Ti J w A i a k MP I TOW EXPKSS4HERAID Offers For Eildon Hall As Simcoe Park 9 York county council this week voted to make an offer for the Eildon Hall property on Lake Simcoe If purchased the property will be made into a public park The property was offered for The decision followed lengthy discussion in council It was felt by some members that as desirable as the property might be the cost was too great for the county to assume particularly when the cost of opening the property to public use was added to the original purchase price It was variously estimated that the cost of developing the land would be as much as another Against these objections it was pointed out that there is not now any park property of any size along the Simcoe shore which has become in recent years one of the most extensive resort areas in Ontario It was contended that the pro perty was the last large piece of land left on the shore which might be used for a park that RANGERS TO TAKE OFHCER TRAINING The Queens York Rangers C Company held a social evening at the Aurora armouries on Sat urday night in honor of three reserve soldiers who will be tak ing a six months officers train ing Stocks and John Gilbert both of Aurora and Bob Wilson will be taking train ing for their commissions Among the guests at the arm ouries were Lieut Col J Singleton who is in command of the regiment J West- head second in command of thet regiment Mayor Bell of Aurora and members of the Aurora council Dr Crawford Rose if it was sold into private hands j Smith Aurora for subdividing there wouldnt be any hope of a public park along the shore in the future- It was also argued that pro perty prices in the area would continue to rise and it was a case of buy now or pay more in the future The park committee of which DeputyReeve J I is a member is meeting today to prepare a plan of development and figure the cost for submis- county council PNEUMONIA VICTIM Dr J Edwards Newmar ket is in bed with pneumonia and will be unable to resume his practice for some time yet TO SEEK is the second member of Newmar ket council to declare publicly his intention to seek another ietrn although it is generally un derstood that all the members of last years council will again stand joins Ian Brown youngest son of Mr and Mrs Brown New market left on Monday for to enter the Born in the west he was raised in Newmarket and has been with Bell Telephone for the last three years One Week Campaign For Concert Series Starts Sat Nov The Newmarket Canadian Concert association was formed at a meeting in the King George hotel last night and three concerts featuring distinguished Canadian artists will be held in the new year probably in Jan uary February and March WALTER THOMSON LIBERAL Next Thursday Nov 22 will be election day when the prov ince goes to the polls to decide which of these three men will guide Ontarios affairs at Queens Park Right is Premier Leslie Frost whose government seeks reelection Challengers are Lib eral Leader Walter Thompson above and Leader B lower right Freight Train Gravel Truck Collide At Holland Landing LESLIE FROST PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE A campaign for the sale of membership tickets for the series of three concerts will be held for one week Saturday Nov to Saturday Dec During that time there will be a campaign headquarters on Main St and membership tickets may be ob tained from nearly Newmar ket citizens working with the campaign Mrs K was elect ed president of the association- Vice president is Alex Eves sec retary Mrs C and treasurer Gillespie Ten members of the board of directors are A Jackson Mrs Beer Norman A- Dr C VanderVoort Mrs Jay Mrs Mrs Miss Mae Patterson and Mrs R Brown Canadian concert associations are being organized in Canada by Wallace Young and Bird Toronto who are try ing to provide a better oppor tunity for Canadian artists to perform in their own country Their partnership is believed to be the first agency in Canada to sponsor concert series An Am erican series has been promoted with success previously According to the Report of the Royal Commission on the development of arts letters and sciences the Canadian concert stage is very largely dominated by concert agencies in the United States Canadian resident mus icians are by no means inferior in talent in training and in ex perience to many of the visiting artists included in the concert series along with the few inter nationally known names Canadian musicians resident in Canada however gifted are never included in the concert series conducted by American agencies Included in a number of art ists available for concerts in New market are Lois Marshall the Leslie Bell Singers Rex Battle the Commodore Male Quartet Elie Spivak Sommer- ville and Marguerite Each concert will feature at least two artists Early Efforts Said Cause of Heaving Street An explanation for curbs and gutters Town poor Main St pavement was given at the council meet ing held last week Every spring the paved surface of Newmar kets Main St- heaves and drops some seasons providing a wash board effect other times more like a roller coaster The explanation is that Main St was a guinea pig years ago for an engineer who was fond of experimenting The engineer who worked for a Toronto firm of engineers had a theory that a stone roadbed might be just as successful as a concrete one Most local critics now would say that it was not successful Reeve Arthur Evans said that since the experimental road was put down the county has al ways promised to put pave- in food condition With this county assistance in lag a complete reconstruction of Mai St said that the countys share of the road con struction would be the centre strip at least in width Councillor Frank Bowser said that he had learned that the town of Westons main street under similar circumstances was reconstructed by the town itself and that the county paid its share after the job was complet ed DeputyReeve J Spillette said that he was wondering whether we should takeover the responsibility of the road from the county after all think we would have enough support from the roads commis sion to leave the road in the bands of the county he said Main St is part of a number of northsouth roads in York which are maintained by the York County Roads Commie ion The City of Toronto pays percent of the costs of the upkeep of A gravel truck driven- by Bob Radford of was com pletely wrecked in collision with a freight train at Holland Land ing on Thursday afternoon Radford was taken to York County hospital suffering from a badly broken left arm cuts about the face and possible in ternal injuries The impact of the collision threw Radford feet into the snow He was rushed to New market in a car driven by Art Lloyd who was working in Goodwins Tannery near the scene of the accident The truck was travelling south The point of impact was just in front of the cab on the left side The chassis of the truck was swung around by the force of the collision The post of the railway crossing warning was snapped at its base The train was in charge of Conductor George Coulson of Engineer was Ed La- Plante The accident was investigated by Provincial Constables Cowie and Forester AUTHOR OF CURRENT MAGAZINE ARTICLE In the current issue of Roads and Engineering Construction appears an article by R son of Mr and Mrs C E Newmarket called Canadian and United States Dam Construction The article was a successful entry in a competition sponsored by the Canadian Construction association The author Bob is with the Founda tion Co of Canada at Fort Churchill TO RECEIVE FREE AT HORT MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT Donald Jackson son of Mr and Mrs H A Jackson will be presented with an oratorical con test prize at an open meeting of the Newmarket Horticultural society tomorrow night Guest speaker at the meeting will be Prof John Weal The meeting will be held in the Agricultural Board rooms Botsford St and will begin at pm Mr will speak on Improving the Home Grounds This outstanding speaker on hor ticultural subjects illustrates his talks with chalk drawings He is noted for his humorous pres entation Donald Jackson was winner in the provincewide Save the Wild Flower essay contest Sponsored by the Ontario Horti cultural association the competi tion had over entries It was open to pupils of grade 8 Mrs Anton convener of the juvenile committee will make the presentation An invitation is extended to the public to IS Ron Eves son of Mr and Mrs Alex Eves Newmarket who was scheduled to go overseas with the Canadian contingent to Ger- was hos last week in Quebec CHILD HIT BY TRUCK ON ST Shiela Bain the daughter of Mr and Mrs Bain St was taken to York County hospital yesterday after she was hit by a truck outside her home The child had just gotten out of a car and ran around the rear of it to cross the street to her heme An oncoming truck had no chance to avoid her because of parked cars and trucks on either side of the street The child suffered a broken arm and head and face injuries The truck was driven by Albert Davis Dr It was travelling about 20 mph at the time of the accident Police said that no blame was attached the driver No charges will be laid WINS B AND P CLUB SCHOLARSHIP Jim Hugo son of Mr and Mrs Howard Hugo Newmarket will receive a special award of in recognition of his excellent scholastic ability Jim received nine firsts in his nine subjects on graduation The scholarship is being award ed by the Newmarket Business and Professional Womens club the presentation will be made at the commencement exercises of the Newmarket Sutton High School on Nov 23 CONSERVATION LEVY A levy of was paid by the of Newmarket last week as its share toward the support of the Holland River conserva tion authority The next meet ing of the authority will be on November 30 RED CROSS MEETS The Newmarket Red Cross held a quilting and sewing meet ing in Trinity United church this week While there was a good number of helpers there is still room for more The quilted goods are being sent to headquarters for forwarding where needed The local society has given assistance to families at Lake Wilcox Pine Orchard and in Newmarket i COMING EVENTS SANTA PARADE There will be a meeting of Newmarket businessmen in the town hall tonight to discuss plans for a Santa parade All businessmen are Invited to at tend HOME FROM KOREA The most recent contingent of troops from Korea arrived in Vancouver yesterday and includ ed three district men Cpl W son of Mr and Mrs Newmarket Smith Aurora and Pte C Maguire Lake Wilcox COMMITTEE ROOMS Newmarket liberal Assoc iation has opened committee rooms at the corner of Main and Millard Sts at the former loca tion of Harrys Dry Goods Their telephone number is The Progressive Conservative partys room are at I Millard Ave Thursday Nov Cliff Anniversary Sole starts to day Be wise and purchase now exceptionally good values Friday Nov Euchre dance and draw sponsored by the New market Firemens In the town hall Euchre pm Dance pm Charlie VanZants orchestra Friday Nov Bingo in Hol land Landing Community hall A big welcome to all Good prizes Special pi re- hewealth Time pm cards 35c Friday Nov Improving the Home Grounds illustrated talk by Prof John Agricultural rooms of Newmar ket Horticultural society pm Public welcome Friday Nov At Keswick Memorial hall at pm the musical play society presents The Discontented Child and How She Was Cured performed by children Singing dancing lovely dresses and woodland scenery Producer and director Walsh Accompanist Elaine Cowieson Adults Children under years Come early Friday It at Youth for Christ feature gospel film From the Manger to the Cross plus boy soprano Jackie McKenzie and vo cal duets by Marion and Lois Wright hall Everyone welcome Saturday II Club Millard Ave Newmarket Public Mr A Klngsley Graham KC will be the guest speaker Alex Mackenzie member for York North will also speak All men and women Interested in the wel fare of the province are urged to attend Tuesday Not Euchre at the Orange Hall Aurora in aid of Queen LOBA Admission Refreshments and good prizes Time jr Wednesday Kettleby Community club dance in the parish hall Weirs orchestra Ad mission 50c NaT- Bingo Newmarket Veterans Assn New market town hall Time pm The old reliable bingo attendance prize Spe cial door prize pineapple only Newmarket Veterans Association Branch Canadian Corps NaT Used cloth ing sale at St Pauls parish hall Newmarket Under the auspices of white HID School at ii Parents and friends welcome Friday Nov Euchre in school under the auspic es of Community club at pm Admission Good prizes Lunch Friday Nov Evangeline Auxiliary of Trinity United church bazaar tea and bake sale from 3 to Supervised nursery Saturday Nov Bazaar and tea sponsored by Evening Auxil iary In United church basement from 230 to 530 pm Saturday Nov Trinity Ang lican church Aurora bazaar af ternoon tea and home baking sale Saturday Christ church Holland Landing are holding a bake sale and afternoon tea in the com munity hall from to Monday Not Euchre and bridge at Aurora Legion hall un der auspices of Ladles Auxiliary branch Refreshments Ad mission Good prizes Wednesday Nov East limbury Federation of Agriculture annual meeting in Sharon hall at 8 Special speaker Social after meeting Friday Nov Newmarket High School Alumni dance at the High School Don dikes orches tra Admission per couple Time to Friday Nov Womens Asso ciation St Andrews Presbyterian church will hold their annual St Andrews Day tea and bazaar to pm House plants fancy work aprons candy and home baling Saturday Dec Lodge annual bazaar after noon tea and homebaking sale at the Oddfellows hall Aurora to Every Saturday bingo in North Memorial hall Kes wick at under the au- of the Building Board Spe cial prizes cards Euchre err Wednesday at in Roches Point Memorial Club Admission Every Thursday at dancing ad mission Every Friday at pjn pictures Every Friday dance at Community hall Norm Burling and his Kingtmen Prizes and Jackpot every night in Mount Albert hall to Norm Burling and his orchestra Modern and old tune dancing Jackpot and other aJLS for all Candidates Start Last Lap In Race For Nov Vote With the election a week away political in the district is stepping up with the candidates plan ning gatherings oyer the weekend in and around New market Ev B Joliffe party leader will be guest speaker on Saturday night when there will be a public meeting in the town hall for the candidate Douglas Hamilton Also speaking will be Harvey Ladd eastern Cana dian director International Wood Workers of America CIO Two events are planned for Monday night one in Newmar ket and the other at Keswick The Liberals are preparing for a meet the candidate night at the Newmarket Scout hall an informal reception which will give the public an opportunity to meet Elmer Grose Liberal candidate and discuss with him any questions they may have Also present at the Liberal re ception will be the Hon Walter Harris federal minister of citi zenship and immigration Jack Smith and Hon P former postmaster general The ladies of the Newmarket Liberal Association will serve refreshments The emphasis of the evening wilt be upon infor mality and personal discussion In Keswick on the same even ing there will be another infor mal meet the candidate meet ing at the Memorial arena with round and square dancing and other entertainment Refresh ments will be served A Kingsley Graham counsel for the Republic of Finland will be the guest speaker at a public meeting being held by the New market Womens Progressive Conservative organization on Sat urday night The meeting will be at Club Millard Ave start- inging at 8 pm There will be a discussion on provincial affairs of interest to all citizens A A Macken zie provincial member for North York will speak as well as Earl Toole president of the York North Progressive Conservative association ADVANCE POLLS Advance polls will be open ed today Friday and Satur day from until pan and from until It pan for those residents of the of York North who will be ab sent In the ordinary course of their business or employment on election day The advance poll for New market Sutton East and North and is at the Newmarket chambers in Newmarket town ball on St The advance poll for Kins and Aurora is at the residence of Case St South Aurora YORK NORTH CANDIDATES j Elmer Grose Liberal A A fl Doug llajaittoztv Answer To Alcoholism Rests With Individual Newmarket Lions Told Members of the veterans organizations in were guests of the Newmarket Lions club on day at the meeting in St Pauls parish hall It was the clubs annual Remembrance night Present were members of the Newmarket Legion the New- market Veterans Association and the Air Force Assoc- i i Guest speaker was Al Johnson secretary of the Ontario Temperance Federation who was introduced by a former Newmarket minister Rev Andrews in his turn re membered to audience by Alex Eves The hall was jammed to capac ity by club members and their guests Two minutes of silence were observed and Last Post and Reveille were sounded by Frank Burling K Stiver was chairman of the meeting am speaking to you of a problem which is up to date and up to you to settle Mr John son said He said that alcoholism had reached to the prominence of a national problem one which in the United States was costing in dustry billions a year in time lost and accidents Drinking and driving was the most serious aspect of the prob lem he said In the old day it wan not a serious matter but no one now can say for sure he wont be driving after taking a drink It rested with the com mon sense whether a man drove when he had been drinking and it was up to each individual to act accordingly he said Dr thanked by Dr Noble SEEK BLOOD DONORS la Mood is to make a r be the Bed bank fat m BUSINESS LUNCHEON The Newmarket Businessmens Association will have one of their bimonthly at the King George hotel on Mon day at pm sharp Topic to be discussed is speed traps All businessmen are invited to at tend- Mrs Aubrey Patterson New market the bolder of the lucky ticket on the draw for m Marconi radio Toe draw sponsored by the Business Womens and was held at the clubs annual fames on Friday Nov ft Mrs It J Roger president of the York County Hospital Womens the ticket V 7 J J vV -s- ii j V s