i te- J UNITED WA HAS SEPT MEETING led the devotional period in the Septem ber meeting of Trinity United church Her interesting paper Passages of the Bible we should know and why was very ably given One at the passages tin chapter of Romans was read by Airs ft M Hooker Norman play ed two beautiful musical num bers After the business discus sion a social half hour was en joyed In the absence of Mrs Mrs Campbell chaired the meeting ATTENDANTS At the marriage of Miss Eliza beth to Mr Albert Ed ward Lawrence London in Trinity United church on Satur day the attendants will be Mrs J E Newmarket ma tron of honor Mrs Charles Williams King and Miss Anne Lawrence London sister of the groom bridesmaids The groomsman will be Mr William Toronto and the ush ers will be Messrs John Newmarket Sanderson and William Dyer London and William Toronto Sugar has been successfully used as a remedy for sleeping sickness This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup BUYS WHY A INFORMATION SERVICE THINK I YOU MAY WIN luk Contest tonn from your Jowl store 5 on Ask the clerk for help you Then mail me your completed Entry Form together with a box top or facsimile from any Waterman Ink Con- taincr let Prize is 2nd 3rd Prize and of each You can your money by attaching box tops facsimiles from any different Watermans Inks Imagine winning The lucky winner will be chosen by a prominent Canadian Major prize winner names will appear in this column early in ami a complete list of prize winners will he mailed on request Get your WATERMANS INK CONTEST Entry Form from your local store today or write your entry on a plain of paper but mark your dealers name ami as many separate entries as you wish All must he postmarked before midnight Oct Mail to WATERMANS INK CONTEST PO BOX Montreal 3 Enter NOW Enter OFTEN and remember Watermans Inks are the ideal allpurpose inks Wont Your He Surprised To find you are saving I mean it or not iVs still pos sible to put money in the hank despite todays soaring I diouW know Im doing Just thai Theres no secret about it On the contrary Im doing all I can to spread the good now around The trick is to make your money go fin her than ever and that means Personal fanning HANK OF MONTH new system of money management It sure is a boon to budgets dizzied by high down your main icrea a breezy or the asking at your neighbourhood of the PipingHot buttered toast and Corn Mux Col You lots of prices Whether ing up or savings going down at worry youll be well advised to try Paronnl Plummy The Irr little booklet thai you about it A ropy yours ft n jelly Thats a treat at our breakfast table And now that those de licious purple grapes and other fall fmiU are in abundance Ive planned on doing down of with LIQUID I dont want to take any chance on my jelly not being right and by following the in the booklet under the lab of veor can certain of tanay truefruit flav oured perfectly ret jollity and jam every time And with you know youll up to more jam or jelly from the amount of fniif a well ad savin the time of lh former long tail corns rim jay will put you back in Thats lecaue the Blue Jay folks have dis covered a new wonder work ing medication tor called It took them ten year of scientific re search to develop and perfect were conducted with and other regular corn it was proved goes to work faster more surely than other remedies and removes corn completely in out of Why suffer the torments of aching corns For prompt relief be sure and ask your for Jay Corn Plas ter with Planning A Party Ever noticed how good coffee makes good taste even better Thats why ED COFFEE on my bridge- party Youll know from the sip that Coffee is quality coffee You can always count on good Ho when the bridge club meets at your or when drop in do make sure its Coffee you serve I Hut dont it only on special occasion make Coffee a family habit too And when buying Coffee for Tea well Its every bit as flavourwise as Jiose Coffee fc r Baking Wonderful Fun when you can approach it happy ana with no dark foreboding slout Ibo out cornel And how it is when you iwc Your dreams of featherlight cakes binder melting fluffy muffins are Mire to come true every time with Calumet manelloui double action feature raises the batter first in the mixing bowl then later in the oven Thats what puts the ending to all your baking Calumet is a guarantee of the beat results And the way Alice wlventutcs in Wonderland And I cay and if you havent yet discovered the wonderful time saver you have in Nothing be easier to prendre than a dessert and eaaier to prepare nothing could more variety to your family table seven cm flavours give lany it freth to dcjeits and salads for any of Serve often to your family and coats only about a serving Walt all cartoon Alice in Wonderland -v- ITS A I By Caroline Ion The world of women moves at a fast pace at all times but never more so than during September This month of the hazy days is busy with so many activities for all BIRTHDAY CLUB In the summer months she had t bouts of canning and jammak ing during each of the fruit sea- sons Strawberries black cur rants and cherries all came in for their share of her attention Young tender beets were pickled and a smooth mustard sauce made for the crisp yellow beans But it is during these September days that the really serious business of stocking the family larder against the long winter is accomplished Tomatoes await the or are grouped with onions green peppers and the other necessary ingredients for chili sauce The cucumbers having been sorted by size are fulfilling their des tiny in nineday dill or bread and butter pickles Even the large ones are not wasted for they form the basis of a deli cious hot dog relish There are plums peaches and pears to can as well as fruit salad to make Ours Is one that combines peaches and pears with citrus fruits and cherries Oh but it is good You add the bananas before serving Yes busy is the name for Mrs Housewifes World these days The regular activities continue and new ones come with the opening of school Clubs and church groups resume their meetings after the summer holi days Plans must be made for the bazaars and teas of late fall Shopping trips for the familys clothes sessions with the sewing machine and knitting needles fill those almost non- existing moments It is a satisfying time of the year and unlike the prepara tions for a meal which can take considerable time but which dis appears in remarkably short time The display of fruits in their sealers and pickles in their jars makes the extra hours of labor worthwhile Later in the winter months when the assort ed relishes add spice to meals and the fruit cellar offers var iety to the menu these hectic days of endless activity pay divi dends As for the womens activities outside the home September is scalloped cap the time for extra meetings holding her fingertip veil She Plans have to be made for the carried a bouquet of white gar- coming year It is difficult for and red roses the busy mother to rouse her- Maid of honor Betty and self to take part in these bridesmaids Etta King fairs AH too frequently by the and Mar- time the children are off for the dressed alike night bed looks very inviting white satin with net ballerina to her especially if there is a pastel backet of ironing or a mound of feather fan decorated with gar- socks awaiting her darning and garnets The Birthday wishes are extended this week to George Albert K Aurora years old on Friday Sept 14 Bobby Smith Newmarket years old on Friday Sept Carol Hunt 12 years old on Saturday Sept Diane Fletcher Newmarket years old on Saturday Sept George Sanders R 1 froy 10 years old on Sunday Sept 16 Catherine Ann Aurora years old on Sun day Sept 1C Carol Sytcma 3 New market years old on Monday Sept Ida Jean Toronto years old on Tuesday Sept Marilyn Ruth Graves Free man 9 years old on Tuesday Sept Sheila Yvonne Newmarket years old on Tuesday Sept Aurora 3 years old on Tuesday Sept Walter Dennis New market years old on Wednes day Sept Jane Saunders It It New market years old on Thurs day Sept Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club PottCmSl Page 12 The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Sept CAN BE CUT A FEED 9453 The Wool Prices Are Down m m Start Your Knitting How Newmarket W00LH0USE FOR KNITTING AND RUG YARNS AND FANCY WORK CORNER MAIN AND WATER ST NEWMARKET i PHONE I099M MRS HERBERT USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS SH16 KING LEW A wedding of interest took place in Trinity United church Toronto when Florence Lew daughter of Mr and Mrs Lew Vancouver was united in marriage to Mr Peter Lee King son of Mr and Mrs Leo King Toronto Dr Hunter officiated at the double ring ceremony The brides parents and sister flew from Vancouver her fa- A love of an apron and a thrifty idea ONE is all you need for small or me dium size Or you can use yards of 35inch fabric Instruc tions for the stronbciry applique are scraps Make Christmas gifts for friends Pattern comes in sizes small medium and large This easytouse pattern gives perfect fit Complete illustrated Sew Chart shows you every stop Send TIIIRTYFIVK in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN cure of The Newmarket Era and Express Pattern Newmarket CHILDS PLAY to sew Keep your darling fresh and neat while she is busy at painting and mud- pic making The little ponchotop has pockets right across the front to hold about everything the trou sers can slacks or shorts Shell love the applique Patterns sixes Size top yards 35inch slacks yards Transfer included easytouse pattern gives period fit Complete illustrate S w Chart shows you sep Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS in coins stamps cannot he accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE Send your order MARIAN MARTIN care of The Newmarket Era and Express Pattern Newmarket INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER REFRIGERATORS FRIENDS SURPRISE KESWICK COUPLE ON ANNIVERSARY On Tuesday evening Aug 23 some friends of Keswick Tor onto and Thornhill joined in a surprise party to honor Mr and King Miss read the LANDING H AND S HAS FIRST MEETING Home and School of Holland Landing had their first general meeting on September The meeting opened with God Save fid to to mi MAU A9 fcod tong9 ten the vie of your pi you it IS ft MK WW hiUoi of met to fet BaO4 cabinet up I Jcrot aic v at Price from 32875 needle But she owes it to her community as well as to herself to take interest in organizations and affairs generally She certainly cant be a good mother if her horizon is bounded by four walls of her house Most women realize this as is evidenced by their belonging to various clubs and groups If their children arc attending guides or cubs they feel they should be active in the Mothers Auxiliary When their children are in public school they realize that the bond between home and school parent and teacher can be strengthened through their participation Home and School Womens contributions to their churches are tremendous and as in all these groups it is not the church alone which benefits As Mrs Roosevelt said at a recent luncheon at the it is up to the women in the community to read study and learn day read news papers intelligently listen to the radio discriminate and he will ing to work in community pro jects Mrs Roosevelt said that the cause of justice and peace in the world is promoted by women working acid thinking daily in their community lives as well as by the work of the world organizations These activities which bring the busy out of her home into the community ari as justified as are those in which she plans the feeding of her family With the latter she adds nourishment to their bodies but through the former she con tributes zest to their living brother George King was best man The brides mother received wearing blue lace over satin with pink hat and a corsage of pink roses The grooms mo ther assisted wearing plum taf- with lace and a winter white hat trimmed with sequins and a plum colored veil and a corsage of yellow roses Brother officers of the groom who is a lieutenant in the Queens York Hangers Com pany at Aurora formed a guard of honor from the church occasion 50 years ago Miss May Sprague Keswick and the best man Mr Nelson Thornhill were present to join in the celebration Mrs Harper was formerly Miss May daughter of Mr and Mrs of Keswick and they were married by the late Elder of the Christian church After their minutes Mrs John Kitching gave the treasurers report Mrs Norman Pearson introduced the speaker Mr Lothian of Newmar ket who gave a very interesting talk on Current Changes in Education Mr Lothian was thanked by the chairman of the school board Mr Goodwin Mrs sang two songs accompan ied by Mrs Jacques The president Mr J Meyer closed marriage they lived for a time the meeting A lovely lunch was Toronto then in and in served by the social committee October they moved to Keswick to operate the corner general store now occupied by Burrows hardware and post of fice Mr Harper was Keswick post master for 25 years and since his retirement from that office has returned to his old trade as car penter They have three chil dren Cordon k Mrs Dot Maple Mrs Wm George Pearl of Dartmouth Nova Scotia There are six grandchildren and two great grandchildren Constable International Harvester Dealers i Service a Must with Us DAVIS DRW NEWMARKET PHONE AND S MEETING The Newmarket Home and School association will open its fall season a social evening on Tuesday September 25 A special invitation is extended to the teachers of the public schools and parents of children attend ing these schools The public is invited to attend MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Newmarket was held at the home of Mrs Hook er on September 11 We were glad to welcome Mrs Hull of the Free Methodist church Lunch was provided by the Mrs J A Maitland pouring tea News by Paul Hoy brings foilh radiant I iridic tiling li word Hath made SUMMKRTIMR with its lovely days and the traditional old hor- d something blue this life more sweet iiitly to wed to the ciLstoins mid tradition down to them by mother and inotheof i marriage- cus toms have evolved from all generations and nil of the For groom bouquet with to make uro a Ancient believed that a bride who wore anklet would roses And now riio is making and children Some of definite plans for that happy home traditions may arnuing to us To make her dream homo eome today but definitely a part of all excitement that sur rounded a Today the bride findi part of excitement of planning for a wed ding in selecting wonderful house hold articles will in her own home As every grows to woman hood oho cheruhe a very private personal dream of kind of home would like to have In her minds she furnishes it over and over pattern of the tho colot of the walls seta tor he make many the ccsKories for that touch of pride An example of many lovely household items tho can make is the vanity tot pictured centerpiece and two pieces made of yellow and bordered cro cheted narcissus flowers A leaflet giving you instructions for Aluminum is frim From short order cook to head of famous liotels men who demand best of kitchen utensils appreciate aluminum They know this food- friendly metal protects and quality so well and meals prepared easily in aluminum So homemakers a tip from the exports Brighten your kitchen with gleaming aluminum It will lighten your too because aluminum is so easy to clean ALUMINUM IS TO HEALTH When you see used a food container or yea can bo product Look lor in aluminum foil and in foil plates And remember that maple syrup days is clean ahimlnt rtri