PAGE THURSDAY THE FIFTH DAY OF JULY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE J J SINCLAIR Beyond buying tickets for draws and the like we dont gamble This is not because we are any better than our neighbor The explanation is simply that so far weve remained immune from the bite of the gambling bug However the question of legalizing gambling comes up from time to time to provoke a flurry of opposing opinions In its June issue our valued contempor ary The Echo which can generally be relied on for original provocative editorials that hit the point said this If we are to have gambling in Ontario as we have right now with lotteries raffles draws and betting on horses with official sanction or tacit approval why not put the thing on an organized scale and direct the proceeds into worth while channels with the strictest possible supervision We put the Echos editorial aside to read it again Then the other day wc were suddenly reminded of it when we read a declaration by Englands Archbishop of Canterbury on the subject of legalizing gambling The distinguished prelate of the Church of England has aroused a storm of controversy by stating that since Britons will gamble law or no Jaw they might just as well do it legally All of which seems to make sense to us- We see no essential difference between buying a ticket for a church raffle and putting a dollar on a horse The purchaser of a raffle ticket is having a little flutter with chance and getting fun out of it And why not All life is a gamble Most people pay a life premium to guard against lifes risks The editors of the Echo and the Archbishop of Canterbury appear to have stated incontestable conclusions COUNCIL REPORT Determined Opposition To Town Parking Meters Stalls Previous Decision A meeting of the Aurora town council was held Tuesday when there were present Mayor Bell Cook Deputyreeve Murray Councillors Davies Fielding Gundy Jones and Also present town clerk N Clark town clerk elect K Moses and town solicitor C Lee Members of the public included Hoffman J Bowser Sr J Wilson Patrick and chief of police ham WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Say Bigger And Better The Word For Lions Fete On Yonge St July 25 Lion Gordon Duckworth and his committee Lions Cam and Al Cossar are hard at work on the Lions Carnival which will be held on July This summer carnival should be in Lion Gordons own words bigger and better this year than ever be fore Following the presentation of accounts and reports the meet ing was largely taken up with a reconsideration of the meter tjproblern arising from a petition signed by merchants the earlier decision of coun cil to proceed with meter install ation The opposing petition was presented by Mr James Wilson A highlight of the evenings business was the appointment of Mrs Helen Dickson as assistant J town clerk to replace Mr Ken Moses when he takes over full appointment was that of Mr as a member of the duties as town clerk Another Commission OPPOSED Approximately three hours of the four hours meeting of coun cil were given over to discussion on councils previous five to three vote in favor of installing park ing meters J Wilson in presenting the views of the opposition said that parking meters on the streets of Aurora would prove a hindrance to business fie main tained that before meters were installed parking spaces should lie arranged pointing out that the site of the United church was not yet ready after three months of discussion and slow progress A prolonged discussion ensued during which many arguments pro and con were heard Police Chief Dunham supported meters as did Mr J Bowser Mr Hoffman Mr if and others Mr Patrick drew at tention to cars being parked on Main street for hours at a stretch contrary toregulations Councillor maintained that the views of citizens were as important as those of the mer chants as to which Mr Bowser retorted that the wishes of mer chants to which Mr Bowser that the wishes of Delegations withdrew shortly fitter 10 oclock and at a later il5 stage the whole problem was again fully debated by members of council Among many views expressed Councillor sup ported putting the matter to a vote of the people as had been recommended by J Sinclair in the press Aurora News Page Mayor Bell and Councillor Fielding strongly reaffirmed the stand they had taken in support of meters the mayor pointing out that he had taken a great deal of trouble to ascertain the views of many other municipal ities where meters had proved successful Councillor asked why Weston had withdrawn meters He proposed that they should ascertain why Weston had decid ed against meters Councillor Jones repeated his opposition to meters Councillor said they should hesitate and take stock of the new situa tion created by the strong petit ion against meters and the Dep utyreeve concurred The end of the long debate was reached when a motion by Coun cillor Gundy seconded by Coun cillor Davies was carried This was to the effect that a letter be written to the of written to the representatives of the opposing petition Mr that they call a public meeting to discuss the whole matter and bring their recom mendations to council This motion was carried with Coun cillor Fielding voting against it and the mayor abstaining A further motion was carried on the mayors deciding vote that a bylaw be prepared for installation of meters Council adjourned at midnight Further announcements will bo made in Aurora News Page of this outstanding event but in the meantime supporters of this annual display should make the date known to as many people as possible Wednesday July 25 If the weather is fine which we hope it will draw large crowds on to Yonge street The Lucky Draw has some at tractive features for ticket buy ers at cents each or a dollar for a book of five The first prize a Frozen Food cabinet is worth 500 There will be plenty of entertainment followed by a street dance with Leo celebrated band in attendance Watch for future announce ments on this page Meantime do what you can in telling people about the July 25th event and help Lion Gordon to realize his objective of bigger and better Recreation Commission The last meeting of the Rec reation Commission disclosed a number of interesting features There was the donation for ex ample from the Womans Asso ciation of the United church amounting to to help the Commissions work and for which a letter of appreciation was to be sent on a motion by Dick Buchanan seconded by The treasurers report showed of 223365 from which the sum of 1500 was due to be paid over to the town It was resolved to request the mu nicipal grant in that amount it having been shown on the tax payers form as expenses Incur red by the town It was resolved that a detailed statement be prepared for the next meeting showing all sources of revenue and disbursements covering the period of the last two years and that the same be published in the press in the form of a display advertisement Other business included an instruction to the secretary to write the secretary of the Arena Commission to request that the chairman of the Recreation Com mission be invited to the next meeting of the Arena Commis sion The Recreation Director brought up the matter of financ ing the minor hockey teams for next winter the chairman sug gesting that members discuss this important matter at their next meeting Principal Knowles The High School year for was extremely successful and Principal J It had much praise for his teaching staff and the assiduity of the pupils under their direction The large number of prize winners among whom pupils from King town ship composed a considerable proportion provides the best proof of the calibre of the pupils and the quality of their tutors It is hard to believe that so wellpreserved a man as Mr Knowles has been principal of the Aurora District High School since He looks good for another 23 years in his present capacity The long list of suc cessful pupils that forms a back ground to his scholastic career many of these pupils having achieved high positions in the business world furnishes a suf ficient bouquet But we can add that Mr has not been affected by success for he is not only a most approachable man he is also most amiable and of a modest disposition The school successes we have mentioned were gained in con ditions not favorable to the best work since the present building was overcrowded with pup ils as of September Na turally the principal and his staff are looking forward eager ly to the completion of the new school Mr Knowles is at present at the university marking papers When this work is completed he will take a rest at home and la ter take a vacation at his home town in Ontario where he will visit his father We take the op portunity of wishing Mr and Mrs a very pleasant vacation Census Work Wondering about the nature of the reception given to the cen sus takers wo asked that coun cil livewire Mrs Fielding about it She told us that we could report cooperation every where Mrs Fielding said that her difficulty was not getting into Aurora but getting out of them It appears that after nil the questions were answered Mrs Fieldings real work then began That work was concerned with answering enquiries about coun cil It is clear that taxpayers are becoming more and more in terested in council work which is a good sign We dont doubt that councillor Fielding would hold her own on any council questions that were asked for she is a diligent and good councillor who is doing her best to justify her election i I 1 If- Aurora Public School Choirs and Kiwanis Awards Mr Harris is and the school principal is Mr D period has now been increased to nine months Government train ing has supplanted private tui tion centres and this is conduc ted through the school supervised in part by the Ontario Barber Association After graduation Mr Pennock worked for one year in a barber store on avenue Tor onto and in went to work with Howard at with whom he remained for three years In he came to his present store on Yonge street where he has built up a very successful business Personal Interests Besides opening his own store in Aurora Jack did something more important For in he married of his own home town This happy marriage no doubt explains in large measure why he is such an and likeable man Outside of his business Mr has had other interests such as his love for a game of a pastime in which he engaged for years with a team His other great out of doors attraction is deer hunting Annually ho clos es his store for a week to ten days to pursue the chase of the deer He returns refreshed for another long session his trade As we a remarked from time to lime we have no parti ality among our merchants We move from store to store as we think we should giving each merchant a share of our small needs So it is in the matter of a haircut We can say however that it is always a pleasure to us to give Jack a turn on otir overgrowth He is pains taking and skilful at his trade and a very pleasant man at all times It has been a pleasure for us to include him in our AURORA NEWS PAGE panel and we wish him and his wife nil good fortune in the years to tome Our readers write Letters to the editor are always welcome but names of the writers must be Known to the editor KNOW YOUR MERCHANTS The Editor For the second time in two consecutive years our boys of the Newmarket Citi zens band look first prize Waterloo Fortunately they are judged by the quality of their music rather than by their ap pearance because it was a dis grace for a town of this size to have let its band enter such a competition in the uniforms they had to wear They were the joke of the competing bands During the evening parade be fore the grandstand motion pic tures were taken of the bauds to be shown all over Canada and the USA and Prof Thiele stressed the importance of this parade to all the bands and re quested that they all take part but a band must look its best so Newmarket had to withdraw much to the disappointment of the band and its supporters I feel that there is a great lack of interest ami appreciation shown by the citizens when a band of this calibre is sent to a festival such as Waterloo with so little support An interested lady from Tor onto who sympathized with the boys gave me 5 towards a fund to raise money to buy the band new uniforms so lets get behind this and do something tor a Land which deserves the best Mrs Bernard Lee Queen St Newmarket THEATRE AURORA Friday and Saturday July PLUS CARTOON TRAVEL AND NEWS Matinee Saturday pm a mm em WW by A Monday Tuesday July M I I M Of mugs Showing and pm Showing pm Jack Pennock In next weeks issue of Aurora News Page a detailed analysis of a very complicated council session will be given isx Coun cil Sidelights Ed The Proof Is Figures Outstanding In North York as a medium for the Classified Advertisers the Era and week carried a total of classified ads The Aurora Banner In the some week carried only classified JUL Such figures Speak for themselves For profitable advertising choose North best medium Era and There are four good barters in Aurora all of them well known It is our pleasure this week to present the youngest of them to our readers and because of his youth rather than for any reasons of personal partiality we are writing about Mr The trade of a barber is one of the oldest known to human kind Since the time when man first grew conscious of the Im portance of looking his best he has sought the skilled assistance of a barber Without the skills of the trained artist many men would look no better than assassins The history of barbers goes back however to periods when members of the trade were ac credited to other occupations such as surgery and dentistry In the reign of King Henry V1H barbers not only performed the work of surgeons and dentists but were also employed in the medical capacity of bloodletting generally used in the cure of many complaints The barber pole is sign that has come down through the cen turies In olden days it was a striped pole it is today from which was suspended a basin The fillet around the pole indi cated a ribbon for the arm hi bleeding and the basin was the receptacle for the un wanted blood These symbols arc still preserved today on all barber signs Times Have Changed not forget it none is more important in the workings of that mechanism we call Civi lization than barbers A man may shave himself most men BOATS do But few men would attempt to cut their own hair The skills of the modern barber are re quired to perform such an intri cate operation Bartering has passed through many vicissitudes to reach the art that it now is There was a time when any man possessed of a pair of scissors and a razor could set up as a barber That time is long past in Canada Without a certificate and other credentials guaranteeing effici ency no man can operate a bar ber shop in Canada Times have changed Not only must a man who operates a bar ber shop have a certificate of efficiency he must also have a health certificate And at any hour of the day he may he visi ted by government inspector come to see that all the regula tions concerned with the busi ness are being adhered to Jack If you would know more of such regulations just ask Jack the next time necessity calls you to his attractive mod ern store lie has passed all the grades required for his trade lie came into the business at a time when modern regulations were being applied and success fully graduated through all the tests A native of Jack was horn in in the second yea of World War He attended Continua tion school and later attended High school In he went to the Moler Harbor College and served an appren ticeship of hours six months training in all He tells us that this training DUfLDEttS foe fifty U Cabin Sup- foff to DAVID A or KESWICK Contact Fish brought the French to St Pierre and off the Newfoundland coast in the century and fishing has been the staple industry of the islands ever since Wednesday and Thursday July SEP 4 when friends drop in PLUS CARTOON COMING SOON Fred Jane Powell ROYAL COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR s a tot of cooling to keep Polar Bear happy Thb member of the bear family smaller than a porcupine of birth but often Weighs mora than of a ton when full grown To this tremendous bulk add the fact thai bear covered with a thick coat which Is designed to protect him In Arctic its a big job keeping him cod our learn abootnofureicreahires- Visit the and see them A whole new world of interest wit be opened to you when yov understand natures v s Nature Unspoiled YOURS TO PROTECT YOURS TO vv S5 r j i Vj 1 I