Triune bouse in Ncwmar- Well decorated throughout Immediate Garage attached Small 5500 with low down pay- BOYD IE rait or Newmarket ii- 1yearold modern white cedar siding 4 us room insulated land scaped grounds furnished or Apply owner Newmarket A or alerf Modern cottage hy dro screens shutters all linoleum floored builtin cupboards combination kitchen and flying room Painted log siding asphalt roof interior lined Painted outside conveniences Situated with frontage on No highway be tween and Bala Lake frontage approxi mately sand including boat outboard motor acres partly wooded with to door Reasonable- Phone Albert 4w38 LOTS FOR SALE For sale Choice building lots on Bolton anil Ave New market Phone Willis Jo Lots one wide Ave Newmarket North Apply Mrs J Walsh Vin- phone Newmarket ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS FOR FINE RESTRICTED HOME SITES See AVE EXTENSION ONGE STREET FRONTAGE Apply local real estate broker FARMS J sale Factory building in I Immediate posses- Well located in factory Would be suitable for light Charles Boyd Main St Newmarket clw38 i WILLIAM HOLLAND Steal Estate College St Toronto Insul brick house sun porch heavy wiring nicely decorated good location overlooking Lions Park onehalt ell rented Price 58000 Half frame bungalow hotair furnace bath hardwood floors garage nice lawn and flowers A real nice home Price Cash frame house modern bath new hotair furnace a large deep lot Priced Cash room stucco house hot water heating piece baths laundry kitchens hardwood floors and coverings heavy wiring tenanted Immediate pos- Price Cash room frame house nicely dec- Orated and freshly painted hot- air furnace bath new good garden Ideal Price i clay loam farm brickclad house drilled J water inside barns hog house driving shed Sheep house and garage Also greeks and some bush An ideal stock and grain farm Possession Cash farm of black loam well watered with wells and creek house hot water furnace bath 2 barns ti ji stable hog pen hen driving shed Price Cash J t j- I HOMES WANTED NEWMARKET AND DISTRICT Client Waiting JOSEPH BROKER 4 61 QUEN ST NEWMARKET PHONE 1038 mm I BUILDINGS FOR SALE For sale Barn Apply 22 On tario St Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT For sale or rent 7rooro storey house up years water system and all plumbing fully in sulated basement Apply Beach Lake Sim- coo WANTED TO RENT Wanted to rent 5 or house furnished by Scotch family by October Phone MA Toronto Wauled to rent house in vicinity Phone OX Toronto collect ROOMS FOR RENT For rent rooms hoard and laundry if desired Phone Newmarket c2w37 rent Furnished heated bedroom Phone Newmar ket clw33 Stroller parkas station wagon coats cardigans and pullover sweaters reasonably pric ed at Army Air Force Stores Au rora For sale Quebec cookstove with reservoir Quebec heater both in perfect condition Priced for quick sale Phone ville c2v3S It pays to layaway A deposit will hold any item until wanted at Air Force Stores Aurora For sale 1 slightly used bench saw Good condition jig saw Will sell cheap Apply Centre St Aurora clw3S Transportation available to To ronto days week Leave Queens ville 630 am leave city limits pm Phone K Penny Queens- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ville Two cents a word minimum of cents for each advertisement Wanted Transportation from Half price when advertisement is repeated on successive weeks road at Ten percent discount if is paid within week of pub- approximately daily to genuine leather wal lets with or without zippers 373 value on sale for and at Army Air Force Stores Aurora For sale Have too many tulips and hyacinths Must sell Cheap Laurie Cane phone Newmarket Davis Dr Newmarket Heat ion Coming Events costs two cents a word minimum Sft cents Half Price when repeated on successive weeks Sale Registers for the first cents for each successive week Card of Thanks Wedding and announcements cents for each announcement less cents if paid within week publication In cents for each Insertion plus cents a lino for verse less cents If paid within week of publication advertising may be phoned into or left The Era and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at White- laws phone In Aurora at Mrs Rolling phono King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mail where name of sender and address is clearly Indicated Your advertisement gets into over homes in North York I and Toronto Leave at pm Phone Stan Walker PR Toronto HELP WANTED For sate Building in Newmar ket suitable for storage Imme diate possession Conveniently located Charles Boyd Realtor Main St Newmarket Will lake A or cows on shares Phone Mount Albert For sale Medium size Quebec heater Pipes included kitchen buffet Phone Newmarket For sale Gasoline ma chine good condition Phone For rent Heated wellfurnish ed living bedroom and kit chen in private home Central Business adults preferred Write Era and Express box lw38 i i For rent heated front rooms 2 downstairs and upstairs quiet couple with no children preferred Separate entrance on highway at Sharon Phone For rent 2 furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping Apply Charles St phone Newmarket ACCOMMODATION WANT Wanted to rent Young doctor requires small welllocated office and living accommodation reason able rent Write Era and Express box 33 APARTMENT FOR RENT J 1 For rent apartment apartment sink in each separate entrance In Newmar ket Adults Apply Mrs Ralph Del haven For rent unfurnished heated apartment Abstainers Ap ply 43 St Newmarket BOARDERS WANTED WantedBoarders Phone Newmarket or apply Queen St English gabardine wool pants shades Real value at 5903 Army Air Force Stores Aurora For sale Used refrigerators all in excellent condition Choose from many makesWest Stewart Warner Appliances Main St Newmarket phone Wanted to buy Used playpen highchair Apply Chris Farms or phone Newmarket Wanted to buy Gray and Sin potato picker Phone 211 Mount Albert lw38 Wanted to buy Combination door in good condition Phone Newmarket clw38 WantedA pair of childs white figure skates size or Apply Mrs Goodman Phone New market PRODUCE CUSTOM CANNING For sale Used battery radio Rogers like new con dition Appliances Main St Newmarket phone Canning factory opened on Aug ust We have canned tomatoes peaches plums and applesauce for sale Phone Mount Albert tf35 For sale Potatoes wholesale Phone Mount Albert For sale Dodge coach in Kood condition 175 Phone Newmarket at once Man or woman to take over established route of customers for famous Products in Newmarket Mini mum earnings weekly- No in vestment or experience necessary We help you got started Write immediately to The J Company St Koch St Montreal Que ATTENTION FARMERS We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay current market prices For immediate service telephone col lect Newmarket or Toronto Empire GORDON YOUNG LTD For Hound puppies and fox hound crossed months old Phone ft Female Collie Spade IS mo3 like Lassie in the movies A sharp farm dog clean and obedient Must be given a kind home fed and housed humanely Owner ill Write A Whale Hillsdale Ave IMPLEMENTS FOR For sale Ford halfton pickup Excellent condition For sale Used electric refriger ators and range in good condi tion Smiths Hardware New market Phone For sale Railway watch Wal- Vanguard jewels karat gold months old cash Apply Era and Express box For sale Ripe tomatoes at wholesale prices All stock No free from spot and blight Wo will have for local trade a few thous and baskets Bring your own con tainers McCnHums If a d phone all leather military- type boots at Aurora Air Force Stores Aurora Wanted Boarder or gen tleman Phone 238W Newmarket ROOM AND BOARD and board for gentleman Apply Prospect St or phone Newmarket APARTMENT WANTED Want to rent or June flat or apartment rea sonable retiring minister and wife Write Era and box 2w38 Wanted to rent 4ioorn unfur nished apartment preferably with garage All modern conveniences Phono Toronto mornings ARTICLES FOR SALE For data Venetian blinds alu minum or steel made for all of windows Free estimates and installations Phone apply Ontario St or write PO box Newmarket If Bought and sold Furniture glassware pictures etc Apply Main St phone 738J Newmarket tf27 For Mile Coal and wood range also wood range Isoth ena mel with reservoir and wanning shelf gooil perfect condi tion Phone Aurora For sale Walnut china cabinet kitchen table and chairs Graham electric rangette in gool condi tion Apply Timothy St W Newmarket For sale Girls white figure skates size used one sea son Phone Newmarket For sale Small Coleman heat er As good as new Phone New market Single metal army cots limited quantity Army Air Force Stores Aurora For sale ladys brown fall and winter coat size tailored chamois lined oil space heater medium size in excellent condition Phone For sale Maroon convertible carriage with wire basket skis Phone Newmarket For salt Coleman space heater oil burner Phone Roches Point 138J denim overalls all sizes our price Army Air Force AuJora For sale Dry and limb also kindling Phone Mount Al bert For Small kitchen range and coal water Jacket good baker Cheap Apply Main St Newmarket BUSH FOR SALE For sale About acres bush consisting of maple elm and bass Write Era and Express box SOD Wanted Sod by the field or acre cut acre phone Highland reverse or apply Ave Toronto lw3S MERCHANDISE and CO cycle gas washers repair parts and service Stexvart Radio and Applian ces Main St phone New market For sale Hearing aid batteries for most popular makes Stewart Radio and Appliance Main St phone Newmarket Carson and luggage in stock patterns winch you can match at any time Ang West Main St phone Newmarket c3w37 USED CARS FOR SALE For sale sedan At condition reconditioned motor Phone Newmarket For sale Chryslei- running order Good tires Reasonable Box 443 Aurora Phone Aurora For sate Roys wool sport coat dark red size fawn sport jacket sheepskin lining size AH In good con dition Phone Newmarket IPs not too curly to be thinking of Christmas shopping Use our Plan Shop now while selections are best Force Stores Aurora Army Air good garden saw power driven with blade New condition Can be Inspected at Morrisons Sporting Good ment Main St Newmarket phone j flIIOTGIWS hoys clothing boots PLAN See our complete line of Christ mas Avon gifts now at Andrew St or phone Newmarket For safe Kitchen stove oil burner Installed all in perfect run ning order Apply P man 3 Newmarket phone 3221 Mount Albert shoes located In town on high miles from Toronto Small payment on property plus at Invoice Immediate building suit- business and living ydro corner of highways llw 400 house Toronto nk hydro St trill Winery For sale Alt makos of rifles and shotguns New used Full line of hunting equipment Mor risons Sporting Cowls Depart ment Main St Newmarket phono For sak piano white kitchen cabinet Apply Ave or phone New market l j Electric rnngette table cooker good condition Ivory color apartment size reason able Write box or apply Timothy St Newmarket For ladys racoon coat size In good condition For sale Baby walker with tray and handle Indoor swing Play High chair Mrs Phone Newmarket FOR A BETTER BUY IN USED CARS TRY Sanderson Motors Ltd Chevrolet Sedan Clean a whistle Dodge Deluxe A dependable used car on Chassis and Cab Small mileage Twospeed We a bicycle tiros left from last weeks Still SI 49 Army Air Force Stores Aurora For Mile highhack porcelain sinks Set of deck Phone Newmarket For ah heater hoi water front oven Phone or apply Millard Ave New market ARTICLES WANTED Wanted High powered shot guns and rifles Morrisons Sport ing Goods Department Main St 137 rket Newmarket phone 158 1137 Ford Sedan As Is No trade SANDERSON MOTORS LTD Mali at Queen Newmarket Authorised Dodge Dealer For sal Chevrolet sedan running good clean cash Phone or apply Wellington St Help wanted Nursemaid with references required for month at Roches Point help kepi lw3S per month Phone Roches Point For sale for starter and lights on steel New motor Will sell or trade for stock Apply Bel- haven phone Sutton For sale Tropical fish Young Zebras etc 50c each Ten gal aquarium Phone Newmarket LOST Help wanted Caretnkor for miles Phone Trinity United church Newmar ket j Apply in writing statins and salary expected to Secretary of the Board of Stew ards Box Newmarket Out LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WANTED MO and Ml I Hodges Top cash prices No worn out rusted out cars please Now in Stock Help wanted Occasional oppor tunity for housewives of above av erage intelligence resident in Newmarket or in surrounding to interview on public For sale 2 ponies one one black and white excellent for children Apply Lowlands farm 2w37 Lost Black leather wallet out side store Tuesday af ternoon Finder please contact French Box Qucensville Phone Classifieds Continued on rage For sale heifer due to freshen in October Apply Gor don Stevenson Keswick 2w37 For sale Yorkshire pigs weeks old Phone New market 10W COST HEARING Ford Venetian blue sun visor lion surveys Write Canadian Facts MS English Standard like new Chew coach radio slip covers 17 Chew sedan lovely wine new tires Pontine radio NEWMARKET MOTOR SALES Open afternoons mid evenings Davis Or Newmarket Limited Wellington St West Toronto Ontario Help wanted At once experi enced cook for York County hos pital Apply to superintendent of hospital or call Newmarket Help wanted Housekeeper Cor weeks duties no cleaning Phono Aurora For sale good type cows due to freshen away due January due December Apply farm Davis Dr Newmarket Phone ClwSS For sale pigs 7 weeks old Apply Styke R 2 Sharon on nth con USED CARS Ford Custom Tudor green overdrive radio low mileage an exceptional car Ford Custom blue new car condition throughout Pontine fivepassenger coupe miles radio air condition ing heater and defroster sli- local car like new 1 Monarch fivepassenger coupe overdrive radio miles new car condition local car Chevrolet Deluxe Tudor ma roon radio air conditioning heater and defroster fog lights backup light a clean car Ford Custom Tudor maroon air conditioning heater and de froster Ford Deluxe Tudor green nir conditioning heater de froster mileage priced right for quick sale Ford fivepassenger coupe green Bargain price Monarch Sports Sedan blue Bargain price Plymouth fivepassenger coupe blue nil conditioning heater and defroster radio sun- visor backtip light slip covers A clean car IS Mercury Deluxe blue heater and defroster radio new tires Reasonable Low mileage Mercury Deluxe Tudor blue heater and defroster new tires A clean ear one owner Ford Tudor blue mech anics car Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan a good car for many miles USED TRUCKS Ford 2ton cab and chassis good truck for many miles of hard work International 1 ton stake ton TOM BIRRELL SONS LTD Ford Monarch Sales Service Main St Newmarket phono Help wanted Saleslady part- time or full time Apply personal ly to Richard Main St Newmarket c2w3S Help wanted Girl for suburban Toronto home adults small children Live in Private room and bathroom Liberal time off Good Phone MO Toronto For sale pigs weeks old East viile phone Apply Percy 1th con Compare in value with up to much Sec it or writ for literature Rochester 1nu0 store Phone Newmarket fa Roadhouse Rose FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN STREET NEWMARKET For sate registered bulls five and eight months old Apply Claude Bel- haven LIVESTOCK WANTED wanted Spare time Man needed to handle business reports in Newmarket and immediate vi cinity parttime Outside Inquir ies no selling Especially to retired pensioners school teachers and others with spare time Reply PO Box Station A Toronto Horses for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith phone 1912 collect tf27 Sales for drug store Ap ply L Morning Aurora phone Aurora YOUNG MAN Mechanically inclined TO BE TRAINED AS A KNITTER Permanent employment Apply AURORA TEXTILES Limited ST AURORA Wanted to buy Horses for mink Will call for with truck- Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone or w PO box Wanted to buy Well bred year ling Suffolk ram Phone Newmarket POULTRY FOR SALE For sale Barred Hock pullets Newmarket District CoOperative hatched Ready-to- lay Phone Aurora Strasler Son QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET Phone NEWMARKET POULTRY WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A contract dealer for implement company Write Era and Express box 30 3v33 23 WORK WANTED Work wanted Experienced sec retary available parttime Short hand typlnjr bookkeeping min utes preparation of advertise ments etc or will do this work at home Applv Era and box No Slip rovers draperies bed spreads etc made to measure Your own materials Phone Mrs Jones Newmarket 78 Andrew St Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered In any Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New- All kinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market price your door Phone Newmar ket a d to Live poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on request Highest prices paid W Apple- ton Oak Ridges or phono Kinp Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St Newmarket Phone Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY SEPT GARAGE FOR SALE For Double wooden gar age sliding doors Must he moved Apply Main St Newmarket lw3H TRAILERS Tor sale Cabin trailer Fully equipped Insulated Sleeps four FOR SALE sale Indian 15 motor cycle sidecar buddy seal spare tire new cushion Will trade Marshalls Oarage Oak phone King For Must sell Davidson motorcycle in excellent condition Best cash of fer Phone after pm TRANSPORTATION to Toronto via Don Mills to Ar riving 7 to am leaving for Newmarket around pm 5 days weekly Phone Newmarket market For nil your chain sawing call Hubert Young Zephyr Mount Albert Go anywhere No job too large No Job too small All appreciated Venetian cleaned and re paired Tapes cords and slats re placed at very low cost Phone Aurora Work wanted woman would like light housework from Monday to Friday from to 4 p in Also babysitting evenings Plume Newmarket Work General house work Die day or month Apply and box PERSONAL SKINNY Gain to lbs new pep Try famous health and weightbuilder Tonic Tab lets Introductory size only All druggists clw38 27 FARM ITEMS For sale cream separa tor No nearly new power cut ting box small grain binder Sharon 5th con ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Herman Fowler Organist am Divine worship Rev Meredith No service FRIENDS MEETING or d Street am Sundayschool Lot us see each member present am Meeting for Worship Douglas The meeting needs your presence All welcome Let God have your life He can do more with it than you D Moody can FREE METHODIST CHURCH REV BULL Pastor A Friendly Church with a Full Gospel Message am Sundayschool Miss Clara am- Morning worship Evangelistic Rally Prayer meeting Sept Old Time Methodist Class Meet ing TRINITY UNITED CtlURCH Rev J Aiken Minister Ministry of Mr Norman am Morning Worship Mans Need of God THE SUNDAY am The Senior School am Nursery Beginners and Primary Evening worship Revolution Christian Style You will be welcome at Trinity MOUNT ANNIVERSARY Sunday Sept Pastor Rev It Services 11 am and pm Speaker Rev S S for- pastor now at Hanover Rally Day at S S am Special music by Roy Mr will also speak NEWMARKET GOSPEL TABERNACLE Rev A Yielding Pastor Miss V Curtis Sunday Services am Bible School am Morning Worship pm Evening service Prayer and Bible Study Ladies Prayer Group All Welcome J CHURCH OF THE Rev A Minister Jerry Black Choir Director Miss June Haines Organist Sundayschool 10 Devotional Service Evangelistic Service 1 Home Missions Tour Rev Ted Martin Preacher MulleifeUP September Young Peoples Meeting Rev Roy Hall District in charge l s3ft- 4- It i S5S3f iT M