fc- Tr McKINNVT TOOLE Mount Albert United church was the setting for the marriage of Agnes Leone daughter of Mr and Mrs Toole to Mr Ramsay Toronto Rev J officiated assisted by Rev C P Shapter Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride was gowned in white brocaded satin with fitted bodice high neckline and bouff ant skirt ending in a slight train Her laceedged veil was caught to a crown of seed pearls and she carried red roses Miss Morgan maid of honor Mrs Toole Miss Jean Oldham and Miss Beth Theaker were dressed alike in American Beauty faille taffeta featuring strapless bodices and jackets with bustle backs All wore matching headdresses and car ried white gladioli Mr Jack was groomsman and the ushers were Messrs Ormond Toole Toole and Jack The reception was held in the church hall where the brides mother received in a teal blue dress with navy accessories and corsage of pink roses assisted by the grooms mother in a dress of cinnamon brown with dark brown accessories and corsage of cream roses For travelling to the United States the bride donned a copper brown suit with matching acces sories Upon their return Mr and Mrs will reside in Toronto Newmarket Fair 56 5th horse show black white show auspices- of York County Breeders Association i GUERNSEY BREEDERS SHOW REGIONAL SHEEP SHOW TntOTriNG RACES PONY RACES GIRLS TRUMPET BAND 6th RED AND WHITE SHOW Ayrshire auspices of Toronto District Ayrshire Breeders Club LIVESTOCK JUDGING REGIONAL SHOW HORSE RACES PONY RACKS MIDWAY MERRYGOROUND GEORGETOWN GIRLS PIPE BAND GIRLS TRUMPET BAND i HORSE SHOE PITCHING TOURNAMENT Fence Time JHrtii I iT CHOOSE FROST Tight- Lock FENCE The Tightlock Wont Slip The wires are tied in viselike knots that never give Frost Fences stay tightly stretched in weathers The Galvanizing is Permanent The zinc is bonded to the steel by a special process Wont crack or flake even when wound around its own diameter A Style For Every Purpose There are Frost TightLock Fences specially for cattle hogs sheep poultry etc Available in several gauges of wire and in heights from 26 to 7 to horizontal wires spaced varying intervals WE HAVE THE FENCE THE POSTS THE WIRE AND ACCESSORIES are still advancing and in our opinion fence Will be dearer before it is cheaper J Gowland attended the annual convention of chiroprac tors and therapists of Ontario at the Royal York hotel Toronto Sept to inclusive s s Kathleen Mathews daughter of Mr and Mrs Mathews is attending Toronto Normal school Miss and Mr Roy visited on Monday with Mr and Mrs Wai ter Hall Miss Mrs Cobbin and Mr Hamilton To ronto spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Mr A Wilson was a visitor last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Hugh Flanagan Miss Kay Gibson Calgary Mr and Mrs Frank Grainger Richmond Hill visited Saturday with Mr and Mrs William Don aldson Mrs Harry Fee has returned home after visiting friends for the past ten days in Mario Rev and Mrs Henry Cotton visited on Friday with Mr and Mrs Elgin Evans Misses Martin and I Ruth Graves Lome Park Port Credit visited their parents Mr and Mrs Roy Mar tin and Mr and Mrs Leslie Graves over the weekend Mr and Mrs Wallace Kenzie Lansing visited Mr and Mrs Sheppard on Satur day Mr and Mrs Russell Pres ton Stouffville were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Walter Hall Mr and Mrs Charles accompanied by their son Ronnie were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Peter Gorman loft on Tuesday morning via to spend a few days in Montreal Mrs Stanley Evans and Susan spent the past two weeks with Mrs Gordon Campbell Mr and Mrs Gilbert Lee Toronto were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs J Mr Donald Caldwell spent the weekend at his home in Mrs Minnie Fountain visit ed Mr and Mrs Patton Elgin Mills over the weekend Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Ewing were Cpl George and Landry Hampton iNB who axe presently stationed at with the Bri gade and are on course at Camp Borden Both boys are mem bers of the Princess Louise New Brunswick Miss Dora visited rel atives at Elmvale on Sunday Mr and Mrs W J Spain Toronto were visitors last week of Mr and Mrs J J Smith St Miss Joyce Sharp Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Frank Prest and friends in town over the weekend Outoftown guests at the LawrenceBrammer wedding on Saturday last included Mr and Mrs A Lawrence parents of the groom Mr and Mrs A- Stlverwood grandparents of the groom Mr and Mrs G verwood Mary Jane and Don ald Mr and Mrs Law rence Mr and Mrs Walker Mr L P March Mr and Mrs D Stevenson Mr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs Mr Edward Dig- nan London Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs M Robertson Mr and Mrs Lear White Miss Lois White Mr Doug White Miss Joyce Sharpe Mr and Mrs E Blackie Mr and Mrs J P Mac- Col F S Routley Mr and Mrs W Coles and Mr Wil liam Coles Toronto Mr Mrs Mr and Mrs E Miss Agin- court Mr and Mrs G Kemp Islington Rev and Mrs Cot ton Peterborough Mr and Mrs Charles Ful ton and Shirley St Catharines and Mrs S Rector and Mrs Kenny of Truro spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Ernie Mrs Gilkes and Mrs Charlie Evans St were entertained at tea on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs News Of The for this column muat be In the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine report and announcements will be printed branch will meet in the hall Tuesday Oct note change of date Roll call is to bring a bulb for planting at the hall Motto is My reputation is what people say I am My character is what I am to which Mis Homer will reply Mount Albert branch is to be present All members are to provide Union Street branch will meet at the home of Mrs Lillian Johnston on Thursday Oct at pm Motto Better pay the cook than pay the doctor Roll call Something to be thank ful for Topic Public relation ship and community activities Guest speaker John Meyer edi tor of Era and Express Pro gram committee Mrs W Cry- Mrs Beckett Mrs Waller Rose Hostesses Mrs Beckett Mrs Micks Mrs Beckett Mis Mrs prnche Project Oven Cooked Meals falling on the same days October and Further details later It was decided our WI sponsor the dances in the hall this season Mrs Kester took the chair and introduced our District Pre sident Mrs who gave a short address Then Mrs Armstrong led us back to the century in Historical Re search Four young ladies sang You are my Sunshine and Miss Armstrong gave us the history of the school and church Keith Profit played a delightful piano solo Miss Crosby had many an interesting item about the farms on the third concession after which the girls gave another musical selection Mrs closed the meeting with a poem and the National Anthem followed by a social half hour Li J Exclusive Agents for Frost fence i t Phone Our people at die Kingston plant enjoyed watching a cou pie of robins build a nest with shreds of aluminum foil The robins seemed delighted to find their new building mate rial so easy on the wings so soft so cosy But A wind arose The nest so light that it blew away The robins rebuilt with the same material but more firmly anchored While we have no ambition to supply the worlds robins with nesting material we arc eager to provide aluminum for homebuilding humans and for the thousand other uses of this modern metal Therefore our huge expansion pro gramme in Quebec and British Columbia Aluminum Com pany of Canada Ltd grille burner bumper support highlight centered around the rearward lighting and the trunk deck new State Commander Starlight Coupe of Iff new SALES Si DAVIS EAST OF HOSPITAL PHONE PRESENTED WITH IRON Miss Elizabeth Brammcr daughter of Mr and Mrs Newmarket a bride of last Saturday was presented with a combination steam and dry iron by her office as sociates at the Newmarket Era and Express The Vandorf branch meeting was held at the home of Mrs Sidney Aylett on Wednesday Sept 19 with Mrs C Powell the president presiding The business consisted of planning to send food parcels overseas and Mrs Harold convener of historical research reporting on the bus tour to take place October 11 The delegates to the Toronto convention were ted They are Mrs A Mrs George Van Nos trum and Mrs A Richardson The guest speaker Dr Marg aret Arkinstall of Newmarket spoke on her many experiences in Northern Ontario and was very interesting Mrs A gave the current events Meeting closed with God Save the King and a social time with a delicious lunch served by the hostesses Mrs Harold Sleeth Mrs George and Mrs A Van SHOWER AT HOSPITAL A miscellaneous shower was given Tuesday evening 25 by the nurses of York County hospital at the nurses residence for Miss Anne ford Miss has been a member of the local hospital staff for the past five years HOLD SHOWER A miscellaneous shower was held for Mrs Hugh Welter a recent bride at the home of Mrs Kenneth Craig on Friday Sept 21 There were about pres ent The was the The regular monthly meeting of Zephyr branch met on Tues day evening Sept at the home of Mrs L Profit The meeting opened with the familiar Ode and Mary Stuart Collect with Mrs Harrison in lie chair in the absence of Mrs Pickering The roll call Original Owner of our Farm was answered by 20 members There were ladies present The October meeting will be cancelled owing to our Annual of many lovely gifts Assisting the hostess with the de licious lunch were Mrs Roy Storey Bradford Mrs Ernest Winter Mrs Frank and Mrs Joseph News Of NEWMARKET There were delegates among the many Legion members who packed the Aurora Legion Hall on Tuesday Sept Comrade Pad- bury chairman of the Legion Ser vice Bureau Committee of Ontar io was the speaker The purpose of this meeting was to stress to Mr Jack Smith who was present the necessity for the in crease of basic pension rates for veterans and the War Veterans Allowance Mr Smith assured us in reply to Comrade that he would personally see that this subject was brought up in caucus next month when Parliament again convenes This meeting was brought about by our one representing the ten branches in our vicinity realizing that no increase in pen sions or allowances has been made since before World War If when the basic working mans wage was ridiculously low in comparison with the wage of today Due to the efforts of the zone Comrades Ab and Mr Smith we of the Legion in this community know that Parliament will seriously consider this situation and rem edy it We had a visitor to town one day last week namely Mr Hold I a employee at who called to pick up the Le gion Pontine car Lucky guy The mixed doubles dart win ners were finally decided last Saturday night at the Legion Hull Mr and Mrs Jim Fisher were the winners and runncrs- were Mr and Mrs Gor don I- This coming Saturday Com rade Milt Wesleys parents are celebrating their wedding anniversary The family is hav ing a sort of reunion on that day This branch joins in con gratulating Mr and Mrs Wesley on their Diamond wedding an niversary The big district meeting will be held at Colli on Sun day Oct Transportation will available to any members wishing to attend By the end of this week the kitchen will be almost com pleted This means that it is now available for catering pur poses For a real hearty laugh dig up last Saturdays Telegram and see caricatures by Mac If you have already seen thorn dig out the paper again and laugh more One of these reminds us very much of a recent grandstand performer We are quite proud of the blood donor report Last year we did give blood donations free of charge and have car ried Oil with it this year We supplied a rare type of blood re cently in an emergency when all hospital supplies in Toronto were exhausted Be sure to see page of last Saturdays Telegram The next bingo at the Legion Hall will bo Wednesday Oct and our next meeting on Wednesday Oct CONNOR 4year guarantee Thermo tub 16950 up YOU GET THE BEST TRADEIN ALLOWANCE IN TOWN AT lances Main St Next to PHONE NEWMARKET The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Sept 9 GIRL GUIDES MEET J The Newmarket Girl Guide company held its first meeting of the year in the scout hall on Wednesday Sept 26 Captain is Mrs Thompson Meet- are held each Wednesday in the scout hall from to pm All girls in the age group to 16 who are interested in becom ing guides are requested to regis ter next week JR AUXILIARY The Junior Evening auxiliary of the Trinity United church Newmarket will meet at the home of Mrs Donald Andrew St on Tuesday Oct pm All junior ladies of the congregation are invited to at tend Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results BRIDE HONORED Miss Elizabeth who became the bride of Mr Edward Lawrence London on Sept was entertained by Mrs Charles Williams and Miss Sheila Ed wards at the home of Mrs T at a Revere ware shower on Sept 14 The evening was spent in playing canasta follow ed by a lovely lunch On Sept Mrs J Struth- was hostess at a kitchen shower After the guest of honor had opened the many gifts a lovely lunch was served Mr William To ronto entertained Miss mer and Mr Lawrence and the bridal parly at a dinner at North Downs Golf Club last Thursday evening On Friday evening following the rehearsal Mr and Mrs E parents of the bride entertained for the bridal parly parents and friends at their home King Ridge branch will meet at the home of Mrs Fry on Tuesday Oct at pm standard time Motto Remem ber what we do today will be in the history books of tomor row Roll call Name a fa mous woman in historv Paper by Mrs Fry Historical re search and current events Hos tesses Miss A Harmon and Airs P Ball For extra enjoyment The Newmarket branch met on Thursday Sept 20 in the Agri cultural Board rooms with Mrs Campbell in the chair Mrs Roy McDonald chairman of Agriculture and Canadian In dustries committee introduced the guest speaker Mr A Van from Hoffman Mfg Co who gave a wonderful talk on processing industries throughout the Dominion and in our own town Those who missed Mr Van missed a very in teresting talk Miss Smythe from the Health Unit asked the institute to assist with a Well Babys clinic The institute decided to do this All are reminded of the district project Aids to Effective Speak ing to be held the agricultural hoard rooms on October 9 com mencing at am Lunch will be pooled and tea served Mrs Campbell and Mrs Near were appointed as delegates to the Institute con vention November and A letter of thanks was read from the sister Institute in Eng land for the box received Members are reminded of the Institute booth at the community bazaar its the extra that counts Being able to spot the extras in football adds to your enjoyment of the game Write for your copy of booklet How to Watch and Enjoy Football Its by Joe and its free of course Send your name and address please print to Footbath House Toronto YOUR THANKSGIVING BONUSES fc E from WITH THE SALK OF EVERY STOCK SUIT WELL GIVE A FREE ARROW SHIRT TIB WITH THE SALE OF EVERY STOCK TOPCOAT WELL GIVE A FREE HAT YOULL ALWAYS GET SOMETHING EXTRA FOR YOUR MONEY AT MORRISONS THIS IS WAY OF A GOOD SUMMKK WITH OUR CUSTOMERS THIS IS BONUS TO YOU SUIT PRICES from Jo PLUS FREE ARROW SHIRT AND TIE TOP COATS from to PLUS FREE HAT UNLESS WE CAN FIT YOU PROPERLY IT IS NOT OUR POLICY TO LET YOU WEAR OUR GARMENTS THE STORE MEN JUST NATURALLY SO TO iV