IT i Express An Xr V -i- fn r IRON NIGHT At TRADE FAIR If FRIDAY NIGHT AT TRADE FAIR DELUXt HOSTESS ARM CHAIR SATURDAY NIGHT AT TRADE FAIR Many from the community at tended Sutton Horse Show and report an interesting time Mr and Mrs Jack Morton and family of Toronto called on Mr and Mrs Norman King on Wed nesday Mr Norman and York Crop Plans Two twilight Meetings The York County Crop Im provement Association has ir VISIT OUR BOOTH AT THE Trade Fair TOR DETAILS ON THESE VALUABLE PRIZES boys of Toronto visited his two twilight field meet- Mr and Mrs in the county for Friday on Sunday Billy re- for a few holidays with his Mrs Hugh and Mary Lou Aguicourt visited her sis ter and husband Mr and Mrs Harry Homer for a last week few Mr and Mrs King and night of this week August 17 in the dis trict and Monday evening next August in the Keswick Sut ton Pefferlaw area Owing to the rush of harvesting operations days with the farmers busy all the association has booked these gatherings or tours to start at re- Furniture J MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE Floyd attended the King union held at Mr Harvey Kings cottage on Saturday evening Master Floyd King returned to Mount Albert with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Geo Smatley for his holidays We welcome and Mrs J King back to Belhaven circuit or another year X- Mr and Mrs Chas New Liskeard visited Mr and Mrs to provide an hour of daylight before sun down All those on hand before the zero hour will be eligible for the draw for a gate prize The meeting at will Creighton is carrying his dairy herd with grass silage and see a grass silage stack Professor Goble of the Ontario Agricultur al College will be present to discuss the fly saw fly and wheat smut For the Monday meeting the assembly centre will be at Frank Keswick From there the tour will proceed to the oat variety test plots at Erwin Winchs farm at Hay pasture fields seeded in on the farms of Latimer of Sutton and Ted Arnold will be visited next on a hit and run schedule Follow ing this the tour will end up at convene at the farm of Harold a flood lit trench silo which has M- Coakwell on lot been filled with grass silage sion one concession east of village and a mile and a half south of No highway Mr Coakwell last year worked out a plan for pick ing up his swathed grain with t Smith on Monday Mr and Mrs Donald Hoffman a few with the harvester then and it into the threshing Hoffman parents Mr and Mis Ivan Mann f n Weekend guests of Mr and from all Dr E Homing of the Ontario Agricultural College will explain the life history and control of the fly and other insect MOUNT Mrs was hurt in a car accident and in the hospital for a few days but she is home again now and gradually getting better Best wishes are extended to her for a complete recovery real soon Mr and Mrs Garnet Evans and Donald visited Mr and Mrs Doug Harding at West Hill on Sunday Mr and Mrs Carson and Dor- were guests of Mr and Mrs Smith for Wed nesday supper Mrs Aubrey Barker and chil dren of Toronto are visiting Mr and Mrs Harry Smith for a few days Carlisle and George are holidaying with their aunts Mrs and Miss Alma Carlisle at Belle Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Smith and Shirley dur ing the weekend were Mr and Mrs Toronto and Mr and Mrs Nelson Stephenson and family of Toronto Mr Ralph Stephenson Toronto is staying with the Smiths for a few days Mr and Mrs Ed and I Ann Marie Toronto were Sunday nf AT AT T JOSEPH quinn Real Estate Genera Insurance Homes Businesses Farms CoURTESt queen st e newmarket Phone Fire Auto Casualty ICE USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS TURNING UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH a 5 i I mL i l WOMEN t- Help Ontario fruit growers are expecting a big crop and extra is needed to harvest Here is your opportunity to six to eight weeks healthy well paid work on one of Mr Lloyd were Mr and Mrs Harry Davis Neil and Mr Davis and Mr Mrs Ralph Davidson vack over Ontavio about his system and he will demonstrate this at Then the group will move to Scarboro to see how E A pests as the group sits around for a discussion period supper guests of Mr and Mrs J Cockburn secretary of and family the Crop Improvement Associa tion states that it is most impor tant to start the program at Mrs Russell Gray Uxbridge is visiting Mr and Mrs Elmer Gray and family for a few days because of the necessity for day- Mr and Mrs Stewart Duncan light to see the projects to be J accompanied Mr and Mrs demonstrated and suggests being and Jackie to the Parry on hand a few minutes early Ontarios finest fruit farms Help is needed to pick peaches plums apples and grapes Comfortable accommodation is provided in beautifully situated summer camps All you have to supply is your own bedding Transportation is provided Each camp is under expert supervision and all meals are prepared under the direction of a fully qualified dietitian Apply Now Help Is Needed Immediately Ontario Farm Labour Service Richmond St East Toronto Please send me more on this job op- i Name Address Telephone 9 9 9 9 I Auspices FederalProvincial Farm Labor Committee Miss Lob spent a few days last week with her grand parents Mr and Mrs Jos Clark Mr and Mrs Harvey King Mr and Mis John To ronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Norman King Misses Shirley Anne and Mar ilyn Fairbarn are having some holidays In Keswick with Mr and Mrs Jas Wight Mr and Mrs- Ken Mainprise Verdun Que and Mr Floyd Mainprise their parents- Mr and Mrs Ross Mam- prize week Mr and Mrs Frank Falling- Eton USA spent their holi days With Mrs par ents and Mrs Harry last week About guests were present at the party held in honor of Mrs Holstocks birthday last Thursday Mr and Mrs Kay and Mrs Kay Kingstonvisited Mr Henry Kay last Tuesday Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs were Mr and Mrs Severn and Mr and Mrs Fred Toronto MOUNT Mrs Glover has been ta ken to the hospital with a broken arm Mrs Hoover Lake has been visiting friends in the community The Young Peoples service will be held on Friday evening at oclock The topic is Tem perance Services next Sunday are Sun day school at and am Mr Jonas Shep herd Sunnidale is to be the speaker at this service Queensville News Congratulations to our senior and junior softball teams in each winning a place in the playoffs You may think we are unduly proud but why shouldnt we be Our senior team has endured the lowest standing in the league for several years so its only natural it should evetually be promoted Now folks come out and sup port them during the playoffs Theyre playing a good game Youll easily get your moneys worth by listening to third base man Mr Elsbys chatter Come and see Mr and Mrs Price and family of St Lambert Que vis ited Mrs Prices sister Mrs and family on Wednes day Miss Linda Donnell Newmar ket visited her grandparents Mr and Mrs Kavanagh Mr Gib Shaw Toronto spent the past week at the home of his sister Mrs Ethan Dorothy a form er resident here now at Brant- ford visited Mr and Mrs A Maries and renewed acquaintanc es in the village J Mr and Mrs Allan Toronto were in the village Sat urday after the auction sale of the late Mrs J Mr and Mrs Hex Smith and Laurie and Mr and Mrs Harry Toombs and Dale Enjoyed a week end cruise on the Lakes Mrs Reg Mcintosh Doris and Shirley visited relatives in mee on Saturday Did you do the same as some of the rest of us last week We looked our Era through twice hunting the detailed report of our Sports day will not give you the list of prizes here as we have the promise it will appear in this weeks Era lor sure A few bills for Day are stilt coming in but these should all be in shortly In the near future a public meeting will be called lo give you a complete financial report and election of officers for the coming year We do hope a good many of you will come to meeting there you will know just what we have done financially on Sports Day and also for the activities of- the past year of our athletic soci ety There are also few rumors of a monster bingo being staged in the arena before long Just keep listening we may have more definite word soon Miss Gloria and Master John Sennctt visited their grandmoth er Mrs recently Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Fred Smith were Mr and Mrs KUon Hutchinson Work- worth Mr John Forbes had the mis fortune to have a finger removed while operating combine at Mr Mrs Murray Faris and Susan Bradford spent Sunday Mr and Mrs Russell and Mr and Mrs Cecil Foster and two grandchildren of Brant ford are holidaying at the home of Messrs Lawrence and Clayton Foster Mr and Mrs Reg Button and family of Stouffville were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo Pearson on Sunday Mrs Nellie Breach Point Anne Bay of is visiting her sister Mrs Pepper and Mr Pepper PLEASANTVILLE Mr and Mrs Verne Kellington and son Earl of Ravenshoe were Friday night tea guests at the Greenwood home also Mrs V Kennedy of Toronto spent the weekend there Mrs Earl Toole and Master Elgin Toole spent last week with her sister Mrs Leask and Mr Leask at Mrs G spent last week at the home of Mr at Manchester Mr and Mrs Elmer Starr at tended the funeral of a cousin at Norwich recently Mr Madill enjoyed a motor trip to North Bay and a few days during last week Rev and Mrs Muir had Sun day dinner with Mrs Mr expects to be the speaker at the Union church again on August Mr and Mrs Clarence Atkin son of had Sunday din ner with Mr and Mrs Sheri dan the occasion being a birth day celebration of the two sis ters Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Sheridan Mrs Roy Harper and three children returned home on Sun day after a weeks holiday at Sandy Lake Guests for Sunday night tea at Mr M Sheridans home inclu ded Rev and Mrs Shepherd and four children from near Stayncr Mr and Mrs Sheridan and children also Mrs Harrison and three children of Aurora Mrs Watt and Brian of Toron to also Mrs Glover and Miss Glover of Toronto were guests last week at the Glover home Mr and Mrs Kails and four daughters of Kirk land Lake re turned to their home recently after spending a couple of weeks at the home of Mr Wm Walker Mr and Mrs M were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Gordon Keswick Little Miss Glover spent a few days last week with her aunt Mrs Hart in Toronto Sound district last weekend and called on the Miss Dianne Preston visited her grandparents Mr and Mrs Brown all last week Mrs Duncan Ann and Michael and Mr Archie Gillis Toronto are holidaying with the Learys Mr and Mrs Smith and Norma visited Mrs Gohn at Un- on Sunday Hundreds of proven records MOUNT PLEASANT Mr and Mrs North Lillian Fen ton of Vancouver are visit ing relatives in the community Mr and Mrs Ralph Davidson of Levack and Mr and Mrs Harvey Ferry of Toronto had Sunday supper with Mr and Mrs Davidson Mr and Mrs North had Mon day dinner with Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson Miss Thelma of Tor onto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack also attending Sutton Fair- The Womens Guild will meet the home of Mr and Mrs Moulds on Tuesday Aug at 230 pm All are welcome Mr and Mrs Leslie Stephens had a family gathering at their home on Sunday after the chris tening of their two grandchild ren at the Bethel church on Sun day morning BE PREPARED FOR HOSPITALITY WITH TYPICAL IS THE HOME OF MR A HERMAN SOUTH MIDDLETON ONT Kitchen living room dining room recreation room bed rooms 2 bathrooms offices in rear all heated for a full season by GALLONS of fuel oiL Let us show you actual customer records of amazing savings in heating costs Check the Gar Wood counter flow principle and coordinated engineering features tliat make this Canadian unit famous for oil economy AUTOMATIC HEATING AT ITS BEST Write or visit us for a demonstration or information EXCLUSIVE AGENTS and Stephen AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING Regent St Wilson P 0 Orchard Call Collect Orchard s i V J iXv kx v vv mm L A ft X X fexv VANDORF w tcswvx Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired A family reunion of the Ran som family was held at Sharon Temple on Sun a Aug About members attended It Wins planned to hold their picnic annually and the officers chosen for the coming year are Mr Stanley Hansom Richmond Hill president Mrs Wilfred Aurora secretarytreasurer and Mr Charlie Aurora sports convener Mr and Mrs Norman Burns Miss Jean and her friend Miss Joan Storms all of Toron to spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wilfred Mr and Mrs Frank Newton of had Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs King- don Mr and Mrs Murray Dike of Montreal Mr Oliver Dike and Miss Hazel Dike Fails had Sunday tea with Mr and Mrs James Oliver and Ruth Master spent a few days with his grandparents Mr and Mrs A White and family Miss Barbara visited Miss Ruth White last Wednes day Mrs Clayton entertain ed on Thursday afternoon honor of her daughter Martha Anns birth ay those who were invited were Misses Shirl ey Crawford Gall and Margaret and Lynn Hillary Susan and Wendy Susan Starr Sandra Mills Ruth White Mr and Mrs George Richard son motored to on day They visited Mr Bill Bent- ley Mr and Mrs Grant and had Sunday tea with Mrs Morlcys parents Mr and A White w V iK s J A i t- V1 fc xi GIVE YOUR LITTLE PIGS LIVE with the sow By feeding SIIUR- vou are giving your good A CHANCE The feeding of LITTLE pigs begins CAIN SOW RATION to your sow start Remember they are days old when bom vv Your sow is the hardest working animal on the farm so why not give her the best so she can give yon the best in return For best results feed your sow ShutGain Sow Ration y X fc XI x NEWMARKET Phone a ALBERT x fc I iiiri i -j- jV -i- a m