Miss Grace spent a few In Toronto Inst Royal Winter Fair and Ice Cap- TO HID Polmor to bed after up and fur ftw Mr jxr for put Mr and Mrs Emery spent a few days visit ing relatives in Toronto Mr and Mrs Clarence Smith Toronto called on relatives In the vicinity on Sunday Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd spent Sunday with her sister and family Mr and Mrs Jack Morgan Claremont Mr and Mrs David Davidson and family had ten Sunday even ing with Mr and Mrs Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Iceland Nelson on the birth of a daughter Mr Lome Denny Hamilton spent the weekend with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Charles Pollard Mr and Mrs Don Morton and family visited her parents Mr and Mrs Foster Vnndorf MOUNT Mrs Norman Mown and Mrs visited Victoria Square I at home of Mrs Marcus Jarvis on Nov Mrs Ray croft demonstrated the mak ing of almond paste for the forthcoming Christmas a k Icing Mr Mrs Win Clark were supper guests of Mr and Mrs Win Ash and last Saturday Mr end Mrs Win Grant visited Mr and Mr Harry Smith cm Saturday Mr and Mrs Newton Wes ton were supper guests of Prof and Mrs K A Smith and fam ily on Saturday About J pupils of No visited the museum at Toronto hist Thursday Mr and Mrs Wallace Scott and Muriel motored to on Sunday where they visited Mr and Mrs Scott Mr Mrs and Mr and Mrs Harold at tended funeral of a close friend Thomas Fisher in Toron to on Thursday of last week Mrs Richardson and Paris spent few days last week with formers sister Mrs Harold and family Mr and Mrs Nor man Row land St Thomas were weekend guests of Mrs 1 IP YOU DID NOT FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Van Study Heme In Time an A not lot age or previous hot you buck niton lion given to out of for a number of year Heller Jot do To Progress monthly payments All books AMERICAN an educational InaUtu- not for profit COUPON NOW AMRItlOANStSHOOL Suite North send me full Informa tion ami without ob ligations Name y r WITH PLASTIC OR PARCHMENT SHADES ALLNEW THESE ARE CLEAN IN A JIFFY LIMITED to VI NEWMARKET i- iSfc-v-r- J 1 J NOTHING TOO LI TOOSHAU A IN AUU MAKES OF ESGUSM CARS EAGLE ST NEWMARKET PHONE 5 k Wo ftto I 4 MAIN MARKET W- ii v v Dally IB MOtlNT AN MS r vo l5 7i i VIVIAN PINK ORCHARD NRWMARK J I J