v t Era and nam Sept ORGE AND DUO THERM SPACE HEATERS FREE WITH EVERY SPACE HEATER GAL FUEL A Size To Suit Every Home Main St NEWMARKET Mrs J P White attended the luncheon of the Council of the Catholic Wom ens League on Saturday at the Royal York Hotel Mr and Mrs John Miller Gal were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs- Calvin Davis Mrs Isabella Taylor accom panied by Mr and Mrs Thomas Armour Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Hunt Taylor and son Roger Roches Point on Sunday Mr and Mrs Leonard Mum- Trout Creek visited on Monday with Mr and Mrs Ken neth Craig and Mrs New- son Rev Frank Wellington To ronto president of the Childrens Sunday School Association is a at the home of Rev and Mm Mr and Mrs Ernest Wright returned on Monday from a two weeks motor trip through the Maritime provinces Mr William Cooper and Mr and Mrs Jack Smith attended the wedding of Mr Coopers niece Bureau to Joseph Casha in Toronto on Saturday Mr and Mrs William Pit man Miami Florida spent last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Calvin Davis Bud vis ited in Newmarket on Monday with his mother Mrs Bert Me arid Mr and Mrs Cecil Woods find Mrs V Fenner are visiting their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mr Bruce Cutting and family and Mrs Harvey Mills Toronto find Mr and Mrs Allan Daniels were Sunday guests of Mr and lis Frank Daniels Mr Fred Cumber attended the services of the Churchill Tabernacle Buffalo over the weekend h fc v V V Third ON AIDS Autumn sale of Singer scissors ailmetal ironing table Drift cutting board rug yarn ONETHIRD OFF UNTIL SEPT 29 Center MAIN ST PHONE Social News Miss Dorothy Thompson ac companied by five other gradu ates of St Josephs hospital To ronto returned on Tuesday from a four months trip which took them across the continent from coast to coast They flew to California but the return trip was made by car with a weeks visit to New York NY Mr and Mrs Earl Donnelly Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs James Mr and Mrs Thomas Ar mour Toronto spent the week end with Mr Armours sister Mrs Taylor Mr and Mrs had tea with Misses Rose and Luella Thomas last Wednesday on their way to their new home in Brighton BRIDE OF SEPT FETED BY FRIENDS June Thompson bride of Sep tember was the guest of honor at a party hold prior to her wedding at the home of Mrs Kenneth Craig About friends gathered for the occa sion Miss Thompson was the recipi ent of many lovely gifts at this miscellaneous shower Assist ing the hostesses were Mrs Er nest Miller and Miss Marion Stark The social evening was enjoyed by all with delicious refreshments being served TALK ON COLOR AT SCOUT HALL A New World of Color a color film on interior decorating will be shown at the Scout hall on Monday October at 8 pm Following the film a talk on color schemes and relating sub jects will he given by a repre sentative of the Imperial Varnish and Paint company The program is sponsored by the ScoutGuide Mothers aux iliary and a cordial invitation is extended to the public At this time of year so many home- makers plan changes in their homes that such an evening should prove both educational and interesting There is no charge Light re freshments will be served News Of The News for this column must be In the office Monday Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcement will be printed separately The Quecnsville branch will meet on Wednesday afternoon Sept at 2 pm at the home of Mrs A J Milne Motto The world is taking photographs look pleasant please Roll call Donations of jar of jam or pick les for York County hospital Program Mrs Elton Ann- strong the district president is the guest speaker on Current Events Mrs Weston will be in charge of a demonstration on Home Economics Hostesses are Mrs Geo Pearson Mrs Dew and Mrs J Smith A hearty vote of thanks was given Mr Smith by all present The meeting closed with the National Anthem following which a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses PLAN SCHOOL FAIR TO AID LIBRARIES I A school fair will be held by the Newmarket Home and School association in the King George school on Friday October to pm Entire proceeds will be used to help provide school libraries for the four pub lic schools An advance sate of tickets will be held at the schools with each ticket a five cent investment by children and ten for adults ad mitting the tor one feature of the fair In one room at the King George school there will be television In another a halfhour movie will be run Tea and cookies with tea cup read ing wilt he the drawing card in another room Candied apples homemade I candy and pop corn as well as the fish pond will provide items I of interest for the small fry j and each five cent ticket will entitle them to one purchase Classifieds Bring Results SAVINGS i REG 36 FLANNELETTE 39c YD lue REG 36 PIN WALE CORDUROY YD FALL SHADE REG TO CLEARING OF DRESS GOODS 99c Dry Goods 101 MAIN ST Press secretaries of wo mens organizations and church groups as well as others having news Hems for the womens pages of the anil Express are re quested to forward such In formation to the womens editor Caroline Inn phone Copy should he re ceived by Mrs Ion by Tues day of each week Any hoys or girls who have not received the red and silver reflector tape for their bicycles as yet may pick it up at the home of Mrs Morton Ave Newmar ket who can are re quested to pay 25c In cover the cost of the for each bike This safety project is finder the sponsorship of the Newmarket Home and School association and this offer is made to high school students us well as the younger pupils Ztf fs I j v fj -tr- felfe new Animal Needs We hope that with your approval I J f IN VOKK has been ill for the past nine weeks is a patient at York County hospi tal condition is repotted as satisfactory Mr has been in Newmarket for over years as the hydros meter reader HONOR A few friends of Miss Anne bride- elect of October fi enter tained on Thursday September 13 at the home of Mrs A A social evening was enjoyed I It UNION The Crone family picnic was held at High Park Toronto on There were 0 at tending coming from Buffalo Hamilton Peter- Mount Albert Toronto and Newmarket Next year the re union will he held at High Park the second Saturday in i On Saturday Sept at a oclock in Carmen Memorial Uni ted church by Rev P Noel la daughter Mr and Mrs Charles Pem broke to Mr Grant son of Mr Mrs Wil fred V Keswick V- The branch of the Womens institute met at the home of Mrs Herb Crittenden Willow Beach on Tuesday Sept After the business ses sion was over Mrs Sedore convener for citizenship and education took charge of the meeting The program was op ened by ail singing Canada followed by a lovely solo by Crittenden Then Cynthia Ma gee Marie Crittenden Jane Chapman and Jacobs sang two numbers which were enjoyed by all Mrs read an interesting ar ticle concerning our schools This was followed by a reading about education by Mrs Ross Mainprise Mrs took the topic in which she dealt so aptly with Canadas position among other nations Current events were given by Mrs Lloyd Kay Mrs Harry Horner conducted a very interesting contest of which Mrs Anderson was the winner The meeting closed with God Save the King after which a lovely lunch was served by the hos tesses Mrs Chapman Mrs Huntley and Mrs Anderson Mount Albert Institute is to be our guest at our next meeting Aurora branch reports a very successful Tag Day for the Navy League last Saturday and wish to take this to thank all those who contributed so generously and a special Thank You to the conveners and the school children who worked so hard to make it a success Dont forget the mile of pen nies on Saturday Sept in aid of the Womens Institute Rest Room Member of the WI will be stationed in front of the Post Office from am pm to receive donations from any who are interested in this project The regular monthly meeting of Aurora WI wilt be held at the home of Mrs it Wood Wells St on Thursday Sept at pm Roil call A New Trend in Agriculture This meeting is in the charge of Mrs A M Clarke convener of agri culture and Canadian industries The Gormley branch will meet at the home of Mrs Harry Smith on Wednesday Sept 20 The agriculture and Canadian indus try convener Mrs Smith will be in charge of this meeting and the motto is a factory wheel can turn until the farm furrow is turned Roll call Name a raw materia and an article manufactured from it There will be a plant and bulb sale and the hostesses are Mrs and Mrs The Mount branch on Thursday Sept in the Community Hall The president Mrs Donald Sliver was in the chair was dealt with as follows voted to the Horti cultural Society to help improve tike pioneer cemetery here plans made to attend the district pro ject Aid to Effective Speak ing in Newmarket on October Invitations to visit the and branches were accepted with pleasure Mrs Stiver introduced Mrs Ellon Armstrong who gave some fine suggestions on using power speech and freedom to become grind Institute members and good The committee on citizenship education Mrs toll ing and Mrs Mm ray Stokes were in charge of the program Mrs John Oliver a very enjoyable solo In the guest speak er Mr Jack Smith MP Mrs Rolling mentioned we all feel know Mr Smith better through reading his column Ot tawa News Letter in the New market Era Mr Smith described the life of an at Ottawa Although parliament is in session from pm until pio an MP must he in his office at am and spend the morning reading and answering correspondence and attending committee meetings- He told of duties and pro- of Ihe House of Com mons and Senate telling how a bill is introduced debated upon ami finally passed or thrown out He stressed the appalling lack of interest in government a fact that plays right into the hands of the enemies of democracy Following his address Mr Smith answered many questions and urged anyone to write him about any problem Any letter having one signature wilt re ceive much more attention in Ottawa than one letter having many signatures He invited all to visit the galleries and see parliament action Lakeside branch will begin their fall meetings on their regular night Tuesday Sept at pm in the Memorial Hall The roll call is An educational ra dio program and the program is on citizenship and education Mrs E Agar and Mrs are hostesses Let us have a good attendance of members as there are several important mat ters to be decided All ladies are cordially invited At branch meeting a the home of Mrs Archie McDon ald on Tuesday Sept Mrs J Glass gave a graphic des cription of her trip to the west coast a journey there and back of miles Everywhere she and her husband there were new and wonderful sights The mountains are beyond des cription sometimes I liked them sometimes I didnt related Mrs Glass At times they would crowd in upon one with their massivencss and other times their majesty was overpower ing She marvelled at the sight of the Coulee Dam in the state of Idaho twice as high as the Niagara Falls In it is enough cement to make a walk three feet wide twice around the world ami it is still not fully completed Temperatures in Vancouver reached 101 degrees but the weather there was pleasant with neither flies or mosquitoes to annoy one Yellowstone Park and the Sulphur Springs were marvellous while the acres of sunflowers in southern Manitoba were new to the traveller They are grown for production of vegetable oil and are being out at a more northern point Mr and Mrs Glass at tended service in St Stephens United church Winuipeg where the noted Can a d i a n author Ralph Connor had preached be fore his death and where his widow still attends At Winni peg they toured the parliament buildings and saw the exact spot where Princess Elizabeth will meet the province officials When asked if she would like to live in any of the western provinces Mrs Glass pointed out If she were younger she would probably make a change I am Ontario horn so that would most likely be the deciding factor had I been inclined to leave these parts she said The motto of the meeting was ably enlarged upon by Mrs A Black who told how courtesy prevents Her re marks were taken from the high school text book Behave Your self wherein plain facts are re vealed on the quality of courtesy so sadly lacking in the world yet free to all paying a three fold dividend on investment Conveners for the WI bazaar on November were appointed and final arrangements for the Institute dance Friday Sept were made pair con veners are Miss Winnie Roys and Mrs Mrs Roys and Mrs R Mrs and Mrs Norman Egan Mrs Glass and Mrs A McDonald Mrs A Black and Mrs The Point met Thursday Sept at the Memorial hall Following the regular opening exercises rou tine business was dealt with It was to charter a bus to Peterborough taking in the Lind say Fair for the WI members and friends on September The program followed with six grandmothers in charge Lunch was served by Mrs and Mrs Chalmers The meeting closed with the national anthem i The Pine Orchard branch met at the home of Mrs Mason on Wednesday Sept There was a good attendance and the president Mrs- Johnston presided over the business ses sion Plans were made to visit the York County Home in Octo ber The program was in the charge of the public relations committee Roll call response was to give an interesting place you visited this summer Mr John Meyer was guest speaker and gave some interesting sug gestions for improvement in pub lic relations and stressed the value of the York County Health Unit Lunch was served by the hos tess assisted by the committee in charge Note the change of home The Snowball branch wilt meet next Wednesday Sept at the home of Mrs it Morning Roll call Little things that make life beautiful events Mrs Williams report of conven ers convention at by Mrs A White and Mrs CI of Hostes ses Miss Joan Casey Miss Webb Mrs and Mrs a Smith CANADAS COFFEE VALUE FRESHLY GROUND fife Arabia Coif SO GOOD YOULL WANT MORE FINEST ORANGE PEKOE TEA YOUR 10c EXHIBITION COUPONS ON EITHER OF THE HOURS outlay Tucs and Thurs to pm nun Friday to Saturday to SWEET JUICY CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA SWEET CRISP GOOD SIZE 27 J POUNDS 29 SWEET POTATOES CAULIFLOWER MARYLAND WAXED 3 CELERY STALKS WEALTHY APPLES ONTARIO SNOWWHITE ONTARIO GOLDEN PASCAL 2 POUNDS SIZE EACH GOOD SIZE ONTARIO FANCY GRADE 15c 19 BLUEBELL EGGS CASTLE EGGS GRADE A MEDIUM DOZEN GRADE A SMALL DOZEN 59 SPICED SWEET ROSE SUSNB Sweet Pickles Mixed HOSE Wafer Pickle ROSE Pure Cherry Jam Strawberry Jam Jem Sitlmi1U ALL YOUR CAKING 16fU JAR JAR JAR JAR pure TIN JAG PURE PLAIN PIMENTO or OLD ENGLISH IN CHILI SAUCE Kink BOTTLE TIN ltL3 2t5 Ft TINS MB CARTON I IB LB TIN MB CARTON TINS PRO I LB REGULAR Gravy Makes- Liquid BED ROSE Orange Pekoe Tea BOVRIL CUBES Jersey Brand Cocoa KRAFT CHEESE Pork Beans MARGARINE MIS POWDERED MILK ROGERS Golden Corn Syrup OLD CAVE OLD CHEESE MONARCH MARGARINE Pork Beans Bonnyrigg Oatcakes ST No 1 White TIN Gold Fancy Applesauce Fancy Frail Cocktail TIN BAG IJFL OX TINS TINS PAD CAM BATH SIZE UNGRADED iRAND VALLEY Raspberries PITTED DATES GARDEN PATCH SOCIETY DOG FOOD GIBSONS TISSUES S SOAP PADS FACIAL SOAP STAR BRAND Anunonla Powder 2 LUX TOILET SOAP 2 33c 25c 31c 32c 37c 37c 25c 33c 29c 29c 29c SPECIAL QUALITY OF THE 103 LAW MARBLE EACH LA By y I rtrl i7 ENTER THE PALMOUVE 2000000 CONTEST MONARCH CARS PLUS WORTH GASOLINE PLUS IN CASH SAVE BOX TOPS LABELS ENTRY BLANKS AVAILABLE IN ALt L08LAW STORES Congratulates the Winners of the 14 SERVEL REFRIGERATORS THAT WERE GIVEN AWAY AT THE MARKET BASKET SHOW AISS Pas St MRS JOAN MR Roaci MISS DOROTHY JACKSON MRS I St MRS LCTTAU CialSuitl As MRS HARRY Guy MISS ARMSTRONG Road MRS ROWUY MRS St St Cathatlsti MRS RUTH I MRS A St St MRS ALVIN BALIS MRS V HUH Gait OR LATHER COLGATE SHAVE CREAM CORUX DEAL- SAVE 20c BLADES WITH TUBE WITH SOAP TOR FAB SUPEB SODS CONCENTRATCO IARGI SUM l 4t PRINCESS PORK SPECIAL FRESH LEAN EITHER ROAST IRISH LEAN HOCK Off IRISH LEAH CHOICE UAH PSAMIAUO FOWL PREDRESSED MET OR WASTE WHAT YOU BUY 69 LB- LB 59 LB LB WA LB FROSTED SEAFOODS READY TO COCK SOLE CHOICE ri- FILLETS ft V