the J J N 1 Em It J a CO PHONE KINO I Attested of Tbf ft Alleged to have stolen lbs of floor linoleum two King township men Lome Thomas and Albert Powell were appre hended by police at their eighth concession home five miles from at Sunday The linoleum was reported taken from a hardware store About three oclock the same morning- It rested on the store veranda the merchant said The men were traced through a truck license number and were lodged in Newmarket jail Constable Arthur Moody of made the arrest Vaughan town- police made investigation Minister and Wife Home Rev and his Wife were discharged from hos pital at Newmarket Saturday were admitted on Monday of last week suffering injuries sustained in a highway traffic accident at street at the The couple tore staying at the home of their son until they are sufficiently recovered to return to the par sonage at King Mr received a cracked right wrist bruise near the eye and a sprained back His wife suffered a badly bruised right arm and bruised ribs Their car was hit broadside by a northbound car Mrs got the force of the col lision as she rode in the front seat with her husband She told friends from her hospital bed she was showered with broken glass Her clothing and hair were filled with the splinters and yet she miraculously escaped cuts Her arm was badly swollen and dis colored The car was practically demolished Since coming to King four years ago in charge of the Bap tist circuit of King Second King and Mr and Mrs have made many warm and lasting friendships Many inquiries were made during their confinement to hospital where they received gifts of fruit and flowers in abundance Mrs who was one of the volunteer leaders for the Bible Vacation School is unable to act VtaJpU Supplied by Friend Rev minister of Newmarket Christian Baptist preached at Second King and King Baptist churches on Sunday supplying for Rev Smalley Service at Kcttleby was withdrawn as the visiting minister was unable to leave his own charge in the morning Visiting Mr in hospital last week Mr Breckon volun teered assist the local charge Other arrangements will be made while Mr is con valescing Douglas Burger of is holidaying at the home of his grandmother Mrs Arthur Wel- and his uncle Douglas 1 s J Wood Dale Farm Of a mechanical turn of mind can handle his uncles tractor and drove the machine from King to the farm with the aplomb of a veteran During his public school vaca tion he helps in a restaurant near Mrs Wclleslcy is expecting her daughter Mary and husband Gilbert and their young daughter Cheryl of Montreal during this month on their vacation Sunday visitors of Mrs were her daughter Mrs hus band Morris and little daughter Susan of Toronto Suffers Fractured Elbow Beverley Barker aged daughter of Mr E Barker came home from the Hospital for Sick Children last Friday where spent a week after an Xray disclosed an injured elbow cap and a fractured bone resulting from a fall a couple of weeks ago It was thought at that time Beverley had only received a sprained arm One bright spot the young sufferers unfortun- ate experience is the removal of a cast from her left leg which she has worn for some time foi ls lowing a fracture Her right arm is now carrying a cast and Beverley who is the epitome of and endurance sincere ly fcr hopes she is through with fractures operations and casts her arm is free again r Betty of In the Barker With her is a young Larry aged five Can Hood assistant of York Centre attending a leaders camp week and Patsy and Bob of are spending their va- borne of Mrs Mr and Mrs Ross Jane Walker Vocational School Toronto for a period of five weeks When Mr Carlton at one of the instruc tors learned that Miss Farley Hurst Berkshire and also the boat which should reach Manchester England in about ten days Miss is thrilled with her six by nine foot cabin two steps from the bathroom and three steps from the diner None of the passengers are Can adians but two of these have made the crossing times The accommodation is excellent Ar riving at Manchester Miss will be met by her sister Wilson took a Lake for of their vaca- slighter of Campbell of students cap at a held at the hospital on was in charge of one of the schools of his King township inspectorate a few years ago he made kind inquiries of Miss Den nis Miss and Mrs Alfred GiUham Elizabeth all teachers under his supervision at that time Mr Carlton was the more interested to know that Miss Farley makes her home with Mrs while at Strange Living at Bradford Miss Farley spent the weekend with Mrs Giilham In addition to the summer school course Clara is taking sewing instruc tion classes Mr and Mrs Luke Auckland expect to attend the Auckland- Hyde annual reunion at Park this Saturday Recovering from Pneumonia Mrs Beatrice King England mother of Mrs Dave Glass King is in Mayday hospital Croydon England regaining strength from an attack of pneumonia Known to Canadian soldiers during the last war as Ma King of Beaver Hut she visited her daughter here last year for several months A veterans reunion was held at the Glass home in her honor while she visited Canada Local friends of the English lady join in wishing her speedy recovery Swimming Classes Thrill Young Swimming is really tops for King and district children en rolled in classes at pool for two instruction periods twice a week during July and August The lessons are un der the sponsorship of recreation association King and Maple children combine to form groups for instruction on Satur day and Wednesday mornings They are transported to by coaches In three lessons by last Saturday they had learned diving off the edge re laxing in water face down eyes open finding the puck at the bot tom of the pool As soon as we learn how to swim we will try for three badges said Jo Ann Wilson and Betty Lou Cunning ham The children each pay for instruction for the term The other children taking the course are June Peck Audrey Chaplin Barbara Busby Kay Campbell Jim Clayton McKay Rod ney Bell Don Gordon John Bar- Richard Chaplin Bert Arch ibald Grew Bill Cairns John Busby Rumble Fred Peck Larry Ronnie Archibald and Johnny Walker The required age group is from seven to years Mr and Mrs Wesley Kee with Mr and Mrs Russell Spiers Tor onto a sister of Mr motored to Hamilton attend the funeral of a cousin Fred Johnston who passed away in the General hospital there vhere he was con fined since last October He died of cancer During the weekend Miss Betty Essex Toronto vas the guest of Miss Jean Kee They are both employed at the Great American Insurance Com pany Toronto Mr Norman and two children have returned to Toronto they have taken an apartment after living in the home of the parents Mr and Mrs Wesley since March Carolyn Parker has been ill with but is getting bet ter under the care of her grand mother Mrs Harvey Mr Donald and daugh ter Joanne Cornwall spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Bell Mr and Mr Bell were formerly associated in the Bank of Commerce at some years ago Mr and Mrs Harry Ford To ronto called on their nephew Mr Riddel last Saturday ev ening Miss Bessie spent the weekend with her uncle Mr Andrew Miss leaves her High Park home at Toronto frequenly to look after Mr She and Mrs Ford are sisters of Mr John now of Aurora Motor to Fort William Miss Jessie and her sister Mrs Clara Smith Toron to set out last week motoring to Fort William to visit their bro ther Dr Harvey for a month With the doctor and his family they will go on to Jasper Park where Bruce son of Dr and Mrs is with the Imperial Bank Last summer the sisters made the same vacation trip It is nothing new for Miss and her sister to travel to Fort William for during the life of their late mother Mrs Gellatly they often visited Dr Gellatly One of the volun teer pianists for Bible vacation school classes this week Miss place was taken by Mrs Scott Mrs Violet Chaplin spent Fri day in Toronto on a shopping tour Aboard Manchester for England Miss Julia mailing to England the Manchest er an English merchant ship the port of Montreal on Thursday July two days later han scheduled A from her sister Miss King told of the of the voy- makes a Saguenay River various points about half dozen pas- by the Cavannagh family of Man chester It will be recalled that trie Cavannagh family Anne Helen John and Evelyn children of Dr Florence and her husband stayed in the Jarvis home for about three years dury World War Anne visited at two years ago Miss Jarvis will also see her other sis ter Sister Una in convent there She will return to Canada by September Mr and Mrs J Glass left on Monday for the western coast motoring with Mrs Glass niece Mrs and her husband Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Bryson and their daughter Mrs Verna Flet cher and Jean Vaughan twp motored to British Columbia earlier in the month A son was born to Mr and Mrs Leslie Kerr Wood Dale Farm on July 1 at York County hospital Newmarket The babys name is David Albert His five- yearold brother is John Kerr Home from Hospital Mr Keith returned to his home from Briar Bush hospi tal on Sunday where he was removed on Friday July following a serious accident on the farm of Mr Avis Ring- wood father of Mrs Cambden- Falling through an open trap some to the stable floor while in a hay mow Mr fractured his left leg in three places between the thigh and the ankle The limb will remain in a cast from three to four months He narrowly missed hitting cem ent fittings in the cattle barn which might have cost him his life Maintaining consciousness he called loudly for help his cries being drowned out by the loud noise of the blower The accidental appearance of a young boy on the farm brought Mr help would have had to crawl dragging my leg af ter me if the boy had not come upon me so loud was the din of the machinery he stated He was motored a distance of five miles to hospital Mrs Cambden and her mother had gone to Stouffville to shop when the accident happened com ing back in time to see her hus band taken to hospital While the trip to King and his removal from the car to his house proved quite strenuous Mr is resting fairly com fortably and is in good spirits He has nothing but the highest praise for the hospital and its staff of competent nurses which serves the district of Mr is a traveller for the Morse Company He purchased a new home in King last Decem ber Master Jimmy Billings six son of Mr and Mrs Geo Hillings fell six feet from a plank into the excavation of their new house on Thursday night The child taken to York County hospi tal vhere an xray revealed a badly broken left wrist After manipulation and application of a plaster by Dr Ritchie and Dr Edwards Newmarket J allowed to go home with his parents Miss Helen Warren her moth er Mrs Mclnnes and infant sister of Ottawa visited Mr Peter Clark recently When a locked steering wheel tossed his car against cement culvert Earl Davidson was thrown 20 through the air last Thursday night Davidsons of the school of nursing of St Josephs hospital Toronto Miss King remained at the Kelley home over the weekend and is staying in the city Mrs Albert the mother of the guest of honor and Mrs Jim Snetgrove a sister and Miss Pat Wilson who will act as brides maid with Marion Kelley at the wedding were all shower guests The home of Mrs Clyde Cairns Edith Glass was the scene of a cup and saucer shower for her cousin Miss Louise last Saturday afternoon when cousins of the bride elect were invited to attend Mrs Howard a cousin assisted Mrs Cairns while her young daugh ters Margaret and Linda Cairns and Judy Armstrong of Iey also a cousin took great de light in assisting throughout The gift table was adorned with a lace cloth pink and white streamers and a bowl of Ameri can Beauty roses from the gard en of Mr J Glass father of Mrs Cairns The presents were opened by Miss beneath a white traditional wedding bell with Margaret Linda and Judy assist ing her Margaret wore a pret ty blue taffeta floor length gown in which she was attired as flower girl for the marriage of Mr and Mrs Ray Glass Not to bo outdone her young sister Linda improvised a dress of her mothers wearing the ladylike costume with fine ef fect much to the amusement of all the cousins A miscellaneous shower was held for Miss Frances by her niece Joan and Betty Marsh Noel The shower took place at the home of Mrs Harriet of the fifth line of King sisterinlaw of the bride to be who will be married on July to Mr Patrick in Sac- red Heart church on the fifth line of King Among those pres ent bringing many beautiful gifts were Mrs Anne Wolfe Mrs Jane Mrs Henry Gil- ham Mrs J C Scott Mrs Dor othy Meagher Mrs Viola Mrs Mrs Joan Marsh Mrs Evelyn Miss Marie Mrs Barbara Penny Mrs Betty Marsh Noel Mrs Rose Bert- rand Miss Joan Mrs P W Ball Miss Ida Cormick and Miss Mary Regan Many gifts were received from ladies who could not be present Andy and his bro ther Larry along with Harry McGean gave a stag party on June for Mr Patrick who will marry Miss Frances on July in Sac red church of the fifth line of King The party was held at the home of Andy Mc of the fifth line of King An electric razor was presented to Pat by his many friends present at the party Jos Tommy OReilly OReilly Robert OReilly Jr Mike Sullivan Jimmy Fred Johnny and P Meagher Rector on BC Holiday During the vacation absence of Rev Micheli the service at All Saints church was filled by Captain Taylor dir ector of the Church Army On the previous Sunday Mr a lay reader of Bramp ton supplied and on July Mr Gordon Tel ley lay reader of the parish will preach Mr is away for a month on a trip to British Columbia where he is visiting his father Mr of loops The rec tor took holidays there last year Union of Societies The womens auxiliaries of the United Baptist and Anglican churches will he entertained by at the home of Mrs Fred Curtis on Wednesday July The visiting groups will give the program and contests The meeting commences dan turned over twice and completely wrecked near the third concession and the King The 20yearold driver was only slightly bruised John Ellison 20 and Julian Maple were thrown into the back seat Julian received a cut behind the ear requiring stitches by a Richmond Hill doctor The car was damaged beyond repair Davidson stated and he was just going to forget about it Showers for Louise Kelley Mrs A J Gordon was hostess for a miscellaneous shower on Friday evening July given in honor of Miss Louise Kelley whose marriage to Mr Ernest Wilson of is on Satur day July in All Saints Ang lican church A large number attended although several guests were unable to be present As sisting Mrs Gordon were her daughter Mrs Ross Walker and Mrs Williams In a setting of pink and white streamers and flowers the com ing bride received many beau tiful gifts assisted by her sister Marion Kelley Among the fine selection of gifts was a piece set of Susie Cooper In the Tiger Lily design given by a group of friends In addition a sum of money was enclosed with which to add pieces to her favor ite china tableware Dainty re freshments were served follow ing the prcnuptial honors Among the guests were Mrs Ernest L Wilson mother of the groom elect her daughter Mrs Alex a sister of Mrs Wilson Mrs Carl Wright all of Miss who has come from For tune Bay to at tend the wedding was there She and were roommates and graduates the class Oil Thursday Aug community will picnic at River Valley Pork near just west of highway The event is being convened by Presbyterian which met at the home of Mrs Roy Bo wen Due to bad weather All Saints Sunday school picnic slated for July Woodland Park was held in McDonald and Wells Hall The children had tome prepared to go to Woodland but rain changed the plan However the big picnic which combined AH Saints and St Johns Oak Ridges took place on July 5 Few went from King Memory Acres Open to Picnic At Memory Acres Kinghorn on July King United church held a picnic in royal style on the beautiful estate of Mr Bruce Davis with Mr and Mrs Archie Campbell the managers arranging conveniences The superintendent Mrs M convened a full pro gram of sports events and the children bathed in stream Supper tables were ar ranged near the house for than 100 adults and children The second date for picnic has not yet been set Church Vacation School Opens Seventyfive excited children enrolled for classes in the dis trict Church Vacation School at King on Monday morning open ing in the United church audi torium Mr a l executive chairman had every child on his toes He showed them how they would worship work and play together to receive certificates at the close of the school by July Of one accord every child promised to work together be cheerful hap py and good and be on ii daily classes from am to 12 They sang the slogan hymn set to the tune of Three Blind Mice with a lustiness that filled the church Later the five and sixers the seven and went down to the church basement while 32 nine and uppish ages went to McDonald and Wells hall En rolling at these points each child received a tag on which is written the name and age Mrs Jenkinson gave the juniors a little talk on what a church is She will lead the seven and eight age groups Mrs Gordon Tetiey the little preoge folk of which there were and Mr the older fry at the hall Others on hand to assist were Miss Helen Hunter of Miss Norma Wells Miss Alice Ferguson Mrs Mrs Ed Carol Mrs ft L Scott and oth ers coming along during the school It would appear enlistment will increase as the enthusiasm of the teachers and youngsters is catching Then too it will be a wonder if adults can stay away from observation of the work which is as good as a tonic The theme of the school is is my Church There is a variety of work building up the signifi cance of the Church and Chris tian living In short as two wee tots told Mrs they were coming to t school to learn about Jesus and God Mr and Mrs Archie Campbell and daughter motored to Port Perry for a picnic at Lake Scugog on Sunday In another direction went Mr and Mrs Leslie Glass and children accompanied by Mrs Glass mother Mrs John Phillips to visit a cousin Mrs Ivan at Port Credit Mr and Mrs Wilfred Hare and baby son Ronnie Maple spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Len parents of Mrs Hare The foundation footings are laid for the Hare home being built on King sideroad west Wilfred In tends to do the work himself along with his regular work Mr and Mrs Toronto were weekend guests at the home of their son Jim on Sunday Mrs Neil was confined to bed all last week from a fall in her home which affected her back No bones were broken She is able to go about the house as she feels in clined but will not be outside un til fully restored Mrs had spent the weekend of June 30 at the home of her daughter Mrs Arthur Caldwell at Shanty Bay Mr and Mrs Caldwell and son Keith a son Roy and fam ily of visited the moth er on Sunday Legion Auxiliary Plans Childrens Day Following the King Legion carnival to be held on Wednes day Aug the Ladies Auxil iary will conduct the second an nual Childrens Day on Wednes day Aug in the Memorial Park to which all mothers and children of the community are invited to attend free of charge A program of suitable to age group a special for mothers and refreshments will constitute the afternoon Mrs Margaret Stone Mrs Jack and Mrs Bob Walker are arranging the games and prizes The auxiliary has a large share in tho Legion carnival and dance headed by Don presi dent Mrs Bert Wood will look after the pond Mrs Hazel Campbell novelty booth soft drinks and cigarettes Mrs Walker and Mrs Clare Walker coffee Mrs Beryl Fleet the president Mrs Cummins has charge of the refreshment booth As president of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Mrs Beryl Fleet will be delegate to the annual convention of the Ontario Command at Oct and From the King auxiliary are Mrs Bice and Mrs Alex Campbell Young The final term in public school is one of groat importance to any student From King school graduates who will take lip grade nine work are Glen Judd Nora Scott Joan and Julia Bell from Carole I lately Mary McBride Phyllis Barker Margaret school had no grade this term Strange will send Bobby ami Betty and Verna Mc Donald to secondary schools The King Womens Institute will forego the regular July meeting for the Carnival and Dance on July ill under the aus pices of the Athletic Association when they will operate a refresh ment booth on the grounds The August meeting will be in the form of a picnic at Jarvacres the home of the president Mrs Austin Humble will convene the afternoon Miss has been on vacation at her home is employed at Can ada Life Toronto having com pleted yeur there Her sister June is also with Canada Life and attended Shaws Col lege during the past term WeM For Two Month Mr Mrs James Hock are on an extended visit to the Pac ific Coast and will be away for a couple of months They lived In British Columbia for some years and have a number of friends there and In the western provinces Mr Mock retired from service with the a year im Census vey Mr Ray Burt wrote in the names of persons and call ed at homes in his assigned area near King He should be well known by now and was very cordially received by everyone To one not too well acquainted with rural life Mr Burt found that very few farm wives keep chickens almost every home has a modern kitchen and homes are well equipped with electrical gadgets The vacuum cleaner by no means headed the list he said Church denomination seemed to puzzle some and no one quib bled regarding her age Mr Bill Walker and his bride of Sarnia recently called on his father Mrs Arthur Walker of Kinghorn The couple has pur chased a home there Also call ing on her father was Margaret Mrs Smith husband and children of Newmarket Mrs Colin Gray and Mrs George Gray Toronto visited their nephew Mr William Walk er and his wife of King City Grill Miss Dorothy Armstrong will attend Camp on Lake Simcoe July 13 to 18 This is a teen age girls camp owned and sponsored by the First Avenue Baptist Church Toronto Miss Armstrong will have charge of music and will also act as swim ming guard Presentation of Awards at S S For perfect attendance during the term of days inscribed silver cups were presented to Ralph Finch grade Grace Glass and Frances Forester grade Rev presented the cups Prizes in social studies were presented by Mr David spoon A white Bible was and 6 Betty grades and The MaeMurchy memorial award presented by Norman for the highest standing in nature study went to Jim Finch It was a volume entitled BirdsN of America A born naturalist Jim is a keen observer and delights in nature hikes He was credited with the most general knowledge in this subject Twins Win Award Bobby and Betty Arbuckle twins aged 14 won the Laskay Womens Institute prize for the highest standing in grade 8 They were given a nature ency clopedia It is the first award es tablished by the Institute and was presented by Mrs Norman the president Bobby and Betty received graduation di plomas with other gradu ates Eddie and Verna McDonald All wilt attend high school in September Promotion certificates were presented to J students from grades to Marvin Hunter presented and diplomas I Miss Helen Hunter who acted as accompanist for the musical program was given a fountain pen in appreciation of her assist ance On behalf of Miss Farley and pupils the gift was presented by John Scott and Spencer Finch A program of musical selec tions by the students concluded the formal features when work in two parts was ably sung The program opened with j the school singing God Save the King The Lords Prayer and a medley of folk songs in unison Grades sang a boys wearing plaid shirts and straw hats the girls attired in long dresses of blue yellow green and pink with black sashes Refreshments were serv ed to the gathering by the ladies of the section GIBBONS TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE Furniture Storage PHONE NEWMARKET I- ta f i 1 Building Alterations KESWICK J Phone Sanitary Contractor part songs as did group grades 3 two- to to Donna Pickell for win- Janet Mary Finch sang a solo the school prize for her so- J My Alice Blue Gown and a studies note book Each girl quartette of girls Bettv was given two silver teaspoons buckle Donna Vernal and the boys gold tie clips Ross McDonald and Carol Anne was the winner for sang an interesting number Folk grades 3 and Donna Pickell dancing in costumes was given Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24Hour Service Richmond Hill Phone HIT MAKES A COUNTRY STRONG A OF THINGS Tankers Jimmy are one of the things the oil business needs It needs supplies for pipe lines and new refineries It needs tank cars and and storage tanks It needs workers and material from all parts of Canada Bringing you oil is a big job It employs labor and skills and idea across the nation In the past five vears Imperial Oil alone has under taken to invest more than 200 millions about 60 for every family in Canada Much of his money has been spent to find and develop new oil fields in the prairies fields which mean new prosperity and new security for all Canada But almost half of it has been invested in new tankers and pipe lines in new refining units and in facilities to bring the products to you oil Canadians everywhere fa Abowt Canada Oil Canadians are using almost twice as much oil as they did only five years Last year Imperial bought equipment and supplies from more Canadian firms- Imperials investment in riant and equipment is equivalent to more than for each employee The wholesale prices of lsso gasolines have only a third as much as the average price of all commodities over the past years oil playing an increasingly important part in our daily lives the industry job is bringing new strength and better living for J Al h- IMPERIAL Oil LIMIT