v s tfuc stucco bunga low at Wellington St E Aur ora Enquire within cr2w36 For cement block furnace electricity plenty For 3 rooms unfurnished heated apartment Total abstain ers St Newmarket apartment of water close to highways apartment sink in each of Aurora lot 22 concession a Apply Mis Laura Wilson lw36 sale cash Down payment plus small mort gage duplex Living- room IS hardwood floors beautiful stone fireplaces large verandah acres lawn raspber ries fruit trees and small fruits Garage for cars Phone Newmarket or write Mrs D Gor don Newmarket LOTS FOR SALE separate entrance In Newmar ket Adults Applv Mrs Ralph Belhaven 14 ROOMS WANTED wanted With light housekeeping privileges near busi ness section Phone New market tale Choice building lots on Bolton and Ave New market Phone Willis larket BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TRUCKING BUSINESS FOR SALE Good truck PCV license for transport of livestock seed fertilizer road material farm machinery and produce in good area APPLY FRED BRUM K Newmarket Lot 21 con Whitchurch miles east of Aurora clw36 BOARDERS WANTED Wanted Boarders Phone Newmarket or apply Queen St Wanted Boarder Lady or gen tleman Phone Newmarket ROOM AND BOARD Room and board for gentleman Apply Prospect St or phone Newmarket For sate Kitchen leaf fl Rates DUCK HUNTERS SPECIAL For safe New boat motor flat bottom Apply Ontario St Newmarket lw36 For sale Studio couch in good condition Phone Newmar ket ARTICLES Wanted to buy commode chairs for twins Phone Newmarket Wanted to buy Used Surge milking unit Apply Percy Mort- son con clw36 Wanted to buy Childs junior bed and in good condi tion Phone Newmarket PRODUCE 7 ARTICLES FOR SAIE For sale Washing machine Apply S Wellington St East phone Aurora H REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUILDING LOTS FOR FINE RESTRICTED HOME SITES See MILLARD AVE EXTENSION Also i STREET FRONTAGE Apply fa m Your local real estate broker or FARMS For sale brick house all conveniences corner Raglan and Newmarket Double lot garage Apply Tra- viss AUBREY STEWART Real Estate Broker rooms storey and half rooms down rooms up hard wood floors bath hot air heating garage large lot good lo cation immediate possession rooms frame house hardwood floors bath hydro oil heating garage acres land on highway close lo Newmarket Possession 57 acre farm working land acres bush pasture hydro in house and barn vell at house barn Posses sion March 50 tanning room barn mile from highway Lake Apply Miller St Newmarket or phone For saleArtists equipment in cluding well designed and finished sketch boxes easels palettes and sketch carriers Oil paintings ex pertly framed Special discounts for artists own work Apply C Arnbery rear Church St Newmarket I For sale natural wood kitchen set Reasonable Phone Newmarket clw36 For bale Venetian blinds alu minum or steel made for all styles rf windows Free estimates and installations Phone apply 0 Ontario St or write PO box Newmarket tf27 ANTIQUES Bought and Furniture glassware pictures etc Apply Main St phone Newmarket For wheeled trailer Ap ply CO Temperance St Aurora phone LAYAWAY FLAX See our complete line now of Christmas Avon gifts at Andrew St or phone Newmarket For sale Pram maroon in ex cellent condition Phone or apply 24 Spruce St Aurora For good condition Phone New er lv3G CUSTOM CANNING Canning factory opened on Aug ust We have canned tomatoes peaches plums and applesauce for sale Phone Mount Albert For sale Potatoes wholesale Phone Mount Albert PLANTS For sale Gladioli blooms and lily bulbs Will deliver Hill Davis W Newmarket phone TIfOR WASHER 2j and cycle gas washers repair parts and service Stewart Radio and Applian ces Main St phone New market tf27 For sale Hearing aid batteries for most popular makes Stewart Radio and Appliance Main St phone Newmarket STRAIGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two cents a word minimum or cents for each advertisement Half price when advertisement is repeated on successive week Ten percent discount advertisement Is paid within week of pub lication Coming Events costs two cents a word minimum cents Half Price when repeated on successive weeks Sale Registers for the week cents for each successive week of Thanks Wedding and announcements cents for each announcement less 25 cents If paid within week of publication In cents for each Insertion plus 5 cents a tine for verse less cents if within week of publication Classified advertising may be phoned into or left The Era and Express office Alain St Newmarket phono at White- law phone in Aurora at Mrs Rolling phone King or any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the where name of sender and address is clearly Indicated Your advertisement gets into over 3300 homes in North York MISCELLANEOUS body small mileage good for many miles of hard work Sanderson Motors Ltd Dodge- dealer Main St phone Gl Newmarket crlw3G LOST Lost In Keswick Saturday Sept ladys brown tortoise shell plastic rimmed glasses Reward Apply Era and Express box Lost Dark green sunvisor on Wednesday August between town line and Sharon on third concession Reward Kinder please return to Glen Schomborg For all your chain sawing It Young Mount Albert Go anywhere No job too large No job too small All appreciated FARM ITEMS milking MORTGAGE WANTED MORTGAGE MONEY WANTED We have clients desiring first mortgages on houses Newmar ket Money required to Charles Boyd Realtor Main St Newmarket phono TRANSPORTATION market after pm For sale- Frame house in of Newmarket all pain ted rooms with entire house freshly decorated This house is spotless and we are anxious for sale as own er purchasing larger home Terms arranged Charles realtor Main St phone Newmarket vM possession centrally second off St Cellar furnace 3piece hath hot water heater garden one Aurora For boys spring and fall outfit 23 Small navy and white check velvet collar Excellent condition Phone Newmarket For ale- Quebec cooks in good condition warming oven reservoir Mrs P J Ode Roches Point For mans in gwd repair must sell bicycle For Complete hockey out fit size Ixst quality must sell Phone Woods home freezer cubic ft never used Ap ply Cedar Cottage Cedar Valley Thtirs Sat Sept 7 Bonds Anniversary Sale Order your suit at Cliff fnsleys and dor an extra pant for only Transportation available via Newmarket to Toronto days weekly am returning 5 pm Phone Art Gra ham Mount Albert At pairs of better mens shoes Eleven styles to Sale price clw3Gj22 I or sale Roasting chickens Phone Newmarket Transportation available to Tor onto five days weekly Arriving For sale Used Woods unit complete Apply Percy Mori- son con phono ATTENTION FARMERS We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay current market prices For immediate service telephone col lect Newmarket or Toronto Empire 33636 GORDON YOUNG LTD c43w6 Wo repair nil or sewing machines New machines up Singer Sewing Center New market St phone tf27 For salt russes surgical ports elastic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket AUHerbnt tablets for muscular arthritic neuritlc and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmarket THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH For coughs and bronchi tis A prompt effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket MUCOUS IN THROAT Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price 250 The Best Drug Store phone Newmarket Storm combination doors sash and frames days delivery Phone 102r3 Roches Point FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid choirs and Son Mount Albert tf2S quantity of new and used fence rails A quantity of fence posts Lumber and timbers off a barn sold as desired HAY ETC pates of good Timothy Alfal fa and I led Clover hay Tons of cut oat straw Bushels of oats crop Pile of barnyard manure Model A Ford car Drive shaft with hangers and pul leys Sausage press Meat grinder HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 2 Kitchen stoves I Quebec heater Kitchen cabinet electric washer Diningroom suite Chesterfield suite with two chairs Cabinet radio General Electric Bedroom suite complete with mattresses A number of dressers tables and chairs Barrels shovels neckyokes and other articles too numerous to mention No reserve as farm has been sold Time of sale pm Terms cash SMITH Auctioneer clw36 SALE REGISTER not sold before the sate the pro perty consisting of 100acre farm Working rest pasture running stream pasture bank frame house driving shed pig pen Property all in good condition Dont miss it Subject to reserve bid Terms on chattels Cash No reserve Sale at one pm A Farmer auctioneer PIANO Has opening for a few pupils Phone Mrs Scott Newmarket LOW COST HEARING Compc in value with up to math Sec it Cot literature Aft aid SEED Registered or certified No Cornell seed wheat for sale This is a very pure strain and above average sample Play safe and use good seed Phone Roches Point Frank Kes wick lw36 Saturday Sept Auction sale the Livestock Sales Arena selling livestock our special ty Fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs horses Pick up and delivery can be arranged This is your community solo Come early and bring something sell You bring it and well sell Sale every Saturday at Make his your market where mis ers sellers meet Sellers Atkinson auctioneers S Phone DRUG Newmarket Rose FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN STREET NEWMARKET 28 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE For sale Pure hogs mos old Apply mile east of Aurora phono Aurora For sale- Male horse Omer Ml J farm It 2 Ux- WANTED USED CARS FOR SALE For sale station wag on excellent condition recently overhauled Phone Maple Help wanted Married man for farm miles from Newmarket good modern conveni ences Phone Newmarket c2w3i For Mile Ford wdan black new motor hotly and tires Phone 1l20w after pm Wanted Kleclrician part full time Apply Norman Taylor Pond Ave Oak Ridges Phone King after pm bridge For sale- 15 small pigs weeks old Phone For sale Ayrshire heifer Apply Jess Harrison Holt Saturday Sept Auction sale of of the late John A Kettleby of carpenter and blacksmith tools machinery and the contents of former Blacksmith Shop Alo quantity of scrap ivon an metal iW pm I Mount clerk Smith auction EAVESTROUGITING Shingling roof repairs Free estimates Phone Newmar ket tf33 I Tropical Fish Angels Betas and many other varieties Special for this month Red each Fred flare Temperance- King 2G12 e3w3G NOTICE to CREDITORS In the estate of Elizabeth Smiley late of the Township of King in the County of York Mar ried woman deceased Creditors of the above named deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket in the County of York on or about the dav of Feb- ruary are hereby notified pursuant to the Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claims on or before the day of October ID51 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the under- j market Sale pm signed will then have notice Smith auction DATED August Strasler Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES The sale weeks old market 14 Yorkshire Phone New er lwtr Help wanted week start wage Apply In- lost I J New ma For sab little spring calves Durham Apply or phone I2r32 Sutton wanted Handy man for approximately one months work at cottage Phone AND CARS AND TRICKS Terms Trade Cash wanted to do household duties in ex change for room and Phone Newmarket For sale Sow and PJione Lome Mount Albert MATHEWS STIVER LYONS VALE Main Street Newmarket Solicitors for the ad ministratrix Wednesday Sep will sell by public articles to Mrs Clif ford 1 1 i consisting of all household effects and antiques to be sold on the premises at lot con 4 King mile east of Ket on the concession Time Terms cash Saturday Sept Auction sale of household effects etc the pro perty of Mrs Freeman Lloyd SO Queen Si in the town of Now- Terms cash toucer McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World TIMOTHY ST Phone 573J NEWMARKET For sale 2 heifers vaccinated bred artificially lo frtslien Apply Bon Paid- Auction Sale FRED BRUNI Of Farm Implements Livestock Lumber and Timber Firewood Household etc Saturday Sept 2 Auction sale of farm stock and implements hoises cattle hay poultry and household furniture at lot con Fast mile south of on way the of Otto Bar- key Also at same time and place if Flower Shop member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St Newmarket Phone W win For sale 2 cup boards priced low for Phone or apply St Piano and bench in excellent condition and chair Phone J Such i me REAL ESTATE WANTED AND DISTRICT sn JOSEPH BROKER SQUKN ST NEWMARKET PHONE For vile radiator lengths of pipe Phone Keymar ket FOR SALE OR RENT or Mil or rent conveniences garden Apply Pleasant Ave J ROOMS RENT v rent or rooms Apply Millard Ave Newmarket room en- or business Phono Iorgo double or single room close to hospital ekwijn If For sale Pat vith warming oven and reservoir oil burner connection Will Silent Clow separate if want ed Class door and a hand clothes wiinwr Apply Timothy St V oroito mrxielled by the ro Ltd is disposing of present fix tures Excellent to secure complete outfit at sacrifice price backbar fountain tables stoves in one lot West offer Phone MO or Toronto For chesterfield in gojd condition Phone Newmarket For sale Quebec heater com plete Willi and stand used one year bargain Phone Newmarket Ford Tudor green air conditioning heater and de frost back up liJiht fog light aides A local ear Tudor air conditioning heater and de froster bark tip fog lights juiced for quick lord ustoio Tudor green radio an exceptional car and df roster sunvisor light Mercury Tudor blue radio heater defroster clean ear new this ear before you buy Iff blue one a real buy for sale clean ar down Ford down 2ton cab and chassis ton stake a bargain ton Cheap for TOM SONS AMI Main St at Man or woman to take over route of customers for famous Wat kins Products in Newmarket Mini mum earnings weekly No in vestment or experience help you get started Write The 1 Company T0 St St Montreal Que wauled Fxpiiieneei or one who is to learn Transportallon provided Apply eorner Davis Dr and St Newmarket For Pointed dinette table and chairs oak sectional book case Jiocllon lop and lower drawer Findlay Oval range lids wanning closed coal and wood grates heater cooker stove suit able for basement cabinet oak porcelain bake board flour and sugar bin No reasonable of fer refused for above articles Ap ply afr J Noilly Temper ance St Aurora phono For Mile Mi sedan condition motor Phone Newmarket Fur Spe cial sedan good tires small mile age paint upholstering like new This car is In wonderful condition New battery Apply Wells St Aurora or phone OAKS Chevrolet You have trouble finding letter one Priced right 50 3ton chassis and cab speed axle tires long wheel base suitable for JUSTINE NYLONS Men women wanted to sell the fine ladles nylon hosiery manufactured in Canada today Justine Nylons are now available for the first time in Canada and are made for I he women who pre fer the best No finer stockings are made anywhere Fully guar anteed Very high commission Apply Fro and box 2 LIVESTOCK WANTED Wanted Horses for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith phone collect Wanted to buy Horses for mink Will call for with truck cash pi ices paid Fran Coleman phone Newmar ket or write PO box If POULTRY FOR SALE Wanted Woman for read- lug general editorial duties and office work Permanent position Apply In writing staling to and JIO Help wanted- Mechanic or ap prentice with some experience for small garage and service station Taylors Station Davis Hi pbone or nights Two three and four week old pullets cockerels Spe cial prices on five to sis week old while last Haired Hock Red Hock 5S5 Assort Heavy Breed per less chicks Chick Hatcheries Limi ted Fergus Ontario POULTRY AH of poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone Newmar ket Wanted to buy Poultry live or dressed Any otiantity them In or will call on request Highest prices paid Apple- Ion Oak or phone Kim WORK WANTED Blip cover draperies bed spreads etc made to measure Your own materials Phone Mrs Thelmn Jones Newmarket MM I Andrew St IJIHOKSTKKINfT Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered In any fabric Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New market WKKKKNlis For commercial photographic work lance In housebuilding wiring etc For prompt phone IMPLEMENTS FOR SAL lor sale Save on a fully cub tractor with plow and row crop cultivator Used very little- Allan J Cody New market phone Mount Albert sale Manure No hi shape Apply lot con a North phono Heches Point after pm PETS Would You IIke to Adopt a Pet have pets for adoption at the shelter Phono the Society or 105m Newmarket Have You Lost Your Pet if so phone the Humane Society at or Newmarket c3w35 A quantity of White Ash and Kim The Property of SATURDAY SEPT Lot il eon Whitchurch CATTLE Durham cow bred March cow May cow bred June cow June cow calf by side Guernsey cow yrs bred July hull I 12 heifer 20 months Hostein heifer mouths heifer IS months heifer IS months Hereford heifer months Cull calf A number of vealinj calves Tamwurth hoar month old to Chunks from to lbs Silver Kim tractor motor over hauled and new rubber Case nearly new Cutting box Hand cutting box Hinder Frost and Wool Sulky rake Mower Mower Iwo row coin cultivator John Deere horse drawn Drill disc Drill spout Set drag harrows nearly new Set drag barrows section 0 ft cultivator tractor hitch pow er lift nearly new Cultivator horse dinwn Oliver tractor plow 2furrow Floury horse Cam plow Floury No Manure spreader John Deere Case manure spreader tractor hitch nearly now 2 Disc harrow horse drawn Potato digger OK tired wagon Hay rack Buggy now wheels Hay carrier with fork rope and racks Portable silo 2 Sets of sleighs Hoot Gasoline engine Set of learn harness National milking machine units nearly new Cream separator Wagner electric motor new brooder stove Approximately HO cords of mixed wood cut In stove length split Buz saw A quantity of new and lum ber Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY SEPTEMBER CHRISTIAN BAPTIST Main St Newmarket Minister Rev Organist Mrs J Cane am Subject I pm Sunday School Bally Service Mooting in the church Speaker Rev pm Canadas Salvation You are invited to these services A warm welcome awaits you GOSPEL TABKRXACLK Key A Pastor Albs V- Curtis Pianist Sunday Services am Bible School am Morning Worship Gods Method of Making Men Good 7 pm Service John J Stevenson Canadian Secretary of Fields Mission speaking and showing pictures of work in Haiti pm Prayer and Bible Study Ladies Prayer Group All Welcome FRIENDS MEETING Street am Sundayschool Bally Day let us see you there Meeting for Worship Douglas Come and join us in worship as we begin our services for fall and winter season Sept ly meeting Sat Sept pm Street Quarterly Meeting in New market Christ call us to bear witness to Him 11 ST ANDREWS CHURCH Herman Fowler Or Ran 1st Divine worship Rev Geo A Lowe No evening service FREE METHODIST CHURCH REV S HULL Pastor A Friendly Church with a Full Gospel Message 10 am Sundayschool Miss Clara am Responsibility To The Sunday School Installation and Consecration of Sunday School Teachers and Officers I pm Evangelistic Rally Tues Prayer meeting pm Class Meeting TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev J Aiken Minister Mr Norman Ministry of Music am Morning Worship Dig Again The Wells THE SUNDAY SCHOOL am Nursery Beginners and Primary am The Senior School pm Evening worship What Shall The Preacher Preach Wed Sept pm Induction of Rev J Aiken into the pastorate of Trinity Church under direction of Toronto Centre Presbytery You will be welcome at Trinity CHURCH OF THE Rev A Petersen Minister Jerry Black Choir Director Mrs Jerry Black Organist Sundayschool 10 Communion Service am Evangelistic Service pan Prayer Meeting Wed Junior Meeting On Thursday night the young people are to meet at Lome Bakers cottage for a corn and roast Meet at the church at No Friday night service this for going families are happy You are welcome I I K iJ2 1 T tS-