Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Nov 1951, p. 4

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t k it j lib J ARTICLES FOR SALE t house be torn down and moved Reasonable Apply John Kniet Orchard For sale Modern brick house in all conven iences good cellar new insulated garage Apply A Hall Queens- ville phone tf45 IW NEWMARKET on a knoll Architects design Gleaming white bunga low car garage oft heat Ideally located on a beautifully landscaped lot This solid brick beauty provides the following amenities Jiving and dining areas log burn ing stone fireplace with mahog any panelling bright roomy kit chen with loads of cupboards spacious library attractive features wellproportioned bed rooms high dry divided poured concrete basement Included in this purchase price Is the broad- loom and many valuable extras All offers courteously consider ed Call Mr Mo 4339 evenings reverse charges Walton Realtor St Toronto Venetian alu minum or steel made for all styles windows Free estimates and installations Phone apply Ontario St W or write PO box N SHOTGUNS For sale AH makes of rifles and shotguns New and used Fun line of hunting equipment Mor risons Sperling Goods Depart ment Main St Newmarket phone W For safe Baby blue bunting bag gabardine heavily quilted excellent condition Phone Newmarket For sale Zipper buntingbag in white Infant size Also white crochet carriagecover Phone Au rora i le house and House has water and hydro out is conveniently located close to school and store Apply 2 Newmarket or phone Bradford c2w5 For anf Cenlrnliy located house Needs decorating rooms heating bathroom lairs washroom downstairs Boyd real estate Main St phone Newmarket REAL ESTATE WANTED For sale Quebec heater Em- oak buffet kitchen cabinet Phone cream enamel trim Newmarket For sale Quebec heaters Quebec cookslovcs Coleman oil heater room size 2 with oil burners piece chester field suite cheap extension tables dressers kitchen chairs hand power sump pump gals roofing pitch and double beds pull- out couch antique pieces glass ware china dishes Apply Hirst phone 1G crlw46 For sate Pair of ladys tube skates size skating dress size 12 pair of brown velvet goloshes size 5 pair of mans goloshes nearly new size man kid boots size or good buffalo robe Apply Eagle St Newmarket For sale Harris boys winter outfit blue wool broadcloth quilted lining size 2x mans ski boots size all in good condition Phone 1031w Newmarket For sale Southwind car heater newly overhauled Phone Newma For sate Girls winter coat size parka attached Girls spring coal size Phone Newmarket For sale mink tone muskrat coat backs size length Excellent Condition Cleaned and glazed Phone Newmarket For sale Good Cheer in good condition cheap Mans overcoat size Apply Queen St or phone Newmarket sale ladys green coat English broadcloth silver fox fur size good condition Phone or apply Prospect St Newmarket Classified Advertising Rates STRAIGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two cents a word minimum of cents for each advertisement Half price when advertisement is repeated on successive weeks Ten percent discount if advertisement Is within week of pub lication Coming Event costs two cents a word minimum cents Half Price when repeated on successive weeks Sale Registers for the first week cents for each successive week Card of Thanks Wedding and Engagement announcements cent for each announcement less 26 cents If within week of publication In Mcmorlams cents for each Insertion plus cents a tine for verse less cents it paid within week of publication Classified advertising may be phoned into or left at The Era and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at phone In Aurora Mrs I phono King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through tho mall where name of sender address is clearly Indicated Your advertisement into over homes in North York For soleSow first litter and pigs 5 weeks ready to wean Phone 317wl2 Newmarket For sole Suffolk ewes Few rams Come early and get your choice J Clark and Son phone Mount Albert lw4G For sale Weaned pigs weeks Trough trained Phone For sale pigs weeks old Styko Sharon con on towniine While you dear Joan rest and sleep Your loving memory well always keep Ever remembered by Mr and Mrs Frank LIVESTOCK WAMTEP Wanted Horses lor mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith phone collect Miner On Saturday Nov at North Margaret wife of the late George Miner mother of Or and Dr Miner North sister of Mrs J Weston Robert and Mrs J Toronto NOTICE A public under the Milk Control Act will bo held In Parte A Convention moor Royal York Hold Toronto on Monday Nov at am This public hearing Is for the purpose of providing all interested parties on opportunity of making repre sentations to the Milk Control Board of Ontario before this prescribes the maximum prices at which milk may be sold In market of Newmarket 22 HELP WANTED L- HOMES WANTED AND DISTRICT Clients JOSEPH BROKER ST NEWMARKET PHONE LOTS FOR SALE For Mile coal and wood used only a few months good condition Phone Aur- For man and woman full time or part time for Dealer ship in Newmarket Enjoyable work Steady earnings above average No experience or in vestment necessary Write im mediately to The J Watkins Company 350 St Street Montreal Que For sale outfit 25 size in good smnll for Apply Millard Ave New- I Must Ik fond of market animals Reliable and capable For wile Oil burner retort type suitable for installation In or Controls included Phono John A 1C0 Newmarket clw10 i- For safe Ruihllng lots on CO lot Hydro water sewers etc John A Edwards Phone I ESTATE FOR SALE or offer near Queens ville acres large and small fruits and henhouse brick house electricity Open road Immediate possession sub ftlantlal cosh required Newmarket clapboard bungalow modern kit chen and both with tiled walls and floors heavy wiring at tached garage many extras in cluded neighborhood close to school and bus lot nicely land scaped possession down broker CI Queen Newmarket phone For sale Deluxe car heater with fittings Phone Newmarket clv4G For sale Acme combination and heater good as new Ap ply Jon Travlss Queensvlile door north of Arnolds insurance office For sale carriage high chair 3 quills ladys tailored suit size brown coat green skirt pair boys tube skates size and Apply Mrs Bert Queens Lane New market For Pair mens tube skates size In good condition Phono For sale- wine win- tor fur down front size or Brown fur to match Ladys black winter coat silver fox collar Apply St Newmarket For sale Ladys fur size with large fur trim and muff to match in good condition suit able for girl Rea sonable Phone Newmarket For sale Leonard refrigerator firstclass condition ft Large freezing compartment Spillcites Appliances Main St phone Newmarket clv4G For sale refrig erator cu ft New unit a real bargain Appliances Main St phone Newmarket For sale Kitchen table 4 chairs and buffetnatural wood with red leather almost new Green chesterfield and almost now Baby bed and mattress Phone Mrs MacClure 211w4 Newmarket For sale Gray prnm nearly new Coleman oil heater Phone Mount Albert ARTICLES WANTED Wanted High powered shot guns and rifles Morrisons Sport ing Goods Department Main St Newmarket phone Wanted to buy Electric steam Iron good condition Phone King after pm lw46 Wanted to buy Used corrugat ed steel roofing sheets Write P O box Mount Albert or phone Mount Albert Wanted to buy Used baby car riage in good condition Reason able Phone Newmarket hours each day per week Phone or Newmarket Help wanted Pulling carrots per bus or on share basis Averaging 40 to bus per day Opportunity to make 10 to per day Apply Marsh Gardens Co Ltd Bradford on No highway phone Bradford Help wanted house keeper for adult All city con veniences In modern home sub urban area References Write Era and Express box For Nash sedan In good condition Phone Newmarket or apply Lowell Wal ler Main St For sale Model A Ford coupe Phone Sutton USED TRUCKS For sale Ford pickup truck Bargain for quick sale Ap ply Variety Bakery Bradford For sale 14 Ford owl wheel drive tow truck with Bra- den power winch Good condition Will accept trade Marshalls Gar age Ridges phone King ctwIG Wanted to buy Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmar ket or write PO box POULTRY FOR SALE ORDER NOW QUALITY At moderate prices We deliver phone Newmarket c645 POULTRY WANTED Peat In loving memory of our dear husband and father Edward Peat who passed away Nov 17 We watched you suffer day by day And could not help in any way But just stood by and saw you pass Into the Saviours hands Inst Ever remembered by wife and family CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart felt thanks to all those who came so promptly to our aid when our home was threatened by fire lost week Mr and Mrs Francis Morton ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Albert Herbert Atkins Newmarket announce the engagement of their daughter Alice Alberta to Mr Douglas Miles Kingston son of Mr and Mrs Charles Miles the marriage to take place on Satur day Pec 1051 at 3 oclock in Trinity United church Mrs Hazel MncArthur wishes to the engagement of her daughter Joan Marilyn to Mr Robert Allan son of Mr and Mrs Bertram A the wed ding to take place on Saturday Dec at St Johns rectory Newmarket WORK WANTED Slip covers draperies bed spreads etc made- to measure Your own materials Phone Mrs Jones Newmarket 78 Andrew St Help wanted Capable girl or woman to keep house for business couple for one month Phone 488 Newmarket Wanted Capable shorthand writer for occasional work Phone Aurora Help wanted Woman to years to be trained as beauty counsellor to over Mrs Lynn Hunters clientele Flexible hours No canvassing For Interview ap pointment write Era and Express box Stale address and phono TRANSPORTATION For saleAuto knitting machine almost new Complete with some extras Onehalf price Phono FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For safe or exchange Largo space heater new for smaller space heater Phone A Oliver Quconsvlllo HOUSE FOP RENT rent In Keswick all winterized bungalow City conveniences oil heating Phono Keswick For sale Carpel blue back ground excellent condi tion Phone Queensvlile FOR RENT rent Furnished bouse- keeping rooms Reliable couplo ft coal furnace 2 Coal supplied Phono Ne For rent- Furnished rooms oil garage minutes Phono For Nate Clipper coal and wood cookstove years old deep firebox Phone Newmarket lw48 For sale Baby blue zipper bunt ing bag In excellent condition Model A Ford heater Casement window lights boys bicycle Phono Newmar ket Help wanted Experienced nurse for York County Home for the Aged Good working conditions Live In Apply acting matron phone Newmarket Help wanted Couple of reliable waitresses for Saturday nights and Sundays Apply Hazel Stanleys Restaurant Newmarket M apartment All For sale Small with waterfront in good condition Ap ply St Newmarket For sale New Princess Pat Silent Glow oil Burner used season Phono Newmarket For saia Mans heavy overcoat hk condition size 4214 now twoburklo goloshes size two new wool and cotton under shirts size 42 new striped blue trousers slzo mans black ox- fords nearly now ladys black velvet goloshes near ly now Reasonably priced Ap ply Era and Express box For salo Gasoline washing ma chine in good condition Iron now Queens vllle Wanted to buy 25 of oat straw Phone Newmarket PRODUCE CUSTOM CANNING Canning factory opened on Aug ust Wo canned tomatoes peaches plums and for sale Phono Mount Albert Transportation available to and from Toronto days weekly leaving 720 am returning pm Phono Wanted Transportation from Toronto to Sharon days weekly for one lady leaving Toronto 5G pm Apply second house north of Sharon Temple lw46 USED CARS FOR SALE For Chrysler sedan running order Good tires Reasonable Write box or phono Aurora For safe Oldsmnbllo Tor pedo coach lientbr radio now tiros battery clutch in good condition Cash or terms Apply Queen St Newmarket after pm For Potatoes wholesale Phono Mount Albert 7510 For sale No Ont ario Apply Produce Pino Beach phono vlllo MERCHANDISE USED CARS A GLAIHKON and cycle gas washers repair pnrls and service Ford Custom Tudor overdrive radio low mileage an exceptional car flmvrolrt Tudor ma roon radio air conditioning and fug lights backup light clean car Monarch Sedan blue prlco Radio boat er and defrost or slip rovers A local car well worth money Willya Jeep station wagon motor overhauled good Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered In any fabric Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New market Work wanted Accurate typ ing done at home Phone Work wanted For nil kinds of plastering and stucco Jobs phone Ernest Thorpe Sutton Free est I mat Wanted to buy Live poultry Any quantity Bring them In or will call on request Highest prices paid Apple- Ion Ridges or phone King AH kinds of Hue poultry wanted Will pay above market price your door Phone Newmar ket- OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all friends and neigh- bors for the acts of kindness and floral offerings during our recent sorrow in the passing of our bro ther Mrs Sadie Kirk Mrs Lillian PETS For sale Puppies six weeks old Healthy nicely market each Apply 23 St Aurora For sale Border collie puppies Nicely marked Good working strain Apply Murray Paisley phone Mount Al bert MISCELLANEOUS 24A PERSONAL Invitation have been mailed by the Joint Masters and of Toronto and North York Hunt for the annual Farmers Party to bo held In high school Aurora on Friday evening Nov eight oclock If any farmers in the district whose land the Club hunts have not received Invitations will they please 1 Woolnough Aurora SKINNY MEN WOMEN Gain to New pop too Try famous Tonic Tablets for double results new healthy flesh now vigor New get acquainted size only All druggists Wo repair all of sewing machines New machines tip Singer Sewing Center New market Main St phone For saleTrusses surgical sup ports elastic hosiery for those suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phono Newmarket FARM ITEMS ATTENTION FARMERS Wo will bo pleased to pick up dead or crippled form ordinate ft ml pay curront prices For Immediate service col lect Newmarket 70 or Toronto Empire GORDON YOUNG LTD For sale At students wool cloth station wagon and car Write row box fal Apply 10 Niagara St or phono Now- market WW room boated tfjiittift couple or flat Room an ply fw QAM for mm L 1 Jw40 below you will find a fow of outstanding values bo this week Army Stores Aurora Penmans work and too special lined front satin wagon coats to lined brown Jackets work shirts from flnnnolctto pyjamas heavy A P pants A pants odd tweed pants car couch 450 cardigan cots roHttS mattresses 303 made bond rotf 208 cigarette biff assort- to 100 honvy leather work boot 705 TM Army Stores Aurora civ40 cos Main St phono Now- miles car nnrkot M0 hydraulic brakes A buy a car for many mllas USED TRUCKS 1048 ton and A truck well worth monoy Ford ton low mllo- clean truck A buy for quick salo and chassis tires ool for many miles 1043 2ton stake tires In condition body una mo tor A real buy Combination Hoist dump A buy for right party sale Her fresh calf by side pigs weeks old bunches of cedar Woods elect to oKt as now Apply Fred Walker phono COOL Albert to for witt ier My or by Urn Cain button West Sutton For sale pups real farm A ftnod pays own taxes ntul helps you nay yours Apply W Evans AllHerbal rneumatto tablet for arthritic ana sciatic pains Price 100 Brt Drug Store phone Newmarket For coughs colds bronchi tis A prompt effective rem for the relief of bronchitis or chesty coughs colds cent Best Drug Store Newmarket IN In memory of my dear husband Arthur Cry- dermuti who passed Dew husband you not for on earth Stilt In memory you with us you remembered by wife lo Valuo value A thrifty mother will act quickly For Hearing aid batteries for popular makes fltewnrl Radio and Main St Newmarket jy For heavy wolnbt denim with heavy warm lining ood for cold weather to yearn Meal tor and wonr Kto For ffinnlloM allwool heavy rib rod com binations regular Shirt and regular Hale prlco For day only el rot wheat Apply Harold film run phnno IMPLEMENTS FOR USED TRACTORS FORDFERGUSON In of dear father and Aftliur away Nov int What would I give to clasp- lite hand His happy to To hear his and hi That meant much to me Sadly missed by daughter Calvin CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends for their kindness and cards during my stay in York County hospital also Dr Dr Ed wards also the nurses and staff of hospital Walter Bell OF THANKS We wish to express our heart felt thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness messages of sympathy In our toss of a dear mother and grand mother Mrs Hamilton We also wish to thank Rev Perry Rev Casement Dr Dr Case nurses of York County hospital also Mr Rose for his kind and efficient service Mr and Mrs J Dull and family Notice To Creditors In the estate of Mary Willi late of the Town of Newmarket in the County of York widow deceased Creditors of the abovenamed deceased who died the Town of Newmarket In the County of York on or about the day of October arc hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to undersigned proof of their claim on or before the 3rd day of December after which date assets of the Es tate will be distributed having re gard only to the claims of tho undersigned will then have notice Dated Newmarket this 30th day of October 1051 Karl Willis executor by his solicitors Mathews Stiver Lyons and Vale New market TOWN OF NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS All dog owners or people har boring stray dogs required to obtain a license on or be first day of June Any owners of unlicensed dogs after November may bo sum- moused 1 Tags bo obtained from Mr Curtis Niagara St New- Chief of Police November FOR SALE OR RENT bed wheel Invalid chairs Theaker and Son Mount Albert MUCOUS IN THROAT nose and throat for the dropping mucous discharge sensation the lump in the throat and disturbances These are the aiM reliable pink tablets that have been used for years by adults children with good results Priori The Best Store phone Newmarket J LOW COST HEARING A to much it for Rochester Phone Newmarket t lower FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over he World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET SIh Member FloriiU Delivery Association Flowers wired fe of world FUNERAL FLOWERS Mala iSMv Phono queensville FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBUIANCE SERVICE PHONES 509 IMS AND ilLiii FUNERAL DRECTMS MAIN STREET ANDREW V MUe McCIary furnaceto In open model truck valuable He- Write SONS Tractor ON Sons Ltd FORD MONARCH Sale and Mate Newmarket In of mir dear Ornery who away Nov In softly tho I ho wo dearly wo could Dot Poop In our heart picture Moro precious than Kohl It In a you rtonr A picture that never will grow old It homo without you In a and and weary way For la not an mo to Since you called in ever by and family T I OH Herman Fowler Morning worachlp David pm Sunday pm David 21 LIVESTOCK W For Ja20 Rood Rood running condition or beat offer Phone clw46 For Black pony Apply Murray Sutton phone a- For Young cattle Bhnrt red and old Ap ply Winch For aato a weaned Apply Howard Phoenix Cedar Brno Foote In memory of our dear Arthur who away Nov Ho la gone but And year In our lonely of thinking of him ore near of will come oer ua Friends think the wound la healed But little know the That Ilea within the heart con cealed Lovingly remembered by Will Beatrice Stanley In loving memory of Joan who away MEETING Street MB am Sundayschool am Meeting for pm Youth Holly Sunahino Group from Toronto with tenor soloist and apeclal musical pm Community A welcome to yon at All pm Prayer Bible study group l foundation of God sure TRINITY CHURCH Rev M J Aiken Pastor Mr Organist 11 am Morning Worahlp The Angel of Churches The Sunday School Senior School 11 am Nursery Beginners and Primary pm Evening and wor ship Why should I vote how Trinity Choir will You will bo welcome at Trinity Church Full Me School Miss K Morning Worship or Meotlni fi Mooting Church with a J THE Millard Ave Pastor A MISS VIOLRT CURTIS Sunday am Morning pm Evening meeting Womens meeting iiWCf 1 1 iv CHRISTIAN BAPTIST Main St Newmarket Mini iter Rev Brockoa Mrs J Cut am Doing my bH pm Sunday School- pm Service Subject hip to Wb4 t

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