Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 12 Jul 1951, p. 6

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r- DAY JUliyfe JULY I Small garage Phone For Choice building lots fi Bolton and Ave Phone Willis lot one block St in central part Apply In evenings or Temper- fiffrK St or phone Aurora X storey and half hi use rooms and bath downstairs rooms upstairs hard wood all through heating laundry tubs garage lot 170 Immediate possession 500 SO acres Lake Slmcoe district half mile from pavement house bonk barn pos session arranged acre land cabin and large quantity of lumber to go on building with close to church and school Immediate possession Apply Miller phone after hours phone Newmarket For sale 2 burner electric range in white enamel thermos tatically controlled oven Price Phone Aurora FOR SALE GARDENS acres of firstclass marsh land In Marsh Brad- This property includes new house large garage truck and tractor garden factor with spraying and dusting and all other tools fld necessary for contains 12000 which should net about this yean Owner forced to because of ill health About 8500 cash will handle balance Write Era and Express c3w2G 1 REAL ESTATE WANTED D AVE EXTENSION Also STREET FRONTAGE Apply local real estate broker or FARMS HOMES WANTED NEWMARKET AND DISTRICT Clients Waiting JOSEPH BROKER QUEEN ST NEWMARKET PHONE V URGENT North York Humane Society re quires a lot 200 on paved road in NewmarketAurora dis trict for the erection of a perm anent shelter Please call New market or 876w or Aurora ROOM AND BOARD Room and board for gentleman Apply Prospect St Newmarket phone 246w ROOMS FOR RENT For rent Rooms available at weekly rates at the King George Hotel Phone or New market For rent A unfurnished rooms couple preferred light housekeeping abstainers Apply Miss Hayes Mount Albert phone lv28 For sale refrigerator and stove Never used Will sac rifice at cost Phone 577 New market For rangette Ca nadian Beauty in good condition Apply Gorham St Newmarket For sale coal oil stove black cooking top white enamel body with cupboard space in good condition 2burner oven with thermometer boys sport jacket size 1014 years hardly worn Apply Centre St phone Aurora For sale coal oil stove with oven coal or wood suitable for summer camp or hull tors lodge Apply 11 St Auror c2w For sale electric refrig erator spotless condition within manufacturers warranty ft like new Applian ces phone Newmarket clw2S For sale Electric washing ma chine cycle In good condition Apply Era and Express box STRAIGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two cents a word minimum of cents for each advertisement- Half price when advertisement Is repeated on successive weeks Ten percent discount tf advertisement is paid within week of pub lication Coming Events costs two cents a word minimum cents Half Price when repeated on successive weeks- Sale Registers 1 for the first week 50 cents for each successive week Card of Thanks Wedding and Engagement announcements tents for each announcement less cents if paid within week of publication In cents for each insertion plus cents a line for verse less cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertising may lie phoned Into or left at The Era and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at White- taws phone 76 In Aurora at Mrs phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mail where name of sender and address is clearly indicated Your advertisement gets into over homes in North York THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds The Best Drug Store Newmarket rneumane tablet for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmarket I will be able to attend to capon ing your cockerels Best to weeks Burgess Newmar ket phone Newmarket SANITATION EQUIPMENT Modern water toilet CARD OF THANKS Mrs James Germaine and son Walter wish to express their heartfelt appreciation to all friends neighbors and relatives for the kind expressions of sym pathy and beautiful floral tributes also thanking Dr and nurses of York County hospital in the loss of a loving husband and father who passed away July ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Kenneth J Mc- Newmarket announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Ellen Louise to Mr Joseph Ward son of the late Mr and Mrs Fred The wedding will take Roadhouse Rose FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN STREET NEWM Son DIRECTORS AMBULANCE PHONES only pail of water a day Senile Saturday Aug at 3 oclock tanks and tile beds for Hush Andrews Presbyterian church Newmarket For sale Small organ in good condition Cheap Phone Newmarket For sale with extras good tires and good run ning order Cheap Apply A St Newmarket For sale Ford sedan new tires new motor excellent finish Phone 1120v Newmarket after pm For sale Plymouth in fair condition or offer Apply Geo Styles Cedar Valley lw2S LOST Lost mitt Brown leather baseball on St Reward Phone 1242 Newmarket For sale Refrigerator fully in sulated all metal frig modern style lb capacity excellent condition If Kendall Wellington St phone Aurora For sale Baby carriage in good condition Apply J Holland Landing phone 51J21 Newmarket of Newmarket room frame heavy wiring tenanted cash required room ce- house storey all conveniences heavy wiring rent furnished bedrooms one suitable for light housekeep ing newly decorated central lo cation Phone Newmarket APARTMENT RENT For sale Heavy duty electric range new elements good baking oven warming ctoset Phone 1181w Newmarket For sale 40 Nash coach motor reconditioned Apply Cather ine Ave Aurora For sale Used coal blow er Tank style vacuum clean er new 2495 for Army style bunk beds Phone Newmarket For rent Modern apartment stove refriger ator available per month Charles Boyd realtor business section ideal Main St phone Newmarket or conversion to store or duplex immediate possession 54000 cash required Newmarket room hardwood floors and bath all fully insulated garage g nicely landscaped neighbor close to town bus service and public school immediate posses- cash required Newmarket room double stucco house storey 1 session of one side arranged piece bath each side all town fa- large lot garages well Shaded lawns excellent garden central location cash re- Squired BROKER St Newmarket Phone For rent lively well sunlight ed apartment and bath centrally located Apply CI Main St Apt phono Newmar ket PRODUCE For sale Orders taken for black currants Phone Mrs Sydney Morning Newmarket lw28 For sale black Chevrolet deluxe sedan good motor condi tion Has had the best of care till pm clw28 For sale Master Chevrolet sedan Phone Newmarket For Ford V8 coupe in good order all necessary accessories Apply Armitage 11 St Aurora For sale Ford Special coach completely recondi tioned good tires Phone Lloyd Grose Mount Albert Lost Truck tire and wheel complete Goodyear June be tween Keswick and Mount Albert Finder please call Mr Dash Bar rio Reward Immediate installation Call Norm Churchill Roches Point Keswick MUCOUS IN Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone Newmarket FURRIER Furriers are special ists in repairs remodelling Dis tance no object Your friendly furrier West To ronto Orchard Storm sash combination doors sash and frames days delivery Phone Roches Point tf27 FARM ITEMS ATTENTION FARMERS We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay current market prices For immediate service telephone col lect Newmarket or Toronto Empire GORDON YOUNG LTD FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid chairs and Son Mount to Softwood logs Phono Blizzard New market anytime except The engagement is announced of daughter of Mrs Aimer Myers Zephyr and the late Mr Aimer Myers to Mr Leonard Henry Ramsey son of Mr and Mrs William Ramsey Toronto The marriage will take place on August at oclock in United church Toronto HOPE HOBBY CLUB The monthly meeting of the Hope Hobby Club will be held on July 26 instead of July 17 Mrs Rolling has sent an invita tion to have the meeting at her summer cottage at Sibbald Beach Lake Sinicoc Refresh ments will be a picnic lunch by the members Members who are in the Blue Cross please bring dues to this meeting McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERT OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World TIMOTHY ST PHONE 573J NEWMARKET Flower Shop Member Florists Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts f the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St Phone TENDERS MERCHANDISE For rent apartment Apply St Phone Newmarket OFFICE SPACE For rent Office spare and fur nished room Phone Aurora COHAGES FOR RENT WASHER A and GO cycle gas washers repair parts and service Stewart Radio and Applian ces Main St phone 55 New market For sale Hearing aid batteries for most popular makes Stewart Radio and Appliance 113 Main St phone Newmarket TRACTORS SEE THE MAJOR DIESEL TRACTOR TOM BIRRELL SONS LTD Main St Newmarket phono sale Karma A Bargain Tom Sons Ltd Main St phone Tin Newmar ket HELP WANTED VILLIAM HOLLAND Real Estate St Toronto stucco cottage hew modern kitch- I bath heavy wiring and garage Price 5Gry0 cash For rent On Lake Cumberland Beach new modem cottage conveniences safe bathing July August and Sept ember Phone Newmarket CABIN FOR RENT NEWMARKET frame house nicely painted and out modern bath garden and shrubs Price IfOJXAMJ frame house For rent 3room housekeeping cabin by stream new spring mattresses divan and cot no hydro or 3 miles from Newmarket By week Irs Donald McCuHough ft New market phone For sale Plastic table lamps with shades for only Lawn ornaments reduced to only SI Solid oak end tables at various prices All kinds of woodworking done in our complete woodwork ing shop Come and see It Hob by Croft Shop Wellington St Aurora phone Aurora Help wanted Real estate sales man with car to work from New market office Apply J broker Dr Toronto If Help Man to cut It acres Timothy bay with tractor and put in barn Phone Newmarket USED CARS FOR SALE half GARAGE FOR RENT Oarage at Prospect Hi Newmarket Phone Newmarket lw28 rated cellars and close to highway duplex Price down situated rest home on living rooms kitchens bathrooms sun rrcH land verandah also SltConditloncd oil furnace arte- pump also Terms ttr- Hlorey duplex rooms baths hotair furnace and Verandah Priced to wil KKKT house decorated kitchen bath fin- A real tafco cash cottage on and rail- at house Antral ly located I4 Wanted to Small apart ment or A unfurnished rooms by elderly couple abstainers Apply and Express 1kx WANTED Two girls share room and board Phone Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE Coaches and sedans In Plymouth Pontine and all have standard equip ment and many have radios and other extras Clean lop quality prices from to 51550 trades accepted generous allowance on your 30 Ml panel ton with Chrysler motor new clutch and transmission practically new tires 575 and 30 Ford coaches ami coupes In very order Model A Ford coupe excellent heal ers Cabin trailer- Furnished sleeps four fully insulated plywood and masonite const screened and glass windows 10 water tank sink with tap lee cup boards etc Price Terms to responsible persons Newmarket Motor Sales Davis Dr phone Newmar ket AT Man or woman lake over established route of for famous in Minimum earnings weekly No experience necessary We help you pet started Write immediately lo The J It Company St Itofh Street Montreal Que For sale fields of good mixed hay or would lot it on shares J mile outli of Sharon on highway phone Newmarket LIVESTOCK FOR SALE For sale Purebred Shorthorn bull serviceable dark sired by by Mayflowers Hansom Herd fully Murray phone Bradford sale pigs Yorkshire and Tamworth sows with litters also sow duo Apply SI unit MarQuar- miles north of Bradford 12 mile west of No highway TENDERS will bo received by the District School Board on or before the day of July AD to provide for pupils to the Newmarket and Sut ton Hfirfi Schools durinR the school year The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted Further information may be from A District School Board Newmarket Cedar Brae Lodge WILLOW SIMCOE SPECIAL WEEKEND DINNERS Served from to pm Soup or choice of juice Roast beef Brown gravy Yorkshire Pudding Choice of vegetables homemade rolls Strawberry Shortcake For saleTeam of dapple mares years old well matched Complete with harness Aurora Orchards Ltd phone Aurora For iate Weaned chunk and calves Phone Newmarket For Mile 3yearold purebred Yorkshire sow with piRS week old Phone Newmarket For sale Holsteia cow due to freshen end of month Phone IJ22 SALE REGISTER Monday July Auction sale of farm stock implements and household effects the property of quarter of lot am miles oast of Stroud Sale pm DST Terms cash route auc tioneer phone Stroud Tuesday luly Auction sale of farm stock implements includ ing in bine and tractor and household effects the property of Arnold lot con It West miles east of No Terms cash Sale pm 1XST auctioneer phone Stroud Ranges PreBudget Prices For averaRe about SO lbs each Apply Allan Newmarket phone New market For finfe Venetian Winds alu minum or Meet made for nil of- window Free estimates and installation Phone apply Ontario St or write Pi box Newmarket and sold Furniture glassware pictures etc Apply Main St phono Newmarket For Mile Used Hostess refriger ator 60 also FoM- electric Apply St phono ale Set of furs Practically new Ap ply and Express box For iiale Dinette suite pieces nursery cupboard utility cuploanl Phono Newmar ket or apply 111 Andrew St A 35 I I For Oil burner with Itrol new Can Install Phono Allied Hale fost King box J- Phono Aurora Clw28 USED CARS Sports Sedan al pine blue radio overdrive nylon slip covers good tires mechanical low mileage privately owned Cant he com pared with car Is maroon coach A real clean car Inside and out good tires slip covers A buy for the right party new motor heal er defroster sunvisor price FOR Club Coupe green inside and out NEW TRUCKS Available for Immediate deliv ery tons 1 tons and a tons TOM SONS LTD Help wauled installers for warm air Part or full time Top rate to men Write Joy Heat and Hill LIVESTOCK WANTED Waitress No Sunday or holiday work Apply Newmarket Crill Main St New market Help wanted and Apply Stephens St or phone Newmar ket wanted help blub hours to pm No Saturday afternoon or Apply St miles south of Aurout phone Aurora Want Horses for mink feed prices paid Rex Smith phono collect Winded to Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmar ket or write PO 29 POULTRY FOR SALE For sale 150 pullets weeks old each Cedar Valley phone Mount Alhert POULTRY WANTED WORK WANTED All hinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone Newmar ket Klip rovers draperies bed spreads etc made to measure Your own materials Phono Mrs Jones Newmarket Andrew SI Wauled to buy Poultry live or dressed Any quantity hem In or will call on request Highest prices paid Apple- Ion Oak Rides or phone Kim Work wauled Cement and block cement floors sidewalks footings Afdv 1 1 Smith St phone New market Main St Phone wanted a ants steady work hi factory or will lake any kind of work by day or week Apply Webb Queen St W phono Newmarket 2w27 Work Permanent dom estic jol by the month Phono Newmarket SAI For Mile Mount Forest thresh ing machine Apply Have Ren I on LUMBER PERSONAL Will young man who found sum of money corner of Ontario St and Main Saturday bo Saturday between ami pm for reward TRANSPORTATION For Lumber 7 or it and 2 scaiilliag suitable for house building Apply William Holland Lauding tin MISCELLANEOUS Waiitrd Passengers to Toronto Phono Newmarket WV repair nil makes of sewing New machines up Center New market Main St phone tf27 For irusse surgical sup ports elastic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Rest Drug Store phono Newmarket Archibald In loving memory of my dear mother Sarah lane Archibald who passed Silently I ho impels look mother Into the mansion above shall he rest from earths Safe in the arms of love daughter CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many relatives and friends for their of kindness expressions of sympathy and beau tiful floral tributes during the sudden bereavement of dear hus band and father Special thanks are t il d to Rev Norman Rowan Mis and family CARD OF THANHS I wish tit thank my friends and neighbors for their kind expres sions of sympathy and assistance the stuff and nurses of York County hospital Or Case and Rev J T Rhodes for Ids words lit my sad bereave ment Herbert OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our relatives neigh bors ami friends for their nets of kindness messages of sympathy and floral tributes extended to us during our recent bereavement Mr and Mrs 1 and family OF THANKS would like to express my sin cere thanks and appreciation to my friends relatives WA and Kim Grove Womens Institute for the lovely Rowers baskets of fruit candy and lovely cards sent to me my recent stay in York Coun ty hospital I would like to thank the staff of the hospital for their many acts of kindness a special thanks to nurses Miss Helen Ulan- chard and Mis Noble Wright lr Stewart Noble Or J Cock and Dr Mrs Ham ilton Beautiful white enamel Light in oven speed switches Large warming closet A beautiful range- Appliances Alain St Newmarket Phone Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY JULY ST ANDREWS IKKSUYTKUIAN CHURCH Herman Fowler Music Baa Organist am Divine worship Special speaker Rev Young No evening services during July and August Rev A Yielding Pastor Miss V Curtis Pianist am Bible school am Sunday school am Morning message The Still Small veiling service The Golden Calf Thursday pm Womens Prayer roup Coming Sunday July 29 Hew John Russell Sudan United Mission CHURCH Church with a Full Gospel Message Friday July Camp at Pine Orchard There will be no services in the local church during this time CHURCH OF THE Rev A Petersen Pastor Mr Jerry Organist Sundayschool am Devotional Service am evangelistic Service pm Prayer meeting Wed Friday pm going fnmiliod are happy families Street 913 am Sundayschool a Meeting for Worship Douglas Come and join us In the hour worship All Welcome preaches the word well who first lives it CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Newmarket Minister Organist MRS J CANS 10 am Sundayschool for all am Union service with Trinity United church Subject Pygmalion All welcome r A m ch arc SUNDAY SERVICE UNION SERVICE IN CHRISTIAN BAPTIST A tf J J i- A -T3- av- Ujl It 1 2JJL

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