r 7 WW will bold its Jar monthly meeting in the the United church on Thursday Oct at pm with Keswick as guests They will be in charge of the program All ladies welcome V NORTH YORK MEMORIAL COMMUNITY HALL i SfdMA YONGE ST OCT AT PM T sician J There are three vital links in the chain to speedy re covery for the patient The physician prescribes The pharmacist compounds the physicians prescrip- lion feiOvfe patient benefits from the combined knowledge S the physician and pharmacist We solicit with confidence the privilege of compounding your doctors prescriptions Harvey Lane s Drug Store Newmarket Main Phone 6 U1Hi ir it A Stats 33 to 39 only Reg 44 H if MENS TOPCOATS REG REG ALE PRICE ZIP IN 3 Season Coat 5226 Wty ass ONT- PHONE 290 i PINE ORCHARD Anniversary Union church on Sunday Oct were well attended The Rev was in charge of the morning service Mrs Arnold of Newmarket favored us with two sacred solos accompanied by Mrs P Wood Rev and Mrs of Newmar ket were present at the service Rev Campbell of Keswick United church was guest speak er at the evening service His message was based on The Good Samaritan A quin tette from Vandorf rendered two wellchosen selections The congregational supper was held at the church on Mon day evening Annual meeting with reports from different de- jpartments proved encouraging Service at Union church on Sunday Oct 21 at am and Sunday school at 10 am Mr and Mrs Fred Leach and John of Newmarket visited Mr and Mrs Ross Armitage on Sunday These beautiful autumn days arc being enjoyed by all Mr Jack Sytcma was in charge of the York County Fed eration of Agriculture booth at and fairs recently soys Tom UNION STREET The Centre York District have invited the North York Womens Institutes to attend their district project We call it human na ture to be held in Aurora United church Friday Oct from to pm The ladies of the Union Street Womens In stitute are cordially invited to attend Miss Catherine spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs O Mrs Victor Johnson visited her parents Mr and Mrs A Sedore on Friday The members of the Union Street WI served lunch at Mr sale last Wednesday It proved to be quite successful A bus load of men from this community attended the inter national ploughing match at Woodstock last Thursday Mr and Mrs Eric and family visited friends in Toronto on Saturday and saw the Royal couple A shower was held at the home of Mrs Lillian Johnston on Monday evening in honor of Miss Betty Griffith a bridetobe She received many beautiful gifts Mr and Mrs Roy Cowieson spent Saturday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Freeman Rye with their daughter Dorothy a student nurse at hos pital Toronto opened their Kes wick Beach cottage and enter tained at a jolly Saturday even ing party 24 nurses from hospital being present Rev and Mrs Serrick and children also Mr and Mrs Cecil Grant were among those who went to Toronto on Stturday last to see the Royal visitors well as the pianist Miss Verna Miss Myrtle Lloyd of Toronto spent Monday and Tuesday of this week at the home of her aunt Miss iynn Miss returned to Toronto with her for a motor trip to Niagara Falls for a few days visit Miss Joy Toronto has been spending some time at her Keswick Beach cottages The Christian church is hold ing anniversary services on Sun day Oct 21 Rev Frank Muir of recently re turned from China will speak at both morning and evening services Special music at both services am and pm Mr and Mrs George Gilroy of were Sunday guests of Mrs A Gilroy and Miss Eva Gilroy Mr and Mrs Cecil Grant are spending this weekend visiting friends in Anniversary services will be held in the United Church on Sunday Oct Rev BD of will be the guest speaker On Monday evening Oct at the Marigold singers of Toronto will present a concert in the United church This girls choir was formed in under the leadership of Mr David and has presented many successful concerts in churches in Toronto and district also at Gait Norland and Twelve members of the choir will be coming to Keswick as Harries is the elocutionist Mr and Mrs George were weekend guests of Mrs A Gilroy and Miss Eva Mrs George Hamilton and son Phil are visiting Mr and Mrs Ted at Sault Ste Marie The Evening auxiliary of the will hold a special meet ing Monday evening Oct in the church Mrs Douglas Percy of Toronto will be the guest speaker Mrs Percy spent sev eral years in Africa as a mis sionary and is at present musi cal director at Toronto Bible College We welcome all the women of the community for this special evening Mr and Mrs Perry Winch spent the weekend in Niagara Falls Mrs Angus Cowieson spent the weekend with her parents at Paris Mr and Mrs Gordon and Peggy visited with Mr and Mrs Carr of Aurora on Sunday Anniversary services will be held in the United church Sun day Oct 21 at pm and pm Rev James A Macartney Mansfield will be guest speaker The choir assisted by Mrs of Toronto will provide special music at both services Everybody welcome Mr and Mrs Andrew Quarry and family of will spend next Sunday with Mr and Mrs Marshall Evans Mrs Kendrick of Huntsville is visiting her three granddaugh ters Mrs Jacques Mrs Gordon Kitching and Miss Jean We extend our sympathy to the relatives of Mrs J Cook who passed away last Tuesday after a long illness Mr and Mrs Aubrey Stepheason spent Thanksgiving weekend on a fishing trip north OPTIMIST DANCE Halloween Dance Friday Oct at the Newmarket high school auditorium 250 per couple ZEPHYR Dont forget the hardtime Hal loween dance in the community hall on Friday Oct 26 TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Mr Blair was taken to Sunnybrook hospital on Sun day where he is seriously ill ANNUAL MEETING YORK COUNTY CREAM AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOM NEWMARKET Wednesday October 24th 800 SPEAKER J WOOD Director Ontario Cream Producers Marketing Board A Film The Power of Pennies will be shown by Bob Sec retary of the Ontario Cream Producers Marketing Board FRED WICKS Chairman Kettleby News What a thrill the school child- Mr and Mrs Carl Black and of No G had on their family spent the Thanksgiving visit to Park on Sat- weekend at Ottawa with Mr and to see Princess Elizabeth Check these items Check these prices Youll Find Them BETTER at the Coop Several from this community motored to Toronto to sec their Royal Highnesses Princess Eli zabeth and the Duke of Edin burgh Congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs George Fletcher on the arrival of their son A sacred will be held in Wesley United church on Sunday evening Oct 2 at pm Kveryonc is cordially invited Mr and Mrs Harold and Jim and Mrs Wicks mo tored to Buffalo on Sunday Mrs Wicks is visiting there for a few days Mr and Mrs Brown visited at Mai ton last Sunday Miss Jean who had been holidaying in Bermuda re turned homo Inst Sunday Mr Dan of King was a Sunday guest of Mr Bill Kingdon Mr and Mrs Arthur Death and Mrs William Dawson of visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs W If Kingdon Mr Richardson Miss June her sister Margaret of Toronto spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Austin Richardson The Womens Institute are sponsoring a Halloween parly for the children of the commun ity in hall Oct is invited Mrs A visited on Saturday with her daughter Mis George Hilton of Toronto Intended for last week This community extends sym pathy to Mrs Harry ami her family in the loss of her mother Mrs Max Finos of Newmarket Wesley Womens Association meeting was held at the church on Wednesday afternoon Oct with a good attendance The or der of business was conducted by the president Mrs Grant and arrangements were made for the bazaar and tea which is to be held in Vandorf hall Nov Announcement was made of the Dunham nurs ery program lo be held in the church Wednesday evening Oct 24 at Q pm The topic was in charge of the missionary convener Mrs Moddle and she Introduced a guest speaker Mrs Percy from the Sudan Interior Mission Africa She showed two splen did films on the work in Africa Mrs Percy is also a very tal ented pianist The meeting clos ed with singing of hymn God be with you till we meet again and benediction A social time followed and a lovely lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs W Kingdom Mrs George Richardson and Mrs George Preston Mrs John spent the weekend with relatives at Lon don Out Miss Wilson spent last weekend with friends at ville Mr and Mrs Clayton Pontic and children visited on Sunday with the formers brother Mr Loyal and Mrs Pogtie of Whitby and Prince Philip They went by bus accompanied by- their schoolmaster Mr Marshall Geer two school board members Mrs and Mr J It is an event they will Christ church Ladies Guild all their lives met at the home of Mrs Ross Black on Tuesday Oct We were very sorry to hear Mrs Abbott was not feeling well enough to be present Work done was piecing blocks together for a quilt A very delicious lunch was provided by the hostesses Mrs Archibald Mrs Wood and Mrs Hun ter Sunday Oct will be and youth day in all Angli can churches throughout the dominion We hope ail our Sunday school cihldren will be present with us at this service Services next Sunday Oct 21 at Christ church will be Sunday school pm evening service pm Mr and Mrs Herb Robinson Newmarket and Mr and Mrs John Wilson and family Camp Man spent Sunday with Mrs Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Tien kamp motored to the interna tional ploughing match Wood stock last week Mr and Mrs Harry Webster and Grace spent Sunday in Wes ton with Mr and Mrs George Thanksgiving services will be held next Sunday Oct 21 at Baptist church Rev the pastor will speak at am Special music will be provided by Master Bruce Davis Snowball and Miss Margaret Toronto At p Rev A Park and choir from Aurora church will be in charge of music Mr and Mrs J Curtis spent the weekend in Paris with Mrs Curtis cousins Mr and Mrs John Mr Walter who was in jured severely when thrown from his wagon on Monday is in York County hospital Mrs Bruce Black Mr and Mrs John Little Mr James Little and cousin Mr Alex MacGregor Scotland mo tored to Smooth Rock Falls over the weekend Mr John Little and Mr remained there to work for the winter months Mr and Mrs Stanley dell spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wilfred Sloan Schomberg Mrs Sloan is suffering from ul cers Mr and Mrs Thistletown and Mr and Mrs Thomas Webster were Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Her bert Webster Mr and Mrs Gene spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs George Kerr Snowball Mr and Mrs Milton Fried and Mrs Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Herb Webster Intended for last week Birthday greetings to Mrs Jack Herman who celebrates her birthday on Monday Oct Miss Mary Kubasta of Cleve land was a recent visitor at the home of Mrs J Jones Congratulations to Miss Bar bara Scott who became the bride of Mr A on Sept 27 at St Johns Anglican church York Mills We all wish you both every happiness in your new life Mr and Mrs and family are spending Thanks giving weekend at the home of his parents in Port Credit PIPE inch gal pipe cents a foot inch gal pipe cents a foot inch gal pipe cents a foot inch gal pipe cents a foot Pipe fittings and accessories MILK FILTERS inch cents per 100 inch cents per STOVE FURNACE PIPES inch pipes cents a length inch pipes cents a length anil Inch pipe in stock 8 inch gal furnace pipe cents inch gal furnace pipe cents inch elbows cents inch adjustable elbows EXTENSION LADDERS 20 foot extension ladders 1790 foot extension ladders foot extension ladders fool extension ladders CATTLE CLIPPERS Stewart Cattle Clippers HAMMER MILL Hammer Mill with pulley HOME NEEDS Make the CoOp your headquarters for buying household needs Glass Putty Caulking Cements Insulation Weather Strip Satin WallFix As anticipated wire fence prices have advanced Present stock still available at the old prices No even spacing OLD PRICE new price No foot uneven spacing OLD PRICE new price Snow fence per feet Newmarket PHONE 366 MAIN ST NEWMARKET Mrs A spending a few days with her son Mr Kenneth ami Mrs of Mia Hamilton spent a few days with her daugh ter Mrs Arthur Starr and Mr Starr and family Our sympathy is extended to Mrs Sidney Aylett and her fam ily in the loss of her mother Mrs James Cox of Toronto Mr and Mrs Stevens of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Harold on Thursday Mrs 11 A White visited on Monday with her mother Mrs John loveless of DONT LET THIS t HAPPEN TO YOU BE SAFE with our SPECIAL WINTER LUBRICATION COOLANT SYSTEM iv I forgot to get my car ready for winter SEE IT CHECK This complete winterizing only SPECIAL PRICE I Lubricate chassis change engine oil to winter grade repack front wheel bearings change transimssloi lubricant change differential lubricant tighten hose connections inspect cooling system for clean battery cables inspect battery load test install Freeze additional FREEZE UP tf i- MOW A 1 r a MAIN and QUEEN ST r J -v-i-rJfc-