f r Not- mi Round V CclvUtt WE CALL IT HUMAN NATURE One day recently Jean Williams and I journeyed to Aurora where with fellow members from other Institutes we listened to Miss of the WI branch of the Department of Agriculture tell us some thing of what has been learned about human nature News Of The for ibis column mint be hi the office Monday night Copy mint be written briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed seiwrately Members of branch lie Relations It was a subject which called for expert handling if it was to be presented in an acceptable form to an audience which was imposed not of psychiatrists psychologists nor any other just women interested in what makes us what we are and why Very deep knowledge a dash humor and a fine delivery i kept Miss audience in i the kind of a mood a speaker likes close attention from to finish She told us that daily more is being learned about what constitutes mental health that psychology and even diets al lied to a will to understand the needs of the mentally ill are beginning to show that human nature CAN be changed She told of attending a con ference in London where there were different countries rep resented and these delegates were all studying ways and means of improving mental health and pooling the know- so far available Human nature they found is modifiable for although good mental health cannot be attained as easily as a good physique it CAN be improved You cannot stand still your development must be either forward or back In fact you have to find out whether you are growing up or down We all are conscious of emotional needs and in child ren these are vitally important A child must feel it is loved and wanted in short that it belongs We all child and adult have these needs and they send us rushing off to join this and that that we may feel we belong somewhere Feel Secure At age the child must be helped to feci secure in its own flge group Whether a person is or he must feel he has a definite place in family life We make a tragic mistake when we shut out children or old people from home worries can sense that something is wrong and often exaggerate the cause of the strained atmosphere And ALL very young or very old in the home should have defin ite duties something that gives them a sense of responsibility Then everyone should be al lowed to try his wings make decisions develop personality When we do too much for any one we smother initiative and lessen that persons chance for mental development and above all there should be appreciation of effort shown Whether in the home in the workshop school or office appreciation works won ders Miss McBride considered that a lot of the difficulties between labor and management arose from this source lack of appre ciation It is not human nature to feel that one is just a cog in the machine and a little appre ciation and consultation between the two factions would oil a lot of rusty conferences Neuroses are developed from poor control of the emotions We must have natural outlets for the emotions and find happy emo tions to replace those which dis turb and terrify Fear is catching in fact al most any attitude is catching A smile will often be reflected on the person smiled at and alas a frown is no exception Humor is a definite factor in human happiness Its possessor is helped over many a rough spot by being able to laugh at situations which could develop unpleasantly but which melt away when seen in the light of a kindly humor If we can avoid feeling sorry for ourselves and always blaming the other fel low things go wrong we have come quite a bit on the road to good mental health Time and Thought Human nature cannot be un derstood nor its problems solved easily we must give it time and thought and prayerful consider ation if we are to attain a good mental stature At the close of the meeting Mrs Roddick thanked the speaker for elucidating many of the problems that confront us moderns and for doing it in such a way as to entertain as well as enlighten Your scribe was given the pleasant duty of thanking her Aurora fellow members for providing such pleasant surroundings for the talk and did so as well as re covery from a shock would let her You see I had forgotten a pencil and Jean lent me a pen with purple ink In my interest have plans well organized for the annual bazaar Saturday Nov in Institute hall at 230 in the afternoon There will be an apron booth toys and candy home baking and refreshments At the regular meeting Tues day Nov at the home of Mrs J Buddin Miss Margaret superintendent the country branch of the Hospital for Sick Children at Thistle- town will be guest speaker An swers to the roll call will be presentation of a picture clip ping or information for the Tweedsrnuir Book Mrs Pear son Smeltzer will explain the motto A silent man is often worth listening to Mrs Mar shall convener for home economics and health is convening the program Lunch conveners are Helen Hunter Mrs Chas Hately and Mrs Ar chie McDonald King branch will hear the re port of the Toronto Area con vention given by the delegate Mrs Williams at the branch meeting on Tuesday ev ening Nov at the home of Mrs Ivan Specht A report of the district ser vice held at Aurora Oct will be given by Mrs Gordon Wells Current events and music will be featured The annual Armistice gesture will be food parcels for Britain in response to the roll call They will be sent to a sis ter branch in Kent to whom parcels have been forwarded for a number of years Mrs Len is program convener Committee is Mrs Mrs H Stewart Mrs Ed Kyle Miss Eva Dennis Plans are underway to send good used clothing and bedding to the hurricane victims in Jamaica Anyone wishing to contribute please leave donations in the rear room town hall on Thursday afternoon Nov from 2 to pm It was also voted at this meet ing to send 10 to the Unitarian Service Committee of Canada for flour for Greece There is still a good supply of Christmas cards for sale Please get in touch with Mrs Wellington St E in this con nection talk on photography Winners in the contest were humorous Cain scene Mrs W Browne and Miss Sandra Harding also Mrs Morning and Paul Davis Alt prizewinners received an al bum June Lucas and Gary Hend ricks accompanied by Mrs Hend ricks sang Instrumental trio Miss Harding Cora Morning and Edward Max played and Mrs H Morning read a poem The meeting closed with God Save the King followed by lunch On Tuesday Nov Zephyr branch will sponsor a bus to Toronto to the I convention held at the Royal York The bus leaves- about am Aurora branch at the regular monthly meeting on Thursday Oct 25 at the home of Mrs V Fines had the privilege of hear ing Mrs Fielding a member of the local council who spoke on Community Activities and Pub- branch 35 in num ber were the guests of the branch on the evening of October at a flower dem onstration by the Dale Estate of Brampton Mr Dolson the demonstrator made up corsages nosegays wristlets diningroom table arrangements and most beautiful of all a brides bou quet consisting of about 15 white ostrich plumes with orchids and gardenias that sells for The flowers were all distribut ed by lucky tickets The October meeting at the home of Mrs Murray Cook was addressed by Dr King of the York County Health Unit who explained how the project was organized and then answered a number of questions following his talk Mrs Albert will be attending the convention as our official delegate Mrs B West reported on the course Call It Human Nature that she and Mrs Sabin attended in Aurora The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Robert a week earlier on November to allow members to attend the slipcovering course at Mrs Sabins the last week in Novem ber I forgot it and let the ink dribble over my hand Looking down I thought that in the excitement of what Id heard I had burst a blood vessel Being assured by Jean that it was only ink I felt better and managed to say my piece Mrs our district president as always assisted by the district secretary Mrs Hare At the conclusion of the meet ing we adjourned to the Aurora rest room where we were serv ed a cup of tea and accompany ing dainties by the Aurora WI So ended a memorable after noon Next week The j who judged the snapshot con- Snowball branch met Thurs day of last week at the home of Mrs J Davis with mem bers and guests present The president Mrs Patrick open ed the meeting with the Ode followed by the Mary Stewart collect Mrs Reddick gave a report on the treat taken to the Ontario Hospital The secretary Mrs Copson gave a report on the booth at the York County plow ing match Despite the rain we made a good profit A euchre was planned for Monday Nov 5 at the school- house Our guest speaker was Col Picking of the Aurora Banner Sharon branch are holding their November meeting at the hall for an at home for members and their families Potluck supper bring your baskets along Will each member please bring a gift for a bingo Price for prize not more than 25c The November meeting of the Mount Albert branch will be held at the home of Mrs J Mac- Pherson on Thursday Nov Hostesses Mrs Mrs and Mrs Herb Harmon Roll call A laborsaving device on the farm Program committee Mrs Ken Mitchell and Mrs MeL Oldham The branch met on Wednesday afternoon Oct 24 in the United church base ment Mrs Fred Weddel the president was In charge of the opening exercises and the busi ness period It was decided to send to Greece Mrs Frank Kavanagh was ap pointed convener of the euchre committee A vote of thanks was given to Mrs T Miller for her beautiful floral baskets used to decorate the basement Mount Albert Institute then took charge of the pro gram with Mrs Donald Stiver presiding The theme centred around Hobbies Several readings were given Mrs Bruce Rolling gave a demon stration of leathercraft as a hobby Mrs Herb Harmon conducted an interesting contest on Hob bies Everyone enjoyed Mount Alberts program very much A delicious lunch was served at the close of the meeting concert and Harvey test and gave very enlighten- PANTS if any- I I I carry larg stock of dress a ir pants for and i Made Out al ly CLIFF the with the ma carta GUM ACHE IV- I vs ing is NEW for Oldsmobile NEW Rocket Theacts the FEATURES speak for new Super 88 you see the triumphant climax years planning and work Check off these major advancements Body low wide and all new Chassis springs shocks frame all Rack all that famous snap and sparkle- plus new economy new dependability And Hydrant ntic Drive haft new instantaneous reverse gear selection Smoothness smartness- amazing gas savings Theyre all new all yours in Oldsmobile Super 88 Come into our showroom Try the NEW Rocket Ride in the triumphant sufaoidsmobiyi j v