friiiS s from the itors Weve received a couple of letters recently and had hoped to print them at the time but even with 16 pages in the paper were pressed for room so heavy is the demand from cor respondents and advertisers So well deal with the letter here to we trust the satisfac tion of the writers The most recent is from Sam who is at the York County Home on St Mr was a well known figure on Main St He could be found at all hours with sketch pad and pencil catching the scenes on the street Weve a water color of the fire hall that he did and we suppose with the building doomed it will have some value to history students too as well as afford ing pleasure to ourselves Mr also designed a Canadian flag which he sent to Ottawa He writes of a recent editorial on a distinctive Can adian flag that he takes excep tion to the use of the word dis tinctive The design we de scribed in the editorial had a replica of the flag of Britain in the upper left corner He writes The flags of other na tions have no flag of another nation e upon them- Under the circumstan ces he asks how could the flag you describe be distinctive ly anything Well it is a point to consider but we dont know how Canada is going to get away with an acceptable flag unless there is some rec ognition given to the flag of Britain The writer of the second let ter signs himself Better Bal ance and writes from Toronto about recent editorials on in dustrial development In these editorials we plugged away on the theme of decentralization of industry and population Our correspondent writes If one may say so it is in teresting to see the strange but sublime law of compensation emerging quietly from the threat of the Abomb technique directed at the hived centres of From the Files of industry by a potential aggres sor As I see it the principle of the decentralizing of the na tions industries deserves con tinuous study at the policy making level and to be devel oped and supported to the prac ticable economic limit I see or think I see wide social benefits likely to stem from this enforced distri bution of people not only across Ontario but even more important across the dominion Bringing the mouths closer to the sources of food is in itself an economic advantage to our most basic and important single industry agriculture directly affecting 25 out of every Canadians Only last week for example I saw the following in one of the financial journals and headed New Industries For Canada We are interested in locating new industrial plants in Canada Available are com plete industrial plants and ma chine tools as well as brand new patents processes and pro ducts in the following fields Our clients prefer location in less industrialized areas such as the Maritime Provinces the Prairie Provinces British Col umbia or cities and towns out side the main metropolitan areas in Central Canada We dont as a rule pay any heed to anonymous letters but this one deserves some men tion The correspondent sug gested that we run a beef column in the paper to which citizens could address their beefs and through which members of council could give their answer Judging from some of the beefs and know ing something of the back ground to- their answers we doubt if we could find enough space even in pages for such a column But we would suggest that if a correspondent has a beef and cannot get satisfaction from council that lie address his pro test to the paper But for heavens sign his name to it We will not publish an onymous letters Aurora ami districts York pws 893 Published every Thursday at 142 Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express limited Subscription for two for one year in advance Single copies are 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN A Mm Managing Editor JOHN Newt Editor CAROLINE ION Womens fitter Sport i IAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY THE FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE SUBSIDIZED BUS SERVICE m We can understand the distress of the residents on the loss of the service and convenience of the second bus route We do not feel however that the council should be asked to subsidize the bus company so that this service can be restored A bus subsidy under the present circumstances would be a misuse of public money If the council should undertake to finance the bus service on some streets is there any reason why it should not finance a similar service in other remote sections In fact carried to its conclusion why shouldnt the council hire the bus outright and direct it about the town to the convenience of residents in every section Possibly the day may come when such a service is desirable and the means of the town permit it But that day is far away In the meantime should the rest of the town be burdened with extra taxation simply to maintain a nonpaying bus service That is what the proposal amounts to Is the service that important No one doubts it was a convenience but how much should the rest of Newmarket be asked to pay for convenience of one section Wo would suggest that if Newmarket wants the convenience of a bus service it should either perrrnt a private company to operate as it can on routes of its choice with the approval of council or alternatively operate the bus service as a town facility sending the bus along the routes serving the most citizens to the best advantage and paying the loss of such an opera tion out of its taxes 25 and 50 Years Ago OCTOBER 2D It is the time of eating pump kin pie doughnuts and apples the time for ascertaining ones future mate by means of a thrilling walk down the cellar backward with a mirror held In front of the face the time for fortune telling and hood winking The front of the furniture store of and Hose is being brightened by new coat of paint Jack Frost is snooping around A number of Newmarket people attended the hot fowl supper at Keswick on Monday night An exhibit of potatoes and cauliflowers grown on the re claimed Holland March may be seen in the window of ft Green and Sons It was the end of June when the land was drained and the last week in July whon the vegetables were planted yet in spite of the lateness consequent upon de lays In drainage and breaking the results have been very gratifying Some people say that cool ashes will not start a fire We had a practical test In Newmar ket last Saturday evening Dont run the risk Put them in a metal and then dont empty them till you know they are dead cold Work was commenced on the new York County hospital It is expected that the hospital will bo opened for the recep tion of patients about the first of April It Is to be hoped that Hollow- een pranks will not be perpe trated on Sunday night The harvest home festival here on Wednesday ev ening may he termed a howling success netting about The immense throng that con gregated at the door of the eat ing house was almost uncon trollable in their haste to reach the tables There is however only one thing to be regretted and that was the falling short of the hot fowl which was pre viously considered ample for as large a gathering as could be expected Baldwin Emory Wardell was rudely awakened from his dreams by a horrible racket in the house last week Visions of burglars dawned on his mind hut the racket continuing he got up to investigate He found a wee owl had entered to in spect the new residence and was greatly enraged to find his exit barred by the windows Emory him but with true burglars instinct he broke jail before his trial The skeptical may scoff at Hicks meteorological almanac I was a skeptic once myself but invariably his forecasts have been correct From the advertisements Chocolate drops lb mixed candy lb stockings for 1 good red salmon per tin The high school commence ment exercises in the town hall Friday night were a grand success and the performers were greeted with a 70 house Sutton Our enterprising tin smith Mr Wallace is busily engaged putting up eaves roughing for various parlies in the neighborhood FARM RADIO FORUM The National Farm Radio Forum started its season this week with a discussion of the question Are Coops efficient On the next two Mondays the forum will discuss the questions Are Coops dem ocratic And are CoOps Socialistic The fourth- broadcast will be given over to reports from the local forums The next series of broadcasts is concerned with community living Farm policy will be discussed in four broadcasts in January marketing in February and international relations in the concluding series The radio forum is sponsored by the Canadian Fed eration of Agriculture The Canadian Association for Adult Education and the Canadian Broadcasting Cor poration It is the largest such organization in the world and has been used as a model for similar broad casts in other countries Farm forums are described as the voice of rural Canada It is a fair description Using a combination of broadcast discussions and sup ported by information and study material prior to the broadcasts the national body sparks local forums to discussion decision and action But as adequate as the national organization may be its strength lies in the multiplicity of local forums In some counties notably Grey and Bruce there are forums in nearly every school section In those coun ties the tradition of farm organization is strong In York county there are fewer forums but those which do exist are for the most part active groups with a membership each of or so It is easy to start a forum Arrange for ten or so neighbor to get together around a radio on Monday nights Mr Floyd National Farm Forum Secretary Huron St Toronto will send you forum information on request Assistance can be had through him MY BOY JOE IN CASES OF EMERGENCY We commented last week in an editorial note on the fact that there was only one to serve the town hydro water and fire department When the hydro went out on a recent Saturday one Main St businessman tried to get the number without suc cess All he got was the busy signal lie wondered what would have happened hud there been a fire Wo wondered too and suggested in our note that two phones be installed We have since been informed that in Wise of an emergency the telephone operators will break into the busy line And also the reason llio lino is so busy when there is a breakdown is because a number of citizens grab their phones out of sheer curiosity It was suggested that if those who had only curi osity to satisfy were to wait a bit while those with a stake in the emergency learned the facta it would ease matters somewhat The other consideration was that if there were a second phone it would require a second man to answer it When emergency calls can get through the second man does seem expensive HENS SHOW THE WAY We heard a farm broadcast this week during which the announcer said with a certain amount of pride as if he had shared in the accomplishment that Canadian hens had responded to Finance Minister Abbotts pleas for greater production to buck inflation with many hundred thousands more eggs All of this is encouraging The only sure means to fight inflation is to produce more and with hens doing their bit we are presented with a notable example of patriotism If the factory worker and others who share in production and processing can be persuaded to follow that example all could be well There is only one hitch in this process The theory is that more production will bring down prices Un fortunately it takes more men more material and broadly speaking more cost to produce more and that means a higher price until production comes in Now if the government were to finance this initial boost we expect the producers and processors could travel on their way themselves Simple isnt it REEDUCATING THE SCIENTISTS One of Americas most distinguished scientists and president of Harvard University Dr forecast to a scientific convention recently that it would not bo long before we would be able to obtain a virtually un limited supply of foodstuffs synthetically There was a pointed comment on this forecast from The Interpreter A Commentary on Events and Education published in the Slates Says The Interp reter If this is true and chemists will be able to do away with agriculture why worry about the conserva tion of the soil Why try to discourage mining of the soil Why try to reeducate the present generation of commercial farmers Why teach organic gardening Also if chemical magic will furnish the world an un limited supply of food why teach birth control Why try to discourage the limitless breeding of low I individuals Why introduce birth control in India China Japan and other regions where people are breed ing like animals up to the absolute limit of their food production There were similar glowing predictions about obtaining potable water from sea water so why worry about the fall of the water table and the miraculous way in which chemistry would soon be able to euro cancer so why worry about what is responsible for the constant increase in cancer We wish these chemical miracle workers had an ounce of philosophy in their systems If they did they would have discussed instead curious coincidence between the increased use of chemicals in farming and food processing and the increase in tho incidence of cancer the rise of our chemical and other modern indus tries and the coincidental destruction of our natural resources of soil water forests coal oil iron copper etc A good dose of ethical culture might have these scientists ask themselves whether future genera tions of mankind have any rights to the earth at all and whether they are right in encouraging present generation to reduce earth to a desert because chemists will ho able at some future time to mako bricks without straw EDITORIAL NOTES The veterans are making every to that Pay Nov is observed by wear ing of a poppy by all day serves doubly as a reminder of sacrifices of two wars and as a prac tical means of assisting those who survived hut now in difficulties because of tho disabilities suffered in service or other circumstance veterans should supported in this effort It is little enough that wo can do One of Mr Churchills election platforms was economy in government He set a remarkable example by cutting cabinet ministers salaries and his own at the first mooting of the new government ft Mtvont not of on righto It fane ttata to ttoto I y INffffOfMi If i Office Cat Re Catnips By G e I and BUggens the famous retired air race pilot did the mile handicap air race on Saturday Your favor ite correspondent went along in the rear cockpit of sleek mono plane as observer and advisory navigator A half hour before aU the competing airplanes were flag ged off the starting runway Stallanprang gave me a briefing This here briefing be a brief one he said Now this trip is gonna be a piece of fruit cake Alt we have gotta do is to get up high enough so as we can see Barrie before we start Then aUs we gotta do is aim at her But what said I if there are clouds up there Then we wont be able to see anything Then well listen to the football game It was typical of Stallanprangs attitude toward such competi tions always the good sport the vivant the gay rooay Once weve dumb up high enough we can coast the rest of the way Them other flyers go too close to the ground and have to wear bifocals to see where they is going Not us we is smarter We strapped ourselves into the Corndevil and after jockey ing for position we were flag ged off by the starter prang opened the throttle and we roared away briefed me over the about stern and port and starboard and other term inology Everything okay asked Stallanprang Lodger I mean Roger I said What do you think of the viz he asked Oh I would rather have just water or fruit juice It makes me sneeze I said No I mean the visibility Oh that stuff laughed above the roar of the engine it is not duff Its clear as a bell or are blind as a bat was the irritated reply It was no use I just couldnt get onto that flying jargon Al though I remembered the pilots in the war talking about duff viz and piece of coke and pranging I just never could get onto it Oh look over there off the right hand wing I said That looks like one of those little Pubs flying over there Pubs dont fly and that a right hand wing its the starboard wing you egghead ed mole into the mike little air plane over there is a Cub Of course of course 1 knew it all the time I said But why do you have to make such a big thing out of an insignifi cant little thing as a Cub We droned on in silence for most of the remaining part of the trip It was a portion of pie for the famous retired air race pi lot We hit crashon mean bangon and then went to Kitchener Kitchener was staring us right in the face after a tew minutes of flying time and we couldnt miss it Back at the Island Airport we swaggered into the coffee bar looking as much like we had been in the Battle of Bri tain as we could I decided I would make feel better by letting the gathered crowd think I was a real experienced airman Nothing to it I told the crowd There was a piece of cake and we ate it too I said with forced nonchalance chased me out of the coffee shack clouting me over the head with his ear phones by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches At long last the time has come to stand up and be counted We are referring to the vote on the marketing agency for milk on the Toronto market This should be the end of the horse and buggy days of milk marketing at least at the far mers end of it and as in so many other cases one cannot help feeling sorry that those days had to come to an end The old method had some ad vantages and had it not been for the pigheaded attitude of some distributor representatives and the shortsighted attitude of others it wouldnt have come at all However we are forced into this and the thing to do is to push it through and get it es tablished as fast as possible So here is hoping that enough of us will see the writing on the wall and will sign and mail the ballot marked yes In all honesty though we would like to give a warning not to expect a cure for all our ills The agency will not force the dairies to improve their method of merchandising and the greatest trouble today is the expensive and inefficient delivery system in the city Consequently wo shouldnt ex pect an immediate return for our milk Secondly the crux of the matter as it seems to us is the selling or directing of the sur plus into other channels This cannot bo done immediately or easily We are doubtful if it can be done at all us long as we do not own processing plant There is a matter we will have to get at right We are saying this because wo would hate to see the agency get off to a taut start because of too high hopes There will be difficulties and and the compul sion will not sit well with all of its But as time goes on it will become increasingly that the advantages of an agency far outweighs Its advantages First because we will a direct over THE OLD HOME TOWN our product and second be cause whoever does the bar gaining for us will have the full authority of a united and strong organization behind him We want the agency and we would urge all shippers to vote yes to vote promptly and fill out the forms properly and mail them in time There is only one other mat ter that we want to get off our chest Let us amend the con stitution of our organization and lets have a truly demo cratic body It isnt at the present time Districts of very unequal sizes are represented by the some number direc tors Too many of direc tors have been there too many years This is bound to lead to complacency- The will need people with imagin ation and courage and they wiU have an uphill fight not now because we think that the agency will be supported but after the first year when there will be difficulties We want people who have convictions and a desire to serve This will be a large or ganization It will handle a large staff and a large income will be in the public eye and it will have to withstand strong attacks Only strong produc ers organisations will carry it to success Last but not least now wo may hope for a better milk board Lets have one with some now faces on it Let us have member who will not mull over old arguments but will start in a new light of un derstanding and cooperation It would be wise if the pro ducers and distributors ap pointed a new man to it And lets have a now consumer They may avoid of bitterness that has- resulted court proceedings Let all people concerned remember the old Chinese pro- verb about truth being very important peace being more valuable than truth a times because what this indus try needs today is peace to prosper By STANLEY J r