ifJi v vrr k7 Council So Over Its Own ByLaw That Asks Solicitors Help At the council meeting on September proceedings began at and finished just after midnight Another four hours of talking with nothing definite to show for it except two or three things of a disagreeable and regrettable character In the latter department was the resignation of Mrs Helen Dickson a most like able and experienced business womanwho was discharg ing her duties as deputy town clerk with great effic- J G SINCLAIR Editor PAGE THURSDAY THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE Mrs Dickson resigned because her husband is taking up a posi tion in She generously agreed to stay on until her suc cessor had been installed Mr Dickson is leaving Aurora to better his position It is a rather commentary on the way things are managed here that no effort appears to have been made to retain him He has done so much fine work that one would have sup posed that the town council on hearing of his likelihood of leaving would have called a spe cial meeting to enquire into the whole circumstances But not a word has been spoken in council fin our hearing of his impending departure Nobody has asked Why is Tom Dickson leaving Nobody on council that is Talking About Nothing Deputyreeve Murray remark ed in the course of discussion on September that council often talked a long time on nothing His comment was made while he was dealing with building in fractions and some attempt was made to scuttle the argument Lets talk about something that matters said Murray wo of ten talk a long lime on nothing This drifting on the waters of loquacity could be steadied if council had a chairman equal to the job in hand There Is noth ing businesslike about the pres ent council which is reaching a new low in drifting Mayor Bell as chairman often reminds us of a man in a boat without oars who has been carried out to sea and must just trust to lucky currents for his getting back to shore To vary the metaphor he usually makes it at the mid night hour when somebody moves that we adjourn This council Jacks direction from the chair and lacking di rection just drifts on through the usual four hours of talking Move that we adjourn Mr Mayor It is usually Councillor who says that It seems to ease the situation like a man having an aching tooth drawn Indeed members of council spring from their chairs with an eagerness that suggests they have all gotten rid of an aching tooth Petitioner Present The petitioners opposing the proposed location of the company were back again with Mr P Kvans as Mayor Bell threw the ball at Mr but Mr Evans threw the ball back at the mayor He said he had had his turn now it was the mayors So the mayor call ed on Mr to open the discussion Mr is a likeable and pleasant man He has a pleas ing smile and a soft agreeable manner Added to all that he displays the possession of a clever head A successful man his success can be understood He assembles i arguments easily and effectively He knows what he has to say and can say it with conviction He described many details of his projected new plant and as sured his listeners that its setup would be a guarantee against the risks of odors He could no objections to new plant which he hoped would provide employment for a payroll of persons Mr William Large made appli cation for a building permit for a garage and this council re fused on a majority vote It seems a strange thing if a man cannot build a garage on his own land DeputyReeve Murray lashed out in forcible fashion against discrepancies in the building by law He said hadnt been treated equally He said that council itself should be instruct ed on the meaning of the land- use bylaw by the town solicitor When Jim Murray gets going hes like a terrier on a bone He goes after the mayor as though he were the bone and try as he will the mayor just cant shake Murray off Mr Murray is a mildmannered man but he is about the toughest handful in council at the present time Solicitor To Explain DeputyReeve Murray charged that council didnt understand its own Land Use building by- lav and this was the beginning of a discussion which broke council up into little debating groups- A copy of the bylaw was brought to the council table and the outcome of the wordy tangle was a motion moved by Councillor Fielding and second ed by Councillor Gundy and car ried as follows That the by laws committee and the town so licitor have a meeting to inter pret the landuse bylaw and re port such interpretation to coun cil Just try and think what such an admission of fatuity means Here is a building bylaw which has been in force since March and which has been applied to homebuilders and now in September council admits that the town solicitor has to be called in to interpret it Where will the town solicitor start at his task of interpreta tion By the time the interpre tation is ended it may be found that what council thought was right may he proved all wrong and vice versa Theres a pretty kettle of fish A bylaw that has been in operation since March and a year and six months later the town solici tor is called in to interpret it Beat that one if you can for sheer ineptitude and bungling Solicitor Asks Instruction our previous Council Side lights we made a brief refer ence to one of the briefest coun cil motions on record That an antinoise bylav be prepared This time it the town solici tor himself who asked for an interpretation He wanted something specific on which to write a bylaw The solicitors request didnt surprise us Where are you going to start with an antinoise bylaw Would a barking dog constitute an offence Or a noisy trans port vehicle rolling past the council chambers while council is in session And would all traffic on street have to cease while council was silting Small wonder the solicitor asked for specific instructions Council is going to try and find an antinoise bylaw in the ar chives of some other munici pality and no doubt have it copied out Meanwhile all they to do is to ask a town con stable to stop the young cyclists racing to and fro along ever satisfy Mr and those street to the danger of whom he represented number ing petitioners They did not want the plant in the vicinity of their homes and Mr Evans later reminded the mayor that when a majority of residents voted against the installation of any industry in their midst it was a veto upheld by planning board regulations That was of course a tough argument for the mayor who has been a chieftain in the de fence of planning boards Mayor Bell made no comeback on that hard nut finally assuring the pe titioners that nothing would be done at present dont think anybody knows at present what will happen Like a lot of other things it Is lying around on the table Where DM Bylaw Come From j had supposed that the Land Use Bylaw No passed on March 20 by the council was a home duct Judging from the at the September council meeting it seems that nobody Is where it originated One member of council said it had been made up from material from Ottawa is the bylaw that has I caused o much trouble among haaerbuildew in Aurora After council mm Of pedestrians and at the same time put an end to the noisy talkers who congregate inside the mu nicipal chambers before and af ter they have come in as dele gations Often one cannot hear what councillors we saying A Correction Whether through noise or in audibility we cannot say but in our report of council last week we said that the motion by Councillor Fielding seconded by Councillor requesting that the hydro commission state what had been done in carrying out councils order to reconstruct its new building in accordance with regulations was carried We erred in stating that the motion was carried In the sub sequent discussion that followed the motion was not put from the chair and for reasons which we fail to understand The mover and seconder of the motion did not withdraw it and our notes led us into the belief that it was carried In making this correction which no one has asked us to do but which recognize we ought to do we have to add this That think it would have been to the credit of council have passed the motion Thus for councils credit as well as concern for strict regret that such a EDITORIALS ANOTHER UNSIGNED REPORT On our application we received from the town hall a financial statement for the year ending December 31 it bears the title The Corporation of the town of Aurora financial statements for the year ended Dec ember There are some ten unnumbered mimeographed pages and additional addenda none of which is supported by any signatures On the face of it it would appear that nobody is ready to accept responsibility for the finan cial statements since nobody has signed them It seems an unusual way of publishing accounts to omit authoriz ing signatures It so happens that we have been looking through a fin ancial statement of the town of Aurora for the period beginning December 15 and ending December 15 That financial statement bears the authorizing names of P Thompson mayor and J G McDonald treasurer That we think is the correct way for such things to be done The statement issued under the authority of the late P Thompson mayor and the late J McDonald treasurer covers 27 printed pages and gives in itemized detail all income and expenditure for the period concern ed in a way that any intelligent taxpayer can under stand Why cannot the same methods be used today Pre sumably the finance committee of the town council the chairman of which is councillor ingle would be the responsible authority in deciding in what manner the towns financial statements are to appear Councillor did not sign the report nor the mayor or the town treasurer We submit that the re port should have been confirmed by an authorizing authority NO COMPLIANCE YET Council was informed at its meeting on September that a copy of the motion instructing the hydro com mission to reconstruct its new building in accordance with regulations had been sent out to the commission At this date of writing there has been no compliance with councils order On the contrary since councils motion was passed further building has been carried on in the completion of the offending structure whose leaning body suggests the condition of a man with too much hard liquor in side him If we ever saw an uglylooking building the new hydro edifice is just that Deputy- Murray said at the September coun cil meeting that he had been told that the hydro com mission had no intention of altering the building and that it would remain as it was faults and all We can only hope that such a report is not founded in fact Artistically objectionable as the building is the situa tion would be worse if there were any intention of defying an order from council The granting of a building permit does not include the right lo lower the amenities of neighbors or to ig nore building regulations Yet as matters stand the hydro building includes both of these offences Its ugly slant to the east destroys the fine line of street looking from it protrudes beyond the fronts of the immediate homes and it violates build ing regulations by overreaching the town line and the sidewalk There appears to have been no checkup while the building course of erection instancing neglect on somebodys part It will be interesting to see how long it will be until the hydro commission obeys the directive of the town council to reconstruct its offend ing structure ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE Under the above title we propose to write a series of articles which will we believe reflect the will of the majority of voters in Aurora in regard to the present town council A Main street merchant born and bred in Aurora said a few days ago This is the weakest council Aurora has had in years During we sat through every meeting of coun cil With the exception of Councillors Fielding and Gundy the same members are in office today Harry Corner retired and Councillor Mur ray took his place The two new members of council and the promotion of Mr Murray represent the only changes in the council of We have attended all meetings of council during except for two meetings during the month of April which was no fault of ours We were not aware that certain newspaper eggs were in process of hatching and learned only later that the old birds had been nest ing in concealment for a considerable time When the hatchingtime was over and the cackling ended we returned to report council in circumstances of no little surprise to old birds and we have regu larly attended all subsequent meetings More and more it has become apparent that another change is needed this time in the personnel of council itself The most important change will have to take place at the head of the council table If Aurora is to have good government it will first of all have to get good leadership Drifting will have to cease and talk give way to action These matters we propose to explore in future articles in support of our belief that Its time WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Aurora Competitors Win CNE Music Awards Parks Need NoticeBoards The Aurora recreation commission has issued for publication its financial statement authorized under the signatures of Don Glass chairman and Mrs Helen Dickson secretarytreasurer The report will be found in another column It shows a very satisfactory state of affairs and provides proof of the good government exercised by the commission In an introductory statement in the report the commission points out that the situation is now clarified in respect of the municipal and provincial grants In a provincial grant of was received in the amount was The grant is listed in the re ceipts In gratefully acknowledging financial support received from numerous sources the statement points out that this has greatly aided us in our efforts to provide they fell We saw Dr Malcolm mayor of squirrel town racing over the rubble the other day It could be that he is exercising himself in readiness for the in augural meeting of his council which is shortly to take place and which we hope to report The park was pre sented to Aurora by the late John who resided at Wellington street and was an inspector on the CPR for many years He was a great friend of Sir John A and a sound and active recreation correspondence from the latter program for the children and the young folk of our town There was a largelyattended meeting of the commission on Thursday night September when many recreation matters were dealt with One outstand ing feature was the announce ment that Mr will be gin the art classes immediately with a panel of students from the public school Mr John Offord was appoint ed recreation commission repre sentative on the arena commis sion to replace Mr Swindle who resigned in circumstances already fully reported in Aurora News Page Prize Winner Congratulations to Mrs Mur ray Young of the r Lorraine daughter of Mr and Mrs Roy who was a successful prizewinner in the lyric soprano class of 27 contestants at the Canadian Exhibition She was a student under Mr Harris Mrs Young was a close run nerup in the 500 scholarship class She is now a pupil of Dr Vinci of the Conservatory of Music Toronto 3500 Miles Tour Mr and Mrs Corner and Miss Ruth Corner are home again after a Canadian tour of miles which wc reported recently in Aurora News Page They have been away for three weeks and enjoyed a very de lightful vacation Mr Corner reports one hair- raising incident near Cape Bre ton where they just missed a heavy landslide that rolled down from the mountains blocking the road over which they were travelling The vacation appears to have improved the quality of Harrys lawn bowling for he was ex hibiting unusual skill in finding the jack the other evening The Park The weeds have been cut down again and left to stay where is treasured by an Aurora citi zen This is Miss Anna Smith a niece of the late Mr McMahon who resides in her uncles for mer home and is wellknown to the many patrons of the White- law store where she gives part- time daily assistance We think that the donors of these town parks should be hon ored in memory by suitable signboards placed where the citizens can sec to whom they owe them It would need a lot of money to buy either the or the park today Yet they are of the greatest ser vice to the town Generous Gifts In the Willis store the other day wc observed the large and jovial figure- of a wellknown member of a wellknown Aurora family none other than W Bill Case Case told us he was somewhat under the weather but youd never have guessed it from his healthy ap pearance He had just come from New market where he had attended a presentation of to Womens Aid of the York County hospital The acting committee was com posed of the following members Mrs Frank Hope Mrs Dorothy Bowman Mrs Atiie Armstrong Mrs Moffatt and Mr Case Tins money was part of the proceeds of the second annual garden party of the York North P held in Sharon temple grounds on Saturday June when an amount of re mained after donations had been made to Newmarket Band and the York Pioneer Historical So ciety Mrs Fred Moffatt made the presentation of the 2t5 which was to be used for the purchase of a resuscitating machine for the York County hospital Continued on Page Col 5 Aurora News Page To Have Headquarters In Doan Hall Built By First Postmaster We have good news for read ers of Aurora News Page whose numbers are increasing week by week We shall at an early date be opening an office in a spaci ous room in one of Auroras his toric houses formerly the home built by the late Charles and now the property of Dr Watson This is Hall on street next door to the Bank of Montreal Charles Doan became Auroras first postmaster in the year For a time he resided in Auroras oldest house originally a log cabin built in the year He had his postoffice there also This is the house on Catherine avenue facing Yonge street Leading Aurora was its first reeve when the village was incorporat ed in the year He lived to be over years of age and when he died was succeeded as post master by his son David Doan Named It Aurora Charles is remembered j as a remarkable man An crate student of the stars it was ho who gave Aurora its name Originally a hamlet founded by a small group of settlers was the case in the founding of it was first known as Matchville Later the name was changed to Corn era to honor a wellknown buil der of that time- Henry There are at least two Aurora oldtimers who vividly remem ber Charles One of them brought about the change in name from Corners to Aurora The change had lo do in part with his great interest in the Aurora especial ly Aurora which translated from the Greek Eos means the goddess of Dawn The postmasters of the period of Charles had great pow ers of recommendation Many villages and towns in Canada de rived their names from their first postmasters Nearby No and are cases in point In due time Charles recommended that Mach Corners be changed to Aurora The recommendation was adopted and Aurora it was a name that is likely to endure through the years Pride In Location We have a sense of pride in oc cupying a room that once re sounded to the resolute footsteps of Charles IX is on invig orating thought to work in a room of a home built by such a sturdy and indomitable man A house that is indeed a land mark in the town to which he gave its name Unlike him we may not have either the time or the inclination study the stars or the Aurora or calls but we shall with health and strength have both the time and the inclination to study the course of the star Au rora News Page and resolutely try to make its columns worthy of the town for which they axe written Com THEATRE AURORA CLIFFORD GRIFFITHS MANAGER TEL FRIDAY SATURDAY SEPTEMBER Jerry JUBILEE Please Note 1st show Friday starts 645 Doors open Part 2 SEA HOUND serial showing FBI and SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY MONDAY TUESDAY SEPTEMBER fifir Mm Nelson 1 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SEPTEMBER PLUS as Murder go w i t M mam KfUY f v a i SOON MARK AmfMYIHMt The Great The brilliant voice of Mario Theatre playing PLAYING W v- lra msm Ai