Looking over map are the Royals commanding officer left Col Caldwell and Major J A commanding officer of C Squadron Queen York Rangers See page WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Third Season At Graystones Five years ago a group of three or four musical from Aurora sought out a wellknown New market pianist and urged him to start an orchestra ami be its director Their mission of persuasion proved a success and thus originated the famous group of players known as the Don Orchestra which has from success to For thfc third successive year the Don orchestra has been engaged by the manage ment of the Aurora It was give this engagement from a battib of applications which included five Toronto ehestras This orchestra is in constant demand by clubs Alumni associations and industrial including C I s and the Hart Manufacturing- Company Among the originating group who persuaded Mr to es tablish an orchestra his leadership was Mr Jim Willis wellknown and and io whom are for data concerning the orchestra and its composition Orchestral Ensemble I Nov in its fifth year the pop ularity of the orchestra is proved by an increasing re quest schedule which this maes tro and the members of his group are often hard pressed to fulfil These requests come in from communities large and small in Married Happiness To normal married people there is nothing more satisfying than to read about the married happiness of others especially when such happiness has been tested over the long years and which when they have been seem but as months we noted the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Dr Al berta and Dr William Cross which took place on September Dr Alberta is the daughter of the editor and pro prietor of the weekly news paper The Aurora and a niece of the former editor of the Era and Express Jackson A note we have received in connection with the above an niversary says Together they went through the mother Chiro practic College at Davenport Iowa Together they have help ed thousands to a healthier and better life A long and happy life is something of which to he proud and today Dr and Dr William If Cross are the surrounding districts and in- demonstrating that a loving elude those from private parties I harmonious life keeps them wedding events for square dances and many other festive groups Such engagements are usually filled by a section of the orchestra composed as follows Don piano Norm Storey bass Lloyd drums Charles Williams trumpet and trombone and Jim Willis tenor saxophone The full orchestra includes trumpets Hay Oman of Toronto and Bill Kan- son of Aurora trombone Williams Aurora saxo phones Lee former orchestra leader who led Ms own group for several years is the vocalist saxophones Dave Johnson and Jim Willis Aurora pianist Don bass Norman Storey Aurora drums Lloyd Newmar ket who is a nephew of the di rector Such is the composition of the famous players orch estra And with all Ihb musical Mr Don still finds time for a daytime full- time job as general manager of the CutUp Chicken organization And what Is the secret of the popularity of the Don orchestra Mr Willis described as the fun the orchestra gets out of taking Us music and its engagements seriously Trinity Church We always read with great interest any literature we re- concerned with the ties of our local Anglican church There has been much activity recently in connection with the t05 years celebration of the life of Trinity church and the literature received the Rev K very welcome Mr a man of gracious His church and outstanding landmarks in the history of Aurora was the founder church In ij young and strong Aurora Schoolmates Mr Ashton Stevenson of Florida son of the proprietor of The Aurora who be came famous in the United States as an inventor of mech anical devices in the production of newspapers pays tribute to the chiropractic skills of his sis ter and motherinlaw in these words I would have been dead or years ago but for their ministrations Now I am and going strong I fear I am going to stay too long At the anniversary celebra tions Dr Aibcrta and Dr Wil liam had with them guests who were present at their wedding years ago including some of Dr Albertas schoolmates from Aurora while her husband had a former schoolmate from fc Fifty Years Ago We have received from Mrs Willis the wellknown for mer organist and choir conduc tor at the United church a his toric brochure of which there cannot be many copies in exist ence today ft is the official programme of the festivities held in Quelle in honor of their Royal High nesses he Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York who be came King George V and Queen Mary Welcomed by the City of Quebec the royal tour of that began on Monday Sep tember The frontpiece of the official program contains besides the photographs of the royal visitors who became- nine years later king and queen pictures of four men of varying degrees of fame These were that great Canadian premier and statesman Sir Wil fred his excellency the governorgeneral Lord his honor the Lt Governor H and tho Hon Par ent premier of the province and mayor the city of Quebec- J CLAIR Editor AURORA PERSONALITIES Don Glass NINE THURSDAY THE FOURTH DAY Of OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE EDITORIALS MAYOR BELLS PRESS BAN It would be interesting to know what motives inspired Mayor Boll to ban the press from seeing the file of council business transacted at each session Of course we do not admit that Mayor Bell had either a legal or a moral right to instruct the town clerk to keep out the press in view of a council resolution unani mously passed on July and which up to this date of writing has not been rescinded Mayor Bell is tho chairman of council not its master Mayor Bell is also a servant of the citizens not their master But his instructions to the town cleric to refuse the press access to the file of council means two things The first is an overruling of a council resolution without the authority of council and the second is a denial of material information for the citizens of Aurora We do not know what action council will take in regard to the first of these two things If council sits down under this snub by its chairman who appears to think that council resolutions do not matter it will prove itself unworthy of its trusteeship on behalf of the people The mayors job in council is to act as its chairman and not its boss Our own surmise is that council will call the mayor to account for overruling its authority His highhanded action could mean that he was afraid to test the opinion of council and acted on the assumption that he could get away with it without later correction If that pre sumption is correct it will be interesting to see councils reactions to it A simple statement of the whole matter is this On July 21 1950 council passed a unanimous resolution which has not been rescinded and acting on his own authority Mayor Bell cancelled it That is the matter in a sentence WHAT WERE HIS MOTIVES The question of the motives behind Mayor Bells highhanded action could be discussed from more than one angle action certainly promotes many con jectures We were assured that his ban on the press goes for the Banner too Of course we agreed that Mayor Bell could hardly ban our own paper without at the same time banning the Aurora Banner of which he has never denied being a partowner The curious circumstance in that connection is this In January when Mr Bell was inaugurated as Mayor of Aurora he denounced what he described as an iron curtain having hung around the press in its relations with council news and the public He cried out for more publicity We promised him that he would get it and we think we have kept our word That was months before the Aurora Banner was bought out in circumstances of the greatest secrecy a secrecy concerning which every effort has been made to sustain it Notwithstanding the secrecy in which paper was bought we think we could accurately name three of its principal shareholders ami we suggest again that Mr Bell to a partowner of the Aurora Banner It could be that one of his motives in forbidding us access to the file of regular council business is a feel ing of irritation against ourselves for the criticisms we have felt obliged to write regarding his conduct of business as mayor Our attitude has not changed since our association with the ERA and EXPRESS began Wc felt it our duty to criticize Mayor Bell while we were writing for the Aurora Banner and in March of this year ho paid us the gracious compliment of throwing a copy of the miner under the council table PUBLIC DENIED INFORMATION Mayor Bells action has already denied our readers information on council matters which it was their right to know In our Council Sidelights in this issue we refer to a long letter from the town solicitor on the scoring bylaw from which wc would have quoted but for Mayor Bells ban Then there was the resolution giving permission for the building of the CutUp Chicken plant which would have interested the petitioners whefopposed it We cannot quote from the town solicitors letter or the above resolution for the reason that Mayor Bell has refused our access to the council files It is impossible to get lengthy resolutions and letters written down while they are being read at the council table Our practice in the past has been to go to the town clerks office and take copies of material of public interest from the council files to ensure the fullest information and accuracy Mayor Bells ban is therefore denying the citizens of Aurora information which is their right He has interfered with the freedom of the press It will be for council to decide whether the public is to have the information which is their right or whether council will endorse Mayor Bolls ban by rescinding its own Resolution of July Whatever happens in that regard one thing has been made plain By his highhanded action in interfer ing with the freedom of the press Mayor Boll has re vealed his and shown that he does not want full information of council business published Will his next step be art attempt to keep the press out of council chamber 4 will COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Council Sits And Struggles Over A Zoning ByLaw Then Reports At the November nomin ations meeting we listened with increasing interest to an address by a young man who spoke al most without notes He dealt with numerous aspects of mu nicipal life and he did so with clarity understanding and en thusiasm- We liked his forceful way of referring to local municipal and social problems to which he ob viously had given much careful thought There was nothing showy about him but he was firm in his opinion He was saying what he believed to be true Sincerity was the domin ant note of his address When he sot down lie received a burst of comments are concerned mainly with matters before the special meeting of council held on Monday night Sept As we mentioned in our report of council business last week wo could have given our readers fuller information had not Mayor Bell given instructions that we were not to have further oppor tunities of looking through the file of council business There was for example the topsyturvy mass of words you bylaw which alters applause Not knowing who he was we turned to a man by our side and asked the name of the speaker Don Glass he replied Headed The Foil There was a crowd of record proportions in the high school auditorium that night over 300 citizens being present We pleased to hear that it was a record gathering in Auroras municipal history for over a period of some weeks we had been writing on and urging a greater interest- in local council matters When the municipal elections were over another record had Page Col new bylaw alters the time between nominations and elections That time has now been cut to 10 days and these ten days include two Sundays when no canvassing is done by those seeking office in council the public school board or the hydro commission There was some correspond ence too from which we would would have thought it was meant for a city of half a million people There were clauses and sentences and threats of penal ties and the reading still went on And it was meant for Au rora with its population of little more than souls And with it all one remember ed that the planning board and the town fathers and all the liked to have quoted for the j brood of wouldbe local masters benefit of our readers All council business is public business and the voters are entitled to know all about it But the man who said there had been an iron curtain between the pub lic and the council before he came to office has now himself set up an iron curtain Hangover The bylaw introduced by Councillor altering the period between nominations and elections came out of a resolu tion moved by former Harry Corner at his final council meeting in December 1950 Mr Corner said he wanted to do something for the people of Aurora before he left coun cil What he did was to lop off by resolution part of the time allowed for canvassing on the part of candidates The resolution has been hang ing fire since December On Monday night September 24 Councillor piloted through three readings the by law necessary to give legal ef fect to Mr Corners resolution What good can this new bylaw limiting the lime between nomi nations and elections do for Au rora You would almost think that members of council dont want the electors to have enough time to decide what candidates they to place in office Youd think they like rush tac tics It is impossible for enough public meetings to he held in eight days or for the candidates to make contact with the elec tors Hut the bylaw was pass ed in a jiffy with nobody ask ing any questions Zoning ByLaw This was the greatest rigma role we have had to suffer un der for many a long day There were pages and pages of it And when the long reading was over none was the wiser for any thing it contained It was a typical piece of planning board verbosity Its author or au thors must have been drunk on words Listening to the cannot control a hydro wall or a house on street that several feet beyond the line Aurora has many masters or wouldbe masters and what they do is no more than a joke Blew It To Pieces Aurora owes the town solicitor a vote of thanks for his sagacious opposition to the zoning bylaw His lengthy letter to council blew the zoning bylaw to pieces It was fortunate that ho jvas present at council when it was introduced for without his penetrating objections and ques tions there is little doubt that the boys would have railroaded it through That they did not understand it would not have mattered When asked to define the one word accessory in relation to a clause in the mighty mountain of words nobody coidd say what it meant The one wise thing that was said came from Councillor Jones Nobody in this room knows what it is about ex claimed Mr Jones And he was right Solicitor Lee him self admitted that theer was a lot in the zoning bylaw that he couldnt understand Never Get Rid Of What Mr Lee did know was this That if and when that by law becomes law Aurora will never be able to get rid of it That is why he urged members of council to go slow in passing it The best tiling about it was when Councillor reported No Progress and put the thing away for another day We would have liked to have gone to the town hall and copied extracts from Mr Leos letter so that our readers could have read what he wrote In view of the mayors refusal to allow the press to see the file of coun cil business we cannot let our readers know in full what Mr Lee wrote mayor of course can read it He con look over every thing Out it seems thai the citizens of Aurora must put up lagc CoJ COUNCIL REPORT Long SlowMotion Session Most Of Handed On To Committees A regular meeting of the town council was held on Monday night October Deputyreeve James Murray Councillors and were absent from this meeting All oilier members of council were present VV Following the presentation of accounts and correspondence council heard report on a petition recently submitted by a few residents on Kennedy street west for the installation of sanitary and storm sewers on the westerly portion of that area The town engineering depart ment stated that it would be very costly to install both sanitary and storm sewers a contractor hav ing estimated that it would cost over 10000 for the installation of the sanitary sewers A lengthy discussion place regarding this project and in the end it was resolved that engineer make a further sur vey of the area and bring in a further report to council The projected water supply from Wellington street west to the town limits was also under discussion Councillor committee for a further report Letter Front Mr Huffman A detailed letter was read from Mr Cordon Hoffman re garding his former application for appointment as industrial for the town Mr Hoffman emphasized the need for new industries locating in Aurora and the advisability of close coordination between the council and the board of trade on this matter Two ap preciative letters were read in regard to the assistance Mr Hoff man had given in the locating of the J Fielding and Don lias- sett companies in Aurora Mayor Hell pointed out that as councillor was not pre sent they could not do anything in the that evening It was resolved to hand Mr Hoff mans letter over to the indus trial committee of which conn- ivteiWfcXfiZyr 3 THEATRE AURORA CLIFFORD GRIFFITHS MANAGER TEL Friday Saturday Oct wer IN FRANCE Most daring of the Kings Swordsmen Part GEORGE MONTGOMERY- PLUS CARTOON NEWS TRAVEL THE SEA HOUND Showing Friday and Saturday Mafinee Only After Midnight Show Sunday Oct Monday and Tuesday Oct 89 fflfl is chairman to employ only labor lttiHii pointing out that such local inconsequence Protest Hydro A letter was read from the board of trade regarding the new Mcale street i my DANNY THOMAS ROBERTSON FRANK FONTAINE BACON K i PLUS THE SADDLER FIGHT I ELEANOR COMING SOON GO FOR BROKE THE PAINTED mm