J SINCLAIR ft COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS flKPS bet Why Is The Wanning Board In Such Heck Of A Hurry To Get Zoning ByLaw Passed We were back again among the headaches and the sleeping tablets the special meeting of council was held on Tuesday night Oct- 23 to hold further communion with the zoning bylaw The high priests of the planning board were there at least three of them namely chairman Dr vicechair man S Mills and faithful follower Keith Except for one or two interjections by Dr and Mr Mills the trusty trio sat in mellowed silence Councillor Bob Gundy again council chamber CORRESPONDENT REPORTS OF IRON AX III E prices far mi I AND SON ST St Clair taeLV MCI TORONTO ONTARIO ad worth one collar with a load of scrap operating as chairman of a committee of the whole council having manipulated the magic of dissolving without any J par thereof disintegrating and falling apart talked like an Councillor Davies had one boisterous moment when he as serted that the council could throw the whole thing out Malcolm Council Waited Until Leaves Had Fallen Before Inaugural Meeting The inaugural meeting of the Spruce squirrel council was holden in the council maple tree at dawn on Thursday Oct with all members present A number of distinguished guests were also in attendance including Major Peek chairman of the Kennedy street Thermos and AntiTwaddle corporation and Capt Eavesdropper publisher of the squirrel paper The Searchlight and chairman of the park con versation group Mayor Malcolm welcomed the new council and guests in felicitous terms Unable ourselves to attend which it was better to take meeting we made arrangements with a member of the squirrel news agency for a full report of meaning the zoning bylaw at meeting of the any time it so desired In mak- antique furniture sales- Such a Mr County Hospital IN wax A INSURANCE OHN E JARVIS Life Association Represent Automobile and Casualty Newmarket Newmarket Albert man who can describe all the parts and yet cannot say how they came to be If ever Bob Gundy should take it into his head to become a politician or even a travelling preacher he will hold audiences together because of his versatile ability to spill words He talked the head off the zoning bylaw and still couldnt make sense of it Nobody could Its just a parcel of big words enfolding hidden meanings Pricking Bubble It was Solicitor Lees job to prick the zoning bylay bubble He punctured the thing in many places But the darned thing still floated around while Coun cillor Gundy stayed with it buoying it up He was loyal to it his faithfulness was on the heroic scale The much bruised bandaged bylaw had a good friend in Councillor Gundy We must hand it to him His defence of the zoning pig in a poke continued to the end On this occasion he was almost filone for the planning board consultant was not present It is true that Dr did add a word or two gently stroking the pig in the poke in smoothly- spoken phrases Mr Mills also added a word or two of patron age As for Mr he smiled and sat in silence Touch of Hollywood A somewhat surprising if bright interlude interrupted proceedings around about This was when the editor of the Banner accompanied by a photographer carrying equip- entered the council cham ber At this moment all work ceased the zoning bylaw was laid aside editor and photogra pher began the apparently easy task of shepherding members of council into a corner of the chamber to have their pictures J taken One was suddenly impressed the that this was a vital historic moment in the history Aurora Orders were issued as members moved into clearly showed that he was not familiar with the provisions of the planning act of al though he with Mr John Sis- man we believe was respon sible for originating a planning board for Aurora in the year 1947 Mr ought to have known that once the zoning by law is passed into lav by the town council the council ceases Porters were entertained to Malcolm council This report written in the language of the squirrels which is more com plicated than Arabic was trans lated by an expert in the ancient tongue There is a preliminary note at tached to the council report and this states that reporters were cordially received by Dr Mal colm and members of council and at the close of business the a henceforth to have any control over its provisions He should have known that the bylaw once it is passed cannot be dis solved without the consent of the provincial governments minister of planning and devel opment Mr apparently didnt know that but vas made wise on it by the town solicitor The whole point of Mr Lees argu ments lias been that the town council should not hand over its powers in that connection to the planning board which is not re sponsible to the voters Turned It Down Neither the neighboring mu nicipalities of Midland Barrio or Newmarket have agreed to gov ernment by planning boards Midland and re cently threw out any proposals for planning boards and New market has done likewise Why should Aurora have a banquet of walnuts in park after a small clearance of weeds had been carried out under orders of Eaves dropper While enjoying the nuts the reporters studied the file of council business which the mayor directed should be placed at their disposal by the clerk Dr Malcolms Address On rising to speak Mayor Mal colm was given a rousing squir rel ovation which he acknow ledged by raising his paws three times in the manner of the an cient ritual of squirrels of high degree and noble ancestry He then received the council gavel from the hands of Reeve Rap two leaps but he had never been able to make up his mind on what were the occasions He believed his mental processes had been severely injured by too much planning board litera ture during the past year The deputyreeve admitted that he had become an addict to plan ning board literature and ho had no doubt that it had a bad effect on the mind He would continue to be slow Mayor Malcolm intervened at this point to state that he was anxious to avoid controversial subjects at this time However he said he could not allow the observations by the deputy- reeve to go unchallenged The whole purpose of a new council was to get rid of foggyminded policies He would strongly recommend Mr Slow to choose some other form of reading than planning board dope Every squirrel he had spoken to was sick of the subject The deputyreeve replied that he would take the mayors ad vice and leave off reading fur ther planning hoard literature He had not been able to think clearly for some time and had subject to spells Now he had discovered tho cause it was the effect of the obituary arthur thomas goring Arthur Thomas Goring died at his home 22 Victoria Ave New market on October 15 He was born at Aurora on Dec the son of the late Mr and Mrs Henry Goring He was a metal worker at the Office Specialty Manufacturing Com pany Ltd was identified with the Baptist church and always had a deep interest in his home Surviving are his widow Gertrude Elizabeth Curtis Gor ing one son Harold A Goring of Newmarket and a sister Mrs William Wright Rev officiated at the funeral service held on October at the chapel of and Rose Newmar ket Pallbearers were A Smith Archie Goring Charles Stouffer Curtis and L Wright Inter ment was in Newmarket ceme tery Dr Malcolm was to enable ll citizens of squirrel town rf kMW what and began his address planning board leaflets He The mayor stated that there to move faster in the future Dr Malcolm expressed pleas ure at the deputy- re eves reso lution but hoped that he would not move too fast for that was the trouble with planning had been a number of enquiries regarding the delayed holding of the inaugural meeting and he had a word or two to say on that The reason for the delay which the majority of the citi zens would reject outright if the question were put to a vote Several times we have suggest ed that the question of a plan ning board should be put to a vote Is it suggested that the members of the planning board are possessed of such phenom enal wisdom that they know bet ter than the citizens themselves what is best for them have not gathered the im pression that the members of the planning hoard have such unusual wisdom having regard to the poor show by such of them as have attended the council meetings for the zoning where the flashing Ww readings They strike us bulb could do its work R member of council was dislodged from a chair so that Mayor IS it I Wllh fee seated in a central are they in such a heck of a hurry What ore Die mo- that impel ti If the ff a good the walls hung the aerial J Vm board map and the streamlined J zoning map Against this back- rt J But the ground of masterly shown by the planning members of council took up ft through that would ensure fci i thing coming out alright A I touch of Hollywood to Aurora There must be motives driving We watched the the zoning by- lav watched the of being carried out with a sense of increasing fascin ation It was a spellbound mo ment Some were smiling some law passed quickly into What are the motives A Surfeit of Zoning Were heartily sick of this were sober but it seamed to us bylaw subject But if the iiioaund or manufacturer of articles repot that violin Wring of to replace catgut always being discovery of new this modern always consul everincreasing demand why were building retains powerhouses in Aluminum Canada Ltd as though Reeve Cook had a wistful look on bis face as though he wondered if he ever would be photographed again as a member of council Two or three others rimilar enquir ing facial expressions before the photographic flashed in vic tory Suddenly the flash came And then another flash- All was over had got ten Hut council in bis hag All the luiet members of on plate were eM in mo- One Jo the of the Aurora New re porter He no more than ft observer of the Hollywood scene In Aurora council chamber A to Life can be funny A few mo ments of glory and then a re turn to the zoning bylaw head aches It seemed to us that Councillors returned to work with visible reluctance But there was no getting away from Gundy He still had several pages to read And read then he did In a that rose in triumph the by Jabberers just your council takes up most of its time at meetings with this subject it is our business to re port what goes on Hours and hours have been given up to it at council meetings with little planning board pressuregroups sitting in on events At the meeting are now re porting council was informed I that the planning hoard was ready to hold on immediate fur ther meeting In order to hurry matters along Again we ask Why all the hurry Aurora to fall to pieces over sight And if it did the zoning bylaw couldnt put it together again Anally have this to say dont think that any other member of council could have a good case out of a bad emit as Councillor Gundy Is the only member of council who has exhibited any of the job be was called on to handle it is pity that his talents were not em ployed on something more worthwhile than trying to un ravel the mountain of jumbled obscure words that goes by the title of zoning bylaw At least one member of council dozed in short spells during Mr Gundy readings Who can blame him had waited until all the leaves were off the council maple tree so that no one could allege council was working under cover He wanted it to be known that he was in favor of the fullest publicity To have called a meeting while the leaves were so thick that the doings of coun cil were concealed from the full view of the citizens would he considered have asking too much of their fellowcitizens squirrel Citizens might have been forgiven said Dr Malcolm in assuming that mem bers of council had something up their sleeves Nov they vere all gathered on branches of a tree that had lost its leaves Citizens could see what was going on There was no curtain he- hind which members of coun cil could conceal their activi ties It his hope that the newlyelected council would give good government to squir rel As mayor he would do his best Heave Speaks At the close of his address Mayor Malcolm called upon flap to say few words The rising of the reeve greeted with a persistent swish tog of tails indicative of his popularity Reeve nap is rated as a generous squirrel despite wellknown fact that he has accumulated a personal store of nuts His generosity and his interest in welfare of his squirrel fellowcitizens gives the lie to the popular belief that the more nuts one has the fisted one becomes flap congratulated Dr Malcolm on becoming mayor f squirrel town and wished him success in his office- There was much to do said the new reeve particularly in cleaning the metis left by the old council But he was gum they could handle the before them Their chief aim would be to make the squirrel community prosperous and happy As a member of the recreation commission ha was anxious to see better conditions prevailing in McMahon park than in previ ous years The and quantity of the weeds during the past year had made the park a haz ard to life for squirrels He also wanted to see something done He was to see Eavesdropper or the conversation department present and hoped he might nave to tell them DeputyReeve Slow said that be lieved in taking two leaps At the there hoards Unless council kept a sharp eye on them there might not be a tree left for squirrels to climb When planning boards went crazy they could be dan gerous He advised caution The Visitors When other members of coun cil had spoken the mayor in vited Major Peek to address them The major said he was there on behalf of his company which traded in thermos flasks and fluids for eliminating twaddle However it could be prevented by use of potent mixtures of his own prepara tion A few sips from the flask and councillors sank into a deep sleep He had testimonials from mayors who had proved the suc cess of his mixtures Dr Malcolm rose instantly from his chair ami in a voice of wrath lered Major Peek to get down from the tree The mayor said he would not need the flasks his gavel would silence lhe time- was tors Eavesdropper promised that his group would improve the state of park He believed the sowthistles grow ing there were the largest in any town in Ontario The park was unfit for squirrels He promised to publicise the mat ter in a special Searchlight supplement Other matters having been completed council rose at sun rise OBITUARY CHARLES In poor health for a number of years Charles David died suddenly on Friday even at his home Mr was a highlyrespected farmer on the 3rd concession where he had lived for the past years His wife was the for mer Olive Glass and they had celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last February Bom at Mr was one of a large family son of the late James He had also lived at Victoria Square Newmarket and for a number of years near Richmond Hill at Jefferson The greater part of his life was spent in Vaughon township In earlier years Mr was connected with the United church and af ter coming to was af filiated with the Presbyterian church there The funeral service attended by a large number of relatives and neighbors was held from the residence on Monday after noon Rev Buret of officiated There were numerous floral tributes one of which came from Eversley Pres byterian WA of which Mrs is a charter member In terment was in King cemetery Besides his wife Mr Is survived by two sons Howard and Roy of two daughters Mrs Nora Cald well of Shanty Bay and Mrs Mildred Armstrong Eversley and six grandchildren A brother George and a sister Mrs Robert Carson Jef ferson also survive OBITUARY CALVIN DAVIS Associated with the Davis Leather Company for years Calvin Davis died suddenly at his home in Newmarket on Oc tober Mr Davis was born In Schom- on May the son of Elizabeth and Daniel Davis and was member of an old pioneer family of King township He was chiefly interested through out his lifetime in his home and garden His first wife Blair predeceased in some years ago In 1041 he married Mrs Mar garet Bray who survives him Also surviving are a stepson Arnold Bray one stepdaugh ter Florence and two halt- brothers Sterling Davis and Donald Davis Detroit Rev P ft the Chris tian church conducted funeral services October 13 at the chapel of and Hose New market Pallbearers all business associates of the de ceased were Harvey Burling George Elmer Brown Lome Simpson Jack man Bill Bone Interment I was Newmarket cemetery 194 Mercury ton 1946 Ford ton lot 1 I Station Road King Ont How an Iron Ordinary alt burners pit of mootyaraia oil every inch of with Ska beat up CONVfftT YOU Why for beat not attuo Vortex can to installed in your or just a few hourssad watch your feel down comfort to selffired units are available too ST a j V r OBITUARY MRS MARY An older resident of Newmar ket Mrs Mary Collins died at her home Prospect Street on Oct after a illness Born at Cherry wood on Oct 20 alio was the daughter of and She was married in December to William Nelson Collins Elder Daniel officiated the ceremony homo of the late J A Collins Now- market Her husband died on June 1051 She was a mem ber of the Christian Baptist church and her life was centred around her homo and family Surviving a daughter Mrs Ross Lulu a bro ther ton two grandchildren Mrs Fred Both Newmarket and Harry Pine Or chard and a greatgrandson John Rev Domett and Rev officiated at funeral services held Oct It at the chapel of and Rose Newmarket- Pallbearers were Doyle Fred Albert Skelton Morris Curtis and Harry Interment at New market