i- rf readers write writer mil to ttw ltor ft- J BEEFS The Editor I have a beef Oh yes who hasnt say you I hear it fifty times a day Well As I sit here tonight hearing people beef about everything I am at the answers Last week at five as two other girls and myself were walking down Cotter street the Office Specialty was doing its darndest to make us into black women J by spewing forth great billows of greasy black soot and as we emerged from the cloud I assure we were sights to behold We could neither rub it off or brush it off Our faces necks J hands feet and clothes were a mess and when we hit Main street everybody looked at us as if we had been working in a coal mine Now what can be done about this I am sure there must be an answer somewhere Isnt there As some of you read this you will say oh yes just another crank but I say this is my town and I love it here am proud of Newmarket do I want strang ers to get the wrong impression of Newmarket Had this hap pened to an outsider I am afraid they wouldnt be impressed with this town as a possible future home Would you Some of will say beefing again Well I say beefing is I healthy for a small town or large but lets beef constructive ly not over our back fences to our neighbors or maliciously but in the right spirit Lets take our beefs to our representatives whom we have nominated to speak for us and stand behind our beef by using our names or lets pitch in and get behind anyone of our very worthwhile organizations such as the Club who spend so much time and energy helping kiddies our Optimists who spend their great gifts for helping to straighten out our young people the and Veterans who help those who gave so much for our freedom which I am afraid we forget all too easily our churches who give us our great spiritual needs and we all need it Lets get behind our ball clubs our archery clubs wo are young yet but give us a chance and we will show you good clean fun and sport and help to make you healthy Lets get behind our town council with a working doing program not just a talking one and lets put Newmarket on the map This Is a pretty wonderful town and one we can be proud of but we must work for it and along with our beefs lets not forget our praises for praise comes so seldom nowadays I am afraid we have almost forgot ten how Lets beef plenty for a man or woman who beefs constructively is not complacent or self satis fied but is out for and will help make a better town and I love to beef but oh boy I love my town So to all you people lets find our answers and do our part Many thanks Mrs L Wright Newmarket MOUNT ZION Mr and Mrs Clifford Sweet and family visited Mrs Sweets parents Mr and Mrs George McNeil of Lansing on Sunday Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs John Cooper were Mr and Mrs Jack Cooper and family Toron to Young people from the com munity who attended the Junior Farmers Field Day at on Saturday were Miss Ida and Mr Elgin Cole Plan now to attend the Stay- ner Camp Meeting commencing June and ending July Services this Sunday axe Sun dayschool at am and worship at am Mr and Mrs King visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Lome Hoovers Sutton day evening Mr and Mrs Carl Greenwood and Charles visited the Kelling- tons on Sunday Mrs John Kellington visited her daughter Mrs Gordon last week Mr and Mrs Hamilton of Niagara Falls visited Mr and Mrs Swanson last week end and on Sunday all enjoyed a trip to and Mrs Laurie Facey and baby daughter visited the Swan- sons on Saturday News Of the Newt fur this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine report and announcements will be printed separately The branch held its plants tort County Hospital IN TOUR WILL BO N ffiBSISPORT DISTANCE AND CARTAGE NEWMARKET AN EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE The Editor The Physical Fit ness and Dancing Revue present ed in the Town Hall had all the marks of entertainment which one could wish for particularly as it applies to our younger gen eration These girls appear to possess genuine talent and our thanks go to their director Mrs Char les Gordon and her assistants Mrs Gordon Downward and Mrs Charles Simmons The opportunity presented to these girls is wonderful as the present day rush and bustle of life has a tendency to interfere with the finer arts which are so necessary in the life of a Com munity Physical fitness and ballet be cause of their rhythmic styling do so much to develop poise and car riage that our youth is bound to benefit as a result of such training The fact that these girls possess the talent and ability and the further fact that the community is blest with a competent and wil ling director Newmarket is to be congratulated and with encour agement the possibility of this community taking a lead in this field of endeavour is not now just a wish The reaction of these girls to this training was demonstrated by the pleasing smile with which they expressed their enjoyment as they carried out their exercis es All ages were so trained that the spectator could only agree that much time and effort by student and director had result ed in a finished and pleasing per formance Indeed it is not an exaggeration to say that this com munity could very well become known nationally for this fine form of endeavour on behalf of its youth This in itself will justify any reasonable expense which our council may see fit to allow on their behalf To conclude I would say that our children are in good hands and receiving the best that life offers healthful recreation which in turn will give the cor rect mental outlook on life gen erally and the immediate future in particular The designing and making of the colorful dresses was an added feature of this production Good luck to youth and thanks Mrs Gordon Citizens QUEENSVILLE Miss Lorraine Alexander en tertained a number of her friends at her birthday party on Satur day Mrs Floyd Winger and Larry spent several days with her mother Mrs A Gooding of Mr Cecil Ney of Ottawa cal led on friends here last week Air used to work in the Sov ereign bank while it was in in Miss Nancy Kavanagh attend ed the birthday party of Miss Linda of Newmarket on Saturday The Junior choir will be sing ing in Queensville United church on Sunday morning July Mrs Hill and Miss Mary Hill of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Toombs Mr and Mrs Charters and Mrs Thornton Prosser of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Angus Smith Mr and Mrs Wilson Greig and son of Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Gordon of Willow- dale visited Mrs Greig on Sunday in honor of her birthday Although rather late we wish you continued health and happiness Mrs Greig Visitors of Mrs Cheslcy on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Ralph Doane and family of Tor onto and Mr and Mrs Fred Doake of Bradford The United church picnic will be held on Tuesday July 3 at In- nisfil park Everyone is cord ially invited to attend Those desiring transportation please meet at the church at am of that day or contact Rev V Warren or Mr J L Smith who are in charge of transportation Public school closes for the summer vacation on Friday June 29 How happy the children are to be free for two months meeting on June at the home of Mrs Dew The presi- den Mrs Fred opened the meeting and conducted routine business A discussion of the History book was led by Mrs J Aylward Plans were discussed regarding our annual sports day The following sports day committee was appointed Mrs Mrs L Well- man Mrs A J Milne Mrs Eves Mrs Dew and Mrs C Weston An interesting report of the York County Pioneer Historical Society and the Womens Insti tute picnic held at Sharon on June was given by Mrs G Pearson Special mention was made of Mrs Albert Milne of our I winning the prize for the oldest Institute member present Mrs Sennett gave an in structive paper on Agriculture entitled Too Little and Too Much Refreshments were served by Mrs A J Milne Mrs Weston and Mrs J Aylward Miss Horner also noted that anyone in the city could secure a room or enjoy a meal in their room at any time at mo derate cost WILLOW BEACH On Monday Cynthia entertained a number of her friends on her birthday After a lovely supper the guests were taken to the movies Miss Juan Chapman is spend ing this week with her cousin Mrs Don at Mrs E Carmichael spent the weekend with her daughter Mrs David Magee Miss Graves spent the weekend with Miss Rita Jacobs The Sunday Cemetery Decor ation Service at Pine Orchard was very well attended and Rev of Toronto and also the StouffviUe male quartet were much appreciated Newmarket Imitated BEAUTIFYING LOTS The Editor It would be a won derful thing if Newmarket would copy Windsor in beautifying their parking lots attended the provincial WCTU convention at Windsor last week and there was a parking lot near the church on Ouellette Ave with a wire fence in front and climb ing roses of all colors on the fence Leonora Starr Newmarket OFFICE SPECIALTY APPOINTMENT NORMAN a HATHAWAY Mr G L Manning VicePresi dent and Managing Director of The Office Specialty Mfg Co Ltd Newmarket Ontario an nounces the appointment ox Nor man B Hathaway AOCA as Advertising Manager The Community picnic which was held last Sat urday at Lake Wilcox was well attended when 110 folk sat down to a bountiful dinner More ar rived for the afternoon sports Major attraction was the ball game between the Beauties and the Beasts Mr and Mrs A were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr and Mrs Elgin Evans at the cot tage on the Jersey River Mrs A and Miss Don na of visited her mother Mrs Toole for the weekend She returned home with Mrs Forbes after the decoration ser vice Mr and Mrs Don Doug las and Mr and Mrs Dawson and Miss Wiley all of Markdalc attended the cemetery decoration also cal ling on all the McClure families Mr and Mrs and were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs G and Mr E MadiU Mrs Rowland of St Thomas is spending an indefinite time with her niece Mrs Mr and Mrs Francis Sheridan and two girls enjoyed a birth day party in honor of Mrs Sher idans mother in the form of a picnic at Midhurst on Saturday evening This column extends sympathy to Mrs Ross and fam ily in the loss of Mrs father Mrs Wm Collins in New market last Wednesday Guests for Sunday tea at Sheridans home included Mr and Mrs J Sheridan and children of Mrs and Mrs A Sheridan and children of New market Vandorf branch held its regu lar meeting at the home of Mrs Austin Richardson on Wednes day June Mrs C Powell the president presiding There were members present It was decided that the branch join the York Pioneer historical soci ety also that Mrs Harold Dews- bury the convenor of Historical Research call a special meeting in July to start compiling the Tweedsmuir History book A committee was chosen to arrange for the Field Day to be held in July A very inspiring talk was given by Mr J A Mey er editor of the Newmarket Era and Express on Public Relations and Historical Research Lieu tenant Robinson of Aurora also gave an interesting account of the wonderful work done by the Salvation Army Our branch collection receipts will be an nounced later Mrs Hillary gave the report of the meeting which was held at Gormley in connection with the York County Health Unit call was answered by How to Relax Lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Clayton Mrs Van and Mrs White Snowball branch met Monday evening at the home of Mrs Blum with over 30 members and guests present The president Mrs Patrick opened the meet ing with the ode followed by the Mary Stewart Collect The roll- call Ways of serving straw berries was well answered Re ports of the at Pine Orchard were given by Mrs Clapson and Miss Hazel Webb A lovely cup and saucer was then presented to Miss Webb by Mrs Patrick who is leaving the community All members are requested to send cards to Mrs Matalia Sni der Rd Highland Creek Mrs Snider has been ill in bed for some time and was one of the first members Four flower containers are to be pur chased for York County hospital Mrs Storey gave a paper on current events The WI pic nic will be held July at selmans Lake A bus will leave Snowball corner at pm Everyone is welcome Mrs Blum is sports convener and Mrs Gould table convener Lois and Susan Blum played piano solos and a duet Mrs Emil Kussmann a recent bride in the community then received a shower of many lovely gifts The meeting closed with God Save the King and a lovely lunch was served by the hostesses The branch will meet at the home of Mrs Roy Hewlett on Tuesday June 26 Motto Healthy children are an asset in any community Roll call Ways of amusing a convales cent child The convener of Home Economics and Health Mrs J Montgomery is in charge of this meeting There will be the District Annual reports and the Gazette Ways of making money for this month will be by one cent for number of years married Hostesses are Mrs J MacDonald and Mrs Jack Gamble The Newmarket Em and Express Morton convener then took Much time and effort had been charge of the program Mrs Freeman Stephens replied to the motto with a poem entitled Are You an Active Member Mrs Harry Horner gave very interesting current events Mrs Bernard Huntley spoke about the history of Bethel church spent in preparing this fine pa per A musical contest was then conducted by the convener The meeting closed with God Save the King A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Davidson Mrs Davidson and Mrs Andorson Limited time only branch met at the hall on June with an attend ance of The meeting was opened by the president Mrs Anderson The roll call was an swered by each member giving an annual plant which was plan ted in the flower beds at the hall It was decided to make an entry in Sutton Fall Fair The next meeting to be held in the hall in the form of a quilting party and thimble tea Mrs Don SAVE 15 on ELECTRIC Pre tax prices Floor Demonstration Waging machines and up Attractive floor coverings CHRISTIANS Home Equipment Jacksons Point Phone 228 or wv branch had per fect day for their trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo June and all reported a very wonderful time and are looking forward to another bus trip in the fall We all feel very justified in thinking what a wonderful and beautiful country we have to live in and hope that in the future more la dies will be able to join us on these bus trips f Union Street branch will meet at the home of Mrs Callenar Thursday July 5 at oclock Motto Never too old to learn roll call How to relax guest speaker Dr Margaret Arkin stall program committee Mrs English Mrs W Micks Mrs Perry Hostesses Mrs Archie Sedore Mrs Mrs J Clark Mrs J The Mount Albert branch met at the Community hall on Thurs day June 14 The president Mrs Donald Stiver was in the chair The roil call Opinion of men was answered by mem bers and it was agreed that we cant get along without them The guests branch had members present Mrs Herb Harman and Mrs Harold gave excellent reports on District annual Mrs Stiver in troduced Mrs Hamilton presi dent of branch who took over the social program Mrs Brown sang a solo On Mocking Bird Hill and encore Tennessee Waltz then Mrs sang Garden of Happi ness and Three Green Bun nies Mrs Corps gave us a very in teresting talk on her adventures of the past year as a wife of a teacher on Canadian Pacific Railway school car The rail way ear is divided into two parts Die one half is the school room with blackboards on one side and the end two rows of desks with seven in each row The other half is living quarters a parlor bedroom and kitchen The cur travels about 100 miles has four stops and stays a week at each stop The children have one week of school and three weeks homework The children walk miles to attend the school and when they go on to high school they show good standing and believe in doing for them selves through homework The Indians and French Canadians are very interesting people The lucky contest was won by Mrs Donald Stiver She won a lovely plate Mrs Hugh Shil- thanked Elmgrove for the enjoyable afternoon The meeting closed with the National Anthem followed by a dainty lunch Mrs Steeper and Mrs Sinclair poured tea Many of the members attended the first combined picnic of the York County Womens Institutes and the York County Pioneers Historical Society held at Sharon Temple Saturday June 16 and report an excellent program and enjoyable afternoon The June meeting of Zephyr branch was held in the commun ity hall on the evening of June 20 with members present and visitors Roll call was an swered with My favorite radio program The annual Sports Day being July committees were appointed for booths The July meeting will be a bus trip more details later Mrs John citizen ship convener then took the chair and opened with a sing song Then six girls sang Cher ry Stones and When You and I Were Young Maggie Miss Horner who is on the staff of the YWCA in Hamilton gave an interesting talk on her work how the YWCA was founded and how they are opera ted in different countries She showed a movie in color of the interior and exterior of their WCA in Hamilton how it is operated their hobbies fun night camp life and many other activi ties making a delightful even ing for everyone present blue sedan- Low Mileage Excellent Condition DODGE CLUB Complete with etc Like New 1950 I SEDAN Radio Air Conditioning etc Perfect Condition 1947 MONARCH Clean Car Low Mileage Heal Value TRUCKS 1I9 DODGE 3 CAR and CHASSIS A good truck at the Right Price CHEVROLET BLUE SEDAN Radio etc Like New Mileage GEER 1948 BLUE SEDAN Good Condition Heal Value DODGE GREY COACH A clean car SEDAN Excellent Value MERCURY PANEL In Good Condition Good Value PANEL Excellent Condition Good Value INTERNATIONAL PICKUP DELIVERY A Real Buy DODGE PANEL Low Mileage Good Condition Phone NEWMARKET CLIFF SLEY BRAND NAME A L COMMENCES THURSDAY JUNE t SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION SLACKS 185 PAIRS Reg to 1495 GABARDINES SHARKSKINS GLEN CHECKS WORSTEDS Sizes In the lot A Price That Shouts Value 1075 PRICES MUST Watch BE LICKED o J r I v V Price Reductions on Brand Name Merchandise makea this sale Greatest Summer Selling Event Broken ran km are being cleared at a fraction of original price A timely offer Indeed just before holiday time Sport Shirts A REPEAT OFFER A sellout last time offered were these brand name shirts Hollywood and Bal four Lines selling at SHORT SLEEVES LONO SLEEVES 97 397 THE BUSINESS BUILT ON ITS CUSTOMERS TSHIRTS Smart cool waffleknit and ribbed patterns Brand ahadea SHOES Balloon Sole Scampers Leather Oxfords Loafers OilTanned Mocassin by Reg to SHIRTS N SHORTS First quality cotton knit In athletic stylo REAL VALUE for MENS VALUES The July meeting of the Sharon branch will be held at the homo of the president Mrs F Ramsay on Wednesday July at 230 pm Roll coll a garden hint report of district annual events by Mrs Russell Donaldson Reading by Mrs Hamilton Refreshments Mrs Alan Shaw Mrs Walter Hall Broadcloth Boxer Shorts Swim Suits re to Drill Outdoor Short Dress Socks reg rejr Belts 80 only re Cable Shirts reg IM1 for ROYS BARGAINS Happy root by McGregor Imitated but unequalled Wool Nylon Sis man Scampers res Outdoor Shorts reg to Shirts Shorts like dads Swim Sulla 187 175 Jeans 1216 298 267 Happy Foot Me lor 150 Ut Aimer 169 value 137 Sport Shirts sleeves re to short sleeves res 1M- Shoes Scampers Boots re to 498 sixes VS L7 MR FARMER FREE To the first farmers pur chasing work clothing at Sat Night Shopping Party Straw to oclock Saturday night Overalls Special Work Shirts value Work Boots only to 150 Overall Pants Wool Work Cotton Work Socks out r i for Mi ii OVERARM Y I Mrs David Coates Exchange 4 S ffiVi Br