fv Era A 151 race few ST JOHNS HOLDS HALLOWEEN SOCIAL A Halloween social was held in St Johns school on Monday Oct when members of the parish with their friends gath ered for a very pleasant even ing The party was under the auspices of the Catholic Womens league The basement of the school was used for the first time since its renovation Cards and games were played Group sing ing was another item on the in formal program The evening closed with the serving of deli cious refreshments The league is planning to have these friend ly gettogethers frequently dur ing the winter News Of The New fur column mult in the office Monday tight Copy be written as briefly as possible confined to new and report Other than routine reports and announcement will be printed YOU CANT MAT BUCKLEYS MIXTURE The paint for beautiful WALLS CEILINGS aw a fiWorf center Ytatat Union Street branch met at the home of Mrs Thursday afternoon Nov There was a large at tendance Mrs Archie Sedore the president was in the chair and welcomed the Lakeside la dies who were our guests The meeting opened with the Ode followed by the Mary Stewart collect The roll call Stand up and introduce yourself was re sponded to by members and guests A trip by bus to the Winter Fair in Toronto is being ar ranged Mrs Ross Armitage of Pine Orchard who was a delegate to Ohio sponsored by the Federa tion of Agriculture gave an excellent account of her trip by bus and the many interesting places she visited Her address was much enjoyed by everyone The program was put on by the visiting Institute Mrs Ma- honey the president in charge Mrs sang a solo Blue bird on your Mrs Rye gave a reading Rhyming has an over dose of Radio Mrs gave a reading Building a Nation Mrs Ma- honey gave a paper on Citizen ship and Education A car con test was conducted by Mrs Gable would like to thank the ladies for a most enjoyable program A dainty lunch was served by the north group The subject for the meeting was Historical Research Mrs A Pollock described the found ing and building of Sharon Temple at Sharon Miss Gilroy had in her pos session a few very old copies of the Era and the Globe They were and years old The ads and current events of that time proved very interesting and amusing A social time followed The joint hostesses for the evening were Mrs Mace and Mrs Harper Newmarket Social News At branch bazaar on Saturday Nov the sale of aprons will hold special attrac tion Last year were sold Members are making doll cloth ing and childrens toys for the kiddies booth At the close of the afternoon lucky draws will be held for a silver candy dish a fruit cake and two strips of milk tickets A Christmas box of food par cels be made up at King branch on Tuesday evening Nov which will be sent to a branch in Kent England Members are requested to bring contributions in canned goods etc to that meeting The Zephyr branch sponsored a bus to the WI convention held the Royal York hotel Toronto on Tuesday last Quite a number of the ladies of the attended these meet ings Lake Shore branch held its monthly meeting Tuesday even ing with the president Mrs P Mahoney presiding and a good attendance of members and friends Mrs Rye ap pointed as our iielegate to the WI threeday convention Things we should remember is the roll call for the regular meeting of the Newmarket branch It will be held in the Agricultural Board rooms on Thursday Nov 230 pm Re ports on the area convention will be given by the delegates On Saturday Oct in a set ting of autumn leaves and yel low and white mums the mar riage of Elizabeth Yvonne of Mr and Mrs John Griffith to Mr Clarke Michael son of Mrs and the late Levi of Sharon took place at the home of the brides par ents Rev V Warren offi ciated assisted by the brides uncle Rev J Johnston of Toronto The soloist Mr Terry sang The Lords Prayer and Because accompanied by Mrs J Smith at the piano Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride chose a gown of bridal satin with an illusion neckline of nylon net and long pointed sleeves Her net veil trimmed with satin bells was held by a halo of pearls and she carried a bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and fern Miss Mary brides maid wore an olive green taf feta gown with matching head dress and carried a bouquet of bronze mums Mr David del was groomsman for his brother and Mr Aubrey Shep- pard of Toronto was usher Mr and Mrs Finn- son Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Fred Crawford Mr and Mrs Hunt Taylor and son Roger Roches Point visited Mr Taylors mother Mrs Isabella Taylor on Monday Lois Curtis Bradford spent the- weekend with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Oliver Gould Mr and Mrs Lloyd and daughter Cheryl Lynn Humber Bay spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs Norman Don bright Harry Schanks and Robert left on Sunday for a weeks hunting at Burkes Falls Mrs Hugh MacOonald St Andrews is visiting her daugh ter Mrs Paul Croteau and Mr Croteau Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Richard Beckett were Mrs Bertha Wagner Pres ton Miss and Mr and Mrs Glenn Hunzie Kitch ener Rev Roy Oxford is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Elliott Haines Mrs C Londry Thorn- bury is spending this week with her daughter Mrs Donald Wright Miss Jean Bennitz spent the Following the ceremony a re- in Toronto the guest on Mr Mrs for guests was held The brides mother received in bronze taffeta with black ac cessories and a corsage of yel low roses The grooms mother wore navy with black ac cessories and a corsage of red roses For the motor trip to New York the bride travelled in a suit of ruby wine with black velvet trim and black acces sories Her corsage was white roses and baby carnations Aurora Council Report Continued from Page and that the tax would the right to see the file of rora have to be paid by the local agent from his percent com mission on intake Under your bylaw assert ed Mr Barker the tax cannot legally he enforced Our buses do not park they stop only to allow passengers to get on and get off the coaches The representations of Mr and the companys repre sentatives deferred for further consideration by council Interrogate Mayor Bell Mr Everett Kerr representing delegation asked Mayor Bell under what authority he had re fused the press the right to see the file of council business which had been granted by resolution of council In July He asked the mayor if he had acted without consent of council Mayor Bell said they had a new clerk and assistant clerk and he felt that their time ought not to he taken up in attending to the press The press was there at council to report meet ings Mr Kerr pointed out that citizens wanted to read what resolutions and letters were dealt with council and it ap peared that the only way these business and he stood by resolution Councillor said he fully supported what the delegation had said Councillor Fielding support ing Councillor Corbctt said there was a resolution on the records and council should stand by it People will think we are communists added Mrs Field ing trying to keep out the press Mayor Hell said he would like to leave matters as they were until the office staff was better trained DeputyReeve Murray Coun cillors Jones and reminded the mayor that there was a resolution on the books he was not entitled to inter fere with it except by consent of full council Reeve Cook said that if extra work was being caused to tho office staff at the present time he would he prepared to move that the former resolution he rescinded It was made clear however that no extra work was imposed on the office staff All that was required was for the press to see council records after each meeting and to make copies of resolutions and letters which were too lengthy to write down with complete detailed ac table at of Mr and Mrs Walter Hopper Mr and Mrs Sweezie and family Holland Landing were Sunday supper guests of Mr and Mrs Gould Miss Ayers presi dent of the Newmarket Business and Professional Womens club attended the annual conference of the and P clubs of Ontario at the King Edward hotel To ronto Nov and Fred Crawford left on Sun day for the Parry Sound district for a weeks hunting Arthur Sheridan left today for a few days hunting at Burkes Falls Mrs Johnson an- granddaughter Donna spent the weekend at the home of Mrs Johnsons son Mr and Mrs A J Johnson Mr and Mrs McDermott Toronto snent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Gordon GRAY COACH WINKS l a IA could he reported for the press to see these from the file curacy the press He asked whether the mayor council meetings thought he had acted in either democratic or legal manner In giving instructions over the heads of council Mayor Bell replied that he considered his action was in or der Mr Kerr then asked if mem bers of council agreed with the mayor Mayor Bell You had better ask them Right Restored At later of business Councillor In a strong lyworded statement said ho the mover of the July IfiSO resolution which gave the press AURORA APPOINTS Continued from position of assistant director Mr commenced his recreational career In Toronto proceeding later to Marie In more recent yearn ho has been In the district of Fort William and Port Arthur Honored by Royal Society Active in the promotion of many forms of port Mr organized the largest teen age servlco in north with a membership of He was honored Inst year by the Royal for year to voluntary work in promotion of swimming and lifesaving Ho is a director in Red Cross swimming and water- saving activities Mr hob bies are aiding hockey fishing and swimming now recroatlon director nnd manager has positive views on work to which so many years of his life been Riven In his own words such work broadly bo defined oh follows A rucrcatlonnl j rectors Job Is to servo com munlty My groat Is to servo In promotion of re- sports and cultural program for com munity Aurora News Page has pleas tiro In Mr and Mrs and their family all happiness and in their new In Aurora discussion ended with Mayor Hells objections overruled ami right of press to see council files re stored The resolution of coun cil July would stand Other business included let ter from Mr Ab Hulse enclos ing for a parking fine indicating that some local car owners who formerly parked on the main street were now park ing on the narrow section of Wellington Street Murray said ho thought many of maters wero too closely placed espe cially near driveways Council confirmed appoint ments of recreation director and assistant director director at a salary of and his as sistant at annually Discussions took place on tho subjects of proposed land an nexations am now subdivisions Council adjourned its regular business am and then went Into committee on question of appointing an as sistant town clerk A review of meet will be given in our Council Sidelights in next weeks Is sue Ed j I Youll handy ft rout rt -l- I v fim v a- SSt AUSTRALIAN r I m I STT- w PIECES a 1 I P COT 4OZ WO as mm I JAM W to v Si lfr7 i i J ws CELERY COOKING Crisp No i t rr 1 If 1 MOMAKGH nOUB ran MONABGH MIX IS I I lie Jko mm lSo r it i t i S j I JACOBS I I A A A VfrvcL CMC MIX frsV- T r a 33Wi iilu WS ft i UK T T i K- FANCY BANQUET CHOICE I i i I MMVIUOM TOnXTfOBV w Spmci s I ISO FAB OBI- rf v y i 3if 3 t Tt to i I v I IN- d i i 10W BAIL nuts AQRICILTIRAL MUTER FAIR TOiOfftTO NOV MM AND to a IK Toronto not your trip topi i ROUND TRIP NRWYORKv 1 l Ai 4ftVLA iv if t- lS I Mi A J L4 i HIT III fSu k j UB A i mm A- l3J fiyus