I A July MEET The next meeting of the WMS ill be held on the church lawn Wednesday afternoon Aug itV at Mrs Olsen Mount returned missionary will be guest speaker After the meet ing all will enjoy a picnic lunch Everyone cordially invited to at tend v MEATS POULTRY GROCERIES ARCTIC LOCKERS means that you can save on your and still retain that freshness of out of garden fruit and vegetables or off the counter meats LOCKERS permits balk baying when prices are low LOCKERS means big savings from baying wholesale cats jcan show you savings from proper butchering welcome your presence when meat Is being processed lJ a J HIM Oft AMERICAN BEAUTY FANCY RIO J las Prop y i V A 35y v iV-N- ii r T V- ZJ sij replenish our stock and can still give our customers j to Womens and Girls SUITS Pictured following their wedding in Aurora United church June 29 are Mr and Mrs Harry M Spragg Aurora The bride is the former Evelyn Elaine Members of the wedding party are from left to right Mr Stephens usher Mr Barton Teas- dale best man Mr and Mrs Spragg Mrs and Mrs bridesmaids and Mr Joseph Jr usher Social News i A Morrisons S Mrs Arthur Don and Myrna went on the 100mile cruise on the Lakes over the weekend Miss Barbara Wilson has flown to Vancouver to spend her vacation with her brother and sisterinlaw Mr and Mrs Bill Wilson Guests at the home of Mrs Arthur Winn this week are Mrs Winns daughter and family Mr and Mrs C G Clarke and son John Mrs Milton and daughters Audrey Buffalo and Mrs Fred and fam ily of returned home on the weekend after spending a week at the summer cottage at Seabright Mr and Mrs H M Hooker returned last week after a holi day spent at Hart Lodge den Mr and Mrs A Smith Toronto Mrs Smiths sister Mrs Hooker and Mr Hooker last week Miss Audrey and Mrs Ariel Thompson have left on a motor trip through northern On tario Dr H Leadlay Cooks- town and son John Toronto and Mr Garnet Leadlay were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs J Os borne where Mrs is visiting Rev N R Sinclair and Mrs Sinclair Ottawa visited Mr and Mrs C Sheppard last week Mr Leslie Toronto visited Mr and Mrs C Shep on Sunday Miss Joan spent the weekend at the home of her par ents Mr and Mrs Roy MARRIED AT ORILLIA TOR THOSE HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR SALAD OIL ST LAWRENCE CORN OIL SMALL SHRIMP SOVEREIGN SOCKEYE SALMON COLD SEAL SHIELD BRAND SALAD DRESSING TASTY MAYONNAISE BLUE RIBBON REAL MAYONNAISE MIRACLE FRENCH DRESSING DAVIS GELATINE AYLMER PLAIN QUEEN OLIVES SALADS TL OX TIM or TIN yt tin TIN PACK KRAFT SANDWICH SPREAD OX OX MR OX JAR MX MR OX MR 16c 42c 27c 45 49 32 19 49 So Good Youll Want More FRESHLY GROUND PRIDE of ARABIA COFFEE LB 96 CANADAS COFFEE VALUE TWO GUP COFFEE v X Z x Ml Rose At arte Reid Bathing Ms on sale at 25 discount Store -zr-m- MAIN ST NEWMARKET i i -r- I 1 NTED r Refrigerators Ice Boxes Ranges and Highest prices paid for tradeins on v v- I iV SV CALL j YERS JOHNSTON FAMILY HAS REUNION The annual reunion of the Johnston family was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Johnston Gorham St New market on Sunday July 22 Twentyfour members arrived out of a possible 36 A buffet supper was served on the lawn all members contribu ting by arriving laden good things to eat This was the sixth reunion since its inception Of the members present Miss J A McMillan Boston and New Haven who teaches art in New Haven and Mr and Mrs I Johnston and Paddy Windsor Mr Johnston is director of soc ial services for the city of Wind sor had the greatest distance to travel The other members of the family were located in and around Toronto This annual re union tends to keep the family in contact one with the other An enjoyable lime was had by all LET FROM BRADFORD MARSH PASCAL CUCUMBERS RADISH GREEN ONIONS SEEDLESS GRAPES LONG GREEN SWEET AND MILD CRISP RED ROSEBUD FRESH TENDER 2 2 2 i CALIFORNIA NEW SEASONS GOOD HEADS GOOD SIZl HEADS for for for POUND 19c 13c 13c 19c 23c MOW AVAILABLE ONTARIO RED TOMATOES DA ATTRACTIVELY PRICED BROWNED IN TOMATO SAUCE CHOICE PORK BEANS B PRUNE PLUMS DOMESTIC SHORTENING MARGARINE colour kwir GOLDEN BAR CHEESE ROSE BRAND PICKLES BURNS PRODUCTS BURNS DINNER BUBNS SAUSAGE BURNS WIENERS BURNS BOLOGNA TINS 15L TINS PLAIN or PIMENTO SPICCD SWEET WAFER i TIN TIN TIN TIN MAGAZINE ON SALt IN ALL STORES EACH 5 Mr and Mrs Daniel A Menar are shown following their wed ding at conducted by Senior Major The bride is the former Shirley Campbell Other mem bers of the wedding party are Mr Murray Varney and Mrs Williams Photo by WED AT ST PAULS POWDER VANILLA DOUBLE CREAM r Li- LOWE BENTON White gladioli formed the set ting in Bradford Anglican church on July for the marriage of Dorothy Eileen daughter of Mr and Mrs David Benton Queens- and Mr George Lowe Bradford son of the late Mr and Mrs Geo Lowe Rev Blake performed the ceremony and Mrs Cooke played the wedding music The bride given marriage by her father wore a white slipper satin gown her lace fingertip veil caught to a halo of seed pearls She a bouquet of red roses and Miss Shirley the maid of honor in green taffeta carried a large nosegay of yellow roses snapdragons and carnations The bridesmaid Miss Irene Cur tis wore taffeta and car ried yellow roses phlox and car nations Rosemary the was in yellow taf feta with nosegay of yellow ros es and Mr Richard Leo was best man and Mr- Albert was usher The reception was held the homo of the brides parents where her mother received in blue sheer white accessories and corsage of pink roses assisted by the grooms aunt Mrs Lee in blue sheer white accessories and corsage of pink roses For trav elling to Rochester Buffalo and Niagara Falls the bride chose a pink frosted organdy dress with whit accessories Mr and Mrs 9xe residing in Bradford CUSTARD QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT SPARR1ES 2 E D SMITHS JAMBOREE WHITE CAKE MIX MAFtGENE MARGARINE OVALTHfE OR CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR GROVE BRAND PURE MAPLE SYRUP MAPLE LEAF CHEESE HEINZ PREPARED MUSTARD yellow 2 JUNKET SHERBET MIX TIN JAR LIB CARTON TIN JUG ASSORTED FLAVOURS Powders 3 IN SHELL BEAVER JUMBO PEANUTS GRAND VALLEY Choice Strawberries GOLDEN TOMATO SOUP FANCY SAUERKRAUT BANQUET FANCY CORN LOBLAWS SLICED CHEESE SNACK SACKS sandwich bags WAXED PAPER KLEENEX HANKY OR CHUBBY SIZE FOOD 2 2 JARS JC 21c 26c 43c COTTAGE BRAND BREAD WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT LOAF SLICED LOAF 13 14 13FU TIN TINS TIN TIM LB or ROLL A QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE BAKERY MADEIRA CAKE EACH a REGULAR CAKES LARGE TIN iVi- Mr and Mrs Geo Hon re arc shown outside St Pauls Anglican church following their wedding June 23 The bride is the former Vclma Thompson niece of Margaret Morning The groom Is the son of Mrs and the late Fred Willis brotherinlaw of the bride assisted by Rev J Rhodes per formed the ceremony PICNIC On SundayJuly the Black burns held their annual picnic at the old homestead the home of Mr and Mrs Leo BlacKburn The farm has been under Blackburn name for years Those attending from the great- est distance were Mr and iM0iM Lloyd Young and family from Dartmouth NS and Mr John Blackburn Lansing Mich Oth ers attended from Kitchener New Tor onto and Toronto youngest member attending was David Young the oldest was Mr John JOHNSONS asm il JO I III TIN i i POM SAO LOIIAW COUNTRTUYLt K with SUd Week IN- Meat TASTY CREAMY FROSTED SEAFOODS 1 READY TO COOK choice GOD CHOtCI fit V J A- A L J i v A ii J- a LOIIAW CO IKfl Cri saVsr